Peyton Scott Peyton Bashing

doyouknow posted on Jul 01, 2008 at 09:55PM
How annoying is it when Brucas fans bash Peyton and blame her for Brucas breaking up when it was clearly not her fault!

Peyton Scott 13 replies

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over a year ago Lila856 said…
I KNOWWW! don`t worry the female leads of every show always get bashed, its BEYOND annoying. EVERYTHINGS PEYTONS FAULT- BRUCAS BREAK UP, GLOBAL WARMING, BRUCAS FANS OBESITY, ETC.
over a year ago doyouknow said…
It's ridiculous! They hate her fr no reason! Brooke delayed Leyton for ages but I don't hate her!!
over a year ago alessandra_28 said…
I hate when people bash peyton!!! now even naley fans bash her!! People hate for not reason
over a year ago mollyx365 said…
i'm a brucas fan but peyton is my fave character! not all brucas fans hate peyton.
over a year ago alessandra_28 said…
almost every Brucas fan does it...don't understan why. I guess you are one of the few brucaser who likes peyton.
over a year ago Laurra said…
lila that is soo true! it is the leading female! e.g marissa cooper!
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Yeah it's so annoying. They're all just jealous abviously because they want Brucas but Luke wants Peyton
over a year ago laughingGrl said…
im a naley fan...peyton is my #2....

i hate the bashing period. all the female characters are getting bashed by the other fans. brooke, peyton, haley everyone seems to hate them and love them.
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Semantics again.

I'm a Brucas fan but I am in love with Peyton Sawyer. My bff Cheery_P is a Leytoner and a Brooke Davis fan. I'm very open to people who bash P.S or don't like her/hate her as long as they can explain reasonably so.

Peyton is exceptional. It's both in a good and a bad way. She's an idealist, a dreamer trapped in abstract beliefs. She is the lead female in the series and her story and experiences reflect that, to my opinion, she's an INDIVIDUALIST. She may fail as a human being with her social relationships, but she's great as an artist and she should focus on that.

Peyton's evolution throughout the seasons is the most complex thing in OTH. The reason why she is my most favorite character is because she's undeniably a person meant for greatness. The problem with her is she can't seem to figure out her emotional needs once it's too late and end up backing herself into a truck-load of defeat and shame. I think she's the girl who's always in the misery business. But she deserves to be loved and be taken care of.

I mean Season 1 showcased her as the tortured artist, someone who believes music can change the world. Her idealism is very touching, although most people in the real world will probably laugh at her (in season 5 we saw that with her big-time boss.) Then Season 2 with her being just friends with Lucas, fixing things with Brooke then trying to be with Jake...she was evolving to somebody who wasn't scared to care for someone deeply.

Then Season 3: my most favorite moment for her: she had a good thing with Lucas. Their "LOVE" is "PLATONIC." (I hope it's okay to flaunt my BL conviction) And I liked Peyton's courage with Ellie and then at Season 4 with Psycho Derek (with Brooke's help of course so Breyton is a real friendship to me.)

Before I used to hate P. Sawyer when I have never watched seasons 1-4 completely because I don't own a DVD copy yet.

Brooke has a big heart; she's optimist and I like her evolution as well just as Haley's. Peyton's is bumpy and cruel and very flawed but she is fascinating for it and people accusing her as a backstabbing whore (sadly, some BL fans hold to that notion) forget that she was a great character.

I know her flaws and I won't dignify them. Yes, she believes she is the center of her world and she does want to always appear like a victim. What she lacks is the power to control her emotions when they bring the worst out of her hence she deliberately sabotaged her friendship with Brooke. As a JPer, I believe Peyton was growing emotionally with Jake and she could have been better off with him anyway and when she did go behind Brooke's back, it was a defensive, selfish move that she did twice.

Even as her biggest fan (I always will be,) she had unconsciously or even unintentionally hurt Brooke when she confessed her feelings. Brooke said, "And you could have buried it and not say anything so what is that about?" which I totally agree with and Peyton answered that she wants to be honest. Now I think, this is coming from a pro-Peyton, that she's desperate because things with Jake didn't work out.

Now I hold my ground on being a Peyton Sawyer fan simply because her lack of self-awareness when it comes to hurting other people is fascinating and she's one of the best dark, angst-ridden character I've ever known. She's damaged. Really, really bad that she has to forever compensate for it. I don't blame if you despise her. Truth for the matter, she's almost somehow incapable of being truly happy most of the time.

She reminds me of Ally Mcbeal, another famous character who believed that "the reason why my problems are more important than another people is because they're MINE!"

Well, I still adore Peyton Sawyer and I think that never faded even if she did countless crap. I think that's part of the reason I love her so much. Brooke and Haley are great for me too but there's something tragic about P.S, a sadness I can relate to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nataliejade said…
I just don't listen to them.. I love Peyton.
They never say anything bad about Lucas and its just as much his fault as it is hers.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eka-chan said…
I hate Lucas. I can't like him anymore. He messed up as the seasons went on. I can't even like him for being a writer. I just think he gives good quotes for the show...but that's it.
over a year ago Chlarkfan said…
I used to hate peyton. but shes starting to grow on me. EXCEPT her and lucas she should be with jake<333
over a year ago twilightlvr11 said…
i lvoe peyotn, i mean i love brooke too, but peyton was not the reason for the end of brucas, i mean if she wasnt there, something else would have happened, reamember when brooke breaks up with lucas ins season 4 it hink? she says its not about peyton, its because they go days with out having a meaningful conversation, and pucas pushes her away, and she just eventually stopped missing him, so its not peyton