Fans of PoM Escape RP

Catherina_PoM posted on Feb 28, 2013 at 10:16AM
Hiiiiii!!! :D :D :D Oh and FYI, this is my first RP, so......... enjoy?? :D

Okay, so me and you guys were kidnapped (or whatever) by some scientist who wanted to do some experimenting on us. So, we have to escape the lab. And then blah blah something happens... blah blah and so on and so forth :P

So I guess let's get started? :D

Fans of PoM 226 replies

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over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *from in a cage* Wait, experiments?! Oh no... Not this. They`ll be all over me for sure if they find out. *looks around*
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: *gets crazy in a cage* Someone help me? I hate cages, I don't like being in cages! Free me from here! I promise, if someone touch me and try to do an experiment on me, there won't be a happy ending (XD) *calms down* We need to make a plan.
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: we should totally pick the lock, like in spy movies. (*_*)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: are you sure that will work Sylvia?
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *outside the cage* How about I just go get the key? *jumps off table and looks around, spots them on a hook above and starts climbing the wall*

(XD Bet ya never see that coming. XD But what will happened I wonder. >:))
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
(Too bad I can't bring Trent in. Oh well.)

Blake: how'd you get out of the cage?
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *stops and sinks her claws into the wall, looks at Blake* Well, um.... I don`t think it`s magic. I think it`s all in my brain.... Or maybe it is magic or a power, ether way. I can shrink myself as small as a fruit fly and as big as a.... Um, not sure how big I can get, but I rather be small. *starts climbing again, talking to self* That`s one reason why I don`t want them to know... *grabs the key, but hears something* Uh oh. *climbs right into a small hole in the ceiling*
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: what's that?
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: *laying on the floor after she had destroyed her cage* Maybe it was me destroying this prison.... But I heard steps. *looks around for a hidding place*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: I'm scared...
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: me too
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
(Who should rp as scientists? :l...)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
(beats me)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
(:P..... Catherina? Anyone else out here...? :l)
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
(I'll do it.)

Scientist: *walks in* hmmm. Which one?
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: (hides in a cupboard and whispers) Don't worry, I and Kait will help you.
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (worried) (scared)
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: *wimpers*
Scientist: *advances towards her*
Sylvia: oh please no, oh please no, oh please no...
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: No! (jupms out of the cupboard towards the scientist but immediately gets hit by a taser)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried) (still scared) (whimpers)
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: (moans on the ground)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(wolf) *jumps on the scientist out of nowhere, pins him down, growling*
over a year ago Catherina_PoM said…
(Ohhhh.... Stupid me XP I forgot to tell you guys, you guys can put your crazy scientist in.. So you can RP two characters, but that depends on you :P Sorry it took a long time for me to respond here, my parents won't let me open on weekdays :P)

Rina: *wakes up in a cage shaped like a hamsterball* What the?? Hey look! I'm like a hamster! :D *ball rolls down from a table* Ow! Okay, that hurt- Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!! A vampire!!! Oh wait, no... That's a cactus :P
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried) (still scared) (still whimpering)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(wolf) *dragged the scientist to the wall and pins him, but hears the door open and sees a lady scientist, but recognized her*
Scientist:(girl) *stares at Kait in shock* Kait?!
Kait:(wolf) *lets the other scientist go and jumps on the girl, pushes her out of the room and the door closed behind*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried) (still scared) (still whimpering)
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
Katherine: (leans against the wall still in pain because of the taser) (stares at Kait) Does the scientist girl know you?
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried) (still scared) (still whimpering)
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: get me outta here! *breaks bars* wow, I didn't even know I could do that.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(Could I join in? :3 If so, I think I might just use Ashley this time, I've never role played with just him. :P)
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
I guess you can...though it is Catherina's RP. *looks at Catherina* over a year ago
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried) (still scared) (still whimpering)
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: *tap dances*
Blake: O_O
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (facepalms) really?
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: *starts moonwalking* what?
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: dancing is not the answer you know
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: okay, fine. *pulls out foam sword, points at scientist* you will die on the blade of Narsil!
Blake: you have got to be kidding me.
Sylvia: *jabs scientist, sword breaks* gah! *pulls out superglue and fixes it* ah-ha! now you will die on the blade of Anduril!

(I'm just gonna sit here and see if anyone gets that. I'm guessing MG did. Anyone else?)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(I think I'm allowed to join, so I guess I will for now. :P)

Ashley: *wakes up in a cage* Woah, what's going on? D:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: I'm killing the scientist with Anduril. *blocks Blake's cage entrance* thou shalt not pass!
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Blake: Sylvia's being stupid.
over a year ago MadagascarGirl said…
big smile
(Yeah, I catch that XD. Btw, 'you shall not pass' - my favorite scene XD)

Katherine: (gets into a fighting position and prepares to attack a scientist) Are you sure you want to kill him Sylvia?
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
I know, I just felt like saying 'thou shalt not pass,' for some reason... over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Wait--your favorite scene is Gandalf falling? Oh. It made me sad. over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Agreed. My dad hates Legolas, though. Don't know why. over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Scientist:(girl) *comes back in, holding Kait who`s a penguin* What`s going on?
Scientist:(male(:P)) *stands beside the girl, glances at Kait and looks at the other penguins*

(Okay, those two are a married couple and are scientist who made Kait, Kait. They both know about Kait and her family. So Kait and the two are keeping it a secret. Shhh. ;) Oh and I don`t know what to name them. :P)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: oh dear
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: (to Blake) Aragorn, I'm in need of assistance.
Blake: *kicks Anduril* SHUT UP!
Sylvia: hey, you broke it again! What do I name it NOW?
Blake: nothing. Get me outta here.
Sylvia: FINE. *breaks bars* :)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (worried)
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
(Hmm, I guess Blake wouldn't be Aragorn, would he, since Sylvia has Anduril. :/ oh well.)

Blake: *climbs out*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still worried)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *watching them and jumps down to the floor* If half of us had gotten out, then maybe help us- *gets hit on the back of the head, falls on the floor in shock*
Scientist:(Not mine. :P) *hits Kait on the back of the head again with a steel bar* Someone help me with this crazy penguin. *about to hit Kait again*
Scientist:(girl) No! Stop! *garbs the steel bar* Don`t hurt her!
Other scientist: *lets the steel bar go and grabs Kait* What`s your problem?! This talking penguin could hurt someone. *sighs* Get the other animals into their cages.... *starts walking out the door with Kait*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (tears came out of my eyes) Kait
over a year ago Sylvia_Puffin said…
Sylvia: *kneels by Kait* Boromir, please don't leave us...
Scientist: *picks up Sylvia*
Sylvia: no! Boromir! Oh, seriously...Kait, wake up!
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (still has tears coming out of my eyes)