House MD Fanfiction Fic Search

MostSlytherin posted on Aug 08, 2015 at 04:14AM
Maybe you can help me - I am looking for a story where House electrocuted himself (Episode related) and Wilson was so mad that he gave House truth serum at the hospital bed. Cuddy, Cameron, Chase, and Forman were all there and they ended up finding out that House was abused by his father and House has self diagnosed himself as manic depressive (or maybe schizophrenic.) House figured out in the end and called Wilson snake in another language. House does not remember the truth serum or calling Wilson a snake. The incomplete sequel has the team working together secretly to help House - play games with him (chess, rubik's cube, language tests), Cuddy approved of Chase lighting up with House, bribed him to take an IQ test, House teaching Chase guitar. They find out more stuff about House - cigarette burns on House's back, House worked for Doctors without Borders at Rwanda, etc. Cuddy also gets in vitro fertilization after House left a sperm donation in her fridge.

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