Fans of PoM Adventure RP

mixmaster15 posted on Aug 14, 2012 at 09:54PM
So, haven't made an RP in a while...thought this would be the time to make one. Besides, I'm bored as heck so...yeah. XD

Rules. Bum bum bummmm...kidding. I'm not gonna be like some kind of strict "do-this-don't-do-that" girl...XD.. These are fairly easy to follow, anyway.

1.) No all caps. SO, NO TYPING LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME. Kinda makes it hard to read (at least for me it does) However there is no limit on the exclamation points (!) You can have as many of those as you want. :)

2.) If a fight brakes out in this RP, the fighter's butts shall be mine...not really. But being serious, don't fight. The consequence will be discussed between me and the fighters. Fair enough?...

3.) ANYONE can join. Heck, if you just post one comment, I'll be happy. The more the merrier. :D

4.) Make this rp as scary, awesome, mysterious, surprising, romantic, sad, etc; as you can! I don't know about you, but I love rp's with some kind of twist. >:D

OH! Almost forgot this! I've heard many people don't rp because they always get behind on what's happening, so I'll try my best to update this forum every now and then by stating what's happened so far. :) I'm hoping this will draw in some more RPers.

Shall we begin? :D

Hannah: Hello everybody. :) *puts on a badge that's labeled "Tour Guide"* I have called all of you here to be the first witnesses for a new invention I've made; and get DIDN'T backfire in any way, shape or form. :D I've dubbed it “The Teleportation Station”. Typing the name of the desired place on this here keyboard will enable anyone and everyone to go anywhere on Earth! I can control where we go from there by using my remote to send the new location coordinates...Now, I understand most of you have many things to do, so I won’t stop ya from leaving now…But if you’re ready to go on an adventure, follow me through the double doors.


Whats' happening so far: Everyone is returning from their sightseeing and Jack has broke a lime stand. XD
last edited on Aug 21, 2012 at 01:04AM

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