Death Eater Roleplay Rise of Great Wizards: Hogwarts

DmitryVladimir posted on Dec 12, 2011 at 11:32AM
No matter the age of our Death Eaters or the differences they all have, each one has gone to school to become more of what they are. Here is a place to go back and relive the memories we've all gathered from a specific school, Hogwarts. Each of us have been there, sorted there and even raised there. The large castle amazed us all and not one knew the secret behind it all. Curiousity tends to kill the cat but if you have nine lives.. Have fun!

Death Eater Roleplay 95 replies

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over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: Can this be the one where Kate transfers? Maybe start with her coming in the Great Hall to be sorted? Just an idea, if you dont' want to on this one that's fine too :)
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: I made the description vague so that everyone else could choose what to do with it:) Not my choice but everyone elses. ^.^
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate Smirnoff stared at the ground nervously, tapping her foot on the floor.

She was sitting in Professor McGonagalls office, while her parents worked out the last minute details of her mid-year enrollment.

She'd gotten kicked out of Durmstrang a few weeks ago, and though she'd hidden it from her parents, she'd done it on purpose. She hated the place, and since her parents would only send her to Hogwarts as a last resort, it was her only option.
She'd been punished, and severely, but it was worth it. She was about to become a Hogwarts student.

over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: Quick Question: Do we have a year that we can round to? Like a school year?
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta hurried down the hallway, tripping here and there from trying to get by the smaller students. She had detention with McGonagall again and if she were late this time, she'd never hear the end of it.

"I'm here!" She panted as she barged into the room. "I'm not late this time..."

OOC: Like year as in what year the students are in like 5th year or year as in 1997 year? (they were just examples) :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: Like 5th year kind of thing:) Just so that I can gage my character correctly with age ^.^
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
OOC: I think 5th year would be a good age...Not too young but not too old either lol At least I dont think we should make it any lower than 4th year... *shrugs* idk
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: Yeah no lower than 4th.. I don't wanna be a kid THAT badly again Dx I think it'd be harder to RP as being that young too. :P 5th sounds GREAT to me!

IC: Dmitry yawned some. He'd managed to get out of the Nursing Wing early to get the homework he had missed. Having a small case of the flu sucked.. especially since his own father had to come in to take care of it.. Dmitry turned down the hall towards his Transfiguration teacher's office to see what he had missed before returning to the Wing to check out. "It was just a cold I say.. But no they just had to overreact now didn't they?" he yawned again, flipping up his hood and taking his good ol' time down the hall.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: Ehh, I was thinking earlier, but I guess 5th year is okay.

McGonagall bustled back into the room.

"Allright Miss Smirnoff....dinner is soon, and you will be taken in to be sorted. We're happy to have you. Your parents were very vague on why they are suddenly enrolling you here like this, but I trust there won't be any trouble from you?"

Kate shook her head. "Nyet-I mean, no, Prrofessor", she said. She could speak English allright, but she had a really heavy Russian accent, and sometimes she got confused and mixed up the languages.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. McGonagall looked up.

"Oh, that'll probably be Miss Lovett for Detention", she shook her head and went to open the door.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta stood in the doorway and smiled as McGonagall opened the door.

"I'm here!" She said a bit too loudly. Too obnoxiously. "See, I wasn't late this time." She walked into the office and plopped down in a chair, crossing her legs casually with a large grin.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry popped up by the door next, "Oh Professor! Are you busy? If so I'll come back later. I just need to find out what I missed and everything.." he said upon seeing the others in the room.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta spoke up instantly. "I'll tell you one thing you missed Dmi! that kid Joseph Carver in Hufflepuff, turned his chair into a raccoon and the thing chased him out of the room. It was quite entertaining to watch." She laughed at the memory of that day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry looked and Lenzetta and smirked, "Did he really?! Darn it! I miss all the best stuff!" he laughed at the thought of a raccoon chasing Joseph out of the room. "Stupid hospital wing!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta smirked. "Aw don't worry, Dmi. When Joe comes back he'll probably end up doing something stupid again...I'm suprised he's still alive from all the stuff he's done."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Da that is very true." Dmitry smiled some, "But thinking of all the work I need to do.. I'll still probably miss it.."
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"I'll help you out with the work, if you need it," Lenzetta offered, leaning back in her chair.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry perked up some, "Spasibo Lenzy! You're a gem!" he glanced at Kate curiously then looked up at Professor McGonagall patiently.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta smiled at Dmitry and tapped her feet anxiously as she waited.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate stared at the floor as the two loud students came in, then perked up suddenly when she head the good-looking boyp say a word of Russian. She resisted the temptation to say something though. She didn't want to do something stupid to start things off at her new school. She didn't look up though. She wasn't in a hurry to show her face.

"Vladimir, Lovett, this is Katherina Smirnoff, but she says she goes by Kate. She is a new student, she will be sorted tonight at dinner, and will begin classes tomorrow. She is from Russia-she's still working on improving her English. I trust you two will make her feel welcome.....", said McGonagall briskly.

Kate was looking down, with her hair falling like a c curtain so her face wasn't visible. This wasn't how she'd pictured meeting her classmates.

Now, Miss Lovett, in light of tonight's events, your detention is cancelled, to be rescheduled for tomorrow evening, at the same time. Mr. Vladimir, thank you for your diligence in checking up on your assignments. I've just had them sent to your dormitory, they should be waiting for you there. Now, why don't you two head down to di nner? Miss Smirnoff and I will be down shortly."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"T-tomorrow? Lenzetta asked, as if she WANTED to have detention today. "alright...I can't gaurantee I'll be on time for tomorrow...But I'll try."

She looked over at Kate and smiled. "Glad to meet ya, Kate!" She said. "I'm Lenzetta but you can call me Lenzy if you wish. Hope you'll be sorted into our house, you'll make lots of new friends if you are."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry smiled at Kate, "Privyet Kate! Kak...... pozhivaeshʹ?" he asked very carefully in Russian, "Ehy hopefully she'll be a Slytherin!" he giggled and turned to leave, "Oh! Danke Professor McGonagall! I'll check it after dinner!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta her books in one arm, and wrapped her other arm around Dmitry's arm. "Care to skip with me to see the great wizard, sir?" She questioned with the most seriousness she could muster.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Da I shall!" Dmitry smiled some, "To dinner! I'm starving~! Hospital Wing food is crap!" he stuck his tongue out in disgust.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta shuddered at the thought of eating hospital food. "well don't worry, we'll get ya filled up!" she smiled and starting skipping like a moron out of the room.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry laughed and skipped along with her, "I hope they have pudding... I like pudding..!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Oooh, I hope they have pudding too..." Lenzetta said. "Aw man now I have a craving for pudding," she giggled lightly.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Chocolate... Yum... Its killer." Dmitry peeked around one of the corners, "Chocolate and vanilla and Gaia I have to stop before I start to drool!"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate looked up as Lenzetta and Dmitry left. She honestly hadn't expected the other students to be friendly. She wasn't ordinarily a shy person-she'd been hiding her face for a reason, even though she knew she couldn't postpone the inevitable.

"Eez thees sorrting cerremony a publeec event?", Kate asked nervously, putting a hand to her face.

"There's no reason to be worried, Miss Smirnoff. If you're worried about the other students seeing your face, I assure you, no one will make fun of it....and you may be able to get it fixed in the
Hospital Wing tomorrow, but I really think it would be easier if you told me how it happened....."

"I-I eez not rrememberring", said Kate quickly. "So can I be getting sorrted now?", she changed the subject.

McGonagall frowned, but nodded, standing up to take Kate to the Great Hall.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry skipped to the Great Hall and practically bolted for his table. "FOOD! Finally! Good food!" he smiled happily.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. She hurried along behind Dmitry and took a seat next to him.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"God its been weeks since I've been able to eat normal things!" Dmitry dug into a few things infront of him. "I still can't believe my dad showed up to check on me... Everyday... Every few hours. He's bloody nuts! I had a cold! Not a disease!" he frowned some, "So.. How've you been the past week Lenzy?"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Suddenly, the Great Hall doors opened, and McGonagall walked in, followed by Kate.

There were gasps and people stared and began whispering as they saw Kate's face. Even some of the teachers, who managed to compose themselves.

Kate definitely wasn't looking her best. She would've been very pretty had it not been for her two black eyes, and the three huge cuts that ran diagonally across her face, like giant claw marks.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Ive been quite well..." Lenzetta whispered, turning her head slightly to the left watching Kate as she came down aisle. "That must be why she wouldnt look at us earlier.." she added sadly.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry looked over, "Oh. I hope she's not a werewolf.." he turned back to the pudding he found.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate kept her face blank as she followed McGonagall up the aisle. She closed her eyes for a moment, cursing her parents for messing up her face right before she started at her new school.

McGonagall stood and addressed the crowd. "Students, this is Katherina Smirnoff. I know it is unusual to have new students in the middle of the year like this, but I trust you will all make her feel welcome."

She lifted the Sorting Hat from the stool and gestured for Kate to sit down on it.

Kate sat, and waited.....and waited.

"Hmmmm....". the hat said into her head. "Not a Hufflepuff, I can see that. Now, this is a tough one. You resist being like your parents, though Slytherin seems like a good match, but is that too obvious? I sense bravery too. Smart as well, but I don't think you're a Ravenclaw either....."

Kate shivered slightly. How long was this supposed to take?
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over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"I don't think she is a werewolf...I thought they would only have the scars, not black eyes too...But I could be wrong.." Lenzetta told Dmitry. "She looks like she'd be a Slytherin, though...I hope she is."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry shrugged, he was no longer truly paying any attention, staring off.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
"I sense bravery....standing up for yourself....Slytherin could help you be great...but there's some Gryffindor there too. Sneaky, cunning....a touch of insanity.......ah well.....better be...


The hat shouted out the last word loudly, so the whole hall could hear. It had been nearly ten minutes deliberating, and most people were staring intently.

McGonagall lifted the hat off her head, and pointed Kate towards the Slytherin table.

Kate walked slowly over. Recognizing the students from McGonagalls office earlier, she gave them a small, tentative smile.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta smiled and gave Kate two thumbs up, very happy that the new student made it in Slytherin.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
"Eez....ok..I seet here?", Kate asked, gesturing to a seat by Lenzetta and Dmitry, hoping they'd understand her despite her accent and bad English.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"HuH?! Oh! You made it into Slytherin!" Dmitry jumped slighty, sliding down the bench some, "Da! You may!" he wasn't paying any attention for the past 5 minutes.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate smiled at them and sat down.

"Sank you"

"Hey, what happened to your face?", asked some curious first year.
As though on cue, several other people chimed in.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Are you a werewolf?"

"Are you into self mutilation?"

The comments were mostly from naive younger students, though some older students looked curious too.

Kate froze and her eyes were downcast.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry shot glares at all of them, "Oh shut up.." he turned to Kate, "Don't listen to them. They're just idiots.." he growled and went back to eating his pudding.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Yeah don't pay no mind to them ickle firsties," Lenzetta said giving them nasty looks. "They are always in other peoples business... So, Kate, how do you like the looks of the school so far?"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate clenched her hands into fists and stared down the tormentors.

"You ask vhat happen face? Same sing heppen YOUR face eef you no stop kvestions!", she snapped, glaring at them nastily.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry rolled his eyes, "Oh here we go..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
A few people turned away in shame and a few muttered sorries.

Kate looked at her plate, downcast. Just her luck to have her face looking like that. So much for people not looking past it.

She sighed.

"I deed saying somesing?", she looked at Lenzetta, mouth still turned down in a frown.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"I was just wondering if you liked the looks of the school so far..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate shrugged.

"I not seeing very much. I come in, go down hall, meet Professor, then I eez coming here getting sorted. Eez school nice?"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Oh its very nice... Its very big. Its kind of easy to get lost in here but we can show you around, right Dmi?"