Fans of PoM High school RP

Kait_Wolf posted on Apr 06, 2013 at 10:34PM
I`ve looked at the old rps and I didn`t see any school rps, so I guess this will be the first. ;)

So this is an animal high school, so there`s mostly penguins and other animals. It`ll be like school, going to classes, talking to friends, lunch breaks and all those other things. You can rp as a teacher`s pet to a bully if you want. You can make one of your ocs as teachers and other people or you can add them.

Kait:(penguin) *raises flipper* Teacher? Can I beat up this kid?
Teacher: No Kait, he never did a thing. *turns around*
Kait:(penguin) *makes a dirty look at the teacher when she`s not looking*

XD Yeah, like that. You can do lots of things if your bored and you feel like being bad like push people into lockers, push people into garbage bins, pull fire alarms, start food fights and anything you can think of. I got some of the ideas from The Bully. I haven`t played it yet, but it looks fun to fool around. XD

So yeah, anyone can join and you can have up to.... maybe 4 or 5 ocs. Made up teachers and bullies are not included. ;)

(Random evil pic cause it`s my rp. >:) XD)
I`ve looked at the old rps and I didn`t see any school rps, so I guess this will be the first. ;)

Fans of PoM 166 replies

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over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Teacher: *passes out papers* You may now begin your test.
Dusk: *shoots the paper with a gun* *walks out of the classroom* I'm done.
Leo: O_O
Dina: O_O
Teacher: O_O
last edited over a year ago
starslight101 commented…
XD I recognize that scene! Sonic goes to Chaos High School, right? over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
Really? I read it on an article. over a year ago
starslight101 commented…
Oh really? Which article was it? over a year ago
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (starts the test)
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: *starts the test*
Leo: *stares at the test* Uh....
Spike: *starts the test* I hate math. *bangs on desk*
Dina: Done!
Leo: WHAT???!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…

Kait:(penguin) *looks at paper, reading it*
Lech:(penguin) *stares at paper and whisper* I hate this...
Beast:(penguin) *shakes head, reads and starts writing*
over a year ago starslight101 said…
(Italics are thoughts for me, kk?)
Madi: Frick! Math test? I'm so going to fail! *eraser hits head, turns to right*
Derek: *laughs* *whisper, mocking* Good luck with that test! *piece of crumpled paper hits him*
Cam: *snickers*

(My OC sucks at math, and so do I)
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Teacher: You three! GET BACK TO YOUR TEST!!!
Spike: *sigh* I hate math..... *raises hand* Teacher, can I be excused to die?
Leo: *stares at test* ....................
Dina: I got an A+!
Spike: SHUT UP!!!!
Dina: *whispers* Sorry!
Leo: *still staring at test* How did I just start Question One when there are 30 FREAKIN QUESTIONS!!!!
Leo: *rolls eyes*
Teacher: TWO DETENTIONS!!!!!
Leo: I hate this school......
Dina: I hate this teacher.....
SpikeI hate not being able to commit suicide.
Dusk: *hiding in bathroom* I hate everything.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Lech:(penguin) *whispers* Maybe that`s what I should do....
Kait:(penguin) *stopped breathing and lays head on table, not moving*
Beast:(penguin) *looks at Kait* Teacher, Kait killed herself again. *looks at her paper* But she finished her test though....
Teacher: What?! O_o
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Madi: *runs to Kait's desk*
Derek: *trips her*
Madi: Shavlarn! (Translation: Damn it!) Who did that?
Derek: You talking to me?
Madi: Screw you. *gets up* Kait! Are you ok?
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Lech:(penguin) She`s fine. It`s just like sleeping, but hard to wake her up....
Beast:(penguin) *just stares speechlessly*
Kait:(penguin) *opens one eye* Keep it down, will ya? *closes eye again*
Lech:(penguin) See?
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: Phew! That's a relief.
Leo: I'm on Question Three....
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Teacher: Spike, that's automatically THREE DETEN-
*bell rings*
Spike: Saved by the bell.
Dina: Lunch break. *walks into hallway*
Leo: Finally. *follows Dina*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
*Leo walks up to Dina*
Leo: Hey sis.
Dina: Hey..... *gets stuff out of locker*
Leo: I can't believe I have 4 detentions in a row.
Dina: Why don't you just break out of detention?
Leo: Good plan. But I just might need your help.
Dina: *sigh* Fine. But if I get in trouble, I-
Leo: Yeah whatever let's just go to the lunchroom.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *in a lunch room, eating a sandwich with her two brothers*
Lech:(penguin) *slowly chews on a carrot, looks at Beast* Gonna eat?
Beast:(penguin) I`m not hungry....
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (finishes all 30 questions on the test) done (gives the test to the teacher)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (as a cat and runs in on all fours) sorry I'm late. I had trouble finding the class
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: well it's a good thing you showed up I'm done with the test
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
big smile
Monique: what kind of test is it?
Teacher: this is a math test.
Monique: well, that's good. (Gets the sheet of paper and works on test)
5 minutes later
Monique: done. (Turns test in)
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Time: 11:34
Location: Madi's locker

Madi: *opens locker and takes out iPod*
???: Pretty sure that's not for science.
Madi: *turns around* Cam! Hey! *trys to lean back against locker, misses, falls to ground*
Cam: Are you ok? *holds hand out*
Madi: Yes! Just acting stupid right now. *grabs hand*
Cam: Lunch is starting now. Are you hungry?
Madi: Yes, I am, actually.
Cam: *smiles* Meet you there then! *kisses her on cheek* *goes to cafeteria*
Madi: Damn high school crushes! I'm such an idiot!
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: well who knows maybe you'll have luck
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Madi: *sighs* Doubt it.
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (gets to locker And pulls out iPod, lunch, and notebook) (uncertain of what's going on) (hums "hidden away" on way to lunch room)
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (pulls out lunch and book) (heads over to the lunch room)
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (opens lunch) now who on this team are we gonna eat first?
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(High school Rp eh? Sounds like fun. :D)

Emma: *walks into the lunch room with Ash and looks around* Can you see anyone we know?
Ashley: *stands on tiptoes* I can't see over the taller people. DX
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (sees Emma, but doesn't want to yell out)
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Leo: So, this is th- *looks across table* DUSK??!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
Dusk: I go to this school....
Leo: Why are you sitting right across from me?
Dusk: Eh, free country. Am I bothering you?
Leo: Yes!
Dusk: Well, you'll have to deal with it.
Leo: *whispers to Dina* What is with that guy?
Dina: I don't know, but I think I see Emma.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(Hmm, I'm thinking about bringing another of my Ocs in.. In fact, I will, I'll use Ryan, I haven't used him in RP's before. :P )

Emma: *To Ash* You're right, there's tall people everywhere. DX *looks up* Oh hey Ryan. :D
Ryan: Hey Em, how'd you find the maths test?
Emma: Pretty easy. Hey can you use your height and see if anyone we know is in here?
Ryan: Sure. *looks around* I can see Monique, Kait and her brothers, and Leo and Dina. They're all sitting kinda in the same area.
Emma: Oh I can see them now. :D C'mon you two. *walks towards everyone else*
Ashley: Why is it always so crowded in here? *squeezes past some other kids*

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (sees Emma, Ryan, and Ashley coming) (thinking) should my insanity come along or shouldn't it?
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (sees Emma, Ryan, and Ashley coming too)
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Madi: *walks into cafeteria doors*
???: Boo!
Madi: *shrieks* Who was that?
Cam: Just me. Don't worry.
Madi: Phew *looks around* Shavlarn! It sucks being short!
Cam: *looks* I see everyone at one table. You want to go to that one?
Madi: *shrugs* Why not? *goes to table*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (sees Madi and Cam coming)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: *sits down* Hey guys. :D *gets out lunch and starts eating* :3
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (tries holding insanity in) hey Emma. How did you feel about that math test? (Can't hold it in anymore) I'VE NEVER SEEN THE SHOW 2 BROKE GIRLS!! (Covers mouth) sorry.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Ryan: O.O
Emma: *smacks him* Stop looking weirded out. *To Monique* First, I've never seen that show as well. :P Secondly I found the maths test pretty easy. :D
Ashley: It was about medium for me. :3 *eating chocolate*
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: Hey guys. :D
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) Oh hey! I`ll be back, but with something awesome! *goes out of lunch room*
Lech:(penguin) *looks confused* What?
Beast:(penguin) *shrugs and steals Lech`s bag of carrots* >:)
Lech:(penguin) Hey. >:(
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: amen, Emma. (High fives Emma) not to brag, but they didn't call me the human calculator in elementary school for nothing
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Madi: I only watched a couple of episodes of 2 Broke Girls. Besides, there are a lot better shows on CBS like Big Bang Theory.
Cam: Wait. You were called a human calculator? Lucky.
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: what? I'm good at math
over a year ago starslight101 said…
Madi: I'm terrible at it.
Cam: I'm ok at it.
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: I'm good at it.
Leo: I HATE it.
Dusk: *drinks beer*
Leo: What the fudge??!!! You're too young to drink beer.
Dusk: *shrugs* Do you think I care?
Leo: *faceflipper*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (insanity urge comes along again) (stands up and faces a wall) to the person who brought a ventriloquist puppet as a date, YOU TELL THAT PUPPET TO KEEP HIS DIRTY MOUTH SHUT! TEACH HIM SOME MANNERS OR I'LL HAVE HIM EXPELLED!!
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: What???
Dusk: Nice friends ya got over there.
Leo: GRRRRRR.......Dina, we have to talk.
Dina: What?
Leo: *grabs Dina and pulls her into the hallway*
(in the hallway)
Dina: I'm gonna miss Kait's surprise!!!!
Leo: Doesn't matter. Look, I need to tell you the plan.
Dina: *sigh* Okay. What's your idea?
Leo: First, I am going to wait for the teacher to stop paying attention. Then, I'll cough four times. That's the signal. You open go into the air vent and make your way into the classroom. I'll sit in the desk next to it. Then, you silently open the door. We go inside, close the door, then we're out.
Dina: So, why do you need my help?
Leo: For encouragement.
Dina: *sigh*
Spike: Hello.
Leo: Hey. Why weren't you in the lunch room?
Spike: I didn't feel like going into there.
Leo: *shrugs*
Dina: Hey Spike. Were you listening?
Spike: Unfortunately, yes.
Dina: Then you're coming with us.
Spike: What?
Leo: Yeah you're coming too.
Spike: Whatever. You'll need me anyway.
Leo: *rolls eyes*
(in the lunch room)
Dusk: *eats sandwich*
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: *to dusk* you're basically the king of sarcasm, aren't you?
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: *to Monique* XD He probably is. *casually eating food and listening to music* What lesson's next?
Ryan: Geography I think. *eating food and taping the table with pencils, like drumsticks* :3
Emma: Yay! :D
Ashley: We haven't got a test have we? D:
Emma: I don't think so Ash. :3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
(O_o I`ve waiting too long. >.<)

Kait:(penguin) *rides a fire exstenasher, being shot in the air in the lunch room* I got need for speed! *head smash a wall* Ow...
Lech/Beast:(penguin) *both burst out laughing*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Me: (starts eating)
over a year ago E-Scope90 said…
Dina: What the-
Dusk: *bursts out laughing*
Leo: O.o ok?
over a year ago XxRicoRocksxX said…
Vic: *Waddles through hallway and drops books everywhere* Screw High School *Ditches* c: (I'm sorry xD)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: *giggles at Kait* That was so awesome. XD
Ashley: *waddles over to her* Are you alright lass?