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Jon & Kate Plus 8 Question

how do you think hte show will affect the kids in the long run?

i hope they benifit from it and not suffer.
but i wonder if the show cause more harm than good.

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 RealitTVSchool posted over a year ago
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Jon & Kate Plus 8 Answers

countrylife said:
No one knows the outcome of how children will be on "normal" life style. Having said that I think the material things in their life will grow while they suffer the loss of mother and father in the home together. While "they" Jon & Kate look at the fighting in front of the children harmful" as it is, they forgot the entire time how to show the children they love eachother and will bring them up together. Now they have many other issues of dealing with part time parents even though they are "their mother & father" it's not the same. I'm sad to think the TV show will go on, this was brought to homes to show people how parents can have success even with multiples. Now what success, why show it there is enough divorce in this world, 75,000.00 a show and the TV network is still going to air it. I think for the children the parents should deal with these issues alone and on their own. They will have enough to face, after all the children bought the million dollar home for their mother and father. I think Jon & Kate forgot to show love for eachother throughout the entire show, for that I don't see success, I saw greed to gain income. The lame "I can't go out of my house without my picture being taken" oh dear YOU SIGNED UP FOR THAT !!! It will get worse for ALL of you. You didn't put 100% into your marriage. But keep buying material things for the children that will help them understand love, devotion, faith and what a family truly is.
I feel sorry for these children they didn't asked to be brought into this world. As far as Jon and Kate you forgot to love eachother, understand eachother and be there for eachother from the first TV airing. Your proud to speak out now Jon and stand up for yourself, you say it's our business, you gave that up when you took the first 75,000.00, so deal with it.Why don't you step up and get councle and try to make the family you already have work out, love eachother, instead of telling the TV people "I'm excited to move on." Won't your children will be happy to hear that, maybe you could have a tee shirt made up "I'm excited to move on." I hope the children will grow to love be faithful, understanding, respectful and happy. You have your work cut out for you Jon & Kate. I'm very sad and dissapointed anyone can divorce your teaching families nothing now.Here I thought you two had something special.
Patricia New York

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posted over a year ago 
misspriss77 said:
It is a proven fact that children can bounce back from broken bones faster and more often than adults. In this case all these children are going to be who they are regardless of what happens to John and precious Kate. Alot of other children in the world could be so lucky.
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posted over a year ago 
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