Harry Potter HP Roleplay

sundayymorning posted on Aug 26, 2008 at 01:17AM
From the poll that I previously posted apparently some of you actually want a roleplay so here it goes. *crosses fingers*

I've been thinking about this for a while and realized from the wide variety of times and places of the series that this could get very confusing. I'm going to try and make it as simple as possible and just clear things up that the trio will be in their fifth year. All conversations should be held in the Great Hall.

To claim a character you just have to reply to this forum asking to be him/her. You can only do this though if you plan to reply regularly and the character you want is not already taken.

Any mistakes in the character list or anywhere in this main post don't be shy to point out. It's taken me a while to make this and my brain has fizzled. I have no doubt I've made some mistakes. If you have any idea on how to improve the RP please do share!

If your talking as yourself and not as your character make some indication such as (),[],OOC:,--,//.


Hannah Abbott, Fifth Year, Gryff. - Officefan222
Euan Abercrombie, First Year, Gryff. -
Stewart Ackerley, Second Year, Huff. -
Malcolm Baddock, Fifth Year, Slyth. -
Katie Bell, Sixth Year, Gryff. -
Marcus Belby, Sixth Year, Raven. -
Melinda Bobbin, Third Year, Raven. -
Susan Bones, Fifth Year, Huff. -
Terry Boot, Fifth Year, Raven. -
Eleanor Branstone, Second Year, Huff. -
Mandy Brocklehurst, Fifth Year, Raven. -
Lavender Brown, Fifth Year, Gryff.
Eddie Carmichael, Sixth, Raven. -
Owen Cauldwell, Second Year, Huff. -
Cho Chang, Sixth Year, Raven. -
Michael Corner, Fifth Year, Raven. -
Vincent Crabbe, Fifth Year, Slyth. -
Colin Creevey, Fourth Year, Gryff. -
Dennis Creevey, Second Year, Gryff. -
Roger Davies, Seventh Year, Raven. -
Marietta Edgecombe, Sixth Year, Raven. -
Justin Finch-Fletchley, Fifth Year, Huff. -
Seamus Finnigan, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Gregory Goyle, Fifth Year, Slyth. -
Hermione Granger, Fifth Year, Gryff. - shieldmaiden
Angelina Johnson, Seventh Year, Gryff. -
Lee Jordan, Seventh Year, Gryff. -
Neville Longbottom, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Luna Lovegood, Fourth Year, Raven. - sundayymorning
Ernie Macmillan, Fifth Year, Huff. -
Draco Malfoy, Fifth Year, Slyth. - Sappp
Pansy Parkinson, Fifth Year, Slyth. - Visitor
Padma Patil, Fifth Year, Raven. -
Parvati Patil, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Harry Potter, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Zacharias Smith, Sixth Year, Huff. -
Alicia Spinnet, Seventh Year, Gryff. -
Dean Thomas, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Fred Weasley, Seventh Year, Gryff. -
George Weasley, Seventh Year, Gryff. - Skibunny109
Ginny Weasley, Fourth Year, Gryff. - swimswamswum
Ron Weasley, Fifth Year, Gryff. -
Blaise Zabini, Fifth Year, Slyth. -
Rose Zeller, First Year, Huff. -

1 Character Taken
5 Girl
2 Boys

3 Gryffindors
1 Ravenclaw
1 Hufflepuffs
2 Slytherins
last edited on Sep 07, 2008 at 04:10AM

Harry Potter 23 replies

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over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
(You said Neville was in Ravenclaw. :p As for the roleplaying, I'm going to think about joining. (: )
over a year ago sundayymorning said…
[ Whoopsies. XD I fixed it.

*shows you the one tree hill promo picture*
Join or this is being taped to your ceiling so it's the first thing you see every morning. >;] ]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sundayymorning said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
Hermione please! =)
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
Ginny please!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Officefan222 said…
hannah abbott please
over a year ago Skibunny109 said…
Even though I'm a girl I'll be George Weasley!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sappp said…
Draco Malfoy please
I have never played anything like this before, can I get the rules somewhere?
over a year ago Visitor said…
Pansy Parkinson Please

I do agree with Sappp though, I'll need some rules :)

It sounds like something I'd get addicted to and waste toooo much of my time on...

And since wasting my days away on Harry Potter is one of my favorite things to do, I'd really like to join :)

over a year ago Skibunny109 said…
Basicly here are the rules
1.Act Like your character and respond to the things around you.
2.No Godmodding! That means you control your character and you character only!
If u need more info contact me!
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
I read that Fanpop users should be respectful of each other at all times. I read it in Fanpop, A History.
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
Oh wow.
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
Ron's bugging the hell out of me.

EDIT: My real-life brother is bugging the heck out of me. RON = Real-life brother
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sundayymorning said…

What do you mean swimswamswum?
over a year ago mrs-mindfreak said…
I'll try to reply as much as possible!
But incase i can't i'll take a small part.
Cho Chang please :)
over a year ago Officefan222 said…
Wait I want to change toooooo,

Lavender Brown
over a year ago Sappp said…
*Draco Malfoy walks into the great hall in his usual 'I rule the world-way', looks around, sneers at the 'golden trio' at the Gryffindor table and seats himself besided his might-be-girlfriend Pansy Parkinson (no one knows what's really going on there...). When he starts a conversation with her, he makes sure he's talking loud enouh for the Gryffindor table to hear him*

I believe Grangers hair gets bussier every day: I can hardly see our Hero Potter and the Weasel anymore through it, and that is, of course, a terrible loss...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
Hermione glares at Malfoy, but continues to eat her meal as if nothing has happened, trying her best to ignore his snide remarks
over a year ago Darkangel6 said…
ok, I'll do it. I'll be Alicia
over a year ago vibrant_vebs said…
how do i join this roleplaying thing....
over a year ago Sappp said…
Just state which character, that is not taken, you would like to be and you're in!
over a year ago Darkangel6 said…
Alicia walked into the common room and Sat by the window, Tonight is going to be a long one. She thought.
over a year ago Skibunny109 said…
George walks into the common room, wondering where Fred is. He shrugs and starts handing out skiving snackboxes to ickle first years. This was priceless! George pulled out some buckets and handed them to the ones who had tried Puking Pastlies.

That's rigt, best candy in the wizarding world! Oi Alicia, try one, it doesn't bite. Well it does something but... well you'll find out yourself.
last edited over a year ago