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Hetalia Question

Have you ever studied any countries with your school? If so, post a pic of them.

First time Italy, 2nd time Germany. Now I need to do Japan to complete the collection!
Have you ever studied any countries with your school? If so, post a pic of them.
By the way post a pic of the character, not the country.
KissKissHannah posted over a year ago
MoreThanFangirl posted over a year ago
Oh nice, you even have Gerita at school! XD
pastaforever posted over a year ago
 KissKissHannah posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

RoseWolfLala said:
Oooh, I remember studying for China and Portugal when I was about 10 years old. I picked China randomly out of a hat and I chose to study Portugal as my own choice because it was my favourite country back then.

I couldn't find a picture of China and Portugal together so I think now would be a good time to post a pic of the official character of Portugal! yup, thats right he's officially a character in hetalia and he looks awesome X3 He even has a scar round his eye!
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Oooh, I remember studying for China and Portugal when I was about 10 years old. I picked China randomly out of a hat and I chose to study Portugal as my own choice because it was my favourite country back then.

I couldn't find a picture of China and Portugal together so I think now would be a good time to post a pic of the official character of Portugal! yup, thats right he's officially a character in hetalia and he looks awesome X3 He even has a scar round his eye!
posted over a year ago 
hetaku_chan15 said:
i went to an international school. If I had to name them...japan, india, china, russia, france, spain, and others...
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i went to an international school. If I had to name them...japan, india, china, russia, france, spain, and others...
posted over a year ago 
Cheesiecorn said:
Not really, but last year in English (as a second language) class I had to write an essay about my favorite country. I wrote it about Japan and it turned out pretty well.
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Not really, but last year in English (as a second language) class I had to write an essay about my favorite country. I wrote it about Japan and it turned out pretty well.
posted over a year ago 
hetalianstella said:
I've had to study about Germany quite a few times in school =)
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I've had to study about Germany quite a few times in school =)
posted over a year ago 
wishey said:
Greece, Italy, and America
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Greece, Italy, and America
posted over a year ago 
Cheshire_Pasta said:
Sadly, I've never studied a country while I was in school. At least none that I recall. I suppose if I had to choose a country well... it'd be any really~ -smiles- Just hearing about anything from any country in the world, I instantly become attentive to it. I'd listen to anyone talk about anywhere~ It doesn't have to be just History either. I'll listen to you talk about culture, foods, anything~ The world is so beautiful and fascinating, I think everyone should learn about it~!
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Sadly, I've never studied a country while I was in school. At least none that I recall. I suppose if I had to choose a country well... it'd be any really~ -smiles- Just hearing about anything from any country in the world, I instantly become attentive to it. I'd listen to anyone talk about anywhere~ It doesn't have to be just History either. I'll listen to you talk about culture, foods, anything~ The world is so beautiful and fascinating, I think everyone should learn about it~!
posted over a year ago 
pastaforever said:
I go to an international school so we learn about many countries in our History curriculum.

I don't do History anymore (dropped it a while ago), but now we're studying the German novel The Reader and hence we talk a lot about Germany in WWII. I must admit it's hard not to think of Hetalia when my teacher says things like "Germany was bombed by the Allies during WWII" (that Hetalia scene with the Allies Attack is gold).

My school also has this event called the Model United Nations. I was randomly picked to be the delegate of Greece for the first time, which was very lucky for me as I am a huge fan of Greek mythology and history and I want to visit Greece more than any other country in real life.

Two years ago, my school even held a "parade of nations" for the 2012 Olympics. People dressed up in traditional clothes from a particular country (usually their own), and a lot of teachers joined in as well. If only I liked Hetalia back then! But I guess that's a good thing as it prevents me from fangirling like crazy (I can imagine people around me giving me weird looks as I scream "HEROOO!!!", "IGGYYYYYY" and "WHOOOO??").
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I go to an international school so we learn about many countries in our History curriculum.

I don't do History anymore (dropped it a while ago), but now we're studying the German novel The Reader and hence we talk a lot about Germany in WWII. I must admit it's hard not to think of Hetalia when my teacher says things like "Germany was bombed by the Allies during WWII" (that Hetalia scene with the Allies Attack is gold).

My school also has this event called the Model United Nations. I was randomly picked to be the delegate of Greece for the first time, which was very lucky for me as I am a huge fan of Greek mythology and history and I want to visit Greece more than any other country in real life.

Two years ago, my school even held a "parade of nations" for the 2012 Olympics. People dressed up in traditional clothes from a particular country (usually their own), and a lot of teachers joined in as well. If only I liked Hetalia back then! But I guess that's a good thing as it prevents me from fangirling like crazy (I can imagine people around me giving me weird looks as I scream "HEROOO!!!", "IGGYYYYYY" and "WHOOOO??").
posted over a year ago 
Kaitolover2 said:
My school just studied Egypt, were going to learn about Greece next.
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My school just studied Egypt, were going to learn about Greece next.
posted over a year ago 
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