Random Role Playing Forbidden Love Is No Longer Forbidden

LocalArtistist posted on Sep 01, 2013 at 11:46PM
You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel. Forbidden pleasures alone are loved immoderately; when lawful, they do not excite desire.

Look deep inside your heart and find those pleasures you seek but were simply too far away, and once you reached them the firm hand of society pulls them away out of your reach again. But now there is no need for those worries of what society will think, be not afraid of what people will do, be afraid of what you won't do. Take hold of your life and do want you want, be who you want, be with whoever you want. Indulge in your forbidden pleasures.

No god modding or you will be neutered. The killing of another will hold the same if not worse consequences.

Profiles are accepted but not necessary.
You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the
last edited on Sep 01, 2013 at 11:58PM

Random Role Playing 486 replies

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over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Victoria B. Dwelyngs

Bounty Hunter
last edited over a year ago
Victoria B. Dwelyngs

Bounty Hunter
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole Depora
Nicole Depora
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((What is the era in this? Modern, futuristic...?))

Maia Regalis
((What is the era in this? Modern, futuristic...?))

Maia Regalis
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Modern, we need a guy.)

Joshua Litmen
(Modern, we need a guy.)

Joshua Litmen
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Rodney Johnson
Rodney Johnson
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Julian Alexander. ((His picture will load eventually...))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Dis bastard don't wanna load...
Dis bastard don't wanna load...
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
((Shall we start? Or wait for more people..?))
LocalArtistist commented…
Start over a year ago
ManyManyMoons commented…
Wait, do you want me to? over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
Yes you can start you both can it doesn't matter how. over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Victoria jogged to "work", she could feel the cold hard metal of her pistol touching her back. Walking into a fairly large office building she was greeted by a stout woman behind an office desk. "Morning Miss Dwelyngs." The woman greeted not looking up from her papers. "Morning got anything for me?" She asked stopping in front of her the woman nodded "Yeah got a couple of business men up to their asses in debt and aren't paying up." She said handing Victoria a list of the business men's profiles. "Goody." She said taking them and walking over to her office.
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
The wheels of Nicole's skateboard made a satisfying rolling sound as she weaved through the people making their regular morning commute to work or school. Every few seconds she'd push herself with her foot or make a small jump off a curb to avoid hitting someone. As coasted a long she could see the sun beginning to raise higher. The morning sky was just turning from early orange and pink to the familiar blue. The wind blew her red hair back as she gazed ahead.


Rodney sat on a bench outside the auto parts store he worked at, smoking a morning cigarette. You could see in his eyes he was tired and didn't want to be bothered. He showed up at work to be greeted by his angry, and short, manager complaining about something Rodney didn't pay attention to.
Just another perfect start to another perfect day. Rodney rolled his eyes, taking a drag form his cigarette.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Joshua drove his all black camaro onto the college campus smirking devilishly at all the wide eyed stares it got him. After double parking it he jumped out grabbing his bag he locked it. And ran up to meet with his friends. "Damn, them some nice wheels." One of them said bumping his fist. Joshua grinned "Yeah, the old man finally keeled over, and I got half the inheritance." His friend nodded "Why only half?" Joshua frowned "Cause I had to spilt half it with my apparent step-sister." His other friend whistled, "I bet that burns. Well is she hot?" Joshua stared at his friend disbelieve. "How the hell am I supposed to know I haven't even met her yet." His first friend chuckled "Shame, if she's at least half decent you could'a fucked her and feel like you got some of your old man's cash back" Joshua slapped him upside the head before he say anymore " That's probably the most disgusting things you've ever said." His first laughed "He'll no man I got plenty cooking up where that came from." This it Joshua's other friend punched him. "You a nasty freak you know that." Joshua laughed "Thats an understatement." as they got into the main building.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Have a seat please, my lecture is about to start and you all are aware of how much I just love talking about the Macedonians!" Julian Alexander, or rather Professor Alexander stood in the front of his class on the college campus, smiling slightly at his class who groaned in response. He always wondered why they signed up to take his Ancient Cov class, then refused to show up. It bothered him, but his joy of teaching took that away.


Maia Regalis carted her books in one arm, while another held her coffee which she constantly brought up to her lips. She was the typical 'good girl' always in class on time, got perfect scors on exams, did essays to perfection. It was all so boring, yet so was she. She didn't know how else to be really. She yawned quietly, using her wrist to cover her mouth, white pencil skirt staying perfectly still as she moved along, the light blue blouse flowing happily in the wind as she made her way to class. She was so tired, having stayed awake to finish a paper for Latin class...sooo not worth it..
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole skated onto campus, a hand on the strap of her backpack. She coasted through the parking lot and hopped onto the sidewalk, jumping off and grabbing her board in one quick move. The bottom of her old high tops skidded on the ground as she stopped, and she adjusted her ruffled white shirt that had adjusted awkwardly under her leather jacket. As she walked to class she had her skateboard tucked under one arm with her other hand on the strap of her backpack.
Directingchicky commented…
Get yo booty on chatzy over a year ago
ManyManyMoons commented…
Hahaha. Sorry. I will. over a year ago
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…

Victoria sat in her desk chair twirling it about as she read them. Something caught her eye. "Hey, isn't this guy dead?" She called to the desk woman "So you do watch the news, and yeah he dead but he gave it to his kids and now you need to collect." The woman's voice called back. Victoria opened up the file next to Daral Litmen's and read it frowning. "How the hell am I supposed to get the money from a college kid?" She could hear the desk woman sigh "Use that pretty little head of yours then go look in the mirror, once you're done come back and you tell me 'how the hell' you're supposed to get to him to get the money." Victoria scowled "I have yet to have to go under cover for a job and I would rather not start now." The desk woman laughed "Then I guess we're just gonna have to find someone who will."


Joshua and his friends reached their first period class talking loudly and laughing at every little thing they said to each other. But soon the contagious boredom of the class got to them and they took their seats quiet ending down to low snickers and chuckles.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole walked into her class a little late. She took a seat in the back, running a hand through her hair. Sighing, she dropped her skateboard next her seat and dug through her bag for a notebook. It took all her might not to skip this class today. But, she always loved a morning skate. And if she is going to wake up to skate around she might as well skate to school.
She dropped the notebook down in front of her, the person next to her shot her a look. Nicole ignored it and turned to a new page. She wouldn't be taking much notes, though. Not with Mr. McDreamy aka Professor Alexander as a teacher. All the girls drooled over him. Nicole agreed he was tall tan and handsome but she would never.
Sighing with exhaustion, she tried her best to not fall asleep right there.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Nicole, nice for you to join us." Julian commented as he wrote several notes along the board, along with some page numbers. "You are just in time to join us in discussing the traits f the Macedonian warriors and their battle patterns." He said out loud and turned back around to face his class, mostly of women who just signed up to oogle him. "But first, those of you who didn't email me your papers need to pass those up right now. You all know I do not take late work."

The one girl who had signed up for the class, Maia of course, quickly dug out the four page paper and passed it up without a word. She had spent a good five hours on that thing, and she would be damned if she wasn't getting credot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole gave Professer Alexander a two-second smirk when he called her out for being late.
Then, she pulled her paper out of her bag and passed it forward. It was honestly a miracle she got that done. It was half-assed, but done.
She tapped her pencil on her desk and leaned back in her chair. She was forced to come to this college because her father was the Dean. Honestly, that's the only reason she is even in this state still.
She wanted to move to the coast, but daddy wouldn't allow it. She'd be on a beach right now or at least a more interesting college if it wasn't for her father being stubborn and strict.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"Shall I enroll you for classes then Miss Winters?" The desk lady asked using Victoria's alias name, she had never used it so it felt weird. "Why can't just be a substitute or something? I already went through that mess I would rather not have to it again." She could hear another sigh from the desk woman "Look unless you want another lawsuit filed against us you need to get to know the person so they can't jump on the kidnapped wagon and file charges against us." The woman said Victoria could hear her opening a fe cabinet and walk to Victoria's office throwing a baggy full of IDs and other papers at her. "How good is your British accent?" Victoria looked at her confused "Why would I need a British accent?" The desk woman sighed again, putting a hand on her hip "Because you Miss Elizabeth Mary Winters, age 21 born in Liverpool, United Kingdom. You will be trying to get this guy to trust you and if he doesn't believe that's where you are actually from he won't trust you. There for you will have to actually kidnap him." It was Victoria's turn to sigh now, she really didn't want to have to do a stupid accent on top of everything else. She studied her new student ID cards. "This is fucking ridiculous." The desk woman shook her head grinning "No it's bloody ridiculous. Now get up off you lazy ass and go get some collage clothes because I highly doubt any collage kid would go in pen striped suits and running shoes." Her comment made Victoria looked down at her wardrobe and sighed not wanting to admit that she was right. "Now then off, your first class starts tomorrow." The woman said smirking as she ushered Victoria out of her own office. "Woo whoo." Victoria muttered sarcastically, walking out of the building tucking the baggy into her jacket he headed to the mall.


Joshua groaned hearing what that class held in store. He turned to his friends who all seemed panicked, none of them had done their papers. "You guys are geniuses. " he said to them, he not only had done his work but emailed it to the teacher. He seriously didn't want to have to hand something in to this guy. He looked curiously around at his classmates all of them chicks but him and his friends, and normally he wouldn't be complaining if it weren't for the fact that all the girls were drooling over Professor "Alexander the Great" not even noticing him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I'd be drooling too if any of my professors looked like him. I would be turning in my papers on time for sure.))

"Thank you." Julian looked around at the class, instantly frowning at the girls who just seemed dazed. Once he deposited the papers on his desk, he clapped his large hands loudly, causing those same women to jump in attention, out of their trance. "Good, now that you are awake, let us continue with class shall we?" He cocked an eyebrow and peered at the class, finally signaling in on one of the few students who did her work, and had no interest in him, " Miss Regalis! Can you tell me the original name of Macedonia before the conquest of Alexander the Great?" He boomed suddenly.

The small blonde flinched at her name being called, and from behind the blonde bangs and braid running down her shoulders and eyes, she peeked up to look at him," Emathia from king Emathion...sir..."
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole looked at the ceiling, daydreaming about beaches and sunrises and all that great stuff she yearned for. She never really payed attention in her classes, but she got decent grades. Looking back down at the professer and the class she dropped her pencil on her desk. She was already tired of the day.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(( I know right? But sadly we would be extremely lucky if even a substitute looked as good as him *sighs* Still can't get over those eyes.))

Using his hand to stifle a loud yawn, Josh noticed one of the girls who seemed just about as bored as he felt. He nodded in recognition to her, before he put his feet up onto his desk leaning back. He gave yet another yawn not even bothering to cover his mouth.
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Nicole raised an eyebrow at the guy. She had seen him a couple times, but only in class. She didn't know who he was, though. She sat up, leaning forward in her chair and resting her head on her hands. Blowing a loose strand of red hair out of her face, she started blankly forward. It was almost obvious she wasn't completely focused.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Mister Litman! Miss Debora!" Julian called suddenly, knocking a knuckle against the chalk board rather loudly, and gave each of them a pointed look, "I would appreciate you paying attention for at least this next bit, thank you!" He turned his attention to the whooe class, "Next week we will being giving monologues on the ancient worlds. You will pick a civilization, write the speech, and present it. Understood?"

It seemed only Maia nodded, even slightly. She hated this...She couldn't speak to anyone in private, let alone giving a speech. The quiet woman sighed sioently, pushing up the thin blue glasses on her nose and shut her book, tucking it away. Joy...
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"Yes Sir." Josh grumbled, sitting up only to slouch forward putting his head on his hand he sighed and looked over to his friends who were snickering quietly at him. He rolled his eyes and punched the closest one. They yelped but continued snickering.

(Time jumping to the end of the day for Victoria.)

Done shopping and regretting not, driving her car today. Victoria walked up her driveway, her arms brimning with shopping bags full of "college appropriate" clothes and other accessories. Opening her door she threw her bags onto her couch and walked over to her fridge pulled out a wine cooler cracked it open and plopped down next to the bags, pulled out Johua Litman's profile. She studied his features. "You best pay up,I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of your's" she said taking a long swig.
over a year ago Flora_Swift said…
Felicity Rivers

Felicity Rivers

over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Julian continued his speech on the project. "And of course, partner work is very much optional for this assignment. But only one partner, understood? The two of you may choose a civilzation together, write ht it, and then one of you will present for the whole of the group. But choose carefully, who you pick could very well affect your grade." He looked down at Maia who refused to meet his gaze. Who chose her would be getting the highest grade on this for sure...if they could convince the child to even speak.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
((Sorry about that))

Josh sighed hearing their assignment. He turned over to his friends they had already partnered up with each other. "You guys suck." He said, and they snickered. Rolling his eyes he looked around, it seemed like everyone else was already partnered up. He spotted a girl up in the front of the class and he scribbled 'Partner?' On it rolled it up and threw it at her. It was supposed to hit her desk but it hit her instead. "Sorry about that!" He whispered across the room to her.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Maia squeaked when the paper thumped the back of her head. With a small frown, she picked it up from the floor and unfolded it, attempted to read the scribbled writing. "Partner?" She mumbled and turned around and looked at the one who had tossed it at her. To be honest, she had no clue who he was, she never really looked behind her. Thinking that possibly a partner could be nice, she wouldn't have to read out loud at all, she quickly wrote down neatly and tossed it back to him.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Josh caught the paper and read it, "Cool." He thought a loud , then gave her a quick nod in thanks. He friends snickered. "Passing notes in class are we? What a rebel." The first one joked giving Josh a mocking golf clap. "Way to be." The other teased. Josh threw the paper at his head and it hit him square in between the eyes. "What was that for?!" His friend said grumpily then grabbed up the paper and compared their penmanship. "Whoa, dude. Your in trouble." He folded the paper in half and showed his penmanship to Josh. "Chicken-scratch." He flipped it to show the girl's penmanship. "Declaration of Independence." They both laughed at Josh as they continued to flip the paper, repeating. "Chicken-scratch,Declaration of Independence." Josh was getting annoyed, "Oh shut up already would you."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Maia could hear the boys behind her giving their friend a hard time, and sighed out loud. This was not going to be the easiest partnership...that she could tell right then. Perhaps she should back out...
"Now that that is settled, everyone has their assignments. I expect the typed version emailed or on my desk by next friday and your speeches will be Thursday. You are dismissed!"
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
With that Josh's friends partially ran out of the classroom. "What our assignment again?" One of them laughed. "Pffffft, Does it look like I know?" Josh sighed watching them go. 'Dumb asses.' He thought to himself gathering his things. Then he turned and walked over to his newly acquired partner. He might as well know her name at the very least. "Hey, I'm Josh. What's your name?" He asked her curiously.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
She looked up from stuffing her things back into her bag, bright green eyes peeking over the blue rims of her glasses, "I'm Maia." She replied and stood up, smoothing out her pencil skirt nervously. This was the first time she accepted a partnership before, it was a bit strange. "So um...this assignment, which civilization do you want to do?" She asked, cutting right to the chase.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Josh shrugged, thinking about it for a bit. "Ancient Greece?" He said stretching his shoulders as he looked her over, curious as to her source of nervousness. "Guess it doesn't matter to me. What did you want to do?" He inquired straightening back up.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"I-I don't care which we do...Ancient Greek sounds fine." Pushing her glasses back up onto her nose, she glanced up at him. "When do you want to meet at the library to work?" She asked back, shiftingher bag on her shoulders and books in her arms.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"Whenever, is fine." He wrote down his number consciously trying to make it legible, then handed it to her. "Just give me a call when you want to, I'm not really doing anything now a'days so any time will be fine." He smiled at her politely, "That sound good?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"I-I guess..." she took the paper in silence, slipping it into the breast pocket of her shirt and moved around him to leave to her next class. She'd probably call him later that evwning to get it over with and done.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Josh looked around the room, no one else was there. He gave a short sigh and started walking out of the classroom. 'Im becoming a loner.' He grumbled in his head as he walked alone to his next class.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Time skip?))
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Yup. You can start it off.)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
The library that evening was quiet and calm, the only two souls inside were that of the asleep librarian, and little Maia. She was fumbling with her pencil, debating on calling...what was his name? She had never really worked with a partner before, so this is something new to her. Most just looked past her and moved along..why he had asked her she may never know. Still hesitant, she dialed the number he gave her and lifted the phone to her ear, biting into her bottom lip slightly.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Josh sat with his roommate playing video games, when his cellphone started ringing. "Hello this is your phone speaking, ANSWER ME YA FUCK-TARD!!!!" The sound of his friends laughter followed in the ring tone. He really needed to change it. He sighed debating whether or not to answer or wait till he beat this level. It can wait, he decided turning his attention back to the game. SMACK!! His head snapped forward and he ended up presses power off. "No! God damn it!" He cried as the screen blacked out without saving. His roommate who had slapped him, grabbed his phone and chucked it at him. Josh fumbled a bit, dropping the controller as he snatched up his phone. He answered on the last ring. "Hello?" He said his voice sounding slightly annoyed, even though it was directed at his roommate who sat next to him stuffing his face with Doritos.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Her cheeks pinkened at his harsh tone, and while thinking he was annoyed with her call, she spoke timidly, "I-its Maia. I'm at the library now if you wanted to start o-on the paper." She started, but quickly added, "But we can wait...if you're busy."
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
He froze, remembering that HE had told her to call him. "No, don't wait, it's fine." He sighed now feeling like a total jerk. "I'll be there in a bit." He said hanging up he shoved his phone into his pocket, he then turned to his roommate and smacked him across the back of his head. "Ow!" He yelped biting his fingers as he tried to eat a chip. "And now we're even." He said smiling victoriously. "Go to hell!" His roommate yelled at him as he walked out of the dorm room, and headed to the library. Upon entering the he tripped on the rug and almost fell, just barely catching himself with the side of the counter. "Whoa!" He gasped. It stirred the librarian but didn't wake them. He let out a relieved sigh and spotted his partner. Hoping she didn't just see his epic fail, he walked over to her setting down his stuff next to hers. "Hey-" he had to take a second to remember her name. "Maia."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Hi." She peeked up at him through her glasses, and luckily for him she hadn't seen his tripping at the front. Her nose had, of course, been in her textbook. Since they had chosen Ancient Greece, she had pulled up a list of books that had good information, now they just needed to be pulled. "I made a small list of books, we can get thse and get started." She explained, picking up the slip of paper and holding it up as she stood.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
He nodded following her. In all reality he had no clue as to how to navigate through a library, but he tried not to let it show. "Let's go find those books then." Clapping his hands together he heading off in search of the books.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Maia followed suit, taking the lead and leading him down several high rows of shelves." Can you hold this for a second?" She asked, handing him the paper and grabbing a small ste stool and climbed up, having to go up onto her toes to reach the book. She had to tug her pencil skirt down repeatedly as she reached, the damned book too high up for her to reach without it coming up constantly.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"Sure." He said taking it, he looked up at her and saw how her skirt kept riding up. He smirked, she had a nice set of legs on her, but he looked away not wanting her to catch him looking at her. So he hide his smirk by pretending to read the slip of paper, and after a few seconds finally asked. "You need any help?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"No...no i got it." She mumbled, finally jumping slightly on her toes and snatched the book from the shelf, climbing back down quickly. "Okay...one down." She smiled weakly and continued on to gather the other books.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Josh handed her back the slip and looked about for the books, he managed to find two of the books, even though it was by pure luck. He started gathering the books in his arms carting them behind her. Looking at the list it didn't seem too long but hold the books themselves, and you'd think that it was the wrong list.