Death Eater Roleplay Are We Having Fun Yet?

DmitryVladimir posted on Jul 11, 2012 at 07:22PM
((Obviously this is a chillaxing forum. Another party. Don't ask "Why not just continue the other one?" I'm too lazy to even attempt reviving anything. Have fun and don't kill each other! Thank ye!))

Dmitry stood in the center of the ball room. Tables strew everywhere in circles with bottles of alcohols and cups. He smiled to himself and started to hum, spinning around dazedily. "What a wonderful party!" he laughed out, "Please do join me!"

Death Eater Roleplay 93 replies

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over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander leaned against the doorway. He facepalmed when he noticed all of the alcohol. "So this is where all the good stuff was hiding." He shook his head and sighed. "What is all this, Vladimir?"
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry stopped and looked at Xander happily, "Come to join!? I figured it'd be nice to have everything in one room.. Have some fun~. You see?"
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Leah raised an eyebrow lazily when she saw the spread.
"A party with alcohol? Don't let Kate catch you…"
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry giggled and poked Leah's forehead, "I don't care what the lady Smirnov thinks of my habits~." he sung.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Kate isn't our mother," Xander spat. He walked over and sat on one of the tables, crossing one leg over the other. "This is a good idea, Vlad," he said looking around for which alcohol bottle to open first.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Wonderful!" Dmitry skipped to a near table, snatching up an old bottle of wine, "Want to join Leah?" he asked politely, popping the wine open gleefully.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Leah smirked. "I was talking about what she'd do if she found the bottles…"
She sighed. "Ah, what the hell."
She sat down and poured herself a glass.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander reached over for a bottle of Vodka and opened the cork. "Cotton candy flavored..?" he cringed slightly before downing some of the bottle. "Mm.."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate had been out in town all day. She couldn't wait to just kick back and go to bed. But that was not to be.

As she opened the door, she heard some noise coming from the Ballroom. Sighing, she went to check it out. She opened the door and headed in.

"Hey, what's-*gasp*" Kate covered her mouth as she saw tables covered in alcohol. Her head began to spin. She looked around, wondering if people had already gotten into it a lot. She dropped her cloak on the floor, and didn't even notice.

Screwing her eyes shut, she pulled out her wand, and hurriedly vanished all the alcohol on the first table, then hurried over to the next one.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry placed a magic ward around the ballroom, no magic was to be used in there. It was relatively quiet and nothing but their voices were sound here. "Glad Leah!" He nodded at Xander, "Good, yes? Lollipop is even better~." he sipped his own glass and turned, noticing Kate, "Alo Kate dear!" he greeted her, pouring more wine into his glass.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate frowned as the second table of alcohol refused to vanish. This was too much.

She heard Dmitry behind her, and she quickly stuck her wand back up her sleeve.

"Hello", she muttered quietly. She did actually have reasons for hating alcohol. It was so bad that she could hardly bear even seeing it in large quantities.

She turned around and looked at him. Was he pouring MORE alcohol into his glass?! Without even realizing it, Kate grabbed the glass and dumped it's contents on the floor.
"", she forced herself to say.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander jumped off the table and ran over to Kate, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "You need to loosen up, deary," he sighed. "Be more...spontaneous."
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"And you need be slapped upside the head," Lenzetta said to Xander upon entering the room. She brushed past him and Kate and took in her surroundings. "Is this all for us? Or are you guys just ruining a party that the Malfoy's had already prepared that we weren't invited to.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry watched Kate grab his glass and dump it out, "Wasteful.." he muttered, pouting some. He turned to Lenzetta and smiled, "For me and a few. I set it up earlier upon stumbling into the lower cellar from my workshop. They have enough bottles but never do anything with them. I thought we'd help them out a bit~." he winked and giggled, grabbing another glass.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Leah stood as she finished the glass. "Well, that was lovely. At least the house isn't on fire. My body's not particularly tolerant of alcohol usually, even one glass of wine can set me off."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry sat down at a table, re-pouring the light liquid, "Aah.. Low tolerance is not fun. Unless you want to get dunk quick. Then its nice. High tolerance is a bummer either way." he smiled softly, taking a small sip of the wine.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta bit her lip and hesitantly went for a bottle of wine. "I know i'm going to regret this..." She opened the bottle and poured herself a glass.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry pushed out of his seat and waltzed to Lenzetta, "We'll make sure nothing bad happens~." he laughed, throwing his arm around her shoulder, "Cheers?" he held his glass up.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Aw but I wanted to see something bad happen!" Xander pouted. "Didnt you, Kate?" He laughed.

Lenzetta glanced at Dmitry and sighed. Why not try to relax for once? She gave up. "Cheers," she purred as she held up her glass as well.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry smiled happily, clinking his glass with hers before downing it, "Glad you're joining us."
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Hmph," Lenzetta downed her drink slowly. "Glad to be here, Dmi." She cringed slightly. She hadn't had a drink in a while.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Good! We'll have lots of innocent fun!" Dmitry spun around once, looking at everything gleefully.

Mena poked her head in the room sleepily, watching everyone in annoyance. A party?
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate shrieked and jumped as Xander hugged her, and the glass slipped through her fingers and shattered on the floor.
She looked down on it in surprise. She hadn't realized she'd grabbed it in the first place....

"Hi Xander"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Hallo," Xander replied, his accent more thick than usual. He smiled as the glass fell. "Now where did yoy get that, miss?" He questioned teasingly.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta hesitated before taking another sip. Wine was pretty much the only thing she could handle and yet she would still be affected by it after two glasses. "Innocent fun.." sge muttered softly to herself. "This is just for fun..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
"I meant to smash it over Vladimir's thick head", Kate muttered, cringing at the sight of people drinking.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander laughed and let go of Kate. "That would be interesting, I must admit." He sat of a table again. "So have you never had a drink before?" He asked, eyeing her curiously as he opened another bottle of..something. He didnt know what it was but he didnt care.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate nodded.
"Yes. I've never had a drink before, and I intend to keep it that way!"

She glared at Xander, and snatched the bottle out of his hands, then smashed it on the ground.

"You shouldn't drink either!"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander gave an "are you kidding me?" look at Kate. "I know I shouldn't drink. But that never stopped me. It's like...a stress reliever for me." He sighed. Guess he'd never find out what that bottle consisted of...
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry waltzed to Kate and grabbed her arm, "Please!" he said through gritted teeth, "Keep. You're. Opinions. Out. Of. Our. Faces!" he smiled brightly and skipped away back to Lenzy, "Zetta! Dear friend!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta looked over at Dmitry and smiled. "Hello there," she said. She sipped out of the glass again.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"How are you this fine eveniiiiing?" Dmitry cooed, now getting a new glass after finishing his other one, "How's the taste?" he winked and cracked a smile as he sat down, resting his head in his hands.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate glared at Dmitry and snatched the glass from his hands.

"And keep your self-destructive habits out of MY face!", she snapped.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry looked at Kate blankly as she snatched the glass, "Then you can leave."
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"It tastes fine," Lenzetta muttered. She glanced over at Kate with a pout. "Kate, we won't be reckless, dear." She said, trying to persuade her to trust everyone.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate crossed her arms at Lenzetta.

"Oh REALLY? Because last time you guys had a party, you drank so much you accidentally transported this house to the middle of the ocean!"

OOC: Refresher-in the other party RP, apparently the DE's ended up accidentally bewitching the house to be floating around at sea, if I remember correctly....
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
OOC: that is true but I think we're just starting clean with this one. We are forgetting the other party rp i least I thought we were...

Xander almost spit out his drink. He laughed and went over to Kate, placing a hand on her forehead. "We ended up in the ocean, eh? Even I dont remember that." He smirked. "Are you feeling alright, missy?"
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: Doll.. I asked for a clean slate.. No rememberances of any past events in my RPs if you please :3 Thank ye~.

Dmitry smiled sweetly at Kate and teased her, "Don't be a brat~! Its never the crazy ones that have low tolerance to this stuff." he tapped his glass with a smiling glare, "Please."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: Oops. Sorry. Then just forget that and assume it was some other party that we never RPed. I didn't know that was what you meant by clean slate.......

Kate glared at Xander. "Years ago, remember? I had to fix it. But them again, I'm not surprised YOU don't remember, seeing as you ended up passing out at the end of the night!"

"And it's not about low tolerance!", she snapped to Dmitry. "It doesn't matter what your tolerance is if you drink a ton anyways! And knowing you, you will!"

She snatched Dmitry's current glass out of his hand, and tossed it over her shoulder, then quickly overturned another table laden with alcohol.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
((*giggles* Oh its okay~. We all take things differently, no?))

Dmitry growled unhappily and grabbed Kate, pinning her down on the nearest table, "Love.. What does it matter if we're killing ourselves or putting ourselves in danger? One should only worry much about themselves and no one more or less.." he whispered into her ear, "We're doing you no harm.. Only ourselves. And what do we matter?"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Life is too short for worries," Xander added thoughtfully. "As i said, you really need to losen up..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate gasped in surprise and her eyes widened as Dmitry grabbed her and pinned her down. She pretended to struggle for a moment, but in reality, she didn't actually mind....

For some reason, as Dmitry spoke to her, her mind seemed to empty. She couldn't really remember what she'd gotten so worked up about in the first place. It was just nice hearing Dmitry whispering in her ear.....

She frowned, and shook her heard to clear it, and she registered what Dmitry had said.

She looked around the room.

"Honestly?" She turned red and closed her eyes. "I-I care about you guys", she said quietly. She meant it, no matter how hard it was for her to say it. "I really guys're the closest thing I've ever had to To friends......". She gulped. It was true. She couldn't believe she was saying it. "And I just hate alcohol".

She turned even redder and would have looked at the ground, if not for the fact that she was currently being pinned to a table. She immediately cursed herself for saying anything. Dmitry and Xander would probably turn it into a joke, as usual, and she wished they would just take her seriously, for once.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry frowned down at her, "You weren't listening to what I said.." he backed from Kate and looked to the others, "Well if our fun isn't welcomed here, how about we take it outside?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate glared at him. "It won't be welcomed outside, either!", she snarled, casually knocking over the next table.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Yo!" Xander hollered, throwing his his finished bottle to the floor. It smashed at his feet sending shards of glass everywhere. "You knock over one more table, Kate, and I will shove one of these bottles down your throat!" He crossed his arms and smiled. Yeah, he smiled alright. "Am I understood?" He goes through mood swings when he's drunk...

Lenzetta snorted. "And you people are oblivious as to why I dont trust him..." She took another sip of wine, almost finishing her glass.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry eyed Xander and pushed Kate to the floor, pinning her there as he sat on her stomach, "We'll have to force some fun now will we?" he smiled innocently, poking her forehead happily, "Mmm... Xander... Can you.. Get that vase for me please? Lets have some fun!" he giggled childishly, knowing what he was doing was wrong but.. He was havingfun already!
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander nodded once and went over to one of the tables to grab a vase. "There you are," He said, handing the vase to Dmitry. He sat Indian style on the floor, folding his hands in his lap. He giggled childishly at the scene.

over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
"I'm not scared of you, Xan-", Kate shrieked in surprise as Dmitry grabbed her and shoved her down, and gasped for breath as he sat on her. She wriggled, trying to get away. "!".

Then she heard him say something about making her have fun. Her eyes widened in horror. She hoped they weren't about to do what she suspected they were planning.
She began struggling harder.

over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry smirked at Xander as he held Kate down. She was squirming but that only made him giggle. "Want to do the honor Xander?" he asked, tilting Kate's chin up. Oh this was gonna be comical!
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander kneeled over Kate. "You said you never had a drink?" He asked. "Well taste this." He poured the liquid that was in the vase into Kate's mouth.

"Vodka. It's good aint it?" He lied. The liquid in the vase was water. Xander and Dmitry both knew that. But that was the plan.

"You idiots put vodka into a vase?" Lenzetta questioned. She was fooled by this as well.