Death Eater Roleplay Courageous or Coward?

Lenzetta-Lovett posted on May 16, 2011 at 12:39AM
OOC: I got this idea from a fanfic that I read...Basically what it is is like the game truth or dare, I'm sure all of you have at least heard of that game. Anyway, just think of a magical version of that game...Here are ze rules!

1. If you deny a truth or dare, you will not only obviously lose but you will face dire consequences...(Think of the Unbreakable Vow, only you won't die XP)

2. If a "poor unsuspecting soul" just happens to walk in on this game, they are magicly forced to play. For example: Say if Lenzy and Dmi were playing and Kate walked in, no matter if she wanted to play or not she has no choice but to play.

3. In the fanfic I read, they went until they played 5 rounds of this game, but we can go on longer if people are really that interested.

4. This is an example since it is hard to explain: Say Lenzy spins a bottle and it lands on Xander and she asks him a truth question such as...I don't know..."Do you have a thing for another Death Eater?" And he answered with a lie, the bottle wouldn't be able to spin again unless he told the truth (there was a hex or something on the bottle...idk) If you don't get it, I'll explain more in chat or during the RP or something..
5. Just have fun XD
last edited on May 16, 2011 at 12:45AM

Death Eater Roleplay 1754 replies

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over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta paced the gathering room of the Malfoy Manor. An empty bottle lies in her hand as her skirt sways between her legs with every step. Thunder rumbled in the night which just made the scenery more thrilling. She continued her pace, waiting for anyone to pass her by.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry strode into the room, muttering strange things to himself. "AH! Oh! Hello there Lenzetta..." He jumped some when he noticed Lenzetta, becoming curious when he saw the bottle. "Whatcha holdin'?"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta giggled. "Hello Dmi...And the bottle, it's empty, so don't get your hopes up."
She then gave a slight smirk. "Hey Dmi, want to play a game?" she said, throwing the bottle in the air and catching it with her other hand, "It'll be fun."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmi frowned. "Darn.. was hoping it was full.. or half empty at the least." He pondered the thought of a game. "Is it a game of kidnapping muggles and forcing them to go through steps to gain their freedom using horride traps?!" Dmitry laughed and nodded. "Either way, Da! I'll play!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"That would be a fun game!....But no, has nothing to do with muggles really." Lenzetta laughed.

"But, beings that you'll play anyway...Welcome to a game that I like to call 'Courageous or Coward?' Or as the muggles would call it," Lenzetta spat the word Muggle, "Truth or Dare...You've heard of it, have you not?"
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Aaah! That's a really fun game! Truth or Dare!" Dmitry smiled widely. "I've played it before with my sister! I ended up jumping off a cliff into a lake but it was still fun!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Oh...that's nice," Lenzy said with a worried look, "Well you won't have to jump off of any cliffs in this game...hopefully..."

Lenzetta placed the empty bottle on the floor next to the sofa and turned back to Dmitry.

"We won't need to bottle just yet...And I've already hexed it and the we're good to go!"
She said as she sat Indian style on the floor.

"So, truth or dare?" She smirked devilishly waiting for Dmitry to answer.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Hmmm.... Truth.." Dmitry sat across from Lenzetta.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta pondered on a question and started to laugh. "Okay, you can't lie... Do you think Narcissa is attractive?"

Quickly turning around to inspect if anyone else was in the room she tried to hold back a roaring laugh. "I don't know why I asked THAT, but you still have to go with it."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry placed his hand on his chin as if it was going to take some time. "Welll.. that's a hard question.. Of course!! She's hot!" He started laughing some.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta's eyes widened as she laughed. "See that is why you're an amazing person Dmi!" she giggled some more. "Thank goodness Lucius isn't in the room or we'd be screwed!"

She tried to calm her laughter. "Okay your turn to ask me. To answer for you, I say dare."
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry laughed. "It's why the Malfoy's hate me!" He winked. "I dare you to.... Ah I don't know.. Jump on the couch and act like a five year old?"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Ooh Lucius has some competition huh?" Lenzetta winked back. "And act like a five year old? No problem!"

She stood up and walked towards the couch. She stumbled a bit as she stood on the cushion and tried to balance herself. As she started jumping she sang aloud in a childish tone.

"Ring around the rosie! Pocket full of posie! Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down!" At the end of the song she lifted her legs and let herself fall to a sitting position on the couch.

"That was fun!" she said with a laugh. "So what shall you try next Dmi? Truth or dare?"
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry was lying on the floor laughing. "That was GREAT! Okay! I'll go with Dare!"
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta bowed. "Why thank you good sir!" she giggled.
"Dare huh?...Okay! I dare you to skip around the room happily singing songs about how much you love unicorns!"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate was in the kitchen, rifling through the cupboards.
"Where's that chocolate I had in here?!", she muttered.

"If Greyback ate it, I'm going to SERIOUSLY MAIM HIM!!!", she exclaimed, screaming the last three words VERY loudly, so that no one else in the house would be able to miss them.

OOC: Cue hearing screams, :P AND GREAT IDEA! This is gonna be awesomely fun!
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry sighed and raised an eyebrow, "Unicorns? Really? There truly are no songs though but oh well..." He stood and started skipping around, singing something about liking the taste of unicorns. He froze when he heard th screams. "Ehh... Oh?"
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Ari snuck up behind Kate

"Let's HOPE he ate it. Chocolate is poison to DOGS"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate spun around, hand raised to hot whoever it was, until she saw who it was.
She lowered her hand and snickered.
"True, true. Who knows about werewolves though? But hey, if the chocolate doesn't do the job, I will!". She gave Ariesa a hug.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta began to laugh until she heard the screams. "Utoh...Fenrir's in for it now," she said giving a sigh.

"I would really like to see what all the shouting is for but once the game starts, we can't leave the room until the hex breaks...And I have no control of that soo..."

Lenzetta immediately switched the subject. "And good job on that Dmi. Now it's your turn to ask me truth or dare...I'll go with truth to make it simple..."

OOC: Thanks Kate! I wish I could remember where I found the fanfic that inspired this but oh well...It'll be fun though xD
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate opened another cupboard.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGG­GGG­GGG­GGG­GGG­HHH­HHH­HH!­!!!­!&q­uot­;, she screamed at the top of her lungs. The window panes in the kitchen rattled.

She held up a chewed up, slightly slobbery chocolate wrapper.

"WHOEVER ATE THIS IS GOING TO BE SORRY!!!!!", she shrieked, equally loudly. "VERY, VERY SORRY!!!".

OOC: Cue guilty look from someone, :P
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander stood in the doorway of the kitchen, his eyes widening with fear at every word Kate spoke. Not much scared him but when Kate got angry, he'd run for the hills if he had to. Chocolate stained the corner of his lips as he went to inch out of the room which was a fail attempt for he tripped over his untied shoelace.

"Sh*t" he muttered to himself, "Yeah, way to go Kriechen..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate whirled around.

"Oh, Hi Xander", she said in her normal voice.

She extended a hand down to help him up.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander whirled his head around to see Kate. He scooted backwards quickly. "Oh...hi Kate!" he said nervously. "Umm...I'm okay...I can get up myself thanks..."
He swore that he felt his eye twitch from the fear.
He stumbled to his feet nervously. " are you on this fine day?"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate's eyes narrowed.

"You're acting...guilty."
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Guilty? Pshh...what would...what would I be g-guilty of?" Xander gulped. He completely forgot about the chocolate stain on the side of his mouth by now. "Yeah...I just came to look for Dmitry...I haven't seen him lately..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate leaned forward towards Xander and sniffed.

"You've got something on the side of your mouth". She leaned farther forward and licked the chocolate stain.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta sighed. "I wonder if Kate killed Fenrir yet...I think the screaming stopped..." she shrugged.

Turning back to Dmi she spoke again. "Well if you still want to play Vlad, I'll take truth." She smiled.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander shivered. "I'm going to die now...aren't I?" he asked as Kate licked to chocolate from his face. "It's okay...I've lived a decent life...I guess.." he said coolly, expecting to be murdered at any second.
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate rolled her eyes.
"You KNOW I'm against killing, right? And besides, why would I kill you??.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Well you sounded angry and...Wait, you mean that I acted like an idiot out of fear for nothing? Oh cmon!" Xander rolled his eyes. "Dear lord!"

Sighing, he stood up straight. "Change of subject I know, but have you seen Dmi and Zetta? I need to speak with Vlad...I'm avoiding Zetta at all costs though..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate sighed.

"I know it wasn't YOU who ate my chocolate, love. It was obviously Fenrir, I mean, if it was you, you wouldn't have slobbered all over the package, and eaten half the wrapper as least, I HOPE not...."
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"True...I must've just eaten another chocolate bar or something...Well anyway when you go after Fenrir for eating your chocolate, make sure you tell me so that I can watch." Xander snickered.

"Hey can I ask you something? Have you noticed that the doors to the gathering room are closed? They're never closed...or at least from what I've noticed...Odd huh?"
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate smirked.

"You want to get me in a closed room, eh?". She winked jokingly.
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander snickered jokingly. "Oh yes, because you know, that's exactly what I meant," he spoke sarcastically.

"No, I'm just wondered why they are closed in the first place...I mean I've seen them closed once before but that was when Bellatrix was torturing Wormtail...And I can tell she's not in there because I don't hear cackling..."
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
"What makes you think Lenzy and Dmitry are in there anyways?", Kate questioned, hands on hips.
"And why are you so suspicious of one closed door anyways?".
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
*insert deep voice here* ~~Meanwhile in thy gathering room~~
Dmitry bit his lip in thought. "Truth? Dost thou have a thing for thy lad Xander?" He asked with his signature accent. "Don't ask why I would ask that.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
XD "Meanwhile in the gathering room" XD lol

Lenzetta laughed and shook her head. "Come hither child so that I may slapith you," she said chuckling. "But no I don't have a thing for thy lad Xander...And it's okay, I'm actually surprised that no one has asked me that yet."

Lenzetta looked around the room. "So Dmi, what'll it be? Truth or dare?"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
*Holds up time card* ~Meanwhile~

Xander heard muffled laughter coming from another room. "Well that laughter could be them..." He sighed and leaned against the wall.

"And I'm suspicious because the doors are never kept closed...Look, you can stay here but I'm going to investigate!"

Xander started out of the room and turned his head back to Kate. "You can still come though. Cmon, this offer is not going to last for long!...It's going once!" he said taking a few more steps away from the doorway, "....Going twice!..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
Kate rolled her eyes, then ran ahead. Barely pausing, she kicked the door down, sending bits of wood flying everywhere.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry lurched up in attack stance as wood flew. "Cine e acolo?!" He demanded, then he saw who it was. "Ah...E doar tu..." A dark smirk crossed his face. "Glad you came to join us!"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander walked in the gathering room after Kate. "Thank you for waiting!" he said to her sarcastically. He then noticed that Dmi and Zetta were both in the room and smirked at Kate.

"Told you they were in here," he began in a smart mouth tone. "So...Why are you guys in here? And um..Why are the doors closed?" he gave a sly smile.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Were making out.. Whats it look like?!" Dmitry said sarcastically motioning to the area they were in, "we're playing a game that is Truth or Dare and now you two are forced to play. Come! Sit! Let the game continue!" he smiled not nicely but quite deviantly.. Almost demon-like cute kinda thing.?
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
Xander snickered. "Yeah let's hope you two weren't going at it...Do you know how awkward that would be to walk in and see...THAT?"

Xander looked at the couch. "And Truth or Dare huh? Eh well I have nothing better to do, I'll play."

He walked over to the couch and sighed contently. "Butt, meet couch! Couch, meet my rear end," he said plopping down on the couch, "So who's turn is it exactly?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry stared at Xander and raised and eyebrow. "And THAT isn't awkward?? Righty then.. Lenzy was just asking me soo I'll do Truth!"
over a year ago Xander-Kriechen said…
"Hey, I never said this wasn't awkward," Xander said lying back on the couch and staring up at the ceiling.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta glared up at Xander. "You're so strange..." She then looked back at Dmi. "! Who do you like better? Me or Xandy?" she said smirking at Xander's direction. "I think I already know this answer but it doesn't bother me." she laughed.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Hmm.. That's a hard one! You both have the great looks and the awesome personality to go with it..." Dmitry cocked his head to the side in thought. "If I had to be stuck somewhere with one of ya.. Sorry Xander but I'd choose Lenzetta.. she has great eyes." He smiled flirty-like. "AND you have survival skills! Good witch!" He added quickly.
over a year ago Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Aw why thank you Dmi!" she said trying not to blush. "Honestly, I didn't expect that answer but anyway I'm flattered, really."

"Oh! I've almost forgot!" Lenzetta said bringing out the empty bottle once more, "Since there are more people here now, we get to use the bottle! You want to do the honors of spinning the bottle Dmi?" she handed the bottle to Dmitry.
over a year ago DmitryVladimir said…
"Da! Please!" Dmitry's smile grew wider as he spun the bottle, his finger above it and not touching it. "Its almost like Spin the Bottle with this thing.. That's a fun game too!"