Random Role Playing Old King and New Queens(Retry)

Directingchicky posted on Aug 27, 2013 at 11:31PM
Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

Since the very beginning, there has always been the everlasting war of the two powers of Heaven, and those of Hell. Nonstop battles, corruption, devious lies and unspoken truths have long continued into this modern age, but now are things starting to finally change for the good of those of us inbetween this fight?

It has been rumored up above and down below between the Angels and Demons that Lucifer and God have come to a sort of truce, at least for now. To join the two completely different worlds together by a joining of souls by marriage. Two princesses from each Kingdom have been chosen and have agreed to leave their homes, and join with Princes of the other realm, and even Lucifer himself is agreeing to join them in meeting with the angels.

Will these otherworldly marriages and joinings finally bring an unbidden peace between the two? Or will drawn lines be crossed, and a new age of war will be wreaked upon us? There is only one way to know...

Each princess will have one week to live with and get to know their husband-to-be, and in that time, the men will not force themselves onto their brides, nor will they join them in bed to try and persuade them. Consummating the marriage will have to wait until after the weddings. If either being refuses the marriage, it is very possible that the peace will be broken off and the entire human race may be thrown into chaos.

Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Try and not use one-liners, they get annoying and are very hard to respond to.
No killing off others without permission.
Be nice children or you will be punished.
Have Fun and be creative!
last edited on Aug 28, 2013 at 04:07AM

Random Role Playing 96 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 96

over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Profiles are not needed, just post a picture and say their ranking.))

Ophelia, princess of Heaven.
((Profiles are not needed, just post a picture and say their ranking.))

Ophelia, princess of Heave
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Prince of Hell
last edited over a year ago
Prince of Hell
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Neceres, princess of Heaven
last edited over a year ago
Neceres, princess of Heaven
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((There is no princess of water...did you read the description?))
Flora_Swift commented…
Changed it. over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian, Prince of Heaven
Kyrian, Prince of Heaven
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
((Can we start now?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
~On Earth, in-between the two realms~

Down in a small deserted area of a town, if one could even call it that, it had seemed that nothing, live or dead wanted to be there in that moment. Everything was silent, even the animals and insects wary of the distant travelers that were making their way to a small abandoned church in the area. In one simple corner of the church, lay in waiting a group of these travelers dressed in all seemingly white robes and clothing. These were the brides and grooms of Heaven, and their escort, Michael head of the Arch-Angels. They stood together in a line, Michael in the middle and the brides and grooms on either side of him. Suddenly, a dark presence slammed open the dark wood doors of the building, and that darkness spread into a chilling air of hatred as the group from Hell entered, led by none other than Lucifer himself.

The chill seemed to barely reach the angels, and there it stopped, unable to touch the pureness of the angels and arch-angel beyond that point. Everything became still, like all were frozen in time as the two escorts regarded each other with a hatred so prime, that none wanted to say a word. Finally, Lucifer stalked forward, shirtless while in a pair of dark colored pants with the large blackened wings behind him raised in a show of power, while Michael in his pure silver armor never moved or even flinched while the traitor came forward. They both expected their royalty to either stay in place, or move along with them as they finally met in that small section of the church.

As Michael's wings rose in a show of his own authority, his booming voice snarled, " Let us do this now. The faster this is done, the sooner there will be peace between the realms and the humans will be spared."

"Agreed." Lucifer boomed back, closing his wings slightly so that his princes and princesses are able to be seen, " I will allow my royalty to announce themselves, as should you."

"Agreed." Michael stepped backwards and allowed his side of the group to step forward a step and introduce themselves, " My angels will go first."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((There are supposed to be eight characters in total, but we'll go ahead and start then add on.))
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
((OK. But, I don't want to start first...))
Directingchicky commented…
Then why did you join? And it says in my post, the angels introduce themseves first. please read over a year ago
Flora_Swift commented…
all right, I'll finish reading it. I'm very lazy you know... over a year ago
Flora_Swift commented…
OK! I'll read this like reading books then. over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(I would start but . . . I'm not angel)
Flora_Swift commented…
Few! over a year ago
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Sirzech, Prince of Hell.
Sirzech, Prince of Hell.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
((Angels, does that mean me?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Why did you change your person? We needed a princess of hell?))

Ophelia stepped forward with the rest of them and bowed her head in respect to the others , the jewels and chains onher head twined into her hair clinking together while she moved, "I am Ophelia, pleasure to meet you." She said quietly, raising her head back up to look at them all. Part of her was ready to do what it took to bring the two realms together in peace, but part of her just wished to return to her home. She looked at the two princes of Hell...she was going to marry one of them...She could only hope she would find happiness in this.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
((Sorry but, I hate anything dark and the worst is hell.))

Neceres looked at Ophelia and her heart beat quickened as she watched the two princes of hell. She walked forward and wished that the ground would swallow her up right this very moment. "I am Neceres, pleasure to meet you too." Neceres spoke, she felt a little happy that she didn't stutter at all. She couldn't believe that she was going to marry someone she doesn't love.
Directingchicky commented…
Okay...now I am tempted to kick you out...Without a princess if hell, mcterra's character is stuck until someone else joins. I will make another, but please do not do this again over a year ago
Flora_Swift commented…
I promise, this is the last time. I'll let my little sister be the princess of hell. over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(This doesn't need to be as complex as people are making it out to be.)

Lilith princess of Hell.
(This doesn't need to be as complex as people are making it out to be.)

Lilith princess of Hell.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Angelic Princess of Hell.
Angelic Princess of Hell.
Directingchicky commented…
Okay, I am heading off to bed, I'll continue this tomorrow most likely when I get out of class. goodnight all over a year ago
Flora_Swift commented…
Goodnight over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
Night over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian stepped forward too, his eyes closed and his silver hair seemingly floating behind him as he walked.He then stopped and opened his emerald green eyes to look at the demons standing infront of him.With a slight bow, he said in a clam voice "I'm Kyrian, pleased to meet you all." He looked over at the two princesses of hell.He couldn't help but think about the fact that one of them would soon be his bride.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Neceres was still glancing nervously at the two princes of hell, wishing she could die on the spot. She was just totally freaking out!
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar watched them as they all said their names, he looked them over, he did not care for either of the two princesses that stood before him, but it was his responsibility to marry one of them, and so he would.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lilith eyed the prince of heaven curiously, he didn't look like much, but there was the chance of her ending up marring him. She sighed and crossed her arms and turned to Lucifer waiting for him to speak.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((there aren't anymore princess spots open...sowwy))
SoftballChicky commented…
you suck lol over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
Oooo girl! :p over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Lucifer nodded, though his eyes never left the damned angel in front of him. "My children, you may introduce yourselves now." He announced, stepping back and sllowing the demons to come forward.

Angelic was the first to step forward and introduce herself. Unlike the others, she didn't wear a gown, but a small black shint suit of sorts, her long teal and green hair flowed in wonderous curls around her, and a U-shaped scar was hidden by green make up on her cheek. All in all, she looked indifferent to being here. "I am Angelic, Princess of Hell."
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
After Angelic finished Lilith casually stepped forward opening her own wing,s noticing none of the angels had visible wings, she smirked, "Lilith, princess of Hell." She drawled adjusting her gloves. Her dress hung unto her chest and back her and flared out at her legs. Her scarlet eyes scanned the faces of the angels staring them all in the eyes as she did so.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian watched the two women who had just spoken.One of them would eventually be his wife.He hated the idea of course.But for the sake of peace, he had to do that.He closed his eyes once more, keeping a calm expression.He waited for the presentations to come to an end.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar stepped forward in front of them. "My name is Lukar, I am the Prince of Hell." He said coldly pushing his midnight black hair out of his face, his voice was deep and unforgiving and held an air of dominance within it. He stood his ground over looking the two angel princesses before him, they both looked weak and frail. If he had to take an angel as his bride he would rather her be able to hold her own, and not crumble to pieces if any should happen.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Neceres began to feel a little more courageous now. If she was going to let Lukar think that she and Ophelia are weak and fragile. She will prove him wrong! Anyway, she would rather marry the other prince than with this one, he's just to cold and arrogant!
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Very well. We shall allow the Princes to choose their brides." Michael announced, gesturing to the prince of Heaven, "You may choose first my boy, which demon would you like to marry?"
Ophelia stood there, still and quiet. She was...stiff, polite and utterly...there. Being the eldest of the princesses if Heaven, she had been raised ti be nothing but those things. She was a strong woman, and did what was asked of her, hence why she was here, to perform her duties. If it was for the good of all, then she would do so without complaint. Even marrying a demon.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"I don't believe I introduced myself yet Michael." Sirzech said as he stepped forward. "Sirzechs Lucifer. I'm the big guys son." He said pointing at his father. But that wasn't all to be noticed from him, his voice had a commanding tone behind it giving strength to even his lightest words.
LocalArtistist commented…
Aren't all the demon royalty here lucifer's a children? over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
It is a possibility. they could all be, but he is the oldest? I dunno -shrugs- over a year ago
shadowcon99 commented…
but yeah Zech is eldest over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian's emerald green eyes examined the two princesses.He had watched them during the presentation.The green haired one had seemed to be the rebellious type.The type of woman who hated being ordered around and liked when things went her own way.If he took her, he would have to tame her.The black haired one, seemed to be the pretentious type.She seemed confident about herself and knew what she was capable of.If he took her, he would have to make her know he wasn't inferior to her.The choice wasn't an easy one to make.He stepped forward and walked to Angelic.He bowd slightly and held out his hand to her.In a calm ton, he said simply "Be mine."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Angelic watched his movements carefully up to the point where he extended his hand to her. His opinion of her was correct. She hated to be ordered, escpecially now that she was being forced to marry. But, her dainty hand lifted and was soon placed in his, accepting his gesture. Despite the suit and hair, she was surprisingly fragile looking, but it was not all true. "I accept you." She answered.
over a year ago mcterra said…
"I am glad." He said as he kissed her hand.She had flawless way of speaking and a perfect stance.Above all she had ravishing beauty.She was part of royalty afterall.Evenn though, none of that seemed to interest him, Kyrian hoped that their marriage would go on well and peace would be finally achieved.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Neceres thought it was kind of sweet of the two of them. She hoped that she and her husband to be will be like the two of them. She seemed more relaxed and herself again after she saw the first couple agreeing with each other.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
As Lilith watched the two of them she tried to hide the smirk begging to be let out, she was still single, which meant she was still free, not tied down to a man she didn't approve of, let alone even know. Finally the smirk broke through followed by a slight snicker as she stepped allowing for the demon princes to chose their bride.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar stepped forwards examining the two princesses, one well tempered and obviously aware of her duties, the perfect bride. The other a mess of nerves and other emotions, yet was able to adapt and learn from a situation quickly, useful with room to learn. He took one more step that changed smoothly into a deep bow with his right hand held over his heart, then straightened back up holding his open hand out to her, "Will you take me as your husband, Neceres?" He asked addressing her by name, for if she took him on as a husband they would be forever equal.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Neceres looked up at Lukar, she never thought that he would ever choose her. Her eyes shined with new hope and she took his hand, "I will." Maybe he wasn't as arrogant as she thought he was, she wished that the two of them will be happy together even though she didn't quite agree with him at first. She felt more herself than ever.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar nodded then he kissed the back her hand, looking right into her shimmering eyes as he did. "And for that I am grateful." He said cooly, straghtening himself he studied her expression, before giving a smile unseen by everyone but her to whom it was barely visible "May our union flourish."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian glanced over at the new couple that had formed.He examined the prince, his emerald-green eyes taking in every detail about him.He then looked at his sister.Judging by her expression, it was clear that she had already accepted him.She had always been that way.She approved of things to easily and quickly.Most of the time she ended up hurt or dissappointed.As her elder brother, he had been always there to advice her on her choices or to comfort her when she was hurt.But this time, he wasn't going to be there for her.She was depending on herself.He then looked away, but spoke to her through telepathy {Neceres, be careful.I hope you haven't made the wrong choice.}
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
{I'll remain cautious.}
Lukar smiled at Neceres and said to her, "May our union flourish." Neceres nodded and said softly, "Wish it does." Then she looked over at Ophelia whose expression was hard to read. Neceres smiled coolly at her sister.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Quick question, can I just put Lilith on the metaphorical back burner for now?)
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"Well, I suppose it is us then." Sirzech said as he gently took hold of Ophelia's hand and took a knee. "Ophelia, would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian watched as Sirzech did that.Ophelia had always been sure of herself and confident about what she did.She was aware of her duties and was a strong woman.As the eldest among them, she always had a lot of responsibilities.He hoped too that in her case, her choice would be good.Like he did for Neceres, he sent a telepathic message to her {What are you going to decide, Ophelia?}
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
[I have no choice]
Was her response and she immediately looked down at Sirzech, "I accept you as my future husband." She agreed, allowing him to take her hand. She was correct, she had no choice but to go through with this. This was her duty, and she would fulfill it without question.

"Very good." Lucifer bellowed, glaring at Michael still, "The men will now take their brides ti their own homes. Ladies, we understand you will have to adjust to your new surroundings, but remember, this is for the good."
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar nodded at Lucifer's words then turned back to Neceres, "Shall we go then?" He asked her his voice calm, as he offered his arm for her to take.
Flora_Swift commented…
"Of course." Neceres said swiftly and took Lukar's arm. over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian then looked back at Angelic.He bowed slightly as he offered his hand once more "If the lady will accept to follow me, then we will be taking our leave." He said as calmly and composed as possible.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Angelic's response was only a curt nod, followed by her hand clasping his once more. She looked impassive, and honestly...bored. Like the others, she was forced to be here, but in no way was she going to be happy about it. Her new husband could try to tame her in this week before the wedding, but he was going to have a hell.of a time doing it. Pun intended.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Sirzech lifted Ophelia into his arms and opened a portal to the home of Lucifer. "Let's head to your new home." He said as he jumped through it.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Where would their homes be found? Will it be suitable for the princes to take the princesses to their own worlds?
Directingchicky commented…
Yes, the princes take their brides back to their homes. whether it be heaven or hell.So Kyrian takes Angelic back to heaven with him over a year ago
mcterra commented…
kay over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Kyrian slowly nodded as he held her hand.He then turned and stretched his arm.Immediately, a portal opened up infront of them.He led her through it and they sepped into heaven, precisely infront of a magnificient castle.Kyrian's castle.He looked up at it and said to her "This is where we shall be living from now on."
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Lukar nodded and with one swoop of his hand a flaming portal opened he stepped through and the flames smothered themselves to give Neceres save passage through.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Angelic followed her husband-to-be through the small portal gazing around. It was impressive, she had to admit that. "It is very large." She commented, staying mostly silent as she let him lead her through. She was the daughter of Asmodeus and Lilitu, it was bound to be she would stay silent and attack later.

Ophelia was taken by surprise when he suddenly lifted her up, nails digging into skin in shock as he took her straight into Hell. Moisture formed on her forehead, her body not quite used to the heat just yet.