Jim and Chris Updates

a pop quiz question was added: Whose older, Chris or Jim? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Chris' number one faghag? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: What does Chris equate getting it up the butt to? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Chris has a big dick? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: Chris has a big dick? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: Which state does Chris hate? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: What does Chris NOT have in his wardrobe? over a year ago by hurm
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: True or False: Jim has killed someone. over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: What clique did Chris belong to during his highschool years? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: True or False: Jim has killed someone. over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: Which occupation did Chris never have? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: What is Chris's IQ score? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: Which superhero leaked the news of Chris and Jim's relationship to the public? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: What famous musician beat Jim when he was bad? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: True or False: Jim has an account on eHarmony? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: Who did Jim have an obsession with? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: Who wants to be Jim's Chris? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: Which of the following did Chris learn by his teen years? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: Which one of the quotes was not made by Chris Pine? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: How many girls has Jim slept with? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: How many guys has Chris slept with? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is their love shape? over a year ago by hurm
a pop quiz question was added: How many girls has Chris slept with? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: Where did they go on their honeymoon? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: What is their love shape? over a year ago by Boltisacracker
a pop quiz question was added: How many kids do Jim & Chris have between them? over a year ago by Boltisacracker