Random Role Playing Life as we Knew It

sparkles3 posted on Sep 13, 2013 at 11:24PM
An asteroid has crashed into the moon, knocking it closer in orbit. At first, it wasn't that bad. It got a lot warmer, and the only thing you really had to worry about was West Nile Virus, which you can easily avoid with bug spray.

But the moon affect a lot of stuff...

Volcanoes began erupting, creating an ash cloud that blocked out the sun entirely. It became bitterly cold, as low as twenty degrees Fahrenheit, and this was August. Crops died, air quality decreased drastically, it stopped raining, and the food shortages got worse.

Hospitals have stopped taking new patients, because even the doctors are dying. Bodies pile up at the street corners, no one has the strength to move them any further. The stench of decay and the ash from the volcanoes is all you can smell if you go outside.

Not that anyone goes outside anymore. It's better to keep what little warmth you have in your body.

You see, while the world is still practically dead, it doesn't mean that civilization has died along with it. We are a group. We don't know if there's anyone else like us, but we do know that we are alive, we have supplies, and we have eachother. We live in an abandoned warehouse, the windows boarded up, and the entire north and east walls are lined with can upon can of canned food. We don't know how long it will last, but we know that until it runs out, we are family.

No sex
Swearing is ok
no god-moding
don't kill each other without permission
Some super awesome fighting/killing machine
anything but a human

Be nice
Have fun, or I'll take your soul!

Character Sheets are needed!

Bio(NOT optional)
What keeps you going?:

Thanks for joining, have fun, oh, and watch out for that creepy, slime dripping sewer monster behind you.
last edited on Sep 13, 2013 at 11:37PM

Random Role Playing 276 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 276

over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Name: Penny
Age: 16
Gender: female
Personality: quirky, quiet, loves books, the number eight, and symmetry.
Bio(NOT optional) A year ago, when the whole thing started, Penny almost didn't believe it at first. Then the power started going out. Supermarkets ran out of food. Gas went up to almost ten dollars a gallon. She came upon the group in late October, when they found her sitting outside, shivering. She was taken into the group, and tries to help in whatever way she can. She recently organized all the cans of food in color order, then in alphabetical order, and then made it symmetrical too. She's tried to make friends, and has a few. She blends in with the rest of the group pretty well, when she's not freaking out over symmetry.
What keeps you going?: Symmetry, and the thought that things might get better someday...
Crush/Dating: no one at the current time...
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Penny
Age:  16
Gender: female 
Personality: quirky, quiet, loves books, the number eight, a
over a year ago beezo said…
Name: Julia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Fun, outgoing, weird
Bio: loves to goof of, be weird, and is only serious when something bad happens
What keeps you going?: my friends and the fact i know i am cared about
Crush/Dating: none (yet)
Name: Julia
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Fun, outgoing, weird
Bio: loves to goof of, be we
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
(love her eyes)
over a year ago beezo said…
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Name: Mason
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Fun, kind of lazy, peaceful, laid-back, friendly, random, and slightly confused
Bio(NOT optional) They found him aimlessly wandering in the woods. The last thing he says he remembers is eating potato salad before this all happened. But he remembers much more and simply doesn't want to dampen the mood by going on about how everything's changed.
What keeps you going?: The hope that things WILL change again and freeze-dried ice cream (kind of like his Scooby Snacks). Oh, and the friends he's made.
Crush/Dating: No one, yet. He hasn't had much luck with girls.
Name: Mason
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Fun, kind of lazy, peaceful, laid-back, friendly, ra
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
(aweshum, sorry i couldn't welcome u earlier, got grounded. love teh pic, btw)
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((lol np :D And thanks! Can't wait to get this thing started!))
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
((maybe 1 more person, then we'll get started))
fangfan7 commented…
Are you still doing this RP and if you are can I join? over a year ago
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
(yep, plz do join)
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
(hey can i join?)

Name: Nicole
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Comes across as laid back and nice but she can be tough sometimes and can surely handle herself
Bio(NOT optional): She had lead a normal life. Except her uncle always said there was going to be the end on day, and he was going to be prepared for it. She lived down the street from her uncle. So when things got bad, and food ran out, her family moved in with their uncle to deal with the problems since her uncle stockpiled food and supplies. However, not all of her family made it, her younger brother and mother got sick and didn't pull through since the hospital declined them. It was her father, uncle, and herself until things went bad in her uncles hideaway, which she doesn't talk about any more and all she says s that her father and uncle in the end, just disappeared and she ended up all alone. She found the group not to long after the "incident"
What keeps you going?: Hope that things will return to normal and that one day she'll find her father.
Crush/Dating: none (yet)
Pic/Appearance: (picture)
(hey can i join?) 

Name: Nicole
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Comes across as laid back a
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Welcome :D))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
(:D thanks! super excited)
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Me too! I've been waiting a few weeks for this thing to get started XD))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
(Wow. Yeah, I know what you mean I've been waiting for an rp similar to this one to start and so since it hasnt I found this one and so I'm excited! )
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Yeah! Ikr! Now that we have four, we can get started!! But we should probably wait for sparkles X) ))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
(Yay! oh. we should.. more waiting then)
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Well, I suppose we can put up first posts, just so we can establish what our characters are doing. Then she can post her first post, and we'll get this party started :D))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
((:D sounds good to me, )
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Sweet :D))

Mason stretched out on the roof of the warehouse. The air was rancid, but at least the brownish clouds of the sky still floated around in shapes. He stared at them with half-open eyes.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Looking for something to do, Nicole wanders around and comes to the roof of the warehouse to see Mason. She shivers a little as she feels the bitter air against her skin.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((sorry I haven't been on to make my character))

Name: Jesse Greene
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, like to have fun, can be quiet at times, loves books, tries to help, but she's prone to screwing up.
Bio(NOT optional): She lived in a town where her family was brutally murdered, but she escaped. She was found wandering and dazed, so this group took her in. She doesn't talk about her past though because it just depresses her.
When everything was normal she had two younger siblings and one older brother, and they were all pretty good students at school who almost never got in trouble. Once everything started to happen they tried to survive, but then some desperate and crazy people broke into their home and that's when her family was killed.
What keeps you going?: The hope of a brighter future and books
Crush/Dating: None yet
Pic/Appearance: dark hair, purplish colored eyes.
((sorry I haven't been on to make my character))

Name: Jesse Greene
Age: 16
Gender: Female
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason heard footsteps and glanced down, waving.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nicole smiles some, she waves back, coming to be on the roof.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((welcome!! :D))

"Hey, Nicole~" Mason said. He noticed her shivering. "You cold?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Hey. Oh no, only a little. " She says as she sits down beside him on the roof. She pulled the sleeves of her big sweater down to warm herself up.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason nodded and leaned back on the roof again. "Do you remember when the sky was blue...?" he said with a wide yawn.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Nicole nodded " Before all of this? Yeah, I do." She looked up a little sadly at the dark skies above
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
"But you know," Mason said thoughtfully, "when the sun shows up, it looks sort of golden..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Penny stepped back from the canned foods wall, admiring her creation. Alphabetically, color, and symmetrically ordered. And, it only took her an hour. Now all she had o do was find a way to spend the other 23.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"I suppose it does.." Nicole nods quietly
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
(peterpansbff, i thought his name was Mason... not trying to correct here, just...y'know...)

Penny wandered away from the canned foods, ignoring the gnawing in her stomach. 'The rules are in place for a reason. If everyone took something whenever they were hungry, we'd all have starved to death by now.' She told her self as she went to sit by her cot. She was lucky that she'd had so many notebooks before the crap hit the fan. Paper was almost as rare as potatoes. Thinking more bout this, ignoring her hunger, she began to write. Not a story, not poetry, nothing special. She simply wrote sentences, not relating to one another, just stuff.

My toe hurts. I wish we had electricity today. If I think really hard, I can almost remember what fried chicken tastes like. It's cold, even inside. I hate the moon. I miss my cat. And my parents. And anime. At least things can still be symmetrical. I wonder if we have any Twinkies. I'm gonna need a new pen soon. I wonder if we have more pens. Probably not. This sucks.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Jesse woke up from a brief nap, she hadn't been sleeping much lately and any little thing helped. She was awake now though and decided to go on the roof for a little bit.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
((Whoops, haha! Yeah, I used another character name by accident. Thanks for the heads up!))

"Hey, Jesse," Mason said as she climbed onto the roof.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Hey." She said, greeting Mason and Nicole. She went over and sat next to them. "I wish the sky was blue right now....I had a dream about a blue sky." she said quietly.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
"Did you?" Mason asked, glancing at her. "What was it like? Was it a good dream?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
She recalled her dream "There were parts that were good I suppose, but the main thing I remember was that almost everything was normal." She looked over at Mason and smiled before looking back to the sky
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
He smiled back and sighed. "It will be... It will..."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Jesse started to shiver to much to stay outside and decided to go back inside and Re read one of the few books they had.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason didn't react to the cold much. He continued staring at the sky until he fell asleep.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Penny shut her notebook and slid it under her pillow. She would have killed for a pillowcase to slide it into, but pillowcases, like so many other things now, where nothing more than a memory for most people. Many times she wondered why she hadn't died. She often wished that she had been one of the first to go, that she could have been spared living in this Hell.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Unfortunately, the roof wasn't very stable and soon caved in. Mason sat up, half-awake, and coughed in the sudden dust and debris.

"Penny, the roof broke again..."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Penny flinched at the noise.

"Great, give me an hour or two, and go see if we have any more screws or wooden planks."

Already she was assessing the damage, trying to calculate just how many of each she'd need. Sometimes OCD was a good thing.

"You'll probably want to wrap up in your blanket while I'm fixing it, I can already fell the heat starting to leave."

She pulled her jacket tighter around herself and pulled her green scarf up over her nose. She already was starting to develop asthma, more exposer to ashy air was NOT what she needed.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason nodded, and began looking for supplies. Was it his fault again? Must have been. It always was...

Not finding any more wood, but many screws, he returned. "Um, there's no wood... But I'll go outside and look for some," he suggested. "There's bound to be some planks lying around somewhere..."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"It's fine, I can figure something out... Maybe... We don't need a bookshelf, do we?" Penny asked, getting an idea. She tried to smile at him, but wasn't sure her could see it from under her scarf.

Two adults in heavy looking coats came over. One of them, A man with dark brown hair and matching eyes glanced up at the hole in the ceiling. He sighed, and the two of them continued on their way.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
"But... you love your books, Penny. They could be damaged..."

He sheepishly smiled after the men who walked away.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Yeah, but I love having a ceiling more. Besides, we all now it's a matter of time before we have to burn the books for warmth." She sighed, hating how muffled her words sounded, and pulled her scarf down. "Really Mason, you can't keep pretending it's going to suddenly just go back to normal. That's not how things work anymore. Besides-" She she grinned. "I've already read all of them eight times each."
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason smiled back and shook his head. "You bookworm..."

He knew things weren't going to change quickly, but they could, over time. Though, it was nice to think things would change fast.

"Should I get the handy-dandy hammer?"
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Probably. Or just bring the bookshelf over here along with something asymmetrical." She paused. "And I'm not a bookworm. There's nothing better to do, and I can't go outside or I'll have an asthma attack and die."

Penny just then noticed how terribly asymmetrical the hole in the ceiling was. Her fingers started to twitch.
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
Mason nodded as he held back a small laugh and walked over to the bookshelf.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Penny tried desperately not to look at the ceiling. Having a symmetry freak out needed to not happen until she was withing a five foot radius of the bookshelf. She began nervously scratching the side of her head.


By the time Mason was back with the bookshelf, she was curled up into a ball, muttering something about Excalibur. excalibur, excalibur, from the united k, lookin' for heav'n, goin' ta california...