Judaism Race?

mac posted on Mar 06, 2008 at 12:52AM
do u think jews are a race.

Judaism 7 replies

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over a year ago mac said…
yes we werent always but than are enemies said we were so now we have to own it and be the best damn race possible. im looking at u blacks
over a year ago dazl said…
Well, Jews were categorised by the Nazis by creed alone. Vichy France, however, categorised Jews by race, so as to give a more restrictive status.

However, in prewar Europe, Jews asserted themselves as Jewish first, and their country of origin second.

By the way,regarding being the best race possible, then insulting another race- sounds a little bit Fascist.
over a year ago Zerstoren said…
Mac, I must express that the comments you made about race are ridiculous.

But to be on topic, I suppose I always thought of a 'Jewish' person to be described by religion, not race.
over a year ago mac said…
zerstoren why are they ridiculous i could say a chair is a dog with the same amount of evidence that u say i am ridiculous.
dazl it was a joke and ur right it sounds a bit facist i apoliqize
over a year ago dazl said…
Sorry mac, I wasn't sure. I wrote that at three in the morning while in the middle of writing an essay about the plight of the Jews in Occupied France during World War Two.

Zerstoren, mac's comment if taken lightly isn't too offensive, now that I look at it again, but his question is valid. I am curious as to whether people assert their identity as their religion, or by country. In Ireland about thirty years back, most Irish poeple would have identified Catholicism as an integral part of their race.
over a year ago adavila said…
mac aren´t you an atheist or your race is judaism but your religion is not?

sorry for the bad grammar
over a year ago mac said…
yea u pretty much got it right. im culturley jewish. but alas that is bullshit but arent we all?