House MD Fanfiction Help me with unfinished Huddy fic?

EverybodyLies posted on Nov 30, 2008 at 09:34PM
found this today and I don't know when I wrote it, but it's pretty good and I'd like to finish it. xDD
Any ideas for an adequate ending?

As Lisa sat upright in bed, she held the comforter to her bare chest, covering herself, as if he’d never seen her body before and she wanted to keep it that way. House was already awake. He stood at the foot of his bed, bent over, pulling some dirty old pair of jeans up over his wounded thigh. He rummaged through his laundry hamper and pulled out a wrinkled, rumpled t-shirt. He raised it to his noise and sniffed it. Shrugging, he pulled the shirt over his head. She winced at this; she could never wear something out of her laundry basket. Everything had to be clean, pressed, and fragrant.
And in that way, they were different. They were complete, north-and-south, hot-and-cold polar opposites. He was outgoing, she liked to deflect attention. He was flirtatious; she preferred to get to know a guy first. But—they were also similar. They were very, very much alike.
They were both incalculably stubborn. They had the same sense of humor. They could read each others’ minds like a book. Each was the other’s only friend, besides Wilson. And they both could not stand the tension between the two of them one second longer.
She sighed, rested against the headboard, and closed her eyes. “Why am I here?” she wondered aloud. He looked at her over his shoulder.
“Why are you asking me?” He bent over to tie his orange Nike Shox.
She sighed again. “I don’t know. I thought you would.”
“Yeah, see, that’s where you made the mistake. You thought.”
She ignored this. Of course he made some smart aleck remark. Because he didn’t want to accept that just the night before they had been in the same bed, just… talking. She thought it was nice. They never talked. Well, they did, but usually the conversation consisted of his clinic hours, her body, or his drugs. But last night it was different. They talked about the upcoming presidential elections and who they would be voting for (her: Barrack Obama, him: he wasn’t sure, but he would NOT vote for Hillary Clinton), what they thought of the iPhone (her: too expensive and not worth it, him: really cool), and whether or not they really wanted to go to work in the morning. (Her: “I have to go, I’m the Dean of Medicine”, him: “I never want to go to work.”) They got into this more.
“You don’t?” she had asked. “You seem like you really like your job.” She meant it; he seemed to get real pleasure from helping people and curing their sicknesses. She told him this.
He shook his head. “No. It’s not about helping people. It’s never been about helping people.”
She didn’t believe him. He may say he doesn’t care, she thought, but no one cares more than him.
He continued. “I could not care less about the patients. I think this job would be absolutely perfect if there weren’t any patients.” She was confused. He saw this and sighed. “I can’t think of an appropriate metaphor. Just think of it this way—I don’t have to cure the patients. Just their illnesses. It’s not about people; it’s about germs. Get it now?” She did. It didn’t surprise her.

House MD Fanfiction 8 replies

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over a year ago oldmovie said…
I'd love to help but first I need this little piece of information, did they sleep together or not?

BTW its very very good! You've got their characters spot on, I loved reading about their "talk".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Yeah. xDD
They did have sex.
And thank you! :] I appreciate it.

edited for misspellings
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Alright some more basic info before we can really start.

1) What are you ultimately wanting to happen?
2) happy ending or sad?
3) does this go as far as the hospital or just House's apartment?

that's all of the questions I think can of for now.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
1) I don't really know, like at all... xDD Anything is good.
2) I prefer not totally happy but not really sad.
3) just House's apartment.
over a year ago oldmovie said…

Well a kind of happy/sad ending is an ambigious on, so maybe you could have them.....hmmmm.......

I guess the whole point of your story is that they talked right? Not just bantered but actually talked.
You could have them talk again, which is kind of what you are doing, or talk about talking....hhhmmm *is not sure*

I'm not being much help :(
over a year ago BoingHuddy said…
Can i help?

so, what i wrote i loved....
but you need to put some action in there...
maybe, in the final you could put them, after trying to be a couple, understand that it not, isn't a happy ending and not a sad ending...!

over a year ago BoingHuddy said…
sorry i want said read!
over a year ago HuddyBrave said…
big smile
well I dont know what you want really like if you want the end of the chapter then I would have House and Cuddy go back to work, she longs to talk like that again but she knows she cant. And to write anouther chapter I would write about them sleeping together but it is really sweet and intimate. I know if you like my ideas but thats what I would do. Hope I helped!!!Hope to read whatever you choose to do!!!!! By the way it is AWESOME!!!!!