Invader Zim FanCharacters RP - DJ Darike's ActivationDay Party!

Foxy10 posted on Jun 16, 2013 at 02:03AM
(Ahhhh new RP guys >:3 Tis DJ Darike's brithday "not for real its not till next year but its for funz! Takes place at Darike's mansion on his homeplanet Eruopolia -w- Everyone is invited >x3)

Tina: *at door* Happy Activation day sweety :3
DJ Darike: Thank you. n_nb

Invader Zim FanCharacters 215 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 215

over a year ago Misty199 said…
Tan: Happy Activation Day Mr. Darike its nice to be here ^_^
Mason: Happy Activation Day bro..
Leon: Happy Activation Day :)
Iyana: Im here :P happy activation day
Mason: get out..
Iyana: -w-
Samara: *hiding behind my back with her Buttons :3*
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: I bought you explosives >:U Can I fire them now?
Felx: YAY! Happy activation day. ^^
Tech: :3 :D I gonna hug you x3
Foxy10 commented…
I miss you.... over a year ago
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: Oh! Thank you guys very much! >w<b
Tina: Zinc it's almost night they look better at night :3
Darike: It's nice to meet you little one *Tan*
Tina: hug? :3
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: *mutters* >.>...I wanted to blow butts off now.
Tech: *jumps on TIna's head* :3 heheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
Tina: *grabs Tech holds still* :3 ......meow
DJ Darike: well everyone please make your selves at home
last edited over a year ago
Tina: *grabs Tech holds still* :3  ......meow 
DJ Darike: well everyone please make your selves at h
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: *looks around* much white. Not enough black.
Tech: :3
Felx: O.O Fancy :U
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: White is the easiest for me to see... This is only the main lobby I like to keep my colorful rooms more near my home studio ^^
Tina: *puts Tech down* -w- I'm gonna go check on Annie make sure she's not exploding the cake or anything :3
DJ Darike: *nods* n_nb
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Tech: Awwww D: Who gonna hold meh nows?
Felx: ^^ *picks Tech up*
Tech: x3
Zinc: Ew >.>...How can you hold that...idiot?
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: But he is your robot? *messes with his glasses*
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Tan: ^_^ I speak to please.. *eyeballs go big*wow.. so much class in here and such smooth floors..
Mason: ya don't mess around with the place ok Tan
Tan: yes sir big brother! I am your loyal-
Mason: ya whatever..
Samara: *comes out and looks around*
Leon: hay hay this is mighty neat
Iyana: im just worried about Misty... where is she?
Misty: *swinging on the chandelier* whooooo!
Iyana: ahmmm... *takes a gun out and shoots her with a dart*
Misty: *falls off and goes to sleep*
Iyana: im sorry.. oh hay I didn't know what to give you but are these fine? *holds them out*
Tan: ^_^ I speak to please.. *eyeballs go big*wow.. so much class in here and such smooth floors..
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: T3T They are beautiful... Thank you......Mmmmm I hope Misty's alright. n_nb
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Tan: well she should wake up in about 2 hours or so
Iyana: *grabs a marker out* hehe.. :D
Mason: (video below)
Iyana: T_T *puts the marker away*
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: Well the party area is on the main deck in the back, everyone follow me please. ^.^b
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: e.e...
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Everyone: *follows Darike*
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Mason: *drags Misty*
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: *follows, dragging Felx*
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
*at the belchony with an awesome view of the night sky and cliff its along drop down its all foggy down dare who knows what could be lurking in those shadows 0_0 But the deck seemed all lit up nothing less to expect from Darike *
DJ Darike: :) Its so nice out to day
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: YES. Black skies :U This here is better then the white.
Felx: Oooooooooo o3o
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Samara: *scared and shivering*
Tan: oh here you go I brought this just in case *hands her a flashlight*
Samara: *waving the flashlight* *smiles* *flashlight sparks and breaks*............
Tan: ok..
Misty: *wakes up* what happened..?..
Mason: Iyana shot you with a dart..
Iyana: *shoots a dart at Tech* *bounces off* :3 denied!
Misty: hay!
Iyana: sorry .. geez but thanks to that dart your calm now
Leon: *relax's on a padio chair* I could get use to this.mmm....
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: It is quite calm out here today usually it's pretty windy. :)
*Tina, Annie and Andy come out with CAKE! X3 And put it on the table)
Tina: :3 yay
Annie: Tehe
Andy: It is the most cutest cake I have ever decorated. -w-
Darike: It is quite adorable! Thank you! :D
Andy: Your welcome ^^
TinaAndAnnie: :3
DJ Darike: It is quite calm out here today usually it's pretty windy. :)
*Tina, Annie and Andy come
Misty199 commented…
first time they got along :3 yay! over a year ago
Foxy10 commented…
yeah sorta andys still stuck up like ussual :3 over a year ago
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Misty: *reaches out for the cake*
Iyana: *shoots her with a dart*
Misty: *face below* *falls to the floor*
Mason: what the heck!
Iyana: its a habit :U and plus she was gonna touch the cake >:3
Misty: *reaches out for the cake*
Iyana: *shoots her with a dart*
Misty: *face below* *falls to the
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Felx: O.o...
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: X) It looks delicious.
Tina: I'm a cut it up now :3
*cuts cake EVENLY ;) and hands everyone a slice*
Annie: X3 yummy
Darike: n_nb It's awesome!
Andy: ^^
Tina: -w- nom nom
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Tech: *Opens mouth very wide and swallows it whole*
Felx: O.O...*looks at Tech* *slowly hides his piece*
Zinc: What flavor is it anyway?
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
Tina: Annie?
Annie: ^^ nom......It's pixie-stick flavored :3
DJ Darike: It's so delicious! X3 NomNomNOm
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Mason: you know its not fair Misty's asleep and she cant get cake T_T
Iyana: well sorry that's just bad luck -w- *trying to take a bite of cake*
Mason: *slaps the cake outta my hand*
Iyana:..... my.. CAKE!!! D: *video below* *sobs* eh whatever
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: >.> *takes a bite* ...Eh, not really hungry. Whatever. *opens Tech's mouth and flings her piece inside*
Misty199 commented…
it went off the page XD over a year ago
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: Mmmmm ^^
Annie: What's your birthday wish!? :3
Tina: 83 yes tell me
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
Tina: Oh my gosh! Your right! 8<
DJ Darike: Oh gosh let me turn on the auto tune! :)
Misty199 commented…
XD !! over a year ago
over a year ago Misty199 said…
(inside Misty's dream)
Misty: *floating*
Random Cookie: welcome young traveler! c:
Misty: hello :3
Random Cookie: weve been waiting for your arrival so we can crown you Queen of Cookie Land! :3
Random Cookies: *applauding*
Misty: yay!
Random Cookie: *crowns Misty* oh joy! citizen's of Cookie Land I present to you are Cookie Queen! for life!
Misty: wait what
Random: *maniacal laughter*
Misty: *wakes up* COOOKKIIIESSS! *punches Mason*
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: Er, yes yes 'happy' one-day-closer-to-death-day. *cuz as IF Zinc's gonna sing xD*
Felx: O.O Death?
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: *sigh* n_n;
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Misty: *face below* *claps*
Samara: *giggles*
Misty: *face below* *claps*
Samara: *giggles*
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: I'm surrounded by idiots.

(ALSOOOOOO GUYS JOIN THIS ---->link like...NOW.)
Foxy10 commented…
probably to late -w- over a year ago
Foxy10 commented…
yep over a year ago
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: Hehe same as always :)
Tina: -w- nom nom nom yummy
Annie: We should play some party games :3
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Iyana: lets play pin the tail on the idiot! *looks at Mason*
Mason: sure! *smirk* I found the idiot
Iyana: T-T
Misty: *face below* So many choices *drooling*
Iyana: lets play pin the tail on the idiot! *looks at Mason*
Mason: sure! *smirk* I found the idiot
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: *picks up Tech* Found an idiot. I also found a LOT more but, meh.
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
Annie: Sweet I love Tails! :3
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: Tails?
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Iyana: ok :3...
Misty: *face below* *coughs glitter and sunshine outta her mouth :3* whats in this cake? *cough*
Iyana: ok :3...
Misty: *face below* *coughs glitter and sunshine outta her mouth :3* whats in this c
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
Annie: Love!!! X3 Mew
Tina: That's Meow :3
Annie: MEOW! Teheh ^^
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Mason: I think I did you a favor Iyana you hate sunshine and glitter *smirk*
Iyana: how dare you.. I happen to love rainbows, glitter, and sunshine... *eats some skittles* *spits rainbows at Mason*
Mason: *video below*
Iyana: taste the rainbow >:3 *hands skittles to Samara*
Samara: *holds them* *skittles turn black .-.?*
Tan: ill take some please :)
Iyana: *hands them to Tanner*
Mason: *coughing* don't eat those Tanner they might have poison..
Iyana: rainbow hater...
over a year ago Misty199 said…
Misty: where we gonna find a tail .^. *grabs tech*
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Tech: :3...
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJ Darike: Mmmmmm maybe there are some furry tails stuck under my turn tables? -o__o-
Andy: Why would there be tails under your thingamajigs?
DJ Darike: Turntables! ..and that is because furries inhabit many raves and hide under them. >_<
Andy: -_o ok.....
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: Yor...weird
over a year ago Foxy10 said…
DJDarike: It's not my fault! X<
*Tina looks under table finds a raccoon tail!*
Tina: Found one! X3
over a year ago SaraTheDog said…
Zinc: Kill it. KILL IT NOW.