Death Eater Roleplay Rebellion against Jason!

Brutus-McMillan posted on Sep 21, 2010 at 06:27PM
Leave the nastiest comment you can without being crude or dirty! Prove the point that he is not welcome here! Jason if your reading this Screw-you!

Death Eater Roleplay 20 replies

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over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Jason, I hate you. You're the biggest Jerk i have ever had the midfortune to know. I cant believ the things you posted, thats so messed up that you seem to get a kick out of being a jerk and making people hate you.
Also, how could you do that to Bella? I mean seriously What were you thinking????

PS Brutus, did you get nay crap from him as well??

i think this is a good idea, maybe he'll finally leave
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Out of character of course!
Jason, perhaps you have some mental problem that we don't know about, that's the only reason I can think of for how you're acting. You're obviously not welcome here and yet you persist in creating many accounts to bother us. In a way, I'm flattered that you care enough to annoy us this much, on the other hand, you're rather pathetic and I hope you can get help from someone.
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Jason, I know I'm hot and sexy and smart, I don't need a perv to tell me, I get it all the time from people I respect. And also, I hate you...and that's saying something because I'm usually very careful about my use of the word "hate" since it's such a strong feeling. And if I met you I would punch you, and then you would cry because a girl beat you up. Because that's how sexist you probably are.

Giatrix Merribelle
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Dear Jason I know that ever since Bellathhenutcase broke up with you, you've been pretty desprate but you dont have to turn intoma pervert. No one wants to get in bed with you, you immature stalker creepy. Also please go back to that lunitic assylum you broke out of, you need help.

@Bellatrix-Black Nicely put.
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Jason, I barely know you and I already hate you, and I , like Bellatrix-Black dont use that word very much.

It's just gross what you're doing, leaving nasty, gross stuff on our walls doesnt impress anyone you know, and it CERTAINLY wont make anyone sleep with you, you gross Perv!

Just because you got dumped isnt an excuse for being a creepy jerk. Hell you were probably a creep before as well. I cant believe anyone ever went out with you. Just GET OVER IT AND LEAVE US ALONE!

Seriously, its REALLY pathetic to make like 4-5 accounts just to insult people, and thats pretty low too. We all hate you, so why cant you just get the hint and LEAVE!

Also, if you can't stop being a creep for us, then seriously, think of other people too. Nobody likes seeing pervy crap everywhere, even if it eventually gets deleted. I for one have a little brother on this site, and I wouldnt want him seeing ANY of the gross, X-rated crap you posted. Seriously. I bet anyone else who has younger siblings will agree.

If I met you i'd help Giatrix beat you up, and i wouldnt even feel bad since you so obviously deserve it.

Go to Hell Jason. You're a psycho-pervert-jerk-stalker-creep, and you seriously need therapy. GET LOST! I HATE YOU!

Very well put, Zanhar and Bellatrix-Black
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…

*nicely put, everyone
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Might I add, for the benefit of everyone here, that perhaps he isn't serious about all the sexual things he's posting, he's just looking for a reaction. But either way, it's completely inappropriate.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Attention seekers piss me off.
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
Nice job everyone!Jason just pushed me to the brink and I got sick of him which is what gave me th idea for this.Paul,yes he did post crap on my wall or one of my accounts walls saying he raped Nutcase!
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
Shut up!You raped someone!Thats beyond scum you dick head!Come on! Gimme your best shot!
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Damn, he must have deleted his comments. I was hoping to see what he has said.
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
I think they get automatically deleted by fanpop, since i saw some and then they just disappeared even after Jason was gone
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Well I guess that's good in some ways
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
He said he raped Bellathenutcase, or that was part of it.
over a year ago WolfPred said…
That was just despicable!
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
OMG you RAPED someone Jason?? How could you? I didnt know even YOU could sink that low, and thats saying something!
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
I know.I actually feel physically sick thinking about him!
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
He belongs in a cesspool of humanity that is just as filthy and desperate as himself.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
That was very dramatic Trix.
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Quite true though.