House MD Fanfiction I am the Search Bar Sage

cocacola posted on Sep 23, 2008 at 01:02AM
If you have trouble finding good stories on, I think that I might be able to help you. I have a good memory for the stories I have read and could probably recommend you a couple. All you have to do is tell me what your preferences are in a story, if I can think of one I will send you a link, and if I can't think of one I will try to hunt one down for you. I'm afraid to say that there are places where I don't have much experience in or will draw the line (I'm not going to try to find you smut fics), the only ships I guess I could help you with would be Huddy, I don't read much Hameron, but sometimes I do accidently stumble across a Hilson and I might be able to help you there. If I recommend you a story that you've already read, just tell me and I'll try to find you another one. So then....any customers?

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