Harry Potter and Twilight

athenaatanaqui posted on Nov 02, 2008 at 03:25AM
Heyy people! I was wondering is it true that the HP movie is being delayed cuz of Twilight!!??

P.S i'm not dissing Twilight or anything but i'm just saying that HP has been around a lot longer and it is cooler and less "mushy"


Harry Potter 15 replies

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over a year ago athenaatanaqui said…
If it is being delayed then MEGA ROAR!!! That is totally unfair.... i don't really have any proof because if i google it then I'll get untrue results
over a year ago hayleyhoo said…
hp is being delayed but not because of twilight
it was already being delayed and so twilight took its place lol
over a year ago chainsaw_teddy said…
because of the writer strike earlier, they felt that they needed more films summer next year, and also, since both Twilight and Harry Potter are so huge, they didn't want the 2 competing over viewers XDD or sumtin like that. At least that's what I've herd.......so yes, The HBP won't be in theaters until summer next year DD:
over a year ago whooshaa said…
I think Twilight did influence the delay, but only for a small part ...

But Twilight still rules B) -but not as much as HP-
over a year ago athenaatanaqui said…
yay!! I love Twilight but i ADORE HP
over a year ago BellRocks15 said…
Harry Potter shouldnt have been delayed but i like twilight 2 but i still dont like it when people say its the new HP its not as good. its good but not Harry Potter good lol
over a year ago whooshaa said…
Twilight isn't the new Harry Potter! Twilight is a very good story, but HP is so much more!
over a year ago CaliGirl1204 said…
Okay I don't even really know what twilight is i have heard of it but I WANT HBP IN THEATERS NOW I am so sad that it won't come til next summer!!!
over a year ago Hogwarts_Army said…
i read that @ first HP was SUPPOSE 2 b released Nov.12 of '08 then it got moved to Dec. something.... and FINALLY it got moved to July 17,2009 i think Twight did influence the 1st move 2 Dec. but i bet that the writers made the last 1 2 July i don't like Twlight its not epic!! i'll b SO angry if when July comes around they move it again!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yalondae said…
I bet HBP does way better than Twilight. I read the books, but it just was not as good as Harry Potter. More love and mushy stuff, but the main character drove me insane sometimes. The end of the Twilight books always bored me, but Harry Potter was always interesting all the way through. I know HBP is going to kick Twilight's butt!!
over a year ago yalondae said…
I bet HBP does way better than Twilight. I read the books, but it just was not as good as Harry Potter. More love and mushy stuff, but the main character drove me insane sometimes. The end of the Twilight books always bored me, but Harry Potter was always interesting all the way through. I know HBP is going to kick Twilight's butt!!
over a year ago 7_steph_7 said…
i actually love them both!! harry potter ALWAYS interested me and i read each book about 5 times. adn seen every movie... but twilight... ugh! i cant pick!!!!!! cant i just love them both???
over a year ago 7_steph_7 said…
and i think harry potter got moved to december (at first then to july) b/c twilight came out november 12 instead...
over a year ago othhptwlghtluv said…
i was soooo disappointed when Harry Potter was delayed...but super excited that Twilight was coming out a bit sooner.
Twilight came out the day that Harry Potter was SUPPOESED to come out so I think it had a lot to do with it.
There would have been too much competetition and then neither movie would have made as much as if they didn't have to compete.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Twilight?Twilight's crap. It's not any better than Harry Potter, not even close.