Death Eater Roleplay Concert!

KateKicksAss posted on Dec 24, 2010 at 03:04PM
Kate smirked as she stepped up to the doors. Flashing her ticket to the dumb-looking security guard-"Reminds me of Greyback", she thought-, she breezed through the VIP entrance.
"I love rock concerts", she though. "And especially because of my great connections-Paul is SO generous", *smirk*

OOC: Ok, the general idea is that Pauls Death Eater buddies are going to one of his concerts. Think hilarity and chaos. And a great crucio opportunity.
And if you hate this idea, please let me know, :P I want brutal honesty here.

Feel free to join in, just make sure it fits :P

EDIT: Just noticed the accidental repetitive grammar mistake in the description. It's fixed now.
last edited on Dec 26, 2010 at 10:14AM

Death Eater Roleplay 46 replies

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over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
OOC: XD Thanks for making this! LOL this should be fun, heh heh. Good idea :P
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate managed to resist the urge to crucio the bouncers as she walked past. "Plenty of time for that later..." *smirk*
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Meanwhile, Paul was getting ready backstage. He grinned. He knew a few of his Death eater friends would be at his show tonight.
"This'll be fun".
over a year ago Severus__Snape said…
Snape sighed as he reluctantly followed Kate down the hall. He still couldn't believe she'd somehow persuaded him to go to a *shudder* Rock Concert. He didn't have anything against Paul or his music, but crowded, loud concerts weren't his thing. At all.
"It was temporary insanity", he decided. That was the only possible explanation.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate tried not to laugh at the expression on Snape's face. She still couldn't believe she'd persuaded him to come to Paul's concert.
"Come on!", she exclaimed. "Give it a chance, allright? I swear, it's like you're determined NOT to have fun!". She rolled her eyes.
"And hurry up, I told Paul we'd meet him backstage before the show".

"Snape must have been temporarily insane when I persuaded him", she though. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana suddenly appeared. "Oh hello. Sorry I almost bumped into you Kate. Now shall we meet Paul?" Kiana started walking.
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Merri perched on the edge of a table backstage, her ankles crossed and her hair tied back. There. was. dirt. on the floor. Gawd.

"Imperio," she whispered, forcing some innocent man to clean up the stage. With his toupee.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate sighed and disapparated, leaving Kiana to deal with Snape. She appeared backstage, behind a curtain. She stepped around it. Nobody seemed to notice her, as most people were busy getting ready for the show.
Suddenly, a large man carrying a handful of thick cables bumped into her. Actually, "bumped" was probably the wrong word. More accurately, he crashed into her, completely knocking her over.
Not bothering to offer her a hand or even apologize, he barely spared her a glance and hurried on through the crowd.
Kate glared, barely noticing the odd hissing that was coming from her bag. After getting up and using a few spells to clean off, she followed the man.

"Crucio!". she whispered, unable to resist.

The man dropped with a scream. Everyone rushed over to him in horror, except for one man that Kate noticed was cleaning up the floor. Upon taking a second glance, she noticed he was using his toupee. Kate smirked, and looked up. Sure enough, there was Merribelle nearby.

"Hey", she walked over. "Nice one!", she pointed at the man cleaning up. "Want to get out of here? Paul invited us all to see him before the show. I hear his area is much more.." she made a face at the backstage area, "..sanitary. And none of THAT", she jerked a head towards the man who'd knocked her over.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nagini_ said…
Unbeknownst to everyone, Nagini lay hidden in Kate's bag. Nobody had seen her slip in, but she'd never been to a "concert" before. She was hoping not to be discovered until it was too late. But now she was starting to get bored. She'd already eater the box of cookies shaped like tortured muggles in Kate's purse, and was now curled up inside the empty box.

Just as she was about to take a nap, Kate's bag jerked violently, and Nagini was thrown against the sides of the bag. She hissed angrily.
Suddenly, she heard screams. She smirked as only a snake could. Apparently the bag-jerker was being punished.
"I love Death Eaters", she thought with a smirk, curling up once again in the cookie box.
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Merri grinned at Kate, one of the few sane Deatheaters around,

"Sure, I think this filthy muggle can take care of the dirt here,"

She hopped off the table and rolled her eyes at the dust on her skirt,

"Scourgify!" she said in an exasperated voice, siphoning off the dirt.
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana came from nowhere. "Kate! How could you just leave me with Severus like that!"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate shrugged at Kiana. "SOMEONE needs to babysit him. Make sure he quits being such a masochistic wimp, make sure he doesn't just sulk in a corner all night, make sure he has a good know. And i'm totally over the job, I mean, I had to drag him here, remember?"

She went back to Merribelle. "There are MUGGLES here? I thought this concert was just a wizarding event, not mixed......." she shuddered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Severus__Snape said…
Severus sighed. If he was to endure this probably loathsome event, he didn't want to be alone.
He followed Kiana.

"So you're abandoning me too?", he asked her sourly, crossing his arms.
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Merri shrugged,

"This one's so ugly, he looks like a muggle to me! And he wasn't doing anything with his wand...maybe he lost it?"

Merri winked and showed Kate the wand she had taken from the man cleaning the floor,

"If he wasn't a muggle before, he certainly is now!"

She turned to Snape,

"My god Severus, you are SUCH a drag! Can't you just forget your messed up life for ONE night? Just because you're a mess doen't mean we all are."

over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Merribelle! YOU take Severus. I am going with Kate", Kiana went to Kate. She noticed the used-to-be-wizard of whom Merribelle took his wand. Kiana smirked. "So when is this concert going to begin?"
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Merri frowned,

"No! He's a grown man, he can take care of himself!"

She stepped lightly over to the other women,

"Severus, you just go find yourself a seat and wait until the concert's over,"

She looked around, found the corridor labelled "VIP lounge" and skipped through the open door, waiting for the others to follow.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate laughed as Merribelle showed her the wand, but it was short lived.

She rolled her eyes. She was sick of fighting and arguments, as well as. OOC: Literally.

She disapparated again with a sigh.

over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Paul looked around. The Death Eaters were going to be there soon.

Suddenly, his door opened, and the beefy security guard stuck his head around it.

"You ready?", he asked.

Paul drew a blank. The concert wouldn't be starting for at least another hour and a half.

"For what?", he asked. The security guard laughed.

"You're supposed to meet a fan", he said. "Some contest winner".

"Right". Paul put down the guitar he'd been tuning.

Last time, there's been the fan that had tried to sneak in the window, and before that, the one with Paul's name tattoed on her arm. And then there was the.......oh, well, let's just say after that one, he'd learned the true maning of the word "obsessed". He'd been wary about opening closet doors for quite a while.

"Fine, send them in", he said.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: I'll be playing the Crazy Obsessed Paul fan! Her name will be........ummm.......
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Richard suggested Pauline.....what if she changed her name to Pauline because she's so obsessed??
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
OOC:good idea Richard!
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Oh dear. Get ready Paul. You know hoe obsessed fans can be", Kiana warned.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: Love that!

IC: Pauline tapped her foot impatiently as she waited to be let in.
Straightening her Paul t-shirt, she tapped her feet. She LOVED Paul.

She'd won the "biggest fan" contest on the radio. Basically, you'd had to prove that you were Pauls bigest fan, and Pauline had won by chaging her name to Pauline, and tatooing "Paul Forever" on her neck.
And now she was finally going to meet PAUL! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!

She screamed quietly in excitement.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC: Kiana hasn't met Paul yet!
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
Brutus queued(OOC:Is that right?) up outside where Paul wold be singing, waiting to be let in.
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Paul's door swung open. And suddenly he was on the ground.
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
"Imperio," whispered Brutus. Suddenly, the bouncer called Brutus to the front of the qeue (OOC:Is it? TELL MEEEE!!! XD Jk lol!) and let him in.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Pauline was led down the hall by the big security guard.

He smiled at her and opened the door. Standing there was Paul. In the flesh.
She hyperventilated, the squealed and ran at him. She accidentally misjudged her strength though, and ended up tackling him to the ground.
over a year ago PaulInDaHood said…
Paul landed on a beanbag. "OOF!", he gasped.

Suddenly, the fan was off him. He looked up.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…

Kate appeared backstage, near Paul's rooms. She turned around to see if anyone was following her as she ducked under a curtain.
Suddenly, she ran smack into someone.

"Owww, WATCH IT, you filthy mud-Oh! Hi Brutus!"

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over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
Brutus swiftly glided down the backstage hallways and then bumped into Kate. "Hello."
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over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate stepped back. "Sorry about that. I thought you else".
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
"Oh it's quite alright," said Brutus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana suddenly appeared. "Gawd. This place is invested but filthy muggles. I haven't seen any wizards here besides us."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
ooc: the dating one was a joke> and my computer and chat are malfunctioning :(
over a year ago Brutus-McMillan said…
OOC:Yeah, I know it's a joke. XD And bummer that your computer and chat are malfunctioning.
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Merri hurried down the corridor and arrived at the door to Paul's dressing room, she took one look at the security guard and smirked,

"Petrificus totalus!" she whispered, pointing her wand at the guard, who froze where he was. She smiled, slipped the keys off his keyring and opened the door.

"Hey Paul, the others are right behind me-" Merri paused, cocking her head slightly at the musician and the squealing girl on top of him. She noticed that tattoo on the girl's neck and smirked,

"Nice touch," she said to the girl before raising her head and addressing Paul,

"As I said, the others will be along shortly, would you like me to wait outside so you two can have some privacy?" she raised an eyebrow,

"I'm afraid your bouncer is out of commission for now..."
over a year ago Merribelle said…
Suddenly, the bouncer broke free of the spell and saw Merri inside the room. He drew his gun and fired three shots at her, staining her white blouse with blood.

Merribelle dropped like a stone, the life already gone from her eyes.
over a year ago Lord-Voldemort said…
Lord Voldemort apparated into the room and cast a quick "Obliviate" over everyone who had seen it happen, then he tracked down everyone who ever knew Merri and did the same.

Finally, he grabbed the body, cleaned up the blood with magic, and disapparated to the House Rivalry Spot to revive her.

OOC: Bye guys.
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
OOC:Lexa said somebody else can be Voldemort. *sigh*
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
This forum is CLOSED At least until I have the chance to talk to a few people. *Cries*
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
^Closed, because we can't continue this with the above Voldemort and Merribelle posts, which have basically wrecked this forum. After the issue is resolved, i'll talk to them about getting rid of them.
over a year ago Kiana-M-McMahon said…
alright then. Because I mean, somebody was killed so...
over a year ago Sarasan said…
OOC: I can ask them to remove them if you want...personally I think it's sort of a work of art, the dramatic death and funny ending, but I can ask!
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
OOC:^I was going to after they came back to DE RP. Basically, I want them to be in this scenario, it started out funny with the Merribelle NOT dying parts, so basically it's closed unless this is resolved and they come back.
I didn't want to say it like that in front of some people though, :)