Random Role Playing Galaxy Wars RP

wolfmaster3000 posted on Jan 06, 2012 at 05:40AM
This Role play is in the year 3055. in the year 2014 the human race built there first robot known as E.M.P.S.(environmental Protection System ) in witch was used to clean up polution from the earths atomsphere. in the year 2018 Humans Discover that Vampires live among them with the help of E.M.P.S. Humans and Vampire live in harmoney in the way 2034 Humans and vampires team up to build more robotic things such as Andorids and little house hold robots space ships in the year 2089 humans and Vampires discover Aliens Alieins start to live with the humans Vampires and Robots. in the year 2090 E.M.P.S finds humans and vampires are a threat to the earth and starts a purge , the humans and vamprie quickly form an alliance to fight agaisnt E.M.P.S but E.M.P.S gets all robots on there side to help purge the human race, in the year 2095 the Vampire form there own orginzation called the church to get rid of humans & robots so they can rule the earth. in the year 3000 Aliens help the humans form a group called the AF ( Allied forces ), in the year 3020 E.M.P.S forms it's own Division known as the R.P.D.F (Robo Desurction Federation). in the year 3055 Earth is now a war Zone for the Church (Vampires), R..D.F ( robots and Andorids only ) and of course the AF ( allied forces) it has become a barren waste land with few cities left there are those who also have no side adn struggle to servive so whose side are you ?, the Vampires , Aliens & Humans or the Dreaded Robot menance.

-Ranking for each side-

R.P.D.F ( Robot Destruction Federation )

Rank1 (equal to a high general)
Rank0 (E.M.P.S)

The church Ranking ( Vampires )
Arch Duke
HighPerist (equal to a high General)
Pope (the leader )

Af Ranking (Alied Forces, humans & Alien )

pety warrant officer (lowest )
Warrant officer
Warrant officer 1st class
warrant officer 2nd class
Brigader General
Major General
High General
leader class (highest )

give a basic profile ( there is furastic weapons like lasers and all that fun stuff be reason able , ONLY VAMPIRES CAN USE MAGIC !, be reasonable with the whole vampire's can use magic thing )
last edited on Jan 06, 2012 at 05:42AM

Random Role Playing 4 replies

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over a year ago southern-belle said…
sounds awesome (: I'll attempt to get a profile up when I'm not so tired lol.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
^ Same here.
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
name : Omega Slifer

Age : unknown ( looks about 29-early 30's )

Rank: Rank1 Robot / Sciencest

Side : R.D.F

Race : Biological Robot

powers : Regeneration / Transformation & extreme Intllegence

Historey : Omega Slifer wasn't always a robot infact he was once a Human Sciencest Named Slifer that studdied Biologey and Human Robotics . After slifer got his P.H.D in Robtoics and Biologey he begun an expremental progam called Omgea the Purpose was for him to create a Bilogical Lquid Robot using Nanites to help replace human tissue that had been lost or even replace limbs. Slifer let his work get to him and was called one of the most Brlliant minds of the human race he shortly had his progam discharged but despite what people had told him he kept working on it finally when he thought his living Robot was ready he injected it into many people all failed. after a few more years slifer ahd perfected his Living metal and again injected it into his own body. the ninates had merged with Slifer but had made himself go insane. in turn the nanites gave him the power to transform his body into weapons even though he's insane he still posse's his human apperance and when the war started slifer sided with the robots & andorids for unkown reasons.

Apperance : pictures below
name : Omega Slifer

Age : unknown ( looks about 29-early 30's ) 

Rank: Rank1 Robot / Sciencest
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
Name: Nia

Age: 40 (Looks and acts like a 16 year old)

Rank: Vampire 2 / Initiate

Side: The Church (Vampires)

Race: Vampire

Powers: Superhuman speed & Mind Reading

History: Nia was young indeed when she found out that her best friend was a vampire. She and her friend became full vampires at age 16. Nia tries not to eat humans because well, she used to be one.

Appearance: Raven Black Hair, Ruby Red Eyes, Pale Skin, about 5' 6"