City Of Heroes Blocked Account

schmaniel posted on Feb 23, 2009 at 11:37PM
My name is Daniel and I played City of Heroes for over 6 months. I really loved the game and spent hours playing with my friends. I had 3 characters almost to level 50.

On friday afternoon I tried to log into my account to play with all of my friends, and I received a message that said a system administrator had blocked my account, which surprised me because I had never done anything to have my account blocked, I had never even said anything bad about anyone on the game, so what had I done? I emailed them several times and it took them 3 days to tell me that due to a Paypal error my account was "ineligible to be reactivated". No emails, no questions, no chances. Gone. All of my work gone. I have requested the details of this incident but have been ignored! Could this possibly happen to anyone? I paid for that game and they just deleted my account!

I need everyone to help me! They will not listen to just me, but with everyone's help maybe something can be done! Give me your support! Has anything like this happened to anyone else?

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