Prince Fluff Updates

a comment was made to the poll: ar meta knight cute? on prince Fluff? over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a pop quiz question was added: What color is Prince Fluff's crown? over a year ago by kittyfire101
a pop quiz question was added: In Kirby's Epic Yarn, what beads are worth the most? over a year ago by kittyfire101
a pop quiz question was added: How do you get the other neighbors? over a year ago by kittyfire101
a poll was added: ar meta knight cute? on prince Fluff? over a year ago by metaknightgirl
a comment was made to the poll: Is Prince Fluff cute? over a year ago by metaknightgirl
a poll was added: Is Prince Fluff cute? over a year ago by Percy1222KitKat
a pop quiz question was added: What Place do you have to beat to unlock hide-and-go seek with Zeke's nieces? over a year ago by Percy1222KitKat
a poll was added: On Kirby's Epic Yarn what place is your favorite? over a year ago by kittyfire101
a poll was added: What is your favorite thing for Prince Fluff to turn into in the game?(Kirby's Epic Yarn) over a year ago by Percy1222KitKat
a poll was added: Who's better, Prince Fluff or Kirby? over a year ago by Percy1222KitKat