Gravity Falls: Dipper Pines Updates

an answer was added to this question: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? 5 months ago by gravityfalls15
a comment was made to the video: Gravity Falls: Dipper's Lamby Lamby Dance over a year ago by megadisneyfan86
a comment was made to the poll: Who should wendy date? over a year ago by megadisneyfan86
a question was added: uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm is it ok if i have a crush on dipper pines..? also uuuhhhh kinda embarrassed here if im the only one.... over a year ago by megadisneyfan86
an answer was added to this question: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? over a year ago by wowcatsandbeans
a video was added: link over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the video: link over a year ago by DragonDipper
a video was added: link over a year ago by DragonDipper
a photo was added: Deer Butt XD over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the poll: If Dipper asked you out on a date? Would you do it? over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the answer: I have a crush on Dipper ^~^ 😘 over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the answer: I have a crush on Dipper ^~^ 😘 over a year ago by DragonDipper
an icon was added: Hey, Pine Tree, what does this dizzying felling MEAN? over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the poll: Would You prefer Dipper a Nightwing? Or a Mudwing? over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Wings of fire Dipper, or EVIL wings of fire Dipper..... Can't decide! over a year ago by DragonDipper
a pop quiz question was added: Wings of fire Dipper, or EVIL wings of fire Dipper..... Can't decide! over a year ago by DragonDipper
a poll was added: Would You prefer Dipper a Nightwing? Or a Mudwing? over a year ago by DragonDipper
an answer was added to this question: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? over a year ago by DragonDipper
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Dipper and Wendy should be together? over a year ago by gravityfallsAU
an answer was added to this question: Would it be better to have two younger sisters or a twin sister, in your opinion? over a year ago by gravityfallsAU
an answer was added to this question: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? over a year ago by gravityfallsAU
a wallpaper was added: WP2 over a year ago by gravityfeels
an answer was added to this question: Would it be better to have two younger sisters or a twin sister, in your opinion? over a year ago by Galaxystar
an answer was added to this question: Would it be better to have two younger sisters or a twin sister, in your opinion? over a year ago by enderkid
a poll was added: Who should wendy date? over a year ago by pinkiepie29
a comment was made to the video: Gravity Falls: Dipper singing "Disco Girl" over a year ago by thekeenancole
a question was added: Would it be better to have two younger sisters or a twin sister, in your opinion? over a year ago by Kapanyo
a comment was made to the poll: IF DIPPER ASKED YOU OUT, WOULD YOU SAY YES!!?? over a year ago by DUNKISbigestFAN
a poll was added: IF DIPPER ASKED YOU OUT, WOULD YOU SAY YES!!?? over a year ago by DUNKISbigestFAN
a comment was made to the poll: Which girl name goes good with Dipper? i'm going to be making a book using Dipper and i need a good name! over a year ago by NoTeLlInG
an answer was added to this question: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? over a year ago by pinkarray
a question was added: Is it bad that I have a crush on him? over a year ago by Julia5500
a video was added: Gravity Falls: Dipper singing "Disco Girl" over a year ago by Rain12345
a video was added: Gravity Falls: Dipper's Lamby Lamby Dance over a year ago by Rain12345
a poll was added: If Dipper asked you out on a date? Would you do it? over a year ago by imagirliswear
a poll was added: Which girl name goes good with Dipper? i'm going to be making a book using Dipper and i need a good name! over a year ago by imagirliswear
a poll was added: Do you think Dipper and Wendy should be together? over a year ago by lovebitesmaggie