Bangel vs Cangel Quotes from writers/actors showing their support for C/A

mcewen_girl posted on Aug 10, 2008 at 10:19PM
"I've been dying to do the scene where (Angel) turns to a woman and says, 'I can't know perfect happiness, but that doesn't mean you can't.? ~ David Greenwalt

"I'm like, will she ever get laid?" ~ Charisma Carpenter

Anything juicy we can sink our teeth into for the season finale?
"Well, there's gonna be huge fighting. In Angel's relationship with Cordelia, a lot is answered...some of it will be answered in season four". ~ David Boreanaz

?I did bring her to 'Angel,' because I felt she so kind of contrasted with him. And it would be fun to see them together." ~ David Greenwalt on Cordelia

"Buffy character Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) follows Angel to L.A., where he'll be fighting demons in his new show. Earlier in April, Carpenter told Entertainment Weekly, "[Angel and Cordelia] hook up." Guess there's no need for Angel's personal ad, then." ~ Mr. Showbiz

"If you actually saw these two characters get back together, it would be so different . . . it probably wouldn't even work." ~ David Boreanaz on Buffy and Angel

?It would be like getting together with your first wife, it would be a nightmare." ~ David Greenwalt on Buffy and Angel

"He was, like, 'People move on. You have to move forward all the time' " ~ David Greenwalt talking about Joss? opinion on Cordelia and Angel

"I don't care what people think about it because I know we're doing the right thing," ~ David Greenwalt on C/Aness

Is Angel going to hook up with Cordy?
"Well, I'm all for it. I don't know what the writers have planned in that regard, but I'm a fan of Charisma's work and I'd love for our characters to be romantically involved. Cordy is really what Angel needs, I believe." ~ David Boreanaz

"When Joss was first pitching the Angel/Cordelia story, I said, 'No, we can't do that to Buffy!' But then I realised - Cordelia has become a superhero. She's the only person in the show who is Angel's equal. It's not that first-love, Buffy-and-Angel thing. It's a second marriage, it's a more mature thing." ~ David Greenwalt

"Angel and Cordelia have a mature love between two old souls" ~ Jane Espenson

"I know everyone wants Angel to get together with Cordelia so badly" ~ Amy Acker

"But this is the, the chemistry that's going on between us. Charisma and Angel's character this year is a lot different that what was going on between Angel and Buffy. Their character's a lot more sad - they're deeper angst. Buffy and Angel was this - you know - crush thing going on but this one is a little bit deeper and it's growing and who knows where it's going to take us" ~ David Boreanaz

"All Cordy's been doing is drooling on Angel's shoulder" ~ David Greenwalt

"The Cordelia and Angel relationship just appeared out of the scripts" ~ David Greenwalt

"Suddenly David and Charisma are called back to the set. The leading pair's will they/won't they relationship is hotting up this series and it's time for one of those scenes that crackle with sexual tension" ~ Glamour Magazine, July 2002

"Angel having feelings for Cordy at the end of last season is something we're continuing this year"

"it is more interesting when our characters have feelings toward one another than some outside party that nobody really cares about." ~ Jeff Bell, Soap Opera Weekly, October 8th, 2002

[For "outside party that nobody really cares about" read "Buffy"]

"It's kind of a continuation of last year. Last year Angel found himself with a son - and found himself with a really crappy son. He also found himself falling in love." [With Cordy, of course] ~ Joss Whedon on Season 4, Fall issue of Cinescape

"Angel. Cordy. Porn music. That's all I'm saying, and I've said too much. Keep watching. You'll love it." ~ Steve DeKnight

"Angel and Buffy have both moved on. Angel realizes this season that he had moved on from Buffy *before* she died. It's only natural. It was a first love, and that's where it will remain." ~ David Greenwalt, November 13 2001

"Because with Angel being dark and brooding...we need a big, bright smile." ~ David Greenwalt on Cordelia and Angel

"...she?s really changing, and I think that Angel will be taking a hard second look at her, a kind of look that he?s never taken before." ~ David Greenwalt on Angel finally taking notice of Cordy, BBC Cult

"Cordelia and Angel, however, seem like a much more believable pairing, and has proven to have great potential to go further this season, especially after the stunning events in the recent episode Birthday." ~ French magazine Xpose on Season 3

"In the meantime, Angel and Cordelia seperately get ready for the evening, though it's obvious that they're thinking about each other -- a lot." ~ Ed Gross of SFX on Waiting In The Wings

"The love scenes between the posessed Angel and Cordelia are actually pretty hot...What continues to be the most interesting is watching the evolving Angel/Cordelia relationship, particularly in comparing his almost dismissive attitude toward her in the Series' first episode to where they are now, with him about to confess his growing feelings for her." ~ Ed Gross of SFX reviews Waiting In The Wings

"Besides that, trying to find Cordelia is the big thing for Angel right now. He wants to tell her how he feels and get back to where they were at the end of Season Three. He has feeling he needs to express to her." ~ David Boreanaz, Starlog, November 2002

"Angel may realise he has some feelings for Cordelia but they will probably never get expressed because other things will get in the way. Everybody?s moving on, growing up, their lives getting more complicated, with lots more pain." ~ David Greenwalt on C/A and angst, BBC Cult

"In fact, in the third season of Angel, an unexpected yet genuine romance between Angel and Cordelia will be born. Even if we could not have imagined that the relationship between the two characters would someday evolve in that direction when the show first premiered in 1999, Joss Whedon's talent made it possible, and most of all, believable." ~ SERIE, 2002

"As far as Angel is concerned, he's pretty interested in a relationship...As a story arc, I think it's possible. I know that Angel, when you first see him come back, can't wait to see Cordelia. He has been thinking about her while he has been in the ocean." ~ David Boreanaz

"Carpenter says she likes the way show's writers have been developing the relationship between Angel and Cordelia from co-workers to friends to possible lovers." ~, April 2002

"I think at some point she probably will. She will laugh and laugh, and they will all have a good time." ~ Joss Whedon's answer to the question of Buffy finding out about Angel's feelings for Cordelia, AOL Live

"Even as Angel deals with a baby in his life...
there's also the matter of a certain babe whom Angel has to contend with. And that babe is none other than Cordelia. The would-be actress with an attitude followed the big, brooding vamp when he made the leap from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to his own show, and has been there all along--which is really the point. How could Angel not notice her before? Or did he notice her, and just suppress his feelings?" ~ Starlog, July 2002

"I think the relationship of the characters is more clearly defined. Angel?s feelings toward Cordelia, that?s evolved with certain other aspects.? ~ David Boreanaz, Novemeber 2002

"She's fighting. She's kind of falling in love." ~ Charisma Carpenter on her character

"But he can always count on support from Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), his link to the powers that be. The pair have developed a familial bond over the past two years but when Angel returns from months of meditation, his warm embrace betrays more than brotherly affection." ~ TV & Satellite Week, January 2002

"I've had experiences or conversations with David Greenwalt where I've said, 'Nobody gets my humour, and then he wrote it in. I didn't even remember that I said that. Then I told him how endearing it was for Angel to say, 'I thought it was funny.' It was a sweet thing between the two characters." ~ Charisma Carpenter on a C/Aness in TSILA

"I will say though, I think that he?s going to be getting some. I mean, he got Buffy... took care of her.... took care of Buffy - you know de-virginized her? whatever, and the next will be, I think -Cordelia ?so?" ~ David Boreanaz on Craig Kilborn, talking about Angel getting some

"Well, Joss Whedon wrote and directed an episode in which Angel and Cordelia sort of fall into each other's arms...I can tell you that we had fun doing those scenes. Charisma and I really had fun during those love scenes..." ~ David Boreanaz on Waiting in the Wings

"She'll love it. Are you kidding me? She'll be alright with it, you know." ~ David Boreanaz on his wife Jamie being okay with C/A, KTLA interview 2001

Can we expect to see Angel and Cordelia hooking up anytime soon?
"That is a million dollar question I don't even know the answer to, but I would looove to see that!" ~ Charisma Carpenter in an interview,

"Angel is falling into Cordelia's arms..." ~ Super, April 2002

How are fans reacting to the relationship between Cordelia and Angel? We've read on message boards that many fans feel like you're being unfaithful to Buffy.
"[That relationship] had a sad ending to it. There was a very deep love there and there was really no end to [that love]. But you have to move on. The relationship with Cordelia is a lot different than the relationship with Buffy was. So it's two different situations. You just let [fans] voice their opinion and it's nice. But when people say they wish [Buffy and Angel] were still together, I tell them if that were the case there wouldn't be any growth for both characters." ~ David Boreanaz YM, Feb. 2003

"I felt more uncomfortable with Connor, because we haven't had seven years to bond, so I don't know him. And I'm pregnant, so I'm more abundant than usual--there's more to maneuver around. With David, I don't know, it's kind of ironic. It was very comfortable. I was at ease. I think we have great chemistry--we sync up really well. We're there." ~ Charisma Carpenter, Feb. 2003

"Is it me, or is something dirty happening out of frame? - There is a subtext going on, and I suspect it's less than pure" ~Season 3 dvd commentary by Joss Whedon on episode 3x13, Waiting in the Wings

"This was, you know, this was an intense day. You know, because there was a lot with the smoochies and with the undressing, and you know, David really went out of his way to make Charisma as comfortable as possible because this isn't something she'd actually done a lot of on my shows. And the two of them were, you know, they handled the whole thing very delicately. We had this beautiful little four walled set, and we kept people out of it and let them do their thing. And they were, well kinda electrifying. " ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"Where I really broke into the show, where I really began to understand what it was going to be about, was the scene where they're possessed by the sprit of the old lovers and cannot help themselves, but must get all smoochie. And partially because I thought it was wicked sexy, but also because it was a chance for them to express emotions that they were not in a position to tell each other about yet. So that sequence, which was cut up into many sequences, really represents the heart of the show. It was the thing around which I knew I could build the story." ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"The two of them, you know, played both the heat in this and the comedy in the later scenes in here extraordinarily." ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"Yes, there was steamy hot sex in the scene before, but clearly not enough for me, so I had to bring them back into it." ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"Is it me, or is something dirty happening out of frame, I dunno. You know, first I had that girl floating, during that song in the musical, then I have this. I think, I think there's a subtext going on that's in my work. I haven't figured out what it is, but I suspect it's less than pure." ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"I believe this scene, apart from being sexual, is very sexy. I love the two of them in it." ~ Joss Whedon, Season 3 DVD commentary on Waiting In The Wings

"A lot of people were like well 'How come Angel went crazy with the visions?' and I had to tell them. It's not because he had the visions, it's because he didn't have Cordelia. She's the thing that brings him closer to human.'" ~Mere Smith, Season 3 DVD commentary on Birthday

"We?re playing how far she and Angel are just going to be so irresistably drawn to one another." ~ David Greenwalt, Season 3 DVD Review

All Credit for the goes to--NikaDawson who originally posted this in the Angel & Cordelia spot

Thanks a ton Nika this rocks :-D
last edited on Aug 10, 2008 at 10:20PM

Bangel vs Cangel 1 reply

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over a year ago JulienBangel said…
Lol xD it's just David Greenwalt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xD
BeccyBear commented…
excuse me bangel fan!!! Leave!!! over a year ago