Death Eater Roleplay Forbidden Friendship: Death Eater Roleplay Scenario

Luna--Lovegood posted on Oct 11, 2010 at 12:18AM
Luna Lovegood and Nessie Carrow meet at Hogwarts, and slowly become friends, despite the fact that they belong to rival houses.
This scenario starts with Luna and Nessie meeting, and just keeps going, haha.
Then Nessie joins the Death Eaters, so things get more complicated.

We will need other Death Eaters for scenes when Nessie goes to Death Eater Meetings and home for holidays and such, and for Lunas capture and time in Malfoy Manor, and maybe a few people could godmodd for characters we don't have??

Same rules as the other RP scenarios.

Luna Lovegood and Nessie Carrow meet at Hogwarts, and slowly become friends, despite the fact that th

Death Eater Roleplay 61 replies

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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna headed towards the Library. It was after dinner, and she wanted to go get a head start on her Transfiguration essay.

She sighed as she passed a bunch of fellow Ravenclaws.

"Loony!", they laughed, pointing at her. She gave them her usual dreamy smile, and continued on. They were probably affected by Wrackspurts, she should feel sorry for them, she thought.

She walked into the library, and headed to her favorite table, which was in a corner, surrounded by shelves and stacks of books. She turned a corner, and headed for the table.

But there was already someone sitting at it.

OOC: This is set near the beginning of their 3rd year, since the Dark Lord comes back in Harrys 4th year, and Luna is a year below Harry.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli turned around she saw a girl with blonde hair she was carrying lots of books she looked younger then her but only by a year.

She did not know her name because she did not talk to many people because everyone knew her uncle was snape and her mum and dad were carrows and they were in prison

"Do you need some help with those books"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Thanks", Luna said, struggling forward.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
My name is Nethangli Carrow what's yours
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"I'm Luna Lovegood. It's nice to meet you, Nethangli", said Luna with a dreamy smile. She didn't have many friends, and it was always nice to meet new people. She hoped this one wouldn't run off at her first mention of wrackspurts though.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"Well Luna what year are you in I'm in my 3rd year and i am Slytherin" she said with small smile she hope luna would like and be her friend
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Ravenclaw", said Luna, with a slight edge to her voice. If this girl was a typical Slytherin, she'd probab;y ignore her or make fun of her upon discovering that.

She turned away. "Well i'd better go finish my homework", she said, starting to walk away.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"Wait! I thought you be different i am not like my mum and dad I want to be friends but if you just going to make fun of me fine!!!"
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"What? No, I just thought that since you were Slytherin you wouldn't want to hang out with me", said Luna, turning around. "I thought that you Slytherins only hung out with each other and were rivals with the other houses."
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
" Well i am not like that I have no friend in my house they all hate because I am related to snape and my mum and dad are in prison , and why would i make fun of you?" She said claming down slightly
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"But I thought you Slytherins LIKED Snape?", asked Luna in confusion.

"And I didn't know about your parents", she continued. "And If it makes any difference, my mum is dead. Why would I make fun of you for that?"

"People in my house make fun of me for, well, it doesn't matter", she said quickly. that was when a copy of "The Quibbler" Fell out of her Transfiguration book, and landed at Nethangli's feet.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"The Quibbler I love it I did not think any one would read it besides me!!!" She said happliy
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
“You read The Quibbler?”, Luna asked, slightly excited. “My father’s the editor!”
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
" Really i love to meet him"
OCC: one more post
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"So you only want to be my friend so you can meet my dad? Well that's a new one", said Luna
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
" NO NO I want meet your dad because I love his work my house does not tell me as person"
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna smiled, " No, no, of course not. Well i'd better go find a table to do my homework, but it's nice to meet you Nethangli", she stuck out a hand, and they shook, then Luna turned to go find another table.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"Wait! Luna a really want to be friends with you please come join I am doing Mcgonalls eassy" She said with a hopeful smile
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
OOC: Remember to use quotes and punctuation properly Nessie :)
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Really?" Luna replied. "So am I! Well I guess if you don't mind sharing the table.."
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
No I don't Nethangli said happily after a while the girl finish the eassy it became quiet because they has nothing to say and then Nethagli blurted out "Do you like Pual music"
over a year ago Bellatrix-Black said…
OOC: I feel like a moderator, but I enjoy reading other peoples' roleplays and you HAVE to use quotation marks and proper punctuation. Or I might pull a Persephone and threaten to report you :P
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Paul? You mean Paul the rock star? I LOVE him! My favorite album is "Dangerous and Moving", what about you? "said Luna excitedly.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
" Same!! I like him and the wired sister" she said smiling at Luna broadly " oh and have you ever seen a crumplehorn -snorecack
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"They're okay, I guess. I don't listen to them much. And no, i've never SEEN a Snorcack, but my father and I are planning a trip in a year or two to go looking for them. He knows they exist though, there's TONS of proof. It's weird how no one believes us, huh?"
replied Luna, rolling up her completed essay.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli looked up at Luna " My uncle always said you need logic and proof to find out if somethings are real" as she look back down at her feet
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna smiled. "Of course you do. We HAVE proof about the Snorcacks. We're planning a trip to Sweden in a few years to hunt for them, actually. But we already know they exist and all".
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli smiled something about Luna made her believe her " Do you live with father" there was somewhat of a shock in her vocie
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Why wouldn't I?", Luna asked, confused.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"Oh it's just will I don't and it's new to me when i find out someone does" she said looking at her feet her voice was a meer whisper
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"That's fine", Luna smiled. "Anyways, I have to go put my stuff away. See you later, it was nice meeting you!"
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
" Yes it's was nice to meet you too Luna" said Nethnangli
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna skipped into the dining hall later that evening. She was happy, truly happy, for once. She smiled as she walked through the crowded hall.

Maybe she's finally made a friend. Sure, Ginny was nice, but Luna could always detect signs that Ginny pitied her, though of course, that was the one thing that she'd never say, despite her usual "brutal honesty" policy.

Luna spotted Nessie across the hall, sitting at the Slytherin table, and she smiled and waved as she waled over towards the Ravenclaw table.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
She saw Luna wave at her she waved back and gave her a smiled.

But, then she looked to her side and saw the rest of the table staring at her and two girl beside her said " Your friend with Loony Lovegood" I look at them and gave them both a stern looks and said " Yes yes I am "
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna smiled as she heard Nessie telling off the Slytherins. She had known someone earlier who had pretended to be nice then laughed about her with her other friends.
She was glad Nessie wasn't like that.
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna put down her quill, frowning.
Maybe she was rushing into things with Nessies. She HAD seemes nice, but still. Luna sighed and re-read the letter as her Owl tapped it's foor impatiently on her desk.

"Hey Nessie,
I was wondering if you’d want to go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?
I totally understand if you have other plans.

Luna attatched the letter to her Owls leg, then let the Owl go. As it flew off, Luna hoped she hadn't made a big mistake.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli sat on her bed in her drom she was reading a book she got for her brithday last year it was her favortie,then there was a taping on the window and she saw an owl with none other then a letter on it leg.

She walk over to the owl and she took off the letter and then the owl flew away the letter said:

"Hey Nessie,
I was wondering if you’d want to go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?
I totally understand if you have other plans.

She read the letter over and over she could not believe it she want her to come to hogmeade with her and soon as the truth set in she ran to her bag pulled out some parchmeant and a quill she wrote:

" Dear Luna

I would love to go to Hogmeade with you how about 1:00 pm near the Transfigureaion courtyard

can't wait!


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna sat on her bed, nervously reading a book, but she couldn't concentrate. What if Nessie was sitting in her room laughing at her right now?

Suddenly, a tapping on the window broke her out of her reverie. Luna and her dorm-mates looked up.

"Hey, Luna, isn't that your owl?", asked one of the other girls.

Luna smiled at her and got up, her cool, dreamy exterior masking her inner turmoil.

She nervously reached forward and untied the letter from the owls leg.

"Dear Luna

I would love to go to Hogmeade with you how about 1:00 pm near the Transfiguration courtyard?

can't wait!


Luna smiled as she read the letter, already looking forward to tomorrow.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
The next day Nethangli waited near the Transfiguration courtayard and she was really nevrous what if Luna did not come she had hurderds of reason
1. She was related to Snape
2.She was the Carrow daughter
3. She was a slytherain

but then she heard some one coming was it Luna???
over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna slowly walked towards the courtyard. What if Nessie was playing a joke on her? What if she didn't want to really be friends.

She shrugged off her doubts, and walked around the corner.
There was Nessie, waiting is the Transfiguration courtyard as promised. Luna hurried forwards, "Hey Nessie", she said with a dreamy smile.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
"Hello Luna" she said with a small smile "shall we go"

As they walk they heard many people saying " Look Carrow friends with Loony Lovegood!!!"

At first this had no effect on Nethangli but then it started to really effect her Luna started to noteice
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna tried to ignore the whispers, but then noticed Nessie starting to squirm.

"Come on, who cares about them?", she said to Nessie. "I mean, they don't even believe in Crumple-Horned Snorcacks!"
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"I'm really glad I met you, Nessie", Luna finished.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
She heard Luna words but they felt like the were far away then she felt tears in her eyes and then she felt them on her cold,pale skin and she heard there vocie in her ears.

" Carrow and Loony are friend!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA"

she heard there cruel laugh and as soon as she knew it she was running to the only person that could help the potion master of hogwarts
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
Luna chased after Nessie, shooting glares at all of the people who were now whispering, pointing, and laughing.

She pulled out her wand, sending stinging hexes at all the spectators, smiling as they all got hit by her curses, then followed Nessie, who was racing towards the dungeons.

"Nessie, are you okay? I stinging-hexed everyone, but.....Oh, Hello Professor Snape"
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Professor Snape looked up as Nessie raced into his office. He put down the tests he was grading.

"What's wrong, Nethangli", he asked her. She sat down, sobbing.
All he could understand through her tears was, "People......laughing....Loony Lovegood..........Hogsmeade"
He sat down next to her and patted her on the back to try and calm her down.

Suddenly, Luna rushed in, "Nessie, are you okay? I stinging-hexed everyone, but.....Oh, Hello Professor Snape"

Snape frowned. "Calm down, Miss Carrow. Perhaps you could explain what's going on? You too, Miss Lovegood"
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over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli was crying to hard to talk so she patted Luna on the arm to tell to say what happened to her uncle
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over a year ago Luna--Lovegood said…
"Well, Professor, Nessie and I met yesterday, and planned to go to Hogsmeade together today, and when we met up in the Transfiguration courtyard, a bunch of people saw us and were saying things like, "Oooohhh, Carrow and Loony Lovegood are friends!", and then Nessie ran off, and then well, you know....." she trailed off, hoping she wouldn't get a detention.
over a year ago NessieCarrow said…
Nethangli took several deep breath and then turned to her uncle and said " Why do people make fun of me??"

As she began to sob in his shoudler
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Snape patted Nessie's shoulder awkwardly. He loved Nessie like a daughter, but he was still rather unused to dealing with female emotional issues.