Kazunari Ninomiya Updates

a photo was added: Kazu over a year ago by Tsujun
an icon was added: Nino1 over a year ago by Tsujun
a comment was made to the photo: Letters from Iwo Jima over a year ago by Donn-Corn
a link was added: Ninomiya Kazunari worries fans with back problem over a year ago by TopGirl
a question was added: Post your favourite picture of Kazunari Ninomiya over a year ago by TopGirl
a wallpaper was added: Ninomiya over a year ago by TopGirl
fan art was added: Kazunari Ninomiya over a year ago by TopGirl
a video was added: 10 Reasons to Love Kazunari Ninomiya 嵐 over a year ago by TopGirl
a video was added: Happy Nino's 28th birthday! over a year ago by Tsuyuki-chan
a pop quiz question was added: What is Nino's mom's name? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: How tall is Nino (in fact)? over a year ago by Tsuyuki-chan
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is the name of the first movie he appeared in? over a year ago by Tsuyuki-chan
a poll was added: Fav Solo? over a year ago by 14124869
a poll was added: Favorite movie he appeared in? over a year ago by 14124869
a poll was added: What is your fav drama he appeared in? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of the first movie he appeared in? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of the first stage play he appeared in? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of the first drama Nino appeared in? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: Nino has... over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: Who sent Nino's registration form to Johnny's? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: What does his grandfather own? over a year ago by 14124869
a pop quiz question was added: When is Nino's birthday? over a year ago by 14124869