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Hermione & Severus Question

Search for a fic read on the Restricted Section years ago :(

I've been wracking my brain for weeks now trying to recall the name of this particular fic. It was on RS which obviously shut down years ago, and was lengthy.

The basic story was Hermione was captured and taken to a DE meeting, Snape brought a potion which linked their minds so long as they kept having sex. Long and short turns out they are soul mates, eventually Severus has to have relations with another witch to break their bond, after which he wants his hand chopping off...Dumbledore ends up being shipped off to China (I think!) to spend time with the only other such-bonded couple in the world...and I think Snape/Hermione manage to de-age themselves with the magic raised during tantric sex.

I just hope it wasn't lost forever when the RS closed down :(
 LadyShanna posted over a year ago
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