Education Juggling part-time work and studies

ims2dent posted on Aug 07, 2018 at 11:47PM
I’ve been struggling with my part-time job and my studies recently. We’re not really well-off to begin with. My college tuition is covered by my academic scholarship. I spend for the rest of my school needs (books, research papers, projects, etc). I don’t want to ask money from my parents since we’re not really financially loaded as I have said. I work for a few hours daily in a foreign marriage agency just filing papers and encoding documents. At first, things were easy to balance but it got so difficult recently. I’ve been juggling books to read and term papers with my job on the side. I don’t know if I should just give up my work completely so I can focus on my education. I really don’t know what to do anymore… I need advice!

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