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Hetalia Question

You you think you your country character is insulting or do you like it?

The koreans were so against the hetalia Korea, and its their fault we cant see him:( Do you like the way hetalia portrays you country? I really love mine:)
Lol. I won't say exactly that it's a "fault" by them. I mean, it's their own country being protrayed and it's not like S. Korea is meant for our entertainment. The Koreans have the prerogative over their own country. Although I wish the Korean govn't did not overreact 'cause it's not like Hetalia caused us to look down on their country.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
 Ahai posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

T045tToastToAsT said:
I don't love America, but I do like him. :3 I'm not really offended at all with his characterization, because I think that typical Americans are (I hope I'm not being offensive) a little bit dumb. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Toast-chan, this is funny, considering that I know your nationality.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
No, I don't find America in the least bit offensive. He's a wonderfully hilarious portrayal of the United States XD
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No, I don't find America in the least bit offensive. He's a wonderfully hilarious portrayal of the United States XD
posted over a year ago 
I love the pic XD... Did you know? He's dancing along a British song. The dance step is by a Brit pop group.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta said:
I absolutely LOVE Alfie's portrayal. He's hilarious. He's beyond adorable. He's pure awesome. I've never thought ill of his portrayal. Ever. He's pure perfection in my eyes. I just love and adore America. <3
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I absolutely LOVE Alfie's portrayal. He's hilarious. He's beyond adorable. He's pure awesome. I've never thought ill of his portrayal. Ever. He's pure perfection in my eyes. I just love and adore America. <3
posted over a year ago 
All it takes is to look back at history, watch the news and you can tell the portrayal is dead on. I totally agree how America is portrayed. I have the same impression.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
Indeed. All those things are extremely dead on with Alfie's portrayal~ He couldn't be more of a perfect portrayal.
Cheshire_Pasta posted over a year ago
jennipop22 said:
I don't find Canada offensive. I think he's fairly accurate, though stereotypical. To be honest, I hate pancakes and maple syrup. I prefer figure skating or skiing to hockey. And politically I do not think Canada is 'invisible'. But I do like Polar Bears.
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posted over a year ago 
Well, the 'invisable' thing is because alot of people don't realize Canada is a country.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
Heh, I suppose. Himaruya stated that the whole 'invisible' thing was meant because Canada's efforts were often considered British ones in WWII. Also Canada does have a small population (35 million, I believe) compared to the other countries.
jennipop22 posted over a year ago
I like your country, Canada. I think Canada in Hetalia is more visible than other countries, to be honest.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
-Poland- said:
I AM my country. lol
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posted over a year ago 
So what do you think? Are you okay with yourself?
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
oshawottftw said:
Well, I'm not really offended by Alfred. I find him hilarious, to be quite honest.
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Well, I'm not really offended by Alfred. I find him hilarious, to be quite honest.
posted over a year ago 
Cheesiecorn said:
I think the Netherlands is portrayed pretty well. The traits he has really suit our country. It relieves me that he's not often seen with a sigaret. A lot of people think of drugs when someone mentions the Netherlands, but it is so much more than that. I also like the fact that he loves bunnies, since Miffy (Nijntje in Dutch) comes from our country. Of course there are also a few things about him that I don't like (one of them is his interest in money), but that doesn't ruin him as a character. The Netherlands isn't one of my favorites, but I still like him.
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I think the Netherlands is portrayed pretty well. The traits he has really suit our country. It relieves me that he's not often seen with a sigaret. A lot of people think of drugs when someone mentions the Netherlands, but it is so much more than that. I also like the fact that he loves bunnies, since Miffy (Nijntje in Dutch) comes from our country. Of course there are also a few things about him that I don't like (one of them is his interest in money), but that doesn't ruin him as a character. The Netherlands isn't one of my favorites, but I still like him.
posted over a year ago 
Finally someone who isnt American :)
Ahai posted over a year ago
I didn't know about the Netherlands getting associated with those vices. The impression we have here in our country is that Dutch people are quite good at business.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
^That's because some softdrugs are legalized in the Netherlands. but the number of drug addicts is low here. We are indeed good at business. The Netherlands gained most of it's wealth through business during our golden age (17th century)
Cheesiecorn posted over a year ago
mariepam198 said:
Nope I love the way America is portrayed in Hetalia :) .
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Nope I love the way America is portrayed in Hetalia :) .
posted over a year ago 
Should he have glasses? Himaruya said Americans don't like wearing glasses. But where's Texas gonna be?
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
Glasses are just fine, I wear them and it adds to my character i guess. Most of my friends wear glasses.
Icecreammurder posted over a year ago
pastaforever said:
No, I'm not offended by Hetalia's portrayal of Hong Kong. I really like how Hetalia has a specific character just for our city. Yes, Hong Kong now belongs to China, but there's still differences between our dialect, legal system and culture due to our past as a British colony.

I also like the way Hetalia depicts Hong Kong's post-colonial past with his thick eyebrows reflecting England's curse.

I think that it's really cute how Hong Kong was raise by China, and yes, while we are under China's control now, we do have some conflicting opinions - something that Hetalia got right to a minute detail!
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No, I'm not offended by Hetalia's portrayal of Hong Kong. I really like how Hetalia has a specific character just for our city. Yes, Hong Kong now belongs to China, but there's still differences between our dialect, legal system and culture due to our past as a British colony.

I also like the way Hetalia depicts Hong Kong's post-colonial past with his thick eyebrows reflecting England's curse.

I think that it's really cute how Hong Kong was raise by China, and yes, while we are under China's control now, we do have some conflicting opinions - something that Hetalia got right to a minute detail!
posted over a year ago 
Wow, so you're a Chinese from Hong Kong. I don't see many Asians around here so it's nice to meet you....
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
SigridLang-set said:
Norways portrayal is close to perfect. I'm also very glad they threw a troll in with him, as such mythical creatures are a very big part of Norwegian culture and nationality.
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posted over a year ago 
Eg lika Noreg eg og:) Eg synast at Himaruya gjorde ein god jobb med Noreg og at dei norske eventyra verkeleg kom fram på eit vis:)
Ahai posted over a year ago
Oi, norsk! Det va uventa! Ja, og sånn som eg har forstått det, læst Himaruya nån norske eventyr før han laga karaktern! :)
SigridLang-set posted over a year ago
LOL, kor trudde du eg kom frå? I følge Himaruya så lagde han Noreg mystisk på grunn av dei norske eventyra han lika:) Eg hugsa at eg var misfornøgd i begynninga med blond hår og blåe auge (noko eg ikkje har sjølv om eg er 100% norsk) men det er jo steriotypa så det plaga meg ikkje lenger nå... Lika at Noreg er mystisk og stille:9
Ahai posted over a year ago
StarlightSong said:
I'm American and I love America xD I'm not offended by him.
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posted over a year ago 
PandaBaby03 said:
I don't hate America, but I don't love him either. He is funny most of the time. It's just he can get really annoying too.
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posted over a year ago 
Kimie_1606 said:
I think that my country character was great and i don't think there is any problem. My country is quite small and I don't think that there are anyone who care about her. *SAD*
Are there anyone who knew her? *Curious*
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I think that my country character was great and i don't think there is any problem. My country is quite small and I don't think that there are anyone who care about her. *SAD*
Are there anyone who knew her? *Curious*
posted over a year ago 
Kimie_1606 posted over a year ago
Whooo go Vietnam! lol she looks so cute in that picture ^^
panisepic posted over a year ago
MoreThanFangirl said:
Germany!!! He´s terribly funny. By the way, he is very German and he looks a bit like me xD
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posted over a year ago 
NattyGirl135 said:
I love my country character because honestly, I find myself acting as America. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
RoseWolfLala said:
At first I thought England was a bit offensive because when I first started watching Hetalia, for some weird reason I thought he was going to be the villain! But now that I know his personality more, I absolutely love him to BITS!! X3

I love the fact that he has imaginary friends and can perform magical sorcery, which obviously represents the fact that England is famous for it's popular fantasy novels. theres also a place in England called the Trough of Bowland which was inspired by the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I've been there a few times and its really pretty <333

And that scene where England gets drunk is just so relatable for the majority of the English population XDD

Oh and you guys won't understand how much I flipped when they put the Royal Wedding in Hetalia!! :D I was like... adsagdjhgklh wowowowow!! *runs around everywhere telling everyone I know* So proud to be British :3

But one thing I don't understand about him is the eyebrows....just..why!! I never come across people in England with crazy iggy brows!! Well apart from this advert that aired in Britain that had an old man with freaky eyebrows XD

I think Hetalia has made me love my country even more :3
God save the Queen!!~

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At first I thought England was a bit offensive because when I first started watching Hetalia, for some weird reason I thought he was going to be the villain! But now that I know his personality more, I absolutely love him to BITS!! X3

I love the fact that he has imaginary friends and can perform magical sorcery, which obviously represents the fact that England is famous for it's popular fantasy novels. theres also a place in England called the Trough of Bowland which was inspired by the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I've been there a few times and its really pretty <333 

And that scene where England gets drunk is just so relatable for the majority of the English population XDD

Oh and you guys won't understand how much I flipped when they put the Royal Wedding in Hetalia!! :D I was like... adsagdjhgklh wowowowow!! *runs around everywhere telling everyone I know* So proud to be British :3

But one thing I don't understand about him is the eyebrows....just..why!! I never come across people in England with crazy iggy brows!! Well apart from this advert that aired in Britain that had an old man with freaky eyebrows XD

I think Hetalia has made me love my country even more :3
God save the Queen!!~
posted over a year ago 
Roslyn103626 said:
Well I find America to be offensive but at the same time I like him because seriously, some americans tend to act like that. I feel that he is just a lovable idiot who gets on my nerves just a bit. But hey he's the hero!
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posted over a year ago 
silver_chan said:
I don't much like America, but I'm not offended by him, or anyone. I'm also Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Russian, and British, and I'm not offended by any of them either ^^
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posted over a year ago 
babyswiss192 said:
I have no idea. But ok
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I have no idea. But ok
posted over a year ago 
ROTGgirl2004 said:
Hetalia is a stereotypical anime, so it's based off the viewer's opinion. I'm American, so I should/could be offended that America in the anime seems annoying and energetic. But really, I laugh at his "obnoxious" character. It's true, some Americans tend to be loud and obnoxious. For instance, a Canadian might be offended that his/her country in the anime is never recognized, but he/she might not be offended at all; and it's true; Canada does look like it's part of the US. Hetalia doesn't only bring out our cultural differences, but it also makes us laugh at our "obnoxious" sides. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Yunara_Snow said:
Well my country Netherlands is a sweet, wonderful and funny character. But I don't like how the fandom portrays him often.
They often pretend that Netherlands only cares about money. They pretend he's always serious and for some reasons stoic? And that he is high most of the time too. I don't like the fandoms portray of the Netherlands. I do like his official portray.
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Well my country Netherlands is a sweet, wonderful and funny character. But I don't like how the fandom portrays him often.
They often pretend that Netherlands only cares about money. They pretend he's always serious and for some reasons stoic? And that he is high most of the time too. I don't like the fandoms portray of the Netherlands. I do like his official portray.
posted over a year ago 
Your right,I feel like the fandom only thinks of him as a money loving grouch who doesn't care but I think that he has a soft side that will soon show.
Alfred_Jones posted over a year ago
LilacRoses said:
Naw, he's a perfect example of a stereotypical American. (>~<)
Image source: link
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Naw, he's a perfect example of a stereotypical American. (>~<)
Image source:
posted over a year ago 
eve3 said:
I'm From Canada, and I do find it a little bit offensive that no one in the anime ever notices him, it makes it seem as if Canadians have no opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
Mii20 said:
I love Hungary, she is one of my fav. characters. She's very accurate, though her crazy love for Austria is a bit weird, since hungarians actually hated being under the rule of the Habsburgs. And she should be more close to Poland, because our nations even share a national friendship day together :3 But overall I really love her portrayal, good job there Himaruya ;) I'm proud that such an awesome character represents this small, barely known country <3
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posted over a year ago 
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