Phantasm Updates

a photo was added: .... over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
an icon was added: Tall Man over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
fan art was added: The Tall man and friends over a year ago by MasterOfFear
a video was added: phan-film over a year ago by stuartfitz
an answer was added to this question: Who is this woman in Phantasm? over a year ago by stuartfitz
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by stuartfitz
a comment was made to the poll: Which is your favorite movie in the Phantasm series? over a year ago by stuartfitz
a pop quiz question was added: what is the song called that reggie and jodi sing on the portch in the first film over a year ago by stuartfitz
a question was added: Who is this woman in Phantasm? over a year ago by MasterOfFear