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Christianity Question

Scared of dying? HELP

Hi, I am a christian but I don't go to church. I believe in heaven and God but I still worry that there is 'nothing' after death.I worry that when I die there will be nothing, just blankness. I know I should put my trust in the Lord but I think I need some reasurance. Please can someone help? Thank you xxx
 lauraluvmj posted over a year ago
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Christianity Answers

SouthParkSmart said:
That's totally understandable. I'm a Christian and I fear death. This probably won't help, but if you die and there is blankness, you won't care, right? Lol, that's just how I think of it. It's like if you worry about falling asleep, you won't care when you actually fall asleep because you're not conscious.

I'm sure there is life after death. Some people have Near Death Experiences and talk about going through a tunnel, seeing dead relatives and friends, and even talking to God. I think that's the best proof there is.
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posted over a year ago 
Ninja-Kitten said:
To the well educated mind, death is but the next great adventure.

I believe there is nothing after death, and I'm not afraid of that.

To accept death is to accept that we are mortal. By all means, but your trust in your Divine Being and live life as though you'll die tomorrow. Don't worry about it for now :)
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posted over a year ago 
alisonfaith297 said:
ok. this qn, is a little tricky to answer because it actually depends on your denomination. but i can try:
ok the thing is dying is scary to everyone and as much as you believe in him it probably will a little. the thing is that right now, i believe he is testing you. he has a plan for you and you just have to trust him and let guide you to him. pray upon it, talk to him. he will reassure you. it may not be right away but he will, he is always with you. it could be something he wants you to experience or do. but put your faith in him, trust in him ad he will show you the way. my point is pray upon it, ask and shall be given, seek and shall find. just remember if you believe in all your heart, he will always always be with you because he loves you oh so much. more than you can ever dare to imagine. good luck and may god bless.
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posted over a year ago 
1012jackson said:
Im a christain and im scared to die too. And geuss what it actually almost happened to me and I was just a baby (well actually right when my mother was about to have me). I always wonder whats it like to die. But i've been watching this show called," I survived beyond and back." Its about these people who died and then came back to life and they tell their story like what happened and how it happened. At the part when they talk about the moment they died they say it feels like a warm feeling around them and they are like being lifted up to this bright beautiful light and it like the lord is lifting them up going to heaven and that its a warm peaceful place that they're in and they dont want to leave that place cause its so warm and beautiful. That place must be heaven. And they see their other dead relatives telling them its not their time to die or they hear voices begging them to come back and they decide to go back to their bodies and be with the rest of their family. Love is what brought them back.
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posted over a year ago 
AnimationFan said:
You and me are alike. I myself am a christian who doesn't go to church, but still belives in God and Jesus and sometimes afraid of death. But I try to remember to think about heaven. My advice is not to worry about it for now. In fact, never worry about it.
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posted over a year ago 
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