Random Role Playing Fairy Tail RP - The Remake reloaded

mcterra posted on Jul 10, 2013 at 02:58PM
Well, this is a remake of the Fairy Tail RP that dargox made.But since it died I thought of making a new one.It's practically the same thing.

Magic Power:

4.NO KILLING OF ANOTHER PERSON'S CHARACTER OF COURSE and all the other blah blah that everyone knows.


last edited on Jul 10, 2013 at 03:17PM

Random Role Playing 62 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 62

over a year ago mcterra said…
Name:Sion Barzahd
Guild:Fairy Tail
Magic Power: Hell fire Dragon Slaying Magic (His flames are deep red and he can turn his body into hell fire rendering his opponent's speed and power useless.)
Personnality:Hot headed and always ready for a fight.He is not afraid to speak out what he has on his mind.
Bio:He has a horrible past which he is trying to forget.
Other:He has a little pet monkey called Ookie which can turn into a giant gorilla.(King Kong)
Name:Sion Barzahd
Guild:Fairy Tail
Magic Power: Hell fire Dragon Slaying Magic (His flames
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Name: Belle Naiser
Age: 17
Guild: Phantom Lord
Magic Power: White dragon slayer magic
Personnality: Quiet and reserved. She hardly spends any time in the guild, and tebds to wander around and doing assignments on her own.
Appearance: picture
Weapon: none
Bio: Unknown. She never talks about it.
Other: She likes butterscotch...a lot of it.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Belle Naiser
Age: 17
Guild: Phantom Lord
Magic Power: White dragon slayer magic
mcterra commented…
Welcome. over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
(just waiting for 1 more person or 2 or even 3 and we'll most probably start.)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Hey. What the hell's going on?Don't tell me the remake is gonna die faster than the original.THAT'S INSANE!!!!!)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
I wanna join!!!
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Name- Zared Aegeus
Age- 19
Guild- Crystal Star
Magic powers- Binding, sealing, barrier, and dispelling magic. Has an almost infinite quantity of magical power. However, if he uses up a lot of energy too fast he will die by spontaneous combustion. Five swords (ExQuip) that help with sealing and binding along with twelve staves (ExQuip for magical purposes.
Personality- Out going and Charming
Looks- See pic
Bio: Tries to keep past a secret. His great grand father was the founder of the guild.
Other: Know one of the guild's Great Magic spells
last edited over a year ago
Name- Zared Aegeus
Age- 19
Guild- Crystal Star
Magic powers- Binding, sealing, barrier, and dispel
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
(How many Characters can we have?)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(5 maximum.Thanks for joining though.)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
(Yay!) (I will be adding 4 more characters if that's ok)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(no problem.Go on.Then we will be able to start.)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Geebs, five characters? If you can pull this off, I will admire you))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(It happens,you know.It happens.)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I am aware it happens, but I have yet to see someone do five in one forum successfully.))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Yeah,that would be quite impressive.Let's just wait for him and see how he's gonna do it.)
over a year ago mcterra said…
Sion stood at the door of the guild and smiled.He had been gone for a while to train in the mountains and was back. "We're back at last, Ookie." The monkey answered on his shoulder. "Yeah and we're gonna cause a ruckus." 'You're right damn monkey." As he said that, Sion kicked the guild door open. "HEY!!! YOU SCUMBAGS I'M BACK!!!" Mackarov sighed and said "Oh no not that kid again.His period of absence had been one of the calmest the guild has ever experienced.But now that he's back,alongside Natsu and co. this guild's gonna get destroyed for sure." Mirajane smiled and said "There's no helping it,master.This is fairy tail, afterall."
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Name: Sebastian Virgil
Age: 17
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power: Dimensional Eye Magic- Sebastian has eyes on his palms and one in the center of his forehead giving him the ability to take a magic attack in a dimensional plane and redirect it. Can also leave a magic wound in the shape of an eye that will make a target slowly ooze magic.
Personnality: Calm and collected. Acts unmotivated and prefers to be alone
Appearance: See pic
Weapon: None
Bio: Sebastian's family has been in Crystal Star for years.
Other: His father has a similar magic to Sebastian's.
Name: Sebastian Virgil 
Age: 17
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power: Dimensional Eye Magic- Sebastian
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Name: Mistral Frost
Age: 16
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power: Blizzard Dragon Slayer Magic
Personnality: Kind of a cold character when it comes to people not in his guild. To those in his guild he is extremely friendly and social.
Weapon: None
Bio: Was raised by the Blizzard Dragon until he disappeared. Joined Crystal Star after coming across Zared.
Name: Mistral Frost
Age: 16
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power: Blizzard Dragon Slayer Magic
over a year ago mcterra said…
(it seems you really wanna do it.)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Name: Quinn Michaels
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power:Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic
Personnality:Bright and cheerful. Loves live but has a tendency to become vicious if he feels like someone is being threatening.
Appearance: Pic
Bio: His dragon disappeared as well as Mistral's, Recruited to Crystal Star by its master
Other: He is able to eat lacrimas and other crystalline substances.
Name: Quinn Michaels
Guild: Crystal Star
Magic Power:Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Name: Leonard Gray
Age: 23
Guild: Crystal Star (3rd Master- 2nd Master died from disease 3 years ago and left Leonard in charge.)
Magic Power: Unknown
Personnality: Reserved and quiet.
Appearance: Pic
Weapon: Can ExQuip throwing knives
Bio: Leonard has been with Crystal star since he was 10. In all that time he has been able to keep his powers secret athough there are rumors that he uses Dark Magics or Lost Magic.
Other: The former master taught him the guild's grand magic spells.
Name: Leonard Gray
Age: 23
Guild: Crystal Star (3rd Master- 2nd Master died from disease 3 years ag
mcterra commented…
Hibari Kyoya.KMR. right. over a year ago
ShadowHunter15 commented…
I guess I just need to match a picture with the character. Guess I have to watch that now ha over a year ago
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
(I can do this :3 I just have to have multi-personality disorder)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
It was so quiet...nice and quiet. Just plain peaceful in Belle's mind. She lay against a tall tree, just watching the small river in front of her flow past as she let out a breath. In truth, she hardly even belonged to a guild at all since she spent so much of her time in the forest in that exact spot. She hardly moved except to every once in a while pick up a stone and toss it into the water, or get up to get a drink. She just...liked the quiet. Preferred it actually. In the guild, it was always loud bangs, horrendous shouts. Just a pain to deal with with the others. For now, she was content to just stretch her legs out and close her eyes to enjoy herself.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
"Now departing to Magnolia Station!" A voice said over the loud speaker as Zared was racing to get to the train. He had actually been asleep twenty minutes ago when he awoke to see that it was almost noon. He quickly scrambled out of bed, got packed, and left his house to arrive late to the train. Right as the doors were closing he jumped on at the last second.
"Damn, that was close," Zared sighed, "I wonder where everyone is?" He walked through the hallways of the train looking for his friends.When he was starting to think he got on the wrong train he heard them.
"If he missed the train, I'm really going to hurt him," Said a voice in a cold tone. Zared walked to the last room on the train and looked in. Three of his friends were sitting down. On the right was Sebastian sitting close to the window and looking out. On the left there was Mistral and Quinn. Quinn, leaned back, with his hands resting on the back of his head and feet on the seat across from him, laughed, "It isn't like we're doing anything important," Quinn looked across to Sebastian, "What do you think? We finally get to have somewhat of a vacation!" Sebastian eyes moved to look at Quinn, "It's nice, but why did you have to drag me along with you guys?" He said grumpily.
"Because you're our friend, silly." Quinn said and stuck out his tongue. Sebastian sighed and noticed Zared standing at the doorway, "Huh, you're here, I thought that you ditched."
"What? And miss going to Magnolia?" Zared said putting his luggage away and moving Quinn's feet out of his way. Mistral, who was sitting across from Sebastian looked at him, "Cutting it kind of close don't you think?"
"Hey, I made it though!"
As the train started moving, Quinn suddenly lifted his feet on his seat and put his head between his legs while Mistral put his hand to his mouth. "This is the reason why I didn't want to come," Sebastian stated and shifted his gaze to the window. "I can't wait to get there!" Zared said, "Magnolia is home to Fairy Tail!"
"That is the other reason, I've heard they are all like monsters," said Sebastian.
Zared smiled, "How bad can they be?"
last edited over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
((It is official...I admire you. -throws confetti-)) over a year ago
ShadowHunter15 commented…
(Haha Yay confetti!!) over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
Haha yup. Believe me, I love it when people show up and are fabulous writers like this. Restores my faith in the roleplaying spot a little more each time over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Belle? What the hell are you doing out here alone...again? For lord's sake, get up and come back. Those Fairy Tail freaks are going to find you one of these days and who knows what will happen then?" The rambling continued on and on as one of the other members of Phantom Lord turned and parked himself in front of her. Honestly, she forgot his name, she pretty much reffered to everyone as 'Hey you!' anyway, so hardly anyone had names around her anymore.
"I don't like to be crowded..." Was her only muttered reply, earning yet another growl of aggravation from Hey You.
"You're not going to get anything done just sitting here! Why don't you ju-"
"I just said I don't like to be crowded. Can't you just...let me have quiet? Please?" She asked quietly and opened her eyes, the deep piercing blue guiding themselves up and locking with his. " I get things done, just differently than you do is all. Goodbye."
Hey You threw his hands up in frustration and stomped off, one could almost see the black cloud over his head. It was like this with most of the others as well. She goes off n her own to avoid the loud ignorance and they stomp after her...annoying...
over a year ago mcterra said…
(LOL very rare)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
The moment the train pulled into Magnolia station, Quinn and Mistral were the first people out. Mistral knelt down breathing heavily with his eyes shut. Quinn, however, was rolling around on the station ground.
"Ah! Stable land!" He said, "How I've missed you!" The other people who were getting out of the train stared at the scene they were causing. By the time Sebastian and Zared exited the train with everyone's luggage, the onlookers were gone.
"Thank's for the help, guys," Sebastian said, throwing Quinn's bag on the ground. There was a clinking sound as the bag hit the round, like glass hitting glass. When he heard this, Quinn was at his bag in a heartbeat, "Damn it! Be careful! I have valuable stuff in here." Quinn unzipped his bag to reveal a canvas and bottles of paint. In a side pocket there were many different paintbrushes. Quinn checked everything to make sure nothing was broken.
"Really?" Sebastian asked, "You brought you're painting supplies?" He shook his head.
"Shut up," said Quinn packing it all up, "I thought that if we are going to be is such a beautiful city like this, I might as well capture some of it."
"That's nice," Zared said helping him, "But you are kind of missing you're clothes and other necessities." Smiling Zared went over to Mistral and gently put his really large suitcase in front of him. "It looks like Mistral has some to spare." Mistral, after finally recovering, stood up and grabbed the suitcase by the handle. "Hmmm... Well I do have three spare tooth brushes and several spare undergarments, but I'm afraid my clothes would give you a heat stroke." Mistral always wore heavy winter clothes, not because he was cold but to keep his magic from making other's cold.
"That's fine, I enjoy wearing only underwear." Quinn laughed. Zared laughed too, "Sorry," He said, "But we don't want to embarrass our guild. But don't worry I accidentally packed too much on my flurry to get here."
"Come on," Sebastian said walking off, "We need to get to the inn and tell the master that we arrived here without any incidents."
"Aside from almost dying on the train," Mistral grumbled and Quinn nodded. Walking to find their inn Zared looked over the rooftops, seeing a flag. Fairy Tail, he thought.
"Ergh, Leo, why did we have to take a train? We would have made it if we walked." Mistral complained. Arriving at the inn, they checked into their room and contacted their master via lacrima.
"And you would have wasted all you time getting there," their master replied. Leonard was in an office dealing with some papers. "Hmm.. They are wanting to know if we will compete in the Grand Magic Games this year, what do you guys think?"
"Of course we are! We are going to be the number one guild in Fiore!" Quinn stated putting his fist in the air. Zared laughed, "But this year you won't be able to compete."
"I know," Leo sighed. He always used to be with those four. They were the strongest team in their guild. Even though Leonard was gone, they were still strong. "I guess you will need another team member. We do have quite a large guild."
"Good thing it isn't for another ten months." Looking outside they say that the sun was finally going down. It had taken them quite awhile to find this place. "Well I guess we better get some rest, we all got lost quite many times."
"Okay good night, be careful." Leonard said with a smile. He winked as Zared.
"No promises." All four said. Stretching, Quinn went to his bed. He was wearing some mismatched pajamas that Zared had loaned him. Sebastian who was already in bed, rolled over to turn out a lamp and laid there. Mistral and Zared left to go to their room. When they got inside, Mistral asked, "Do you think it is weird?"
"What?" Zared asked changing.
"Leonard, we are supposed to address him as Master, but we never do. I mean he is our best friend and now we can't go on as many adventures. Plus he is young."
"It is was the second master's last request. We can only respect it." Zared had been there in the second master's last moments. "Come on, we need sleep."
"Okay." Mistral changed quickly but Zared still felt the cold that emanated from him. When he finished, Mistral shut off the light, "Good night."
"Good night." Within a few minutes Mistral was asleep. But Zared laid there, wide awake for he would never fall asleep. Zared didn't sleep. Only Leonard knew that because he doesn't either. Zared thought about the events that had brought him and Leonard together. Even though they were horrible, Zared thought, I don't wish they never happened. If they didn't I wouldn't be here now. With a smile on his face he laid there until the sun had started to come up.
ShadowHunter15 commented…
(Oh, that was longer than I thought.) over a year ago
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
(Eh someone needs to reply after I do so I don't feel like I killed the RP)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Sorry, I didn't see you had posted, but I really have nothing to respond to unfortunately. I was waiting on mcterra to post as well.))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(okay,okay.My rp won't die so fast.)
"Hey Sion come over here;"Mackarov called Sion over
"Oi old man what's the matter?"Sion asked.
"You're aware that the Daimatou Enbu(grand magic games) is fast approaching and we'll have to defend our title as the number one guild.You know that right?"Mackarov said as he took a sip of beer
"Yeah, I know.That's why I went for that training.Because you chose me to participate.So what about that?"Sion asked with a raised eyebrow
"I just wanted to tell you about a new guild that is gonna participate too."Mackarov said."They are not based in Magnolia so you wouldn't know them."
"A new guild?What's the name?"Sion asked and crossed his arms.
"Crystal Star.You've surely never heard of them.We know nothing of the kind of mages they have.So you have to be very careful Sion.This is your first time participating in this.We're all counting on you and the others."Mackaroc continued with a serious tone.
Sion grinned widely and answered "No problem old man,count on me.Crystal Star or any other guild that stands in our way is gonna be crushed by me, coult on that.Fairy Tail is definitaly gonna stay the number one guild."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
With a small muttered curse, she straightened up and opened her eyes, softening when she saw several small girls running towards her. "What is it little ones?"
"New people from a new guild showed up in town!" They squeaked loudly, "They're going to compete in the games." They announced proudly.
She could only chuckle, shaking her head, "Master set you up for this?" She asked, and judging by the guilt looks on their faces, she got her answer, "I am not competing. I find it useless."
"But...but he also asked for us to ask you to...go look at them you know? See if they are anything special..." one said, speaking up while the others said nothing else. "He will count it as a mission."
Belle could only groan and stood up, brushing the dirt from her bum and foxed her clothes. "Fine...fine. I'll do that at least. Tell them back there that this is all I am doing okay?"
"Okay!" They squeaked and ran off. She would go check out these new competitors, they were probably nothing special...
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Getting out of bed, Zared changed and left to do his morning run. Maybe I ought to pick up some breakfast since I'm out, he thought. He left his room and checked on his other guild mates. They too were still asleep. Zared closed the door quietly and left.
While running, Zared came upon a large tree in the middle of the city. It was a pretty amazing site. Walking around the tree Zared heard some faint rustling. "Hello? Is someone there?" He asked.
After nothing responded he shook his head, "It was probably nothing." Stretching, he started to run again. When he finished he came back to the inn to find only Quinn still sleeping. Sebastian had come into Zared and Mistral's room.
Yawning, Sebastian said,"That smells good. What have you got?" Zared laughed and handed the bag to Sebastian. Reaching into the bag he pulled out a cinnamon roll and handed the bag to Mistral.
"Well I trust that everyone got a good night's sleep?" Zared asked sitting down on his bed.
"I dimd." Mistral answered with his mouth full.
"Same here," Quinn said sleepily coming into the room. Rubbing his eye he sat down next to Mistral and took the bag.
"Well I didn't," Sebastian answered, "Some lady was spying on us through our window." He lifted one of his palms in the air and the eye on it blinked open. A picture of a woman with blonde hair.
"Woah! I didn't know you could do that!" said Quinn.
"Yeah, with my eyes I can take a picture of a certain space and conjure it back up. I usually do this at nigh when I can have all three of eyes constantly scanning."
"Hmm..." Zared said, "Well maybe she will make herself known to us."
"Or maybe she will kill us in our sleep." Mistral said jokingly.
Quinn laughed, "I doubt she would manage to lay a finger on us!"
"I guess we will have to stay some what on guard. Whatever happens, it wouldn't be wise to underestimate her or any wizard in this town." Zared stated.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Sion left his bed lazily.He yawned as he moved to his bathroom.Ookie, his little monkey was already awake and active, skipping anxiously on Sion's bed.Sion looked at him with sleepy eyes and asked
"What are you so worked up about damned ape." Ookie just smiled back and said. "First, a polite person would say 'Good morning Ookie.' and Secondly,I'm so worked up because today we were supposed to go check the Crystal Star mages."
Sion scratched his head and said "Oh yeah I remember that, but well I can't do anuthing in this state.I'm gonna have a quick shower and we're off."
"And Sion,master said you weren't suppposed to get into any fight with those mages.You don't know what they're capable of."Ookie reminded
"Yeah,yeah whatever."Sion's voice echoed from the bathroom.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
That morning, Belle had woken up fairly early and made her way into to town. When she agreed to check out the guild, she never said she would be enthusiastic about it...Or focused for that matter. When her eyes came across an elder woman at a candy stand, her entire mood perked up. "Magda!" she called out and waved to her.
Magda was a woman Belle often visited for a sweet treat of her favorite candy...butterscotch. And in turn Magda gave her the treat for free and some never wanted clothing advice. Belle often dressed in long pants and jeans, yet half top and shirts that never reached her waist. More skin that showed, brighter the light in her opinion. "Belle my sweetie how are you?"
"I'm well Magda. Master has me here to check out a new guild competing and...do you happen to have...?"
"Honey you know I do!" The older woman laughed and pulled out a small black bag filled with the candies. She pulled one of them out and handed it to Belle, who in turn took it gratefully and unwrapped.it, moaning once she got it in her mouth.
"Delicious as ever!" she said with a laugh and accepted the bag and tied it to her waist.
"Now, onto other business...Honey girl I still think you should leave that nasty old guild of yours. All it is going to do is cause trouble." she advised, looking over the younger girl with worry.
Belle shook her head and unwrapped another piece of the sweet butterscotch, "I can't. Where else would I go? Besides, this mission is easy. These guys can't be too hard to handle anyway."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((-places flowers on grave-))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....­...­...­...­...­...­OOO­OOO­OOO­OO!­!!!­!!! Seriously, so this is how it all ends?)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Well you kind of have to reply to your forum to keep it going hon. post to all of these others, except this one. -shrugs- 'tis dead when that happens.))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ayaka said…
((too late to join I see...))
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
(Hey! Sorry I've been distracted I will post later today! I promise!)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(please do)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Quinn exclaimed as he walked up to Kardia Cathedral. Zared looked at the impressive building with awe. It was amazing.
"I need to paint this," Quinn said pulling out his supplies from his bag. He carried that around everywhere he went. He hoped to capture every beautiful detail of this place.
"But I want to check out the book store." Zared said.
"You can go by yourself. It isn't like anything is going to happen," Quinn was setting up his canvas and getting out his paint.
"I don't want us getting split up. Something could happen."
"And if something does we can handle it."
"Well, okay but be careful. I'll be back to get you for lunch." But Zared knew he was no longer listening. Quinn always shut everything out when he painted. Sighing, Zared left.
Meanwhile, Sebastian and Mistral were walking around town.
"I don't know what Zared is being paranoid about. Splitting us up in groups. We are all capable to deal with a threat on our own." Sebastian complained.
"He just would like to avoid conflict." Mistral stated looking at something in a store window.
"You know, once Quinn sees something he wants to paint, Zared is going to have to leave," Sebastian said looking at Mistral, "You know how he is."
"Well hopefully no one messes with Quinn," Mistral said, "Then Leo will get mad at us for not keeping him under control. And for the damages." Mistral added, remembering the last incident.
"Hey you!" Someone called out to a kid painting, who ignored him. A group of five people came over to Quinn. What had drawn them was the kid's guild insignia, a light blue, crystal-like, eight-pointed star, on his left hand. The group was also from a guild, Twilight Ogre. Their master had asked for them to check out this new guild. "Hey we are talking to you!" The leader came up behind the kid. Looking at the painting he saw that the kid had talent. "Hey!" The man's hand went for the kid's shoulder. Before it made contact, however, Quinn grabbed the man's wrist in a flash. Gently Quinn set down his brush and slowly turned around.
"Turn around and walk away," Quinn said.
"Sorry but we have orders to see who you people are, see your abilities." The man said with a smile reaching for his kanabo on his back.
"I would advise against that," Quinn said but the man didn't listen. He grabbed it and swung downward, hoping to crush the kid. But the large club was stopped. The man's eyes widened in fear. Light was glinting off something under his kanabo
Quinn had his other hand up with crystal like scales covering his hand and arm. He had stopped the kanabo with a his index finger, "I warned you."
"Crap." Sebastian said stopping.
"What's wrong?" Mistral said then stopped too, feeling it.
"Quinn!" They both said feeling his magic and raced to find it.
"What the-?" Zared said, he felt Quinn's magic and raced out of the book store back to the cathedral. There he found Sebastian and Mistral. "What happened?" Zared asked his guild mates.
"We don't know. We felt Quinn's magic and came here." Sebastian said. The went around the other side of the cathedral and found Quinn.
Quinn raised both of his arms when he saw his friends. On the ground around him five men laying there, all out cold. Some shards of crystals were in a large metal club by one man. "In my defense, they attacked first."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"What is going on here?" The crowd that had slowly forned around the group parted and made way for the tall blonde, her boots crunching on the ground as she stepped forward and frowned at the scene. She recognized the group of men, the piggish wollups they were, but...she didn't recognize these others. Must be the boys from the guild.. she thought and looked them over, "Is there a reason that these men are unconscious on the ground? I could hear the racket from down the road" Belle asked sternly, Magda running up behind her to join in the crowd.
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Whoa you guys are good.So Crystal Star is this strong.And that's just you." Sion said as he emmerged behind the four of them.He had been passing by and had noticed Quinn.He had wanted to come talk to him, but the Twilight Ogres had done that first.He had watched the whole fight or the whole beating.He stood there with his hands in his pockets and smiled at them. "A dragon slayer huh.Do you guys have more of these powerful mages."
over a year ago mcterra said…
(desperately in need of new recruits.)
over a year ago ShadowHunter15 said…
Hey sorry I have been busy hopefully this is still an active thread
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((It will be if you post your response hon))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(yeah, that's right.)
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
[ i would join because i love fairy tail but i see i basically died 5 months ago. let me know if i can join]
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I think you are good to join, we could use some start up t get it back on track))
over a year ago mcterra said…
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Name: River

Age: 19

Guild: Fairy tail

Magic Power: illusion magic can make people insane

Personality: He has mood swings from being a very happy-go-luck guy to very serious or pissed off. But loves his friends and will die for them.

Appearance: pic

Weapon: Has a black blade

Bio: N/A

Other: An excellent chef
last edited over a year ago
Name: River

Age: 19

Guild: Fairy tail

Magic Power: illusion magic can make people insane