Random Role Playing Second Chance

damiandemon posted on Dec 23, 2011 at 03:57AM
I sorta copied this off of 'The Art of Magic', but anyway, here it goes.

It is in 3529, and the world has gone into a nuclear war. All countries for themselves, it soon dissolved into a struggle for survival in wastelands. The survivors fled to whatever shelter they could find, and hid until the radiation faded.

One of the groups, rather large with over 100 people, made it into a bunker where a time machine was being tested. Not sure if it was safe, they decided not to use the machine, only in desperate times. Soon, as the radiation started creeping in, many died. The three eldest, a 14, 16, and 17 year old, finally decided to use the machine. Not able to function correctly enough to go to the past, they instead went to the future, a few million years ahead.

When the group finally was transported to a time where the radiation had faded, they met a surprising sight. Spread before them, were fields upon fields of grass, greener than any had seen. But with the wild, came danger. In the first months, before a proper settlement could be set up, they lost 20 people. Another 30, fearing of the intelligence of the leader of the project, fled, led by the 16 year old.

Soon, a large castle was built, and they started training, to get used to living in the wild. Specializing in their own zones, the castles many rooms became classrooms, each teaching a special skill, from stealth to swordsmanship. Now, almost 1000 years later, the Homekeep, as the castle was called, was the center of a broad city like kingdom, with many oter castles surrounding it.

However, out of these happy times, rises a deep and evil force. From the north, a mysterious group arises, skilled in the peoples weaker aspects, and weaker in the peoples stronger aspects. The group, called the Deseaced, is actually the group that seperated from the people in the earlier days.

This is were you guys come in. Each and everyone of you will be skilled in something, from a black smith, to a knight, etc. Everyone contributing to the war, the Deseaced slowly encircle the Keepsake. In this fight for your lives, you must choose between the light mages, or the dark mages.



Cavalry (Warriors on horses)
Apprentices to any of the above


Dragon Rider
Dragon Tamer
Beast rider
Beast Tamer

If you guys have any more ideas on skills, just say and I will add it.

Another thing, you can have as many characters as you want. I will be on both sides, and so can you. If you want to be general of one of the armies, message me. You can do aything really, except godmoding.



Side i.e. light, dark
last edited on Dec 23, 2011 at 02:00PM

Random Role Playing 61 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 61

over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
(How do you wnat my to do my profile?)
over a year ago damiandemon said…
Thead Eor
Darkest Mage
He always wears a hooded cloak, one that is a deep black. Tall, and lithe, don't let his thin stature fool you. Excellent with both sword amd magic, he is a formidable opponent.
He is a dark, sarcastic person. He emits an evil aura, and is always ready to show-off his strength.
He has a stafg and a sword, but usually uses his staff to focus his mage spells.

Loray Neil
Ranger, Swordman
A broadly built figure, he is stealthy and silent, a ranger at heart. With blond hair and tan skin, his muscles complimet him.Deadly accuracy with the bow and skills with the sword allow him to fight close combat and long range kills.
He is a good natured guy, single and not a braggart. He is willing to fight to the death for his people, wjo look up to him for guidance.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
Kizana Pifer (Zana)
Scout, Archer
A tall, strong girl, she is not exactley spy material, but can be extremely silent. Her Blonde hair has a single Raven feather in it, and her evergreen eyes are deep and mysterious. Her accuracy with her prized bow is deadly, and is often a distance fighter.
She has a go-with-the-flow attitude,and is single and sweet.
Kizana Pifer (Zana)
Scout, Archer
A tall, strong girl, she is not exactley spy material, but
over a year ago damiandemon said…
Thx for joining!!!
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
(should I do it in 3 or 1 person?)
over a year ago damiandemon said…
(Dosnt matter. Lets just start now)
I pace around the training arena, ccorrecting students and complimenting them.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I make another bullseye at the target practice area. I start to wonder if I even need to be here, practicing what I have already mastered.
over a year ago damiandemon said…
Soon, i call for a break, then walk off towards the main gate.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I hear the call for break, so I start walking towards the main gate.
over a year ago damiandemon said…
I see a girl walking to the main gate, and give her a slight nod.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I nod back with a smile, and continue on my way.
over a year ago damiandemon said…
I walk outside, and see a plume of smoje rising in the area where the Sekeep is, i gather a scoit, and tell him to inveatigate.

I laugh, watching people falling ro the superior ranks of my army.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I jog to the stables, where I mount my beautiful black mare, Raven. I ride her bareback, as usual.
over a year ago rickjackson said…
As the villigars fall, I see someone riding away on horseback
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I was going on Raven at top speed, flying through the fields next to the village.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
(Hey Ya think I can join or are their too many people here already LOL :P)
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
(go ahead and join, I don't think damiendemon will care)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
(Name Ever
Side Dark
Age 19
Skill Archer
ever has Long dark hair that falls to her ribcage, her long sidebangs fall past her cheek, she has piercing blue eyes and pink lips. she wears dark colours usually a black vest with a long sleeved gray shirt and black leggings with long boots.

Personality: manipulative, harsh,vicious,Devious, destructive

Name Rain
Side Dark
Age 18
Skill Healer
Descriptions copper hair that falls to her mid shoulder and side bangs that fall past her eye. she has striking green eyes. she always wears a pretty flowy black dress.
Personality she's a follwer, shy, timid, caring, cautious, careful.
she always follows ever.)
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
(might as well make a dark character...)
Name: December
Age: 12
Stable Girl
Description: Picture
Personality: Timid, Clumsy, Laid Back
(might as well make a dark character...)
Name: December
Age: 12
Stable Girl
Description: Picture
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I rushed about, trying to get all my chores done. Some guy threw a bucket at me. I somehow caught it and pitched it to the ground. I continued my never-ending duties.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Ever stood on the outskirts of the stable chuckling at the young girl working
Rain stood near her silently.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
A guy threw another bucket at me. I ducked, it barely missing my head. It smashed into the stall of a black stallion, Mage. He went berserk, but calmed at my touch.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Ever walked into the stable followed by rain.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"That's it. It's alright," I said in a calm tone
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Rain aproached december slowly and tapped her on the shoulder waiting for ever to speak
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I stiffened up, but turned around. I saw Ever, and went ghost-white.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
"awe someones scared of me rain." she spoke in a mocking tone. "ya happen to know where my horse is stable girl?"
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"Yes. Out I the pasture." I said, my voice as cold as the winter month I was named for.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
"good. Rain come." she demanded
Rain hesitated for a moment. "my horse?" she asked softly
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"Out in the pasture as well." I picked up the horse's lead rope and halters, following Ever and Rain.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Ever walked straight and in control all the way to the pasture. Rain folloewed behind lacking evers confidence as she kept ducking her head back trying to find something to say to december.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
We stopped in front of the gate. I handed Ever and Rain the leads and halters for their horses.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Ever grabbed the lead and halter for her horse and marched off without a sound to december. Just a cold stare as she went on getting her horse ready to ride.
Rain Looked at december and took it.
"thanks." she mouthed walking to her horse
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"You're welcome." I mumbled. I ran back to the stable, hearing the frightened noises of Mage.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Ever hopped on her horse as she waited for rain to do the same.
The both rode off together.
but rain kept looking back at december
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
Someone had been throwing feed buckets. "Is it really necessary?" I yelled.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Rain stopped "I forgot something at the stables I'll catch up okay."
Ever rolled her eyes
"whatever, just be quick I am nto waiting."
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I restocked the feed and put water in the horses' troughs.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Rain got off her horse and walked towards december.
"hey you need help?" she asked
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"No, I'm fine."
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Rain shrugged looking at mage wonderingly. pulling her hand up and petting his nose.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I walked over to Luna, the only pure-white horse in the place. "I know you are gonna be mine someday." I told the 10 month old horse.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Rain looked at her and heard her words.
"she's pretty." she spoke softly
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"Yeah. She belongs to my dad. He promised I could have her when she's old enough."
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
she nodded her head slightly.
"well I guess I should go. ever will be beside heself with anger if she found out where I was."
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
"She'd be mad if she knew you were here?"
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
"talking to you, yes. Little does she actually know I have feelings." she said adding a little chuckle under her breath as she turned to walk away
over a year ago Albina21 said…
Name: Envy Yung
Side: Dark
Age: 21
Skill: Dragon Rider
Description: Tall, lanky, wavy red hair that goes to under ribs and has a part on the side, bright green eyes, athletic.
Personality: Ordering, a leader, vain, belittles others
Other: The only person that she is nice to is her red female dragon, Diamond.

Name: Crystal
Side: Light
Age: 16
Skill: Archer
Description: Medium height, curvy, straight blond hair that is usually in a ponytail with bangs hanging down to jaw, blue eyes
Personality: Quiet, determined, curious, hard-working
Other: Tries to improve her archery, but also wants to be a spy one day.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
(hmm I think maybe I should make a light character)
(name: Elm
age: 19
side: dark
skill: dragon Tamer
description: shaggy black hair and dark green eyes.
personality: quiet, mysterious, intuitive, fierce
other: he has always had a crush on Rain.

Name: Ember
side: Light
age: 21
skill: assasin
Description: short shaggy Strawberry blond hair. and beautiful icy blue eyes.
personality: Vicious, fierce, cruel, vindictive.

Name: Victor
side: light
skill: poitineer
description: short caramel hair, grey eyes
personality: loving, caring, sweet, charming. )

Rain let her hand rest on her beautiful silky black horse as she arrived near ever. Elm sat near the river his eyes searching for hers. Ever sighed Jumping off her horse and drawing her bow and arrows from her back. she sucked in a breathe and shot precicly at the tree.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
I dismounted Raven by the river. "Hey Elm."