Pottermore Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 229

BellaLovett said …
How on earth can someone gain thousands of house points ?? Posted over a year ago
milky-way commented…
They got most of them when the duelling was still running. over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
For everyone who's still waiting for their welcome email: It seems that day 4 people are currently being let in! I just checked lots of random people on Pottermore and they were all from registration days 1-4. Posted over a year ago
BlackHound commented…
Well, that's grand...possibly I won't have to wait much longer. :D over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Good luck for you! :) over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
i don't know whether my luck's going to favour this time or not. over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
yup i got my email (FINALLY) on sat and i was a day 4 person. they should be out for ya soon! over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC said …
Can anyone else not brew a potion to save their lives? ;) Posted over a year ago
simpleplan commented…
same here XD over a year ago
elmi commented…
me too! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
im way better at brewing than spellcasting :p over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Serios I'm better at spells than potions and I'm serious I'm terrible trust me over a year ago
big smile
elmi said …
I got my pottermore letter!!! yaaaaaaay!!!! my name is NimbusSand15!!
won't be able to work on it today but I will go on tomorrow and the day after that but none of the day I will be able to be on much! :( cuz skool started! let Saturday come I will be on whole day!! Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
I sent you a friend request! I'm MirrorCharm210. ^_^ over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
okay so i was in IT today for fourth period and we had a bit of free time so i decided to look on pottermore even though it was more than likely blocked but geuss what it wasnt i went on there for the rest of the period practicing spells and i completed one of them and got 101 potency Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
im terrible at potions and my spells is messing up Posted over a year ago
lilith84 said …
"We are sorry Pottermore is currently unavailable.
Please come back later and try again."


In the past few days those became my most hated words ever! UGH! Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Agreed. But I still love Pottermore. =P over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
and I'm beginning to hate it, there's something wrong with my potions brewing, one of my potions is stuck at 100% and when I go to finish it, I have to start all over again, I finish it again and it still shows me 100% and that it needs attention.... over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
More than 300 000 students now! Posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham commented…
I haven't received my letter yet... *sad* over a year ago
Pigfarts said …
So I got my email, and I'm a HUFFLEPUFF! Apparently I'm a particularly good FINDer! Ahaha Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
I'm a hufflepuff to welcome to hufflepuff over a year ago
TheHogwartsJagu commented…
When I gets a Pottermore user, I will try to FIND you.;) :) over a year ago
Pigfarts commented…
Haha ;P Jigglypuff rules! over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Who friended me on pottermore by the way if you have t already add me I'm howlcharm173 Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
i got my pottermore email yesterday im so excited its awesome and im in hufflepuff yay i though id be in there it fits my description perfectley and my wand is chestnut, dragon core and 12 and 1 half inches Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Yay, congrats! :) over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Thanx over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Finally! Congrats :) over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Oh thats great over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
I just got my pottermore email. And now it's not letting me on the website because it's too busy/unavailable.

................................................................................................ Posted over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
it's been like that all day, it's a bit annoying. over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i cant take it i cant take it! it let me on for a little while and then bumped me back off again grrrr over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
The same happened to me EXACTLY before I was going to be sorted! I was all excited and just pressed the "try on the hat" button and .... this annoying message showed up.... over a year ago
r-pattz said …
"We are sorry Pottermore is currently unavailable. Please come back later and try again."

BUT MY POTION WAS 99% COMPLETE. Posted over a year ago
simpleplan commented…
I have not even gotten on yet -_- over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
I had a potion brewing too, it's probably ruined by now. UGH! over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
its fixed now i was just playing it over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC said …
I JUST GOT MY POTTERMORE EMAIL!!!!!!!!!! I got in on Day 3, I was starting to think I was never going to get in and then I got my email! Oh, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR COMING THROUGH, POTTERMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Awesome!! Looks like all the day three people are getting in now. =P over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC commented…
I just got sorted into Slytherin! over a year ago
bellatrix114 commented…
Ooh slytherin darling? Very good my dear. I still haven't got my email ;( over a year ago
lilith84 said …
I've just been sorted into Slytherin!!! YAY! *does a happy dance* Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
yay! congrats lol over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Congrats .. Slytherin pwns !!! over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
yes, it does :D over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Just wondering how many from day 3 have accsess to pottermore? Posted over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
I just got my letter few minutes ago. over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC commented…
I got my letter the 8th, I registered on Day 3 over a year ago
milky-way commented…
I reckon you'll get yours very soon, pink-bookworm. It says on everyone's profile the date they joined pottermore, and every one I've looked at so far says 31/7 or 1/8 (days 1 and 2). So I think it mostly goes in order of when you register :) good luck over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
hello i got it im so excited its awesome over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
More emails were sent the 8th of September and also they are going to be sending emails daily for the next two weeks good luck everyone. Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
yay over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC commented…
I got mine the 8th :D over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
got mine the 10th over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
More emails where sent Tuesday the 6th of September good lick to those who haven't gotten their emails yet Posted over a year ago
elmi commented…
thx! gonna check my mail now! *entering mail* over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Lol, hope you get it and no prob I'll put on the wall every time more mail has been sent if you want over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Neither did I but don't worry more were sent the 8th over a year ago
hp_maniac said …
why am i the only unluckiest one?? Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Don't worry your not alone I'm unlucky to trust me over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
There's a lot who haven't gotten in. It's just random. over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
thnx guys for the consolation:) over a year ago
big smile
BeautifulN said …
I got into Pottermore. YAAAAAY :) Posted over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
My username is PixieRiver15 so add me :) over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Congrats I'm still waiting on mine what day did you register I did day 3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Congrats! I think I added you already but okay :) My username is ShadowBronze139 by the way over a year ago
big smile
rapunzeleah123 said …
I'm so excited for my Welcome email, so impatient…
But I'll have to wait. Waiting gives more satisfaction when it comes. :D Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
what day did you register? over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Day 4. over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
^Same! over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
More emails were sent Monday the 5th of September, good luck to those who haven't gotten their emails yet and to me to but I have a feeling I ain't getting it this time Posted over a year ago
r-pattz said …
Gryffindor is getting clique-y. Anyone else noticing that? :/ Posted over a year ago
XRoryX commented…
I have a bit. Especially after people started adding nicknames and everything. I'm disappointed about that, I was hoping it wouldn't become that way. over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 commented…
How? over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I noticed it. I'm in Gryffindor and I seem to be one of the only people not doing it. :( over a year ago
jhakanaka420 said …
is Pottermore fun?I am yet to get in and that's not till October.are you guy liking it? Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
I wouldn't know haven't gotten my welcome letter yet but I've heard it's good over a year ago
milky-way commented…
It's fun for the first few days, until you have nothing left to do except brew potions. They take over an hour and it's glitchy so you can't leave the page while you're waiting. But it should get better once the next book is opened up! over a year ago
BellaLovett said …
I've been out of town for 5 days but now I'm back, I haven't explored Pottermore well, I think the first thing I'll be doing is potion making Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I suck at Potions. :( I'm good at spells though. :) What's your username? I'll add you. :) I'm in Gryffindor. <3 over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Yeah potions are not easy, but I'm better at potions than spells :P, I'm ProphecyNimbus22 thanks I'll make sure to add you back, whats your username ? over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
^ Lol, I don't know if you know, but I friended you a couple days ago... So if you didn't I'm MirrorCharm210. XD over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I'm FangFeather72 :) over a year ago
FallenLove said …
I just got my Pottermore email *Screams*!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
congrats! :D over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Congrats what day did you solve the clue over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
wow. congrats! over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Hello everyone I'm back from the snow and still waiting for the email. Out of all 72 emails I had none were the pottermore email. Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Aw, that sucks. :( over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Yea I know but I will eventually get it over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
No prob over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
Wow, amazing! Slytherin has just got ONE house point more than Ravenclaw! :D Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Wow! It must be really close! I really really really want my email so I can take part. :) over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Slytherin is STILL only one point ahead! That was like Gryff and Slytherin about a week ago... *sigh* over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Wow it's that close I would thiknk that one house would stand out more than the rest over a year ago
BeautifulN said …
Another Welcome emails was sent...still no Welcome email for me :( Posted over a year ago
Lisseth commented…
Neither for me:) But I'm patient, because good things make us wait for them! I'm so excited to discover the Unique Online Experience!!!!!!! over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Me neither over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
Every house has more than 35 000 students now. Ravenclaw has still got the most (35 409), but the numbers are getting closer together. Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I really want to be sorted now. :( over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
^ me too :-/ over a year ago
xoxinkheartxox commented…
There's 143,076 students now :) over a year ago
xPotterheadx said …
I know this is a stupid question but can someone plz tell me how to get into pottermore. I googled the answer & it said to follow the owl (whatever that means) and I tried to & I still don't get it. Thanks. Posted over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Just go to the pottermore website, click sign in up the top and put in your username and password. It should work if your account's ready. over a year ago
xPotterheadx commented…
But I don't have my account ready. How do I register? over a year ago
milky-way commented…
I'd say it will be on the homepage. But yeah, it's a long wait, though it will be worth it. over a year ago
FairuzBones said …
I don't get it, some people a shame because they got shorted into Hufflepuff, after they got shorted into Hufflepuff they abandon Hufflepuff. WHAT!!!
Hufflepuff it's a great house, I didn't mind if I got shorted into Hufflepuff Posted over a year ago
Manonx commented…
Me neither ^^ Hufflepuff is actually my favorite house =) over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Agree, I'd be a billion times happier with Hufflepuff than with Slytherin! over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
how stupid dey are**sigh** over a year ago
FallenLove said …
More welcome emails are being sent out today from approximately 1:15pm (UK time) :) Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Good luck to you! over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
good luck over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I'm almost positive I'm a squib! :'( over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Me too :/ over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Sighs still haven't gotten my email and I tried logging in to but nothing and to make it worse rim going to the snow tonight and I had to get my brother to check my emails and I totally don't want him on my account if I get it I would go off my brain at him. Posted over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Does he know your Pottermore password? If he doesn't he won't be able to use it, I'm pretty sure. I hope the email's there waiting when you get back :) over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Hmm I'm not quit sure over a year ago
StarKidWeasley said …
I'm a Gryffindor! Surprised, but excited! Posted over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
Congrats:)I'm in Griffindor too over a year ago
XRoryX commented…
So am I! *highfive* Gryffindor is great :) over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
What does the welcome letter say for the other houses? I know what it says for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but I was curious about Hufflepuff and Slytherin :P Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
I've sent you something ;) over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Thanks :D over a year ago
big smile
BellaLovett said …
I cannot be happier that I'm now, I got my favorite wand core which is the dragons heartstring and I was sorted into Slytherin !!!

As I promised FIREWISKY TO EVERYONE !!! Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
*Drinks it* Thankyou Bella! When I finally get my email, I'll see you in Hogwarts! :) over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Thanks! To your health! I saved you a bed in my dormitory next to me! Wanna take it? ;D over a year ago
Mannu967 commented…
i got the same house and wand core as you, and they were the ones i wanted too ! yayy . :D over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
@FallenLove good luck @JAlanaE of course yes XD !! @Mannu967 congrats ! over a year ago
BellaLovett said …

and this is my wand

Length: 12 1/2 in Wood:Alder Core:Dragon Flexibility:Surprisingly Swishy
Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Congratulations! Good luck in getting into Slytherin! <3 over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Thank you and I did get sorted into Slytherin over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Awesome! :D over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
House: Ravenclaw :)
Wand: Alder, phoenix feather core, 14 1/2 inches, surprisingly swishy (xD) Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
awesome! you're so lucky :) over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Yay, congrats! Is that what you wanted? over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Yay, I'm in Ravenclaw too! over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
I'm in Ravenclaw too! over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
I'm a little confused right now! Before I got in I heard from so many people that registrants from all the different days got in already right at the beginning and that it's completely random who gets the welcome email first. But I just checked at least 50 random people on Pottermore and they were ALL from day 1 or 2! That doesn't seem very random to me! Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
I think anyone has the chance, but odds are in favor of day one and two people, if you know what I mean. over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
So no, it isn't COMPLETELY random. over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
And I think that's good! over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
b sfclsahibJB lfhkaIIdvglh I JUST GOT MY E-MAILLLLLLLL Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Congratulations! <3 over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Yay!! Congrats! :) over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
Congrats :) over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
congrats! :D over a year ago
cello_14 said …
Pottermore is fun. dont get your hopes too high. it wasnt what i had expected at all. im not disapointed. there wasnt much to do but earning points and brewing potions is fun. Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
What did you expect? over a year ago
cello_14 commented…
like more interaction. we get to do homework and other stuff. its pretty much what other people also expected. over a year ago
milky-way said …
Still waiting for the email though, but logging in worked! :D Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Awesome! What day did you register? :) over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Great! Congrats! :) over a year ago
milky-way commented…
Thanks! Day 2 :) over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Congrats on getting it :) over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
A little update for those who didn't get their email yet:

Current number of students: 100,785
Ravenclaw: 25,788 members
Hufflepuff: 25,057 members
Gryffindor: 24,986 members
Slytherin: 24,954 members

House points:
Ravenclaw: 10,943 points
Slytherin: 10,574 points
Gryffindor: 10,272 points
Hufflepuff: 9,641 points Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
OMG !!! 100,785 up to now !! I wonder how many "lucky few" there will be till October over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
But this number doesn't include those who already got their email but didn't get sorted yet. So the number of sent out welcome emails must be much higher. over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Slytherin is the smallest house again. 118,277 students in total now. over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
Who else thinks that this spot is a perfect completion to the actual Pottermore website because it offers exactly what Pottermore itself doesn't? Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Here is a song about pottermore I'm making up on the spot cause I'm bored.

Why must we wait, why oh why
Pottermore pottermore send another owl for I think Errol isn't up to the job
Why must we wait, why oh why
Everyday or more like every two seconds I check my mail
Just send us our email
Why must we wait, why oh why
This is a song about our welcome email
Please I'm begging you send us our mail
Why must we wait, why oh why
Why oh why oh why must we wait. Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
Where is my dang welcome email?! Posted over a year ago
goodman8 commented…
I'm still whatih four mine to I got my e mail telling me I'm got ealy acssas but no welcome e mail over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Same here :/ over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
SAME HERE!! Accio email! At least, if you mean the email that lets you actually use the site.... over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
I got sorted into Slytherin! I honestly don't know how my answers fit Slytherin though! It can't be only because I chose dusk over dawn, can it?? I'm somewhat confused and have to let that sink in a little... Posted over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
I think we were both confused, haha over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lucky! over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
a little bad luck! over a year ago
StarKidWeasley said …
No welcome email.......* throws tantrum*
Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
None for me either D: over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
None for me as well over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
same here... over a year ago
FairuzBones said …
first day at Pottermore and I knew that potions are not my expertise Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Potions keeps glitching for me. -_- over a year ago
XRoryX commented…
They're hard at first, but they do get a little easier. Potions are glitching for me too! over a year ago
big smile
FairuzBones said …
got my wand, Sycamore with Dragon core twelve and half inches and I'm Ravenclaw :) Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Awesome :D I want my e-maillll soooo baaaad :/ over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
thanks :) I hope you'll get your email soon :) over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
cool! :) I didn't get my email yet. over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
ravenclaw good job i hope to be in ravenclaw when i ge my email over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
I just got my wand! I love it! Phoenix feather core (which I most wanted) and it's 12 1/2 inches long, which is (almost) exactly the length of the wand I made myself when I was younger! :) Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
Cool! Your wand is sort of similar to mine, mine's a quarter inch shorter though. =P over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
is the test to get your wand a sepparate tes to get your house over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
really cool:) over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Sighs how many of you still haven't received your welcome emal Posted over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
Me. I don't want to wait anymore :( over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
me too!:(( over a year ago
Bluekait commented…
i did not get mine yet. *sigh* over a year ago
Talya95 said …
Yeeeah!!!I got my welcome email:) Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Congrats, on what day did you register ? over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Congrats!! :) over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
I am in Griffindor over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
WOOHOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!!!! *close to fainting* Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Oh thats awesome congrats XD over a year ago
acilim commented…
Congrats. :) over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Lucky! I'm still waiting. :( over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
*Insert Jeopardy music here*

*sighs* Posted over a year ago
FairuzBones said …
got my email :) but the Gringotts still lock :( Posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 commented…
If it's still locked you haven't picked up the shopping list yet :) over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
CONGRATS!!! I got my email today too! :) over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
I haven't gotten mine yet ;( over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
congrats! over a year ago
pink-bookworm said …
Some more emails where sent out Friday good luck Posted over a year ago
aly01 said …
im not very happy because my pottermore e-mail says im going to get in sometime to mid-August and the end of September Posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 commented…
That's what everyone's email said :) Just be patient, it'll come eventually! over a year ago
aly01 commented…
:) well that makes me feel better! I thought i was the only one XD!! thanks! over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
nope alot of people still haven gotten theirs yet over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said …
Hey guys :) If you're a day two, you should try logging onto Pottermore even if you didn't get the welcome email. I didn't get the welcome email, but when I signed onto Pottermore today the full website was open for me! Good luck guys!
Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Wow I'll fly to Pottermore in a second XD Thanks over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 commented…
lol, I got my welcome email about 12 hours after I figured out I could get online. x] over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Lol it might be because on the insider it answered some question saying that the emails might come in your inbox later than when they said the e-mails where sent out so meaning your account was probably already activated over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
The Pottermore Insider says: "As the Beta progresses, we’ll be increasing the number of emails we send out at any one time."
And: "We are planning on giving more people early access over the next week or so and then we will pause sending Welcome emails for a while so that we can see how things are going."
Aaaaaaah, I really hope I'll get mine before the pause!! Posted over a year ago
xElvenPiratex commented…
I hope so, too! Good luck! :) over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
My luck has been lacking this week... over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Oh no I don't want my e-mail next week, what a bad luck you have Bella >.< over a year ago
big smile
demideardarling said …
Just got in! :D I have no idea what I'm doing, but I just got in, haha! Posted over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
Congratulations:)) over a year ago
demideardarling commented…
Thank you. :) Ugh I just wish I wouldn't have been sorted into Hufflepuff. over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
i'm waiting for welcome email:(( over a year ago
big smile
acilim said …
Sooo... I finally got my welcome email.
Bought my wand (11 3/4 inches, cypress, Phoenix feather core, slightly springy), got sorted into Ravenclaw, earned 7 house points for collecting stuff, tried to cast some spells and make some potions but failed, screamed, cried tears of happiness and then decided to brag about it on Fanpop and Facebook. Excuse me, I have to go and scream some more now. Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
You're so lucky!!! I haven't got my email yet. :'( over a year ago
xElvenPiratex commented…
LOL! Congrats! And welcome to Ravenclaw! I'm one, too :) over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Yes no body would, we all share the same feeling :3 over a year ago
big smile
JAlanaE said …
Yay, 200 fans! :) Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
And they're 201 now, not a bad number :D over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
202 ;) over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
210 ;) over a year ago
MrsLestrangeHBC said …
Has anyone that's registered on Day 3 got in yet? Or are the Day 3 people doomed to wait forever and ever? I registered on Day 3 and I haven't got anything. D: Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
well thats reassuring. *sighs* i got in on day 4 which means i wont be getting one soon... over a year ago
bellatrix114 commented…
Day five, haven't got it yet :( over a year ago
bellatrix114 commented…
It's getting stupid now. I need to get in NOW over a year ago
Poseidon3 said …
Gryffindor: Woohoo! Lions for the cup! :D
Hufflepuff: Cool!
Ravenclaw: ok
Slytherin: What?! NO!!!! D: D:D: Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
We are opposites... over a year ago
Poseidon3 commented…
yeah. That's usually the case with Gryffindors and Slytherins xD over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
Mine's the same as yours, except change Hufflepuff and Gryffindor over a year ago
BellaLovett said …
Lol I can't believe that I got my green medal of this spot before even entering the site Posted over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
Congrats :) over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Congratulations! I haven't got my email yet either. :( over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Yo jealous people are hanging around :P, Zanny you got 15 other medals over a year ago
Stelena-Finchel said …
Still waiting for my welcome email :( Maybe it's Errol delivering it, thats why its taking so long.... Posted over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
Me too. I feel like a muggle :( over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Maybe it's because you are! Umm.... sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it!!! *duck* over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
me too :( over a year ago
Stelena-Finchel said …
My turn! :)

Gryffindor: YEEEEEEES! The house i wanted! Yay!Yay!Yay!♥
Ravenclaw: YAY! Dont mind this house :)<3
Hufflepuff: Eh, okay....
Slytherin: NO WAY IN HELL! Posted over a year ago
cello_14 said …
Me! :)

Hufflepuff: woohoo! waddup mah witches? :> wanna go to the. .er. .kitchen?
Slytherin: i'll be the next one who'll hug Draco and it wont be as akward as Voldie's hug. =))))
Gryffinder: eh. . . okay.
Ravenclaw: Boo!

Posted over a year ago
terhenetar said …
My turn :D

Slytherin: Yes! I knew it! ♥
Ravenclaw: I don't mind, I've always known that I'm smart. ;)
Gryffindor: Seriously? Although, it will be a perfect disguise, a snake in lion's clothing. Mwahahaha!
Hufflepuff: Mwahahaha! Did anyone really count my points or was it random? Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Same as me **high five** over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Where, oh where has my letter gone?

Where, oh where can it be? Posted over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Maybe it got lost on it's way over a year ago
BeautifulN said …
My turn XD

Hufflepuff: YES! My life is complete.
Slytherin: Draco where are yoooouuu?
Ravenclaw: Well...whatever.
Gryffindor: Seriously!? And for this I waited sooo long :( Posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 commented…
Almost the same as me, except Slytherin and Ravenclaw are flipped around :) over a year ago
BeautifulN commented…
^ I hope will be sorted into Hufflepuff ♥ over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol over a year ago
MichaelxxRupert said …
My turn <3
Gryffindor: YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! SO the house I wanted!!!!
Ravenclaw: YES! I don't mind being in Ravenclaw either!
Slytherin: It's okay I don't really mind.
Hufflepuff: WhAt?!?! 0.o um...does that mean I'm a good finder now? Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
What's a good finder? I've read it twice now, both times in connection with Hufflepuff, but I don't know what it's supposed to mean... over a year ago
xElvenPiratex commented…
^ It's a reference to A Very Potter Musical on youtube. It's really funny :D over a year ago
xoxinkheartxox commented…
haha finder! Well, if I hadn't of gotten into Pottermore, I'd go to pigfart! hehehe..gees I'm lame :) over a year ago
FallenLove said …
My turn! <3

Ravenclaw: Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Gryffindor: Awesome!
Hufflepuff: Ok...
Slytherin: :'( :'( :'( Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett said …
My turn now

Slytherin: YEEEAAAHHH WOOOW **passes firewisky to everyone**
Ravenclaw: ok ok I'm not mad
Gryffindor: Oh boy, I think I'm gonna kill someone
Hufflepuff: SERIOUSLY !!! OH SCREW YOU POTTERMORE >_< Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
So let's just hope you don't get Gryffindor... :P over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
X3 over a year ago
terhenetar commented…
I have to agree with you. xD over a year ago
XRoryX said …
Well I already got into my house, but this would be mine

Gryffindor: YAY!!!!
Hufflepuff: Woo, this works!
Ravenclaw: Ok this is alright
Slytherin: what?!? D: Posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said …
Lol, I'll join in too XD

Hufflepuff: OMG YESSSS :D :D :D
Ravenclaw: okay, cool :)
Slytherin: Whaat o.O Okay then..
Gryffindor: SOMETHING IS EXTREMELY WRONG WITH THIS >.< Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
This is fun :D who's next?? over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Me XD over a year ago
Poseidon3 commented…
You've got something against Gryffindor? Other than thinking it's over-rated. over a year ago
dancergirl78 said …
okay, my turn now! :D
Ravenclaw: woohoo
Hufflepuff: ok
Slytherin: WHAT NOOOOO Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
but I really don't care what I get :) over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Hahahaha ill join in!

Gryffindor: YESSSSSSS
Ravenclaw: *shrugs* okay then!
Slytherin: Well....this doesn't seem right....
Hufflepuff: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm not a good finder!!!!!!!

:p Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
I think it's cool how everyone wants to be somewhere else :D over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
lol me too. thats a good thing! :) over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
@zanhar1: LOL! :D For me it's more like:

Ravenclaw: YEEEES!!! ☺☻☺☻☺
Hufflepuff: Hmm... Well, okay!
Gryffindor: Seriously? Do I really fit in there?
Slytherin: Seriously? Do I really fit in there? ... Oh, but that means Snape is my house teacher! :D Heheheheee Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol ok :) over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
If I get into...

Slytherin: f** yes! (^O^☆♪
Ravenclaw: cool(^_^)☆
Hufflepuff: meh( ̄ー ̄)
Gryffindor: darn it。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。 Posted over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
my feelings exactly ;) over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
Gryffindor <3333333333333 over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Slytherin for the win! over a year ago
HotJugs22 said …
Everyone add me! Heartbludger146! <3 Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol whenever I get on. over a year ago
lilith84 commented…
same here :) I hope it will be soon :) over a year ago
dancergirl78 said …
I need that welcome email. grrr... :-/
my sister said she got hers, but I don't believe her. she wouldn't show me the email! :( Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
lol... so you suppose she just wanted to tease you? over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
yup, pretty much over a year ago
r-pattz said …
GRYFFINDOR JUST TOOK THE LEAD!! :D Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
But now Slytherin's back on top. :( over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Yes XD !! over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
^ Ravenclaw, by like, two thousand. xD over a year ago
lilith84 said …
I'm going crazy while I'm waiting for my Welcome e-mail. And though it is extremely frustrating, I am also excited that I can somehow experience a small part of what it must feel like to wait for a Hogwarts letter in the books. Posted over a year ago
SevSnapeForev commented…
Couldn't agree with you more! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol I agree over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Ugh, yeah, I guess you're right ;) over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
ERGH! I'm still not in. My patience is growing thin... Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
same here :-/ over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
me too :( over a year ago
elmi commented…
same here over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
I zanhar1 am now MidnightElm! I zanhar1 shall be p***ed if my sister gets her welcome email before me. Posted over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
Ikr !! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
She's not even that excited! I got her that account! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
BellaLovett said …
ACCIO WELCOME MAIL !! Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Accio! over a year ago
BellaLovett commented…
NOW !! I've been patient for months and I can't be any more over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
X3 over a year ago
FairuzBones said …
I want my Welcome email NOW Posted over a year ago
hp_maniac commented…
i understand how u feel:(( over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
same here :( over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Yeah, right? :) But it does startle some people when they're in my room :P over a year ago
dannylynn92 said …
really stressed about getting sorted is the test really obvious? Posted over a year ago
dannylynn92 commented…
what if theres a proublom and im not sorted but they tell me im a squib ..or even worse a huffelpuff?! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thanks. Slytherin. over a year ago
dannylynn92 commented…
maybe ill see you there gl over a year ago
JAlanaE said …
How is Pottermore related to the Twilight Series?? (--> related clubs) Posted over a year ago
FairuzBones commented…
what???? over a year ago
PiiXiiE commented…
Good questions...It is also a popular book series? over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol really?! over a year ago
FairuzBones said …
still waiting for my email Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
me too... *sigh* over a year ago
xElvenPiratex said …
Still waiting for my e-mail! I registered on day 1, so hopefully it'll be here soon... Posted over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
I want to strangle owl, which doesn't give me welcome e-mail. :))) over a year ago
xElvenPiratex commented…
Lol, I'm right there with you! :D over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
To me as well please!! over a year ago
xoxinkheartxox said …
Got my wand! Cypress, Unicorn horn, 11 inches, hard. :D Posted over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
Congrats! On which day did you register? I want to get my welcome mail NOW!... over a year ago
xoxinkheartxox commented…
I got in on the first day. When you get your email, your going to love it! It's pretty amazing. over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
But that would be really strange because there are no wands with unicorn horn in them in the Harry Potter books. Maybe it said "unicorn core"?? over a year ago
acilim said …
Ugh. This is exactly how I felt when I was waiting for my Hogwarts letter. Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Still waiting. over a year ago
Mushii said …
That's just annoying me SOOOO much ! -.-'' Posted over a year ago
Persephone16 commented…
Ummm...what? over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
^ i second that. huh..? over a year ago
Mushii commented…
^ I noticed that, unfortunately too late. :/ (Thanks anyway.) over a year ago
r-pattz said …

I got sorted into Gryffindor. -_- Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
What's wrong with that? *glare* XD over a year ago
simpleplan commented…
everything best XD over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
thats good! aha =P over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I am so sorry, I don't want to be in Gryffindor either. Once again so so sorry. over a year ago
erlina41 said …
Some people are in!!!! Most of them are day 2 and day 3. I've heard of some day 1. I'm day 2 but still waiting.. Posted over a year ago
Talya95 commented…
I'm still waiting too :(( over a year ago
AllyAM commented…
I'm day 3 and I didn't get in, over a year ago
erlina41 commented…
and they send no emails on weekends :( hope we get it on monday.. over a year ago
disneyfan500 said …
I got on day 4. Posted over a year ago