Death Eater Roleplay Jasons Posts

Luna--Lovegood posted on Sep 23, 2010 at 03:47AM
Hey, so Giatrix, I saw what you posted about telling everyone everything Jason Posts/says/messages/comments etc. So I made this spot so we can do that and maybe eventually figure out how to get rid of him.

I heard that his posts and articles get deleted quickly, and i saw an article by him earlier today but now its gone, so if you see anything, just post it here.

Anyways today he posted this to my Wall:
J-A-S-O-NRocks said:
You SUCK AT RPIN LUNA! your a loony freaky ho bag assholebitch!!
i wanna havv sexxx with you thought fuk me and i will never bothr u or reprt you again

And he also sent me a message with subject line "We Need to Talk", but all the message said was "Poop"

Anyways, Lets all stick together and maybe someday we'll get rid of Jason permanently! Death Eaters+DA (me) United against Jerks!

Death Eater Roleplay 16 replies

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over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Well I got this post today:
"PAUL YOURE A FUKIN LOSER GO TO HELL!! Stuff your face in dog crap your a lopser and rap is fuking STUPID fuk off"

And i got a poop message yesterday. Geez, he should go back to whereb=ver he escaped from. I hate him too.

Thanks for the guide, Giatrix, I LOL'ed at number 6, and I totally agree with everything you said there.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I got the poop one too.

I got this other one, dont rember what it said but it annoyed me so I deleted it.
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Guys, I found out Today that Jason is blocked from Fanpop on his laptop, I know because he was on his laptop in at school at lunch with his friends again, and I heard him complaining and I walked by and saw a thing that said he was temporarily blocked from Fanpop or somthing.
Does anyone know how long that will last? Umbridge/Java can you make a new account yet?

Doesnt it seem weird that Jason was able to be a jerk for so long before being blocked, while Umbridge/Jocelyn/Java only impersonated him ONCE and as far as I know no one reported her??

Anyways, knowing Jason he'll find some other computer to use but it may take him a while, so here's to a hopefully Jason free period of time!
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Well Jason's accounts were blocked every single time he tried to make a new one. Jocelyn's not blocked from Fanpop, her account is deleted, just like Jason's. I think the Fanpop mods are paying more attention to our spot now because of the Jason fiasco. I can email Jocelyn if you guys want, see what she's up to.
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
I could have sworn Jocelyn told me that she got some message that said she was blocked or something but I may be wrong. Either way, Jasons gone for now, but we need a battle plan for if he comes back, and knowing him he probab;y won't give up too easily.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
I say that we just follow the guide that Giatrix wrote. 'specially number 6.
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Giatriz, darling I love you so much.

*goes on one knee*

I love you, your hot and fun and sexycute and I fuking love you and I'm a good guy I'm nice in RL

I love you I'm sexy I'm hot andim fhuking smart and I got a big dik
and I'm gud in the sack I'm sooooo good imbed ur gunna just DIE on
our weddin nite!!

I LOVE u I'm really nice I won't make you work or hav a job ur nuthin
I'm sexy and your gunna be a gud housewif I kno it dint b scared I luv you so much.

Reply plz in a forum or posst or sumthing I'm gunna Checkk and see
don't break my heaart I luv you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason ur soon 2 B husband

PS I hop u Lyke foursomes cuz bellanutcase whaeverthefuck is HOT and I bet loony or voldy will join us I bet there crazy sexxy and fukin hott in bed I love you
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Oh, wow, that's quite the erm...proposal. That sucks, and i'm really sorry that you and everyone else on here has to put up with the likes of Jason.

Anyways, I got the following message from "Lord-Jason".

"Hey Paul your a fuking stupid weirdo fhuking lozer!

you suk, and your lame as fuking hell and your stupid u keep haning out with bella who is a fukin skank and rially a fukin nutcase. your stupid

and i know all the bitches on this stupid lame ass ho bag skank site are only fuking pretending to fukin like your cuz ur a fhuking clingy lozer and its eazier to fuking deal with the likes of you by pretendin to lik you than to force u to go away. you suk and no one likes you

fuk you paul! and by tha way, im ENGAGED im gunna marry Giatrix/Bellatrix the skank shes fukin hot and we're gonna fuck a alot so SUK IT! your a loser and yove never slept with anyone i bett, and im gunna get ACTION and a fukin HOUSEWIFE! your lame you SUK! STICK YOUR HEAD UP UR FHUKING ASS PAUL!

From ur good buddy Jason. Just thought you need sum freindly advice. IN UR FUKIN FACE!"

Anyways, any ideas on how to get rid of this creep?
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Teehee, I'd rather marry Fenrir Greyback than JASON.
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Well this is the message I got from him, about two nights ago. Sorry, I meant to post it sooner.
It's from "Lord-Jason"

"Yo Loony Tunes,

your a fukin skanky ho bag bitch and ur prolly a fukin stupid ass bimbo slut but im gunna mak u and offer cuz ur the only peson on here i dont have much reazon to be against and shit since u were never in the fuking Bellatrix spot.

u shud joinme. im makin you a very generous offer here loony, join me and we can beat evry1 on here and shit, and u can be Bellatrix and I can B Voldy think bout it u wont be stuck being loony the loser anymore

u should join me while u still have the fuking chance cos these losers are goin down.

if u dont acept my offer ur even loonyer and dumber than i thought and thats sayin sumthing!! u shud join me cos im really a nice dude in RL.

also u get BENEFITS. im marrying Giatrix the ho soon, SUK IT! Sorry but she got me first, U MISSED OUT! HAHA!
I woud love to bang u on the side tho, shes gunna be my housewife!!
U have 2 join us in the sack, Bella and Lexa are coming too it'll kick ass.

if u dont listen to me ur stupid as hell dumb and idiotic and your lame anyways but join me or i'll report you!!

ur buddy ole pal JASON!


Anyways, I meant to post this the day after he sent it, but here it is.

Anyways, I have an idea or two on dealing with him....Message me.

And Jason, I HATE YOU! And I NEVER say hate since it's so strong, but for you, i'm making an exception. Go to hell, jerk!
over a year ago ginnyweasleyfan said…
wow.I'm new so luckily Jason doesn't know me.But I'll help you!
What's his current account name?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
He doesn't have one :P They get deleted too fast.
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Well his latest username is "JasonLovesYou", and he sent me this message: (I copied and pasted)

"Yo Luna-tic!
whazzup gurlfreind? Im awesome, and im BAAACK! i bet your ugly but i lyk u peoplez im gunna rp with you peoplez and its gunna rock!
im also gunna get MARRIED! haha suk it!
so r U gunna join me and b freinds or am I gona have 2 report u till u get deleted?
Love you buddy ole pal

Ugh. I hate hism SO much!
Anyone else get junk from him?
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Not yet, but remember that he actually can't report you because you haven't done anything wrong :)
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
Giatrix I love u
I'm nice noww & I'm sry I waz a jurk 2 u u dint deserve itt reeally.

I wanna b nice ans ppeecefully roleplay with u guyz I'm rly nice and I'm nice in reall life 2.

PS I hav a big penis so I'm kewl
over a year ago ginnyweasleyfan said…
Oh OK. I can probally figure out his account names.