Random Role Playing Halo RP (Anyone welcome)

killshotzzz posted on Apr 05, 2013 at 12:15AM
Welcome to the ODST grunts. From this day forth you are now a Soldier. Our goal is to wipe out the Covenant Forces. Watch out Soldier there a nasty bunch. Good Luck and watch your back out there.

You can either be a Spartan, if so choose a 3 digit code and a code-name, or an ODST Trooper. Choose your own weapons, Spartan can have to 1-6 weapons, ODST 1-3.

Please no God-Modding.

Code (If Spartan):

The rest you make up
Welcome to the ODST grunts. From this day forth you are now a Soldier. Our goal is to wipe out the Co

Random Role Playing 720 replies

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over a year ago Ayaka said…
Name: Lily Acre
Codename: Archer, Noble 8
Code (If Spartan): 641
Weapon: DMR, light rifle (Halo 4 weapon), handgun, combat knife, G36c
Personality: will work well in a team, kind, kinda quiet, fun loving, protective, laid back

(looks like this pic except black)
last edited over a year ago
Name: Lily Acre
Codename: Archer, Noble 8
Code (If Spartan): 641
Weapon: DMR, light rifle (Halo 4
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(The code would be like Master Cheifs Eg: 117 221 something like that)

Name: Codename- Raider
Code (If Spartan): 248
Weapon: Sniper Rifle, Magnum, M3AB Assault Rifle
Personality: Keeps to himself alot but will occasionally join in conversations, hates people behind him
(The code would be like Master Cheifs Eg: 117 221 something like that) 

Name: Codename- Raider 
Ayaka commented…
Okay I edited over a year ago
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Name Siren
Codename: shadow
Code: 583
Weapon: Sniper rifles-BARRETT 50CAL. Handgun- Desert Eagle. Assault rifles- Ak-47, M4A1.
Personalty: Fearless,she rather get shot for a mate then hiding behind a pole,usually cold and quiet, sometimes her childish side just jumps out.
last edited over a year ago
Name Siren
Codename: shadow
Code: 583
Weapon: Sniper rifles-BARRETT 50CAL. Handgun- Desert Eagle.
Angel_Kiss commented…
I changed her name over a year ago
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(Ok I'll start)

*An artillery shell exploded a few feet away, leaving Aaron in a dazed state. Hearing nothing but ringing in his ears he stood up and sent a few rounds at an enemy emcampment. He quickly dove behind a wall to evade incoming fire. He casually spoke into his headset* Is it just me or do these exercises get harder and harder*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"both." Siren grinned, reloading her sniper, she aimed for the enemy's head, bullet flew into the air"oh yeah! Double headshot!" she whooped, then went back to work. The enemy threw a flash bomb at her, it explored right next to her,""fuck." her eyes where dazzling, her head spinning,"code black,enemies on the roof, need-" it was a bit late, they surrounded her,"motherfucker.."she took a step back,looked down from the tall building,then grinning,she twisted her body and leaped into the air.
over a year ago Ayaka said…
"I gotcha Siren" Lily shouts on her com, shooting enemies of the rooftops using quick shots with her rifle. They fall but more come "Shit, need more ammo" she chuckles then changes positions, planning to ambush them from the back. "Going to assassinate" she says again, readying her combat knife and assassinates them from the back.
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Siren landed perfectly on top of an enemy,"one down." she giggled.stabbing him with a dagger. Blood covered her face, she wiped it roughly with her hand. Then pulled out her Ak-47.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Aaron rushed out from the wall and fired rounds at the enemies, hitting all of them with pure luck.* Man I think their actually trying to kill us this time *He smiles as he sends another burst at another group of enemies*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ayaka said…
"Let them try" Lily chuckles as she air assassinates a guy "Luckily we're really not killing our own people so I guess the more brutal it guess, the waves might get a little weaker."
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"Enemies 3 o'clock. Meet you guy." she gave headshots, she scanned the empty street,"5 minutes." he punched the guy in the face, then striked him with a dagger.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Aaron sighed* You two are enjoying yourselfs aren't you *He smiled, actually he was too but he wasn't gonna say that. He turned and fired a round at another enemy, quickly swapping his empty mag for a fresh one.*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"oh yeah baby, totally." she smirked, crawling in the mud, she watched as the enemies walk pass without noticing her."close to target, Archer, raider, what's your situation?" she whispered.hiding under a truck.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider sprinted to a large building and quickly went too the top* I'm in position ontop of a large building about half a click away *He slung his assault rifle on his back and brought up his sniper deploying the bipod*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
She held up a flashlight that only the ODST soldiers can see."can you see,Raider?" her left arm was aching, then she saw the bloody damn knife in her shoulder," fuck, got stabbed." she cursed, pulling the knife out.
(this is her armour)
She held up a flashlight that only the ODST soldiers can see."can you see,Raider?" her left arm was a
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider looked through the scope* That's a positive i have visual confirmation
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"great, they are a few blocks away,east." she reloaded her assault rifle."10...9...8....7...6...5...now!­&qu­ot; she begin to shoot, bulets everywhere.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raiser fired a round from the Rifle its round tearing through the wind and nailed a target. He continued to fire rounds downrage*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"take over, I'm moving in." she crawled over to the small alleyway, then got up,she looked around.no one,good. She climbed up the ladder, then jumped into the window, turned on her nightvision."rescue target close."she twisted the door knob, then before she know it, she blacked out.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider heard static over his headset* Shadow do you copy what was that noise *He continued to fire rounds and kept the enemies from entering the building*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Nothing came from the com.
She opened her eyes slowly, her body ached in pain, she looked up, it was a little room, the windows blocked with metal pieces, her armour and weapons were gone, she was left with her tights."raider,ca...can you he..hear me?" she pushed her earpiece.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider replied quickly*Is that you Shadow your breaking up
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"yeah, listen, the buildings are trapped, their men are everywhere..he...hello...can you hear me?damn, thing is breaking up---" the conversation ended with a loud scratching sound which made siren scream a little. She stumbled a few steps back the little corner,"fuck."she punched the wall,a bit of it broke up."huh? HM...these walls are not steady,maybe I can punch my way through." so she did.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider could barely make out anything except static. He decided to go into the building and find her. After slinging his Rifle on his back he threw down a rope and rappeled down the side of the wall, quickly rushing to the other building and drawing his Assault Rifle he entered*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
She finally broke the wall, her arms was scarred, her black hair messy and dirty. She looked around, then grabbbed a pieces of sharp wood."you can do it,you can do it." she muttered
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider quietly snuck into the building and made sure there was nobody following or watching him as he looked for Shadow*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Turning into a corner,and jumped over a few dead people, then she saw the pile, her armour torn up. But she puts it on anway, atleast its better then nothing, she dropped her wooden stake and grabbed an AK off of the floor,"huh,never knew people just leave them around like this." she reloaded the gun
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Aaron put a suppressor on his MA5B and took out a line of targets* Come on Shadow where are you
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"do you copy me?Raider,can you hear me." Siren tried to fix the com. She sat in the corner," if you can, the rescuing target is in the left room where the piano is , there might be bombs.please respond if you heard me."she coughed, her head leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider heard a faint voice over the com and came to a stop* Is that you Shadow *He heard something about a room, piano and bombs* What in the world *He said to himself*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"fuck this damn thing." she wanted to tear the helmet apart, but then said slowly," Meet me by the room near the piano." then she turned around and started running, watching out for enemies.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider heard that message* Roger that *He had no idea what room she meant so he went to all the rooms and searched them looking for a piano*
over a year ago Ayaka said…
"Noble 8 you're needed on the bridge" the voice of the spectator echoed in the room. Lily's head jerked away from the battlefield as people stopped attacking her and headed for the other two. She smoothly walked over to the door on the wall and opened it, placing her weapons on the table for replenishing of ammo and cleaning of parts. Then she heads for the bridge and lo and behold, Master Chief was there waiting for her. "Sir you called?" she salutes, as he salutes as well.
"Covenant battleships have landed, their armor are reenforced and they're what we might call 'Grenade happy.' Assemble the troops, we discuss the plan at 0900 hours" he says before leaving her.
"Yes sir" she salutes again, parting ways with him. She goes over to control centre and asks the speaker to announce it. Time now is 0700 hours, two hours to go.
"Announcing all healthy and well spartans, please proceed to the debriefing station, there is an emergency. Meeting begins at 0900 hours." the speaker says aloud.
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(this thing reminds me of CoD.)
Siren took out two enermies, rescue missions are harder then the usual killing, target dead,they're toast."Archer,your situation." she was under the piano now, hiding in the corner,she wondered if lily needed help, so she dropped her ak-47 and grabbed a sniper, she leaned against the window, helping lily from behind.
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Lily hears her team mate call as she returns to the training area and pops up from behind Siren "Thanks for the back up" she chuckles "Oh yeah guys, at 0900, we're needed by Chief at the bridge so be prepared to head out." Lily chuckles, hiding her noble 8 badge between her armor.
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(siren is in a building..)
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider came around into a room and seen Siren leaning out of a window* Umm may I ask what your doing *He said in a calm voice*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Two bullets flew out before she turned around to face Raider,"just helping out." She shrugged,grinning, then she heard something from the room, "get down." She grabbed him and pulled him down behind the piano, they watched in silence as the man walked out with a machine gun, shouting back at the room in german.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider shrugged* Why not just take him out *He pulled up his Rifle and smiled through his visor*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"No,wait." She listened, a few more different voices came from the room. The man went,"Fuck." Then walked away,"wait for it..." She whispered, the the man was near the turn,"now." She made a hand sigh that means shoot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider squeezed the trigger and a silenced shot nailed the man and his body hit the floor* Now wasn't that easy *He smiled through his visor again*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
She punched him on the shoulder gently," don't get too ahead of the game."she laughed without a sound,"there are 5 people in the room, take them down, I'll rescue the target, fair enough?" she was using a heat detector, scaning on the wall.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider nodded* Roger that *He dove out from behind the piano and sent a burst at the closest target* One *He sent a burst an another* Two *He continued this pace*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
SShe charged in, letting raider's bullet fly pass her, her body moved smoothly towards the target, she grabbed the girl, then looked at the empty room." mission accomplished." she saw the bomb on the wall, time was ticking away,"holy. Let's get out of here before we become human barbecue."
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider smiled* Oooh that sounds good *He said jokingly. He quickly got up, sending another burst into another man, and turned around for the door. He ran full speed to the door and stood outside it waiting for Siren to leave so he can cover her*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
She ran pass Raider, then grabbed him, unfortunately he was bit heavy for her, so she chose the window.3, she sprinted for the window with the girl in her arm and raider in the other hand. 2, she leaped into the window, the glass broke into a million pieces, scaring her face. 1, the building exploded behind them.
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Archer stayed outside the building, watching their every move on the thermal scope of her rifle. "They seem ready" she chuckles, pushing in some buttons on her armor.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*After Siren and Raider landed he looked over at her* Ow did you have to be so rough, I'm delicate *He said teasing her*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Siren crash landed into a freaking car(who the hell put it there). She crused while getting up, the girl landed safely with Raider,"I just thought flying out a window would be soooooo much fun!" she said sarcasticly. Limping towards them
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Raider smiled* Oh it was but I hate how we have to wear this ODST armor, ours is so much better *He notices her limping* Need a hand there, I can carry you if ya like *He said smiling and wondering who put a car there*
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"don't need help." she said coldly, she couldn't feel her leg, it was swollen, she bit her lips and walked up to Lily, she tookk off her helmet,"saw you having fun there?" she laughed, when sat down with her legs crossed, shiny clear liquid rolling down from the side of her cheek," when is the pic-up truck coming to fetch us?" she turned to Aaron(his real name right?)).