Random Role Playing Magic Kaito RP: The Time Gem REDO!

wantadog posted on Jun 25, 2013 at 12:21AM
It's back. I was talked into giving this one more go. I found it kinda crazy the first time around. So here's to getting it right this time XD

Setting: All around the world

Plot: Kaitou Kid had disappeared off the map for over 10 years, and several knock-off's have tried to take his place. But throughout all the chaos, a single gem remains hidden from the world. The Time Gem, a jewel rumored to be able to bring back one's youth, just by looking at the sunlight reflected off of the gem. Several thieves have looked for this gem, all have failed. Several rumors have spread of a way to find the gem, Many absurd and implausible. But there are a few that are just crazy enough to actually work. A carefree thief named Cole has stumbled upon the source of one of these crazy rumors. Will he be able to find The Time Gem, or is he just a stepping stone for another thief.


1. No godmodding. Your character can be a magician, but not to the point of instantly evading the cops. Your character can be a detective, but not to the point of instantly knowing where the people are. XD

2. No killing off characters without their permission.

3. PG-13. Cursing is allowed. Sex is not.

4. Be polite to the other RP'ers.

5. Timeskips require a majority vote.

6: No one-liners. I'm not asking for long posts, but be as descriptive as possible.

7: Use grammar! I'm not expecting perfect English, but make your posts understandable.

8: Keep the mushy romance stuff to a minimum.

9: Do not delete posts.

10: Be fair and have fun or a Hellhound will eat your television.

Character Creation Sheet:









Weapons: (If any)

Other info:


(Basically there are three general groups. Detectives/police, Thieves, and normal citizens. Any one of them can be a magician or just a normal thief/cop/person.)
It's back. I was talked into giving this one more go. I found it kinda crazy the first time around. S
last edited on Feb 09, 2014 at 02:54AM

Random Role Playing 12 replies

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over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Hey..Hey...Hey..Wanna start this Popsicle stand?))
over a year ago wantadog said…
I don't know...this did not get any people when I made the forum so it probably won't get any now.
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Aww come on!I bet it will if we flood Random roleplay with our rping!
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
It sounds cool but if your a character wat r u suppose to do?Are you a thief,detective,cop or an average citizen. I just don't get what your suppose to do...can somebody help with this XD It's confusing}
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Probably you can be any of those.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Can everyone hold on? This was one of my first RP's from when I still had no idea what I was doing. If we are going to revive this then I'll need to take a little time to familiarize myself with it and edit the description a tad.)
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
((Okay Wanta,We can wait.))
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Okay for starters, I edited the rules to be more thorough and cut out a bunch of the useless stuff in the character sheets.)
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
((I see,))
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Okay to answer the question as best I can. Basically there are three general groups. Detectives/police, Thieves, and normal citizens. Any one of them can be a magician or just a normal thief/cop/person.)
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
((I see,You should put that up so we can give the joiners as much information as possible.
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
(Yeah and thx for info! I'm gonna join tomorrow because I have to leave)