Invader Zim FanCharacters Let Us Role Play!!

invaderlin123 posted on Jul 24, 2011 at 07:53PM
hey its been a while since i roleplayed with anyone soooo wanna rp?

Invader Zim FanCharacters 55 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 55

over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Yah I do!!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *acts like a zombie* arggggg....narg....ungg....egg nog....hurr...
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Larcie:*acts like a vampire* bleeaah!

Tekki: *laughs* this is gonna be a great Halloween!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: EGGG NOG....NARG....
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Mandinan: *shoves a carton of egg nog down stevie's throat* there's your egg nog. Now, SHUT UP!!!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: NOM NOM NOMMY *eats it* Ever wonder what the hell egg nog was made of besides eggs?
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Mimi: nog, possibly?
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: Probably. Anyway, I'm gonna go hord up on candy.
over a year ago dreamcatcher321 said…
lin: omg hey everyone its been a loooong time!!!! *pulls zag towards her* me and zaggy got back together!!!!!

zag: *does nothing but smile*

ida: lets see...whats new with me? ah! i forgave fluke for being an ass and now we're best buds and we smoke together. and im awsome...still.

fluke: and im still as sexy as the say i was created.

ida: .....hah okay....*lights cigerette* want one bra?

fluke: yep *grabs cigerette*

lin: itS nice watching you two get along ^-^

ida: yeah it is actually.

fluke: ida finally grew up

ida: nope not really im still eating raw meat and getting worms in places where it not even possible. i love it ♥

fluke: *does sexy kind of laugh* oh ida.

ida: yep. ^-^

lin: *giggles*

over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *smokes* Sexeh mens...
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
miks and ishta: *grab zag and they both start slaping him*

miks: dude, what have you done?!?!?!?!?

ishta: zar was perfect for you man! why did you give her up?!?!?!?!?!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *grabs Zag away from them* Slapping cannot be done on this heck of a dude. >:U
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Miks&ishta: *look at each other both with a smirk on their face* okay. *they start punching and kicking zag over and over, especially in the groin.*

Tekki,Mimi,cintal,larcie,&amadina: GUYS!

Miks&ishta: *they stop, miks mid punch, ishta mid kick, and turn their heads to face the girls*

Tekki: not in front of hollaura and shantanin!

Cintal: yeah, they must learn to love causing pain later on in life.

*tekki,Mimi,cintal,larcie,amadina simultaneously cross their arms.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dreamcatcher321 said…
zag: ow....*holds face*

lin: oh zaggy boo!!! *grabs first aid kit* hold still

ida: anyway im now 20 imma adult!!!!

fluke: and i am finally 21. god do i feel old -.-

lin: and im finally 18 and im pregnent!!!

ida: PREGNENT!!!! *swallows cigerette* *cough cough*

fluke: *tries to give ida hymlick remover*

lin: oh sorry i didnt tell you earlier ida i heard theyre twins too :)

fluke: TWINS!!!!!??? *drops cigerette on foot* OOOOW!!!!!

zag: theyre taking this very well arent they?

lin: ._.'''

over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Ishta: *Self-consciencly punches miks in the face*

Miks: owwww! What the hell man!?!?!?!?! What was that for!?!?

ishta: to make sure this is real.

Larcie: ok, I didn't want to get violent because of the kids, but you brought this upon yourself you bastard. Lin, you might want to move. *pushes Lin aside* *brings leg back and quickly and forcibly kicks zag in the groin*

Mandinan: dangit! I wanted to do that!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dreamcatcher321 said…
lin: quit kicking him!!!! whats that gonna accomplish!!!???

ida: i'd kick him in the groin too *cough cough* if there wasnt a burning cigerette half way down my windpipe!!!!

fluke: *holds foot* im kinda happy for her cause you know she's finally gonna be a mother. half of her life is complete :)

ida: shut up fluke...

fluke: hey im just saying.anyway zag im kinda mad at happy for you.

zag: why?

fluke: first of all you manage to knock this daffadil up *point to lin* second you broke up with zar. and she was a cutie too.

lin: fluke watch what your saying!! your married!!!

fluke: yeah but you dont see me flirting with anyone do ya?

zag: *leans over to lin* looks alot like flirting to me *points at fluke and ida*

lin: *giggles*

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *spits out soda* pffffffffffffffffffffff! D: You weren't protected Lin! YOU WHERE NOT. :c
over a year ago dreamcatcher321 said…
lin: sorry...

ida: *gagging* can we not speak about unprotected sex please!!!???

fluke: im trying to get it out ida!!! hold still

lin: um....fluke?

*cigerette comes bouncing out of idas throat*

ida: *cough cough* ow.....

fluke: you okay?

ida: *sarcasticly* what do you think?

lin : ......0_0
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *grabs Ida's coughed up cigarette in complete interest* It has germs on it...... :'D
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Amadina,tekki,cintal,and Mimi: *all squeal* lin we're so happy for you! *they all hug Lin loosely around the neck*
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: *hugs Ida around the waist* :'D Cough up another one!
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Tekki: oh yeah, there is something we need to tell you guys too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: Wuuuut???
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Cintal: well.........

Mimi: shantanin can control plants!

Tekki: sorry we didn't tell you guys earlier.
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: Plants? .................EWWWWWWWW!!!
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Tekki: and she can control earth. Not like conquest, like the ground.
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: Didn't that guy (aang) could do that?
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over a year ago dreamcatcher321 said…
ida: *grabs stevies hand and crushes it* dont you think about it lover boy ggggrrrr* pushes his head into the ground*

fluke: nice one dude!

ida: thx dude *small high fives fluke*

lin: your choking me 0_0
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Amadina: well, yeah. So basically she can control plants and bend earth.
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: D:< *shoves Ida off* Don't you know a girl when you see one? (Stevie be a girl. Derp)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silvaria_fan23 said…
Sadri: Hi everyone *grins*
Rubii: Whats going on?
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: HI BRO
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
cintal: there has been so much going on that i am afraid to answer that
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: How touching.
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
mandinan: you know what, i think i might be able to clear things up. umm.... i shoved a carton of egg nog down stevie's throat, everyone learned about shantanin's powers, ida and fluke are friends again, and zag got slaped and punched and got kicked in the groin alot because he and lin are back together and he knocked up lin, at hearing that, ida swallowed he cigarette, when hearing it was twins: fluke dropped his cigarette on his foot and ishta punched miks in the face. that clear enough?
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Stevie: And I got owned by Ida! c:
over a year ago sonicdoctorwho said…
Miz: *walks into room* What the heck is going on?
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Mandinan: I am not going over this again.

(they are outside on the sidewalk, or street)
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Safi: *skits around on the street*
over a year ago RocketSlug said…
Rox (walks in): WHAT THE CRAP?!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Safi: *skits to a halt* Morning, Afternoon, or Night! :D
over a year ago silvaria_fan23 said…
Sadri: ummmm party?*grins wide*

Tessy: -.- *turns around and walks away*

Rubii: ..... wha?
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Safi: *hugs all* :D
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Larcie: *inpatient* are we going to hord up on candy or what?!?!

Miks: *rubbing hurt face* yeah!
over a year ago Stuffy said…
Safi: *skits from door to door hording up on candy* :D
over a year ago invaderblaze said…
blaze: hai!!!!!!!!
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Mandinan: *yells in surprise and falls to the ground* what the hell!!?!?!?!?!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago irkdib137 said…
twister:(walks in) hey guys
over a year ago irkdib137 said…
(looks down) what are you doing Mandina?
over a year ago tallest_amadina said…
Mandinan: *looks up* it's mandinan! Jeez, I'm done talking to strangers today.