City Of Heroes City of Villains

papa posted on Aug 12, 2006 at 04:47AM
So you CoH fans, are you also playing CoV? Or are most sticking with the original?

City Of Heroes 4 replies

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over a year ago lux said…
I own COV to have access to bases and the extra slots, but have yet to get a villain past lvl 16.
over a year ago Pixie said…
I have one villain at level 43 and a bunch below 20. Altitis has set in and no one seems to level much except Mistress Midnight.
over a year ago papa said…
Thanks for the info. I used to play CoH and was wondering whether or not to play CoV, but have held off (WoW caught my fancy for a bit).

Is NCSoft gonna merge the 2 worlds anytime soon?
over a year ago lux said…
There is overlap in the PVP zones but as far as we know the rest of the game zones will remain seperate.

On the plus side, you only have to pay one monthly fee regardless of whether you own one game or both of them, which is nice.