Fans of PoM Wall

Displaying wall entries 21-30 of 2022

Kait_Wolf said …
For those who had been reading 'Kait`s journey as a ghost', should I remake them? I went back and I see how hard it is to keep track of who`s talking. And who`s been waiting for the newest chapter? I know Em is, but what about everyone else? Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Nah its fine the way it is :) I can't wait for the new chapter :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
me too XD over a year ago
Gumball17 said …
Hey, just thought Id say that I was on Fanpop FAIL! someone said that Razor is back. D: I dont know if he'll come back here, but sadly he is back on Fanpop. :( Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
>:O I`ve seen him, but I`ve didn`t talk to him.... I`m ready to mess his mind up. >:) over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Uh, who is Razor? ;A; over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Okay, in the case that he starts attacking any of you guys: do NOT get mad at him. That's what trolls want. I know most of you probably won't listen; no one does, but I did what I could. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Haven't. Posted. Pictures. Gah ._. Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I know how you feel.... I still have lots of unfinished pics, that I don`t know if I should finish them... over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Artist's block -.- i have it too over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^I didn't even know there was a such thing as artist's block...if it's like Writer's Block, it might go away if you just start painting/drawing. :) over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
Why do I feel hated... Both in RL and Online ._. Is that true? ._____________. Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
No!!! D: No one hates you! D: *hugs* :) over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
^^ Well I do want to be a rockstar for once, or are you saying a figure of speech? Hehe, no really, I didn't fully understand that, but I think I can understand... And yes, I do tend to act crazy infront of my friends, and well, thank God they're just slightly as crazy as me :3 ^ Ahhhhh... Can't. Breathe. And I. Love You. Too XD over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
Well I wouldn't say nobody hates you, but I don't. over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
Hey guys, i go a competition comin up.WISH ME LUCK!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
Good luck, Yellow!!! :D ;3 over a year ago
Good luck! :D over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Good luck! :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
I wanna say something about here and rl.... Say I`m an older man, looking for young girls. I wouldn`t be rping, posting pics and typing stories. I would do loads of talking to one or two people. Doesn`t THAT proves that I`m a normal fan girl? Well, I did chat with one or two people. But only to comfort them and let them know that they`re not alone. Plus, it`s no use to ask to meet up somewhere cause most of you are in US and I`m up in Canada... I`m not trying to force you all to believe me... Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I just thought that those are the hints to look for. I got this idea when I was watching youtube... So yeah.... Be safe. :) over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I have a feeling that this is a bad idea, don`t know why.... over a year ago
Rainshadow999 commented…
I really am a 13 year old girl that has nothing to do but talk to fanguins. Besides, I can't make school problems up, it's hard for me to lie about school… over a year ago
mostar1219 said …
Anyone know a way for our OCs to take part in the Harlem Shake? Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I have no idea.... One reason why I replied is so that you don`t feel like your ignored, just saying. :) over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Animation? HAAAAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! over a year ago
DrBlowhole said …
Happy three year anniversary of Dr.Blowhole's Revenge. Posted over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
Well, it isn't very happy for me. My girlfriend is depressed. over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
Why? What happened? over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Please ask her to tell an trusted adult about that IMMEDIATELY. She can get help for that, and needs it as soon as possible. over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
Happy Val's Day XD Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
Happy Valentines day everybody! I love y'all! :3 Posted over a year ago
big smile
MadagascarGirl said …
Happy Valentine's day everybody! :D Posted over a year ago
Imogen00 said …
Valentine's day guys :3 <3 Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Gave my secret crush something today XD over a year ago
RTE33 said …
Rusty: Does Anyone Wanna Buy My Shirt?... I'll Trade you my Shirt for a Grilled Cheese. Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Dylan: *hands you a grilled cheese sandwich* :3 over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
we got ourselves a "Family Guy" fan. lol over a year ago
silversrider said …
Hello! I joined.
Looks like a very nice (and very alive:D) club :D Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Hi Silver and welcome. :) over a year ago
silversrider commented…
Hi, thanks :) over a year ago
big smile
Hello peoples. :D I've started writing a new fanfic, based on a RP on here, and I've just posted the first chapter, if anyone is interested in reading it. :D Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Link me plz? :D i would love to read it over a year ago
^ linkHere you go. :P over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^thanks :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
I forget sometimes that most of us are in different time-zones... It's 18:12 here in England. What time is it where you are? Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
13:47/1:47 over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
8:56pm over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
6:19 over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
How is everyone today then? :3 Posted over a year ago
I'm good, I've got a week off school. :D :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I`m on the weekend, so I`m good. :) over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 commented…
Mardi Gras break. i caught a plastic swrod yesterday! over a year ago
big smile
Tressa-pom said …
Hi! :3 Is there a anyone who still remember me? :D Posted over a year ago
JessyParrot commented…
Hi sis! Sure!!! :P We all remember you :D over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
I remember! I never knew you that well, but I remember you. over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Oh, thanks so much iguys! *hugs* I just want to say something. My school starts tomorrow. I will try to visit fanpop often but... See you later! Thanks for being such an awesome friend! I wish I had more time to talk with you. ^^ over a year ago
Colonelpenguin said …
Yay, I have been here for 2 years now! Woot party time! *sorry for not being on really, the second half of my school year is usually the busiest, so I will be on and off.* Posted over a year ago
Sharpey_Penguin commented…
Awesome! 2 years is quite a long time. :P over a year ago
JessyParrot commented…
Congrats Kaitlyn! :D *throws confetti and dances* I hope you'll be on more often :3 over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Congrats!!! :DDDD over a year ago
sonamy12278910 commented…
That's a long time. Congratulations! over a year ago
big smile
Kait_Wolf said …
I have an ideeeeeeaaaaaaa! XD But one question: Does Kait look like a boy? Be awesome and say yes. XD JK. But I really wanna know. :3 Posted over a year ago
MadagascarGirl commented…
Hm, I don't think so (because your icon is so cute!), but in some ways maybe a little. I wonder what's your idea! :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I just had the sexy boyish idea, but it won`t be very sexy. XP But it will take forever cause I didn`t start drawing. DX over a year ago
starslight101 commented…
It's 1 of those both gender names over a year ago
big smile
Gumball17 said …
I'm back for a day so if you wanna talk do it quick :P So how is everyone?!? :DD Posted over a year ago
Yay! :D *hugs* :') :'3 :') Well, I'm better now. :D :') :'3 over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Hey! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Hi Dylan! :D I`m a lot better than weeks or a month ago. ^^ over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said …
So...I had the best idea on the bus. (My thinking chair is the third seat on the left side, closest to the window on bus 427! ^^) Anyway...I had the weirdest idea. And you're thinking, "how is it weird? Is it like *says a bunch of random stuff*" No. It's...Cute....but...Not cute.

Penguins of Hetalia. A crossover between my two favorite shows. And if you think that's bad? Listen to this:

Me: *sitting on bus* I think Flying Mint Bunny and Private would make a cute couple. .3. Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
So...If anyone has any OCs they wish to have me insert...Ask away. I'll put them in there. And, if I were you I would start watching Hetalia: Axis Powers or else you won't get most of it. I explain it to my dad and he's like, "Why the fuck is their names America or Germany or shit like that?" ._. I don't want to explain it to anyone else. over a year ago
TheRatKing1 commented…
i already did a pom hetalia crossover fic with my cousin..... but i like yours way better. our was full of slash over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
So, Dylan wanted me to tell you guys he won't be online or texting coz he's getting his phone taken away, and I'll tell you when he's back? .-. Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Aw! :( over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
Was it because his my caught him doing the thing again? over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
He told me to in the middle of the RP we were having over texting. ;_; over a year ago
big smile
_Lexii23_ said …
The party's starting on the How to Be a Lemur fan club! Hope everyone can make it! :D Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
Have you ever watched an advert and thought, 'What a load of..." I think I'll discontinue that sentence... Posted over a year ago
Yup. XD Nearly all of the time. X3 Unless it's a Pom advert. :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Of course not PoM, although I don't see any... I don't get Nick :( over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Except during the Super Bowl XD over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Yes. Just Yes. XD over a year ago
big smile
_Lexii23_ said …
Hey everybody! :D get ready to party like a true lemur! Tomorrow starting at 5:00p.m. New York time King Julien and I will be hosting an awesome lemur partyon the forum pages. Bring your favorite music and anything else a lemur might need at a party! I hope to see y'all there!

~Lexii Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
It's on the How To Be a Lemur fan club :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Can anyone join? :o over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^alright thanks! :D over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Ever get that time when you watch a movie from your childhood, and suddenly realize everything now that your older? ._. Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
I just watched lady and the tramp a week ago so yeah. over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
yeaup. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
Lilo & Stitch over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
i get the feeling where i dream about a show i haven't seen in a long time and just want to see it again to get it out of the way over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said …
This place is alot more lively than it used to be...Hey guys. Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Hello :) over a year ago
Hey. :D over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
Guten tag. ^^ over a year ago
Btw for those of you who knew, the contest I made on my club has finished now, and my family have judged the pictures you guys have drawn, and I'm gonna announce the winner on there now. :D Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Oh! :O I forgot about that. *goes* XD over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
YAYZIEZ im goin there now. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
That. That. That. That. That time when you really like/love someone, and have strong ass feelings for them, and they leave or hardly ever talk to you /.\ Me: Welp, time to throw myself off a cliff. Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
no, kill that person with a glass cup. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
I'm not killing my girlfriend with a glass cup ._. over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
okai ._. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Maybe one day, everyone will be so mad at me, that they will never want to see my face in the Fans of POM club ever again ._. Wouldn't surprise me... Maybe I'd be banned from EVERY POM CLUB EVER MADE. Posted over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
I wouldn't be surprised if people never wanted to see my face in this club... over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
At 8 years old? I don't mean to be nasty but I highly doubt it... over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^^tell whatever sicko did that to you to go to hell. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I am. Forever alone, forever hated, forever unwanted, forever unloved, forever don't know what the hell love is, forever unfriended, forever everything that's bad /.\ Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
No you aren't :( I love you and you're still my friend :) over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I'm thinking about scarring everyone, and posting random ass pictures on here of stuff that would scarr everyone, since everyone hates me already .-. Eh it's not like I have anything to lose... Yay for people hating Victoria. Posted over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
NO ONE HATES YOU! over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
I love being hated. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
We don't hate you! D: you're awesome! over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
Just out of curiosity, you don't have to answer if you're thinking 'ooh, bit personal' but, how old is everyone? I just wanna know because I feel really old compared to others who are like, 13 etc. I'm 17 by the way Posted over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
15 ._. over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Lol, at least now I know I'm not too old over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
14 in a few months! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
I just realize that my hamster, Cocoa has died unsuspectingly. :,( It was close to 2 years, but it seems so young.... The weird part, not really cute, had died in his food bowl. It was a weird, but sad to see him there. Plus, his back legs were stretched out like they were stuck, but there not. Lets just hope he just fell asleep painlessly and rest in peace. :,( Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
why did he die? over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I think he died of old age, but like I said, he was in his food bowl with his legs stretched out. I was thinking of taking a closer look and see if he did died of old age..... It just looks like he broke his spine, but my dad says that it`s just his fur.... over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Chocked? I never thought of that, but his food can`t be that big..... over a year ago
Skiparah said …
Guys, I'm new to Oc's. Wanna open a few doors and show me around? :D Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
well, i would. but i suck at doing it you might not understand ^_^" over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Well, everyone is welcome. You can participate in Roleplays, take requests to draw others OC's or request someone to draw yours. Write a story, start a poll... You're welcome to do pretty much anything here, just as long as you don't upset anyone that is lol. over a year ago
Skiparah commented…
Cool. :3 What does Sgtskipper mean by 'upsetting anyone'? Just curious. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I. Suck. Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
No. over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
No! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
What Yellow said. over a year ago
big smile
Hey guys, I was just on the fanpop club on here, and apparently there's a new medal you can get after the 'highest' fanatic one now. :D I wonder who will be the first to get it on here? :3 Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
i can confirm that it won't be me XD over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
That's cool! :D do you know what it's called and what color it is? I hope it's blue :D over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
^Its the True Fan medal and its orange :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
I'll never get it then :) over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin said …
Hey, fellow fanguins. I just wanted to let you guys know that if I'm acting really grumpy or sad or anything, it's not because of you; a good Fanpop friend of mine deleted her account. Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Who was she? Sorry she's gone :( over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Thanks, Lexii. MissCarolyn143, that's her username. I just called her Lynn. But thanks. :) over a year ago
big smile
Rainbow_Cookie said …
I haven't been on here in so long it's killing me! Hey guys! >< I've been busy doing RPs on Deviantart, Fanfiction, and Roblox I kind of forgot about Fanpop. ^^' If you don't know who I am, I am Rhayne Kelson, owner of the OC's Mya the Penguin, West Berlin/Savanna Beilschmidt, and East Berlin/Emma Beilschmidt. So...hope to be to on here more often! Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Hi!!!!! We missed you! :D over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I'm sorry people, but I don't sugarcoat anything. Whatever I think, I sorta' say. I don't hold back on what the outcome could be. Idk but my thoughts that I speak can lead to everyone hating me/reporting me/un-fanning me/never wanting to see my guts again. But when I see something I don't like, I say it. Like I said, I don't sugarcoat anything. I think it's pretty good to speak your mind so the thoughts don't get all bunched up but hey- that's me Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
It's alright. Not everyone is into the idea of love. Imagine this, say there are a lot of thoughts you like and within that group, there's this one that they all hate and since you don't know when to get rid of it or how, you kinda keep it around to hate its guts (Dane Cook reference). over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Neither do i sometimes over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Hello once again Fanpop, I'm here to say one of my problems. You know, I don't sugarcoat anything so I'ma get to the point. Do you find it wrong when I see someone say "I love you <3" to someone, it makes me wanna puke? I mean, I think I'm sick of love to the point that it just makes me want to throw up my organs, and insides. I don't get it, so I guess love to me is nothing but my organs in a trashcan, since I can't stand seeing that. And you all probably hate me now ._. Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
well, i don't :3 i feel almost the same way over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
I don't hate you. People are who they are; there's no changing that. If people are gonna hate you for that, they're the ones we should be hating on. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
I found out the weird way .-. over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …

Hey ya'll, Chapt 2 is coming out late cuz im drawing an awsomesauce picture for it WITH background which i have never done before(i never do backgrounds). And i might be having a writers block O^O

One more thing, if you read my fanfics, please comment! anything at all to just let me know you read it :DDDDDDDD

okai Bai
~Yellow Posted over a year ago
The picture sounds cool. :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^yay thanks XD over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Yay! More stories and picture!!! :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^ :DDDDDDDDDDD over a year ago
DrBlowhole said …
I felt like doing an update on my life, lets see. I got into Simcity beta meaning I get to play it for a weekend even though it won't be out ill march, but it isn't the full game and it lags on my computer. I found a great game called to the moon and I really want it. I have been thinking about Sammi a lot and how I miss her. I am also creating a few new ocs for the heck of it. Also is it just me or does this club and fanpop all together feel more dead then it did in say May? Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
Who knows what is going on. Well, at least you put up an update, almost like Seth Meyers. Lol over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
ah to the moon is awsome! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin said …
Does anyone know where I can find a pic of Yellow Crimson's OC? She wanted me to draw her:P Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
linkHere you go :P over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^ah the old days XD over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
It was the best quality :P over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Thanks! I'll paint it sometime today. over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
Anyone know how to get a medal? X3 Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Contribute, contribute, contribute. You give as much to the club as you friggin' can, and people fan and favorite your stuff, and eventually you'll get a medal! It takes a while, though. I got my three whole months after I set up an account. over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^oh thanks! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
No problemo! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin said …
Hey, y'all! What's up? I feel random. WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! Haha! Oh, I was gonna say something...oh yea, who are y'all's OCs? I like knowing peoples' OCs. Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Yea, I am insane. I'm psychic! In training, actually. Whatever. I will talk to dead people...:D over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Hey! :D My main OCs are Tressa ,Smarty(I LOVE YOU SMARTY!) and Blood! (Blood: A red parrot) I have 20 OCs :3 over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^Cool. XP over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
link <----Read the First Chapter of my surprise fanfic! oh and if you want to be part of this fanfic, link down in the comments :DDDDDDD Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
link over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
Hi Everyone! XD Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Hi..... :) over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^HIIIII XD over a year ago
have64 said …
Hey everyone! I know I haven't been on here for-like-ever mostly because I forgot about this place. So anyway, I bet most of you have VERY short attention spans like I do so yeah, I'm back. And post random OC related crud. >.> Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Welcome back!! :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
welcome backe, Have! i just came back too :3 over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^oh lawl XD over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Yo Fanpop, Victoria here. This is a non-judgemental site, right? I meant as in bi's or gays? (Not saying I am <_<) But lemme' ask you something. If you a guy flirting with another guy, there's nothing wrong with it right? I mean- if you guys are homophobes then why are you reading this ._. Anyways... Y'all don't see anything wrong with it, right? So we shouldn't be judgemental, right? *Draws rainbow on wall* <w> Posted over a year ago
WhiteHunter582 commented…
I totally agree with you. I'm not gay, but my brother is and he used to get picked on A LOT when he was in primary school _because_ he's gay. And like- at the end of the day it's not like homosexuals and lesbians, asexuals, etc are different people, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. You right.. over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^So you're pansexual? over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
XD dead people. I didn't think anyone liked them! :D over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
<_< >_> I AM NOT A RUSSIAN SPY! *Flails* Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
*puts a rainbow sticker on your hat* :3 over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
then, you shall be a NEW YORK SPY OR SMTN over a year ago
*sighs* Y'know it's strange, it's Saturday, there's lots of snow on the ground over here, I've just finished drawing a pretty cool picture, and I've got lots of awesome food, yet for reasons unknown to me, I feel really sad. :( It feels like something's been missing from today, I don't know, I kinda feel lonely too.. :( Posted over a year ago
MadagascarGirl commented…
Aw, why? You know, my friend often have the day like yours but talking with friends always helps her. :) over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
pretty weird over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^yayziez XD over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
Hi Fanguins! please add me and please request me to draw stuff! im bored XD Ah and also, it would be much apreciated if you comment/give me advice on my pics! i want to improve my skills so yeah .

FREE COOKIEZ FOR EVERYONE!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
MadagascarGirl commented…
I like your drawings :), which program do you use? If you're bored, can you draw my OC? :D over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 commented…
can you draw my OC? over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^okay! XD over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Am I the only one who`s sick? Me and my family had that flu a few weeks ago and this week on Wednesday, I got sick again. -_- *slightly shivers* And I think my dreams are telling me something... O.o

Peter(from Family guy) kills dog and I tried to kill him with a rocket launcher. X)(I like that one.) Kowalski talking to someone... Another one that he saw me type angry and tells me to go on a T-train. :l Then a game called wolfquest....

Is this all cause I don`t like myself? Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Or the world`s mad at me? I`m confused.... Are they just normal dreams or are they really telling me something...? The wolfquest was a little mixed up, there`s wolves trying to kill me, then I tried to kill a small elk calf.... I think I died cause of the bull elk... over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Or no, it was not that simple.... A lot of animals are just everywhere instead of in groups.... But the elk herd was. over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Yes, that fat Peter was.... I didn`t try to kill him for fun, I was very mad at him for cooking a dog. It`s too bad that I kept missing, so close. X( over a year ago
Imogen00 said …
Right, how should I make this work... As most of you know I'm making 3 comics. I'm working on one of them right now and i want to share the pages with you guys. Should i just upload each of them, make posts for them or aren't you guys interestes? Just to let me know :) Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
I'm interested :D I really love your art :) over a year ago
Imogen00 commented…
Thanks Lexii :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
I'm walkin on sunshine, wuh oh, I'm walkin on sunshine wuh-uh oh and don't it feel good! Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
lol, you like that song, too? over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Woo!!! :D over a year ago
Hey guys, what just happened to the best contributors list, two of the names have disappeared. :/ Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Sammi and Lilly's accounts are deleted and Fanpop finally caught on :P over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
yeah. bummer over a year ago
DrBlowhole said …
I was working today and I almost started crying. I love all my friends here and I could never live without Kowalskina, but I just started thinking about Sammi and how much I miss her. I don't know where she went and what happened to her, she is gone from all her sites and her name isn't anywhere on the web, I really miss her and I just want to say I am sorry. If anyone knows where she is, or what happened to her please tell me, even if she hates my guts I want to tell her goodbye. Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
Yeah i don't know bout that but i feel sorry for ya :( over a year ago
TheRatKing1 commented…
who's Sammi? over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
I miss her too :( over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said …
Hiya guys. I made a new story called POMoni, based off the games Ao Oni and HetaOni.

Here is the link: link Posted over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
I feels like everybody ish ignoring meh ;A; Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Why do you feel like that? over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
I no ignore! I reply! over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
^alright XD over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
*sneezes* 'scuse me ;-; Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Bless you. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Bless you! over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
THANK YOU! *Wipes beak, and waddles away* over a year ago
Gumball17 said …
...Now Lexii has the flu :'( Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Yup... I have a 103°F fever.... Ugh.... :P over a year ago
WillyThePenguin commented…
I have that. But who cares that I do. over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^For the record, I care. over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
Does anyone know where CuteCuddly went? I know I've been gone a long time but I checked just now and her account has gone... Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
She's been gone for months :( over a year ago
Yeah, I wonder where she went? :'( I miss her. D: over a year ago
MadagascarGirl commented…
I know that she's ok because she's still active on :D over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I made the penguin Hq on Minecraft ._. #Accomplishment Posted over a year ago
DrBlowhole commented…
AWESOME! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Cool! I never thought of that. :) over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
*derp* it was worth it :3 over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
That's so cool! :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Oh my gosh! I have another idea about mindcraft, but I was drawing the title for my story..... AH!!! Please help! I don`t really know what to start and finish with.... Help me in the polls please. <:) Posted over a year ago
Patrick-Star54 said …
Can You Draw Me As A Penguin? Posted over a year ago
stellamusa101 commented…
Yup. over a year ago
Patrick-Star54 commented…
SoooOOOooo? over a year ago
stellamusa101 commented…
I'm trying to draw. :)) over a year ago
big smile
Kait_Wolf said …
:O!!! Em! Your in 5th place in best contibutors! :D Good job! Posted over a year ago
I know right. :D Thanks Kait!! *Happy dance* over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
anyone want a request? im super BORED TT^TT Posted over a year ago
Yes please. :D Would you be able to draw my other Oc, Ashley? :3 No one else has drawn him yet. Btw there's a picture of him on this club, and Emma's club somewhere. :3 over a year ago
Gumball17 said …
Vic has the flu D: Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
): Hope she gets better. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Tell her I hope she feels better soon! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Yea. Sometimes life is hard. That's one of the reasons I love writing; you can make the character's lives harder than yours. over a year ago
Lt_Kowalski said …
So I never really been around on this club.. Is it just like the other main club? Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Not really. You put OCs here, mostly. over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Yes, like what Sylvia said..... But it`s also a good place to be if your new to fanpop, lots of friendly fans. :) over a year ago
Lt_Kowalski commented…
I've been on Fanpop since 2010. I feel old.. I've never bothered to snoop around as much.. I am earning a medal on another club.. Heh.. I will check this one out.. over a year ago
big smile
Ooh, I've just noticed I'm on the best contributors list now! :D * Victory dance* :3 Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
:DDDDDDDDD Yay you! *dances with* :') :'3 :'3 :') :'3 :'3 :'3 over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Awesome! Cool. over a year ago
Thanks everyone! :D ^Why's it terrifying you? :3 over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin said …
Anybody here like the Hunger Games? Go to the link below!

link Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Wait, don't go to that link. I changed the name, now it's: OCs in Hunger Games! or something. over a year ago
Don't worry, the link still works, I just tried it. :D over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
link over a year ago
big smile
Hey guys, I've made a little contest on my club (with props to be won. :D) if people are interested in joining in. :3 And also, if you come first, I'll draw a picture of your choice, and you'll get props. :D (I made this because I was bored. XD) Anyway, here's the link, more details are found on this forum. :D link Posted over a year ago
Btw, everyone who participates gets 5 props. :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I guess I`ll give it a try. :) over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
I guess I'll try.. I'm bored already XD over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
(Random rp cause my bored. :P)

Caitlin: Hello Kait.... *looking down at Kait, has hands behind back* >:)
Kait:(penguin) *looks up at Caitlin* Um.... Hi..? *takes a step back*
Caitlin: Haven`t used your boomwack for a while, huh...?
Kait:(penguin) Yeah..... Sometimes I don`t even feel my belt on my hips...... I`ve been wearing it for more than a year now.
Caitlin: *slowly pulls out her boomwack, stares at it*........ Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Caitlin: *looks into Kait`s eyes, glaring* Kait:(penguin) Oh, I see..... *pulls out her boomwack and turns to human* Just don`t break my bones, my dad gets a little sick of fix- *gets hit on the head* Caitlin: Soft enough for you? >:) *gets hit harder on the head* Kait:(penguin) Is that hard enough? >:) *blocks Caitlin from hitting her head again* over a year ago
Hiding 86 comments…
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
^you made a forum? I'll check it out. over a year ago
Rainshadow999 commented…
Rainshadow: *walks in* What's going on?! Seriously, everyone's fighting on Fanpop! Kowalski: I still have no idea what you're talking about but MY EXPERIMENT!!! Rainshadow: *stares at it* I am deeply offended that you care more about your experiment that me. over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 said …
Yush! My birthday is finally upon us!!! :3 Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Happy birthday Mockinjay. :) over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 commented…
thx. :) over a year ago
Fireshadow commented…
Ahhh, I missed your birthday! Oh well, happy birthday anyways! over a year ago
E-Scope90 said …
Is it just me or is this club starting to get....inactive? Posted over a year ago
Kowalskina commented…
Yep, I also think that this club get a little inactive......Well, I would do something against it, if I weren't so lazy.... over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Yeah it is a little. But I mean with everyone going to school and such there isn't much time to log on. Hopefully it'll pick up again during summer :) over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
@mostar LOL it is spring break for me!! over a year ago
big smile
Happy New Year Everyone! :D (I think it's New Year everywhere now. X3) Anyway I'm drawing a picture and writing a very small fanfic based on New Year, so be on the look out. :D Hope everyone has a great year. :3 Posted over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
Well, this is it, the last day of my school holiday. Now I'm packing my things for school tomorrow. Hope I can survive >.< XD Well wish me luck, and I'll miss you guys soooooooo much! Thanks for all the good times we had :'3 I have to continue packing now or my mom's gonna be mad me :P Laterz! I have to put Rina in storage and it's not gonna be easy >.< Bye!!!!! :') Posted over a year ago
Kowalskina commented…
Bye and good luck! *hugs* over a year ago
Aw, bye. D': *hugs* Good luck. :3 I hope you can be back soon. <:) over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Bye Rina! I'll miss you! :'( *hugs tight* over a year ago
starslight101 said …
Hey! Happy New Years...In 2 hours (where I am anyway). Happy 2013 for the people 2 hours or more ahead of me! Posted over a year ago
TheRatKing1 said …
plz read or i shall unleash a whole lotta scary stuff on your mind. ( jk) link Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said …
_Lexii23_ commented…
That's awesome!!! :D I seriously need to learn to draw on the computer XD Ooh! Could you draw me and Dylan eating cookies please? :3 over a year ago
Ooh awesome! :D Would you be able to draw Emma, and my other Oc Ashley reading a book together please? :D over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 commented…
can you please draw amber... skydiving? over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
That's awesome! over a year ago
DrBlowhole said …
Well I have the flu. Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
Sorry to hear that over a year ago
Kowalskina commented…
Aww! :( I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs* Get well soon, honey. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Hope you feel better soon !!!!! over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Ugh. Flus are horrible. If you aren't better already, hope you are soon! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Gosh.... I feel like a hot-head now.... Just by getting impatient with others or if they`re actually are ignoring me.... I`m not trying to be mean or ruin the fun for others, I just get a little mad at myself for who I am..... Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I now I don`t even know what to finish. DX I got pic crap, a story a newer story. AH!!! DX< What will be more interesting, pics, story pics or a typed story? Yes, I said story pics. Meaning I`ll draw out the story instead of typing. But I could get nothing done when I`m lazy or grumpy. -_- over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Aww don't feel that way. We all love you :3 And story pics sound really cool :D over a year ago
I agree with Lexii, you're an awesome person Kait. :3 And they all sound like good ideas. :D over a year ago
RTE33 said …
I'm Back! Sorry I wasn't Here For Christmas, Missouri Trip. AGAIN. So What Did I Miss? Posted over a year ago
Welcome back. :D You didn't miss much really, except for this virus that stopped people from viewing their profiles,but it's ok now. :P over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Hey Rusty :D welcome back! :D over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Welcome back Rusty. :) over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 said …
taking five requests for chibi-kitty! (my icon) ican draw just bout anything chibi-kitty style! Posted over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
My OC :U over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
Can you draw my OC? :3 over a year ago
KowalSkip9 commented…
Can you draw my OC please? :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson said …
HI GUYS! IM BACK! most of you wont know me and most wont rember but im Jenny! well no im actually Yellow but i WAS Jenny. who remembers me? Emma? Catherine?Candy? ;A; Posted over a year ago
I remember you. :D Welcome back! :D over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
I remember you too! :D over a year ago
YellowCrimson commented…
YAY XD over a year ago
AmberJax1400 said …
hey people. it's mockinjay1400. got a new account for to separateme from my oc, amber. if you dont know me at all, im cool with that, too. Posted over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
Hey Amber :3 over a year ago
AmberJax1400 commented…
hi!thxfor addin meh. over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
No probz x3 over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
Umm..Hi, everyone.. Does anyone knows where I can..umm.. install Paint Tool Sai? Could you..umm.. give me the link? Please? I need it for some..things..................... Bye...... I guess..... Posted over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
And..umm... I version? It's okay if... it doesn't have...umm... a free version... I'm...sorta okay with that...... over a year ago
AmberJax1400 commented…
link over a year ago
AmberJax1400 commented…
hopethis helps! over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
Thanks! :3 over a year ago
KowalSkip9 said …
Hello guys. I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but if you do, awesome. :) I decided to come back just for today and tomorrow, and that's it. If something happens and I decide to stay longer, so be it. But for now, I'll be around just for these two days. So, hello again! Posted over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
Hey! :D over a year ago
KowalSkip9 commented…
Hello, Hannah! ^^ over a year ago
KowalSkip9 commented…
Kait: Hello! ^^ - Emma: Hi! :) I think we've talked before, but I can't remember, it's been so long... XD And you do? YOU DESERVE A MEDAL. I'M NOT THAT MEMORABLE. XDD over a year ago
Gumball17 said …
Hey everyone, Em won't be on for a few days because her computer is blocking the site :( Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
oh. i hope things go alright over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
My computer did that earlier, but it is okay, but it won't go to my profile page. over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
Well my computer did that for the past five days. What did I miss? over a year ago
E-Scope90 said …
We seriously need a Christmas RP. Posted over a year ago
big smile
E-Scope90 said …
Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚ ((Early!!)) I won't be here during Christmas because I'm with family,so to my friends I'm giving out these cute art things and props! Merry Christmas! I LOVE YOU ALL!!♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
Hope you have a nice time with your family, and Merry Christmas! :D over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
..and a happy new year!!! over a year ago
big smile
Mockinjay1400 said …
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Didn't-Get-Blown-Up-By-The-Appocalypse-Day! XD Speaking of, whens the next supposed doomsday? Posted over a year ago
Mockinjay1400 commented…
p.s. im not grounded anymore and i have a two week break! days on end of fanpop ahead!!! over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
My break is until January 8 over a year ago
Gumball17 said …
Well it's 7:30 in the morning and Im still alive so far :P Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
Me too. The world will never end when I'm watching Hetalia! over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
I'm alive. I knew 12/21/12 wasn't gonna happen. over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
Oh yeah and it's 12/22/12 over here. over a year ago
67Dodge said …
Oy, people around here are riled up by all this apocalypse nonsense. -.- If any of you are religious, pray for me that they don't come marauding my house for "necessary supplies". Posted over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
Actually I think..There's no such thing! It's really annoying.. I don't even believe that nonsense.. Well, it's only one way to find out! Let's wait for this "apocalypse" to happen, if it doesn't, then get ready to have "I told you so!" said infront of your face. XD LOL I wouldn't do that to people, though.. XD :P over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
^ I know I would though. XD over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
^Really? That's terrible! over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
Aww man, this is the worst month for me :( It's December,the last month of the year, the month where the year ends :( Time flies by so fast :( >.< I'll tell you why I'm like this, unless, if you remembered what happens next year :'( Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
You have to go away? :( over a year ago
E-Scope90 commented…
I'll misss you like a hole has been ripped out of my heart. over a year ago
Catherina_PoM commented…
I'll miss you guys too :( over a year ago
big smile
Gumball17 said …
I just found out I can buy PoM episodes for 2 bucks apiece. |D Posted over a year ago
:O Really, that's awesome!! :D Is it any Pom episodes, or just a few? :') over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Awesomeness! :D over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
@Em And eps that made it to tv :D :'3 :') @Lexii Yeah :D over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
Can someone draw me? ;-; Please? ;3; *Holds out a cookie* Posted over a year ago
Sure. :3 over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
I would, if ILUVKOWALSKI wasn't already and if I could draw. over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX said …
I WISH I WAS POPULAR LIKE YOU GUYS BUT MY MARBLEZ ARENT FILLING UP MY JAR! WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE COOKIES?! VICTORIA'S GOING CRAAAAAAAAZY Just kidding, I wanted to make a random post that would make you all go "Wut" .-. Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
You suceeded. It did make me go "What" over a year ago
XxRicoRocksxX commented…
And that was my goal over a year ago