Random Role Playing Blood in the Moonlight

Directingchicky posted on Oct 14, 2013 at 09:39PM
-Warning- This forum will contain extreme violence, blood, foul language and probably adult content. If you find this offensive, then maybe you should not have clicked on the link.....Just saying.

The year is 1893 and the world has been plunged into a permanent eclipse. The days have grown shorter, maybe seven hours at most, the rest is from dusk to dawn in pitch black darkness. But the unsuspecting humans are unaware of a threat besides the murders of prostitutes.

Another species hungers in the night, and they will never take no as an answer. They can appear to be your normal neighbor, shopkeeper, anything. Add a little paper-cut and the sunset, and they turn from being the nice man that gives you your milk, to a monster that drains the life from your body.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is obviously a Vampire forum. Meaning that yes, we all have the bloodsuckers we know and love, not those damn sparkle fairies in the movies trying to pass as vampires.

Rules for the Vampires:
Always leave the victim ALIVE. Our species is suffering enough as it is trying to stay hidden and away from the prying eyes of humans. Wipe their memories and move on. If not, then we just hope you plan on changing them

IF you plan on changing them into one of us, choose wisely. They will become your responsibility for the rest of your immortal life.

Do not spill the blood of the damned. Meaning, if you attack another of your species, we will kill you right then and there.

Once you live in a town for fifteen years, move to another, then another. You do not want to be caught staying eternally youthful while everyone around you grows old. Obvious much?

Forum Rules:
Godmod and I will beat you, then kick you out. I don't like it and won't tolerate it.

NO JOINING JUST TO START A RELATIONSHIP WITH A CERTAIN PERSON. You want to do that, take it to a private forum guys, we give everyone chances here.

This is set in an earlier time frame. so...NO USING MODERN DAY LANGUAGE OR SLANG.




Random Role Playing 61 replies

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over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Name: Seila(She-La) Riley
Alias: Shona MacGregor or depending on where she is, her real name.
Age: Looks to be 26
Sex: Female
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Barmaid in Scottish bar, or any bar really
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 100Lbs
Birth year: 1523
Year embraced: 1789
Sexual orientation: Straight
Distinguishing features: Celtic knot branded into right thigh

Seila was born in Ireland to a farming family. The English were already in control of her home and as the taxes rose, the family found themselves falling on harder and harder times. Seila, rather than be forced out into the streets, left her family. She abandoned her parents, her seven brothers and sisters and made her way to England. If it sounds like a bad idea, it's because it was, horribly so.

Seila became a wanted woman. Eventually she found herself back in Scotland, where she could hide amongst those similar to herself and find solace from the unrelenting English. She has made a comfortable home as a barmaid and lives in the tavern she works at.

She gets by on tips and often flirts with the more drunk patrons to get better money. She occasionally has a favorite stop in though and there's no need to pass up a warm bed, right?

It has often been noted that it would take only two Scotsmen to take all of England, but an army of them to tame one Irish lass.

Seila found herself at a bar a few miles from her home. It was the only place that had let her in without asking for any money strange enough. She drank herself into oblivion before being invited upstairs by a man who looked far too old to be hitting on her. She didn't worry about it; a party was a party and back in those days it did not matter.

Upstairs, the man fed on her. Seila had no idea what happened except a vague, fuzzy, warm feeling that made her want more. It was almost sexual satisfaction and yet, somehow less innocent and less messy. She came back night after night, finding herself oddly attracted to the man that was too old for her. Marco was his name.

After a year of coming to him he offered her the party of a lifetime. Drunk and probably stoned too, she accepted, let him take her to the backroom where she thought it would just be a normal fuck. Much to her surprise, she came out with a hunger sex would never satisfy. Marco brought her a human... kine he called them... she still calls them human, and she feasted, having to be pulled away
before the man died.

Now she simply continues her work, leaving her family behind and working in whatever bar or pub she can. She has not yet found who she will change if anyone, but she does in fact know how to hunt extremely well. She is just waiting for the right partner to come along.
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
Name: Gideon Hugh
Alias: none
Age: Looks to be 28
Sex: male
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Iron Worker
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 185
Birth year: 1498
Year embraced: 1625
Sexual orientation: Straight
Distinguishing features: A thin scar running across his face
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Let...go...of me..."
Oh the sounds of the begging. It annoyed her. They were so scared, so frightened and so worried that their already short lives were going to be at an end that they never stopped struggling long enough to realize that she only took what she needed. No more, no less, and while her hunger was great, she never took more than what was required for her to live another day. She didn't like this, didn't ask for it and she despised the man who did this to her. She never should had gone to that pub, never should have succumbed to the deep yearning to give that man everything...he ruined her.
This man though, he had asked for this. Grabbing any and every woman he could in the pub she worked, groping and sneaking his hand up...he was disgusting this human. He deserved this, every last moment that her teeth sank into his neck. And while she had the choice of making it pleasurable for him, he did NOT deserve that. He was a scum, and while she was indeed damned to suck the life from him, he was doomed to possibly be killed by his own kind for his ignorance. For shame.
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
Name: Vera LaFare
Alias: Rose Montgomery
Age: Looks to be in her twenties.
Sex: Female
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Merchant
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 120lbs
Birth year: 1602
Year embraced: 1776
Sexual orientation: Straight
Distinguishing features: A large burn scar taking up 75% of her back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Name: Everleigh Strider
Alias: Alyss
Age: 23
Sex: female
Species: human
Occupation: doctor
Hair: Chocolate brown
Eyes: butterscotch
Height: 5"7
Weight: 119
Birth year: 1870
Year embraced: (don't think it counts for humans right?)
Sexual orientation: Straight
Distinguishing features: Her right eye is half butterscotch half orange
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Name: Felix Auditore
Alias: his real name is enough
Age: Looks to be 29
Sex: Male
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Drifter; knife for hire/tactician; assassin
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190lbs
Birth year: 1254
Year embraced: 1358
Sexual orientation: Straight
Distinguishing features:He has marks up and down his arms signifying his life.

Felix is one of the last remaining members of an organization known as The Dark Brotherhood, an organization of people who enjoy killing, and mainly used them to hone his skills with a blade. But after he climbed to the top and led his own brotherhood he was given an offer he could not refuse; become immortal and kill forever. After 400 years of being alive and killing others you begin to become extremely bored so Felix decided he would leave the brotherhood and live on his own. But a religious sect discovered the secret that many leaders were vampires and began to eradicate the Brotherhood leaving Felix as one of the few left. Those who are left are never to acknowledge each other as that life is behind them; that's not to say they don't embrace what they are and of course each of them remember the darkest secrets of the Brotherhood.

Recently Felix has found himself in Scotland after escaping from some Italian group of Christians who believed he was Satan.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Felix had been running for days on end finally reaching a safe point, in Scotland, where he could rest and he then pushed opened the doors of the pub, and after sitting down at a bench, he almost collapsed from exhaustion. This is what his life had been like since the fall of his organization; he let out a large groan as he began to close his eyes.
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Everleigh had been tending to some patients brought in. The number of patients with psychological brain damage has increased ever since 3 years ago. Has a new apocalypse began? She noticed that all the patients had one thing in common, they came in with pale skin, like blood had literally been sucked out of them. Was it a new disease or was the world falling into a new darkness? Sighing, she signed the papers for his release and headed outside for some fresh air. "A storm's coming" she hummed as patients in mattresses kept coming in.
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
This was a dreadful day to say the least. Vera leaned against her merchant stand, her head resting on her hand. Her long blonde hair was parted in the middle and slowly blew in the breeze. She was having no luck at selling the various metal items she had on display. Necklaces, rings, daggers, goblets. Anything that metal could be casted into. She needed the money to try and keep the look of a normal life, but no one was even glancing at her stand.
over a year ago Ayaka said…
"My lady, the medicines are all out" one of the maidens assisting her came out and reported "We are in desperate need of more room!"
Everleigh didn't even glance back to her face and buttoned her white robe "I'm going then" she replied as she walked out the front gate. Her office is not very big as the village did not pay much attention to the arrival of a new doctor ever since the last one died. Everleigh isn't wealthy either, she needed the money of villagers to live. She had just started practicing a few years back but her reputation hasn't risen yet. She passed by a metal stand with a blonde lady leaning on the table. Though Everleigh still had a growing fashion sense, the gleam of the metals intrigued her. "Excuse me, do you carry anything used to store medicines?" she smiled politely at her.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
over a year ago Ayaka said…
((I'm waiting for a reply ;___; ))
over a year ago ManyManyMoons said…
((Oh god, sorry! I've been busy.))

Vera looked up at the woman in front of her. Finally a customer. "Yes." She smiled, straightening up. Vera pulled out several glass bottles and metal cans from under the counter. "These bottles have measurements on the side and cork to keep the medicine in." She pulled out the cork out of a bottle with a satisfying pop. "These cans are good for long time storage and can easily be labeled." She paused, both hands on the edge of the counter. "Anything you like?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I will post soon.))
over a year ago Ayaka said…
(It's okay :) ))

"Hmm"Everleigh scratched her elbow "Maybe I can store the antibiotics in the glass bottles...I'll take three.. Oh and do you so happens as to sell sterilized needles..?"
A nervous chuckle escaped her, normally most people would look at her oddly then deny her question. She needed it for her patients, they needed blood transplants. "Oh if you do carry them, can you make sure that they go all the way and allow fluids to flow through?"
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I was hoping Vence would post... give me a little and I will respond.))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Why don't you join Knights? It is pretty active while we wait on this one?))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((I'll think about it.))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((it's been a little. You still waiting on Vence?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Finished with her meal, and having satisfied her hunger for a few more hours, Seila returned to her work, tying her apron back around her little waist and strode in through the back door. Work, eat, work, eat, work. This was her schedule and nothing inbetween. Not even sleep. Her mornings and days when she was to rest were restless, any time she closed her eyes she saw him. The man that did this to her. She knew he was hunting her down, wanting to reclaim his lost child of darkness, but he would not get her. She may be damned, but she would love through this hell her way.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
It had been a few hours since Felix passed out in the small pub and the smell of a recent meal hit him in the face like a boulder crushing a young tree forcing him to wake up so he could feed. As he opened his eyes and spotted the beautiful young bar hand he could tell he was in the right place. "Well hello there beautiful, what nigh your name be?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Shona." Seila lied smoothly, she'd had years of practice. "What could I get for you now sir? Our pub is fully stocked of course, with everything one could desire at this time." She had to admit, there was something odd about this man, though she had no right to question him, she was working and she was full, so she was quite content at the moment.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"Your blood." He said and after a few minutes of silence he began to laugh. "I'm Felix, and just some water would be fine." he had years of practice harvest and hunting his food; she would be no different.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"I will get that for you and be right back." She smiled charmingly and waled away. This one would be easy to devour. He was cocky, already she could tell, and he would be no different from the man who she ate earlier. Returning to his table a few moments later, she set the large mugs they used there for drinks in front of him, the cup filled with the clear liquid, "Here we are sir. Anything else?"
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"Your company would be nice." He said as he finished off the first mug. "I have been traveling for a very long time and it gets extremely lonely. It's nice to talk with another person once in a while."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Well honey I am afraid that I am unable to comply." She said with a pout as she picked up the empty mug, "I have to work. But I can get you another mug of water." She hummed and turned back around, sauntering back to the kitchen.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
He silently and swiftly followed her back into the kitchen and quietly approached her from behind placing a firm grip onto her shoulder. "It's not very nice to turn down a man's offer."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"But it is also not very polite to interrupt someone who is working." She countered and twisted back around to face him, having to tilt her head back quite a bit since her height was so much less than his. "Return to your seat sir."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((you planning to do something with the vamp who turned her?))

"It is such a shame to hurt a beautiful face like yours. " He brought his hand lightly up to her cheek. "But we must all eat every once in a while."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((No, not for a while why?))

"Then return to your seat and I will bring you some food." This man was beginning to aggravate her, and wth the mood she was inm he may end up getting an early visit to the infirmary downtown. "Go sit down."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((Felix= vamp who turned her?))

over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((The one who turned her is Marco. If you want to change it to Felix we can.))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((I feel like it would make for a better story don't you?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I guess so. Go ahead, you be having permission.))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…

For the first time Felix got a good look at her face since he entered the pub. "Seila? Well how convenient for me to meet you here. I guess I can't eat you now."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"My name is not...How on Earth do you know me?" No one knew her name, and especially not some..."You aren't human. Who are you?" She demanded, swatting his hand away and stepping back.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"I'm hurt you don't remember me. After all I was the one who gave you those." he said as he touched the bite mark on her neck. "It's been years and I've finally found you again."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"No..." It was the only thing she could say. He had changed somehow. The face she saw every night didn't match up with the one in front of her. This man, this...this monster! "Get out, get out and stay away from me you bastard!"
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"That's no way to treat the man who gave you the immortality you asked for. Sure I look a bit different but so do you? Why don't you just be a good little girl and fetch me something to eat?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"I did not ask for this. You forced it on me." She spat, backing away further. He had tricked her into that room, using her drunken state against her, and now she paid for it every damn day. "I am not going to be your slave, now leave."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"I'm afraid you are my pet. I own everything you are body and, well, what is left of your soul."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Then why did it take so long for you to find me fiend? I will never obey you, never follow you. You will be wasting your time here trying to get me as a slave and it will all be in vain." She hissed, retreated backwards away from him.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"Oh, come now." slinked behind her and wrapped his arms around her running his hands up and down her body. "Don't you remember how good it felt when you were with me? The rush, the pleasure you felt." He began to remove the shoulders of her gown and kiss her neck. He was a male vampire, the ultimate predator, not matter what species you were you found him attractive and his scent intoxicating.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"All I recall is your teeth in my neck, night after night. The countless times you drained my body of my blood every time. All I can recall is pain and suffering, and I will not tolerate it any longer." Hating how this bastard of a creature made her feel, she jammed her elbow back into his chest and aimed a kick back at him, wanting his hands and mouth away from her.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((Happy Halloween.))

He caught her foot with ease then ran his hand up her leg. "And how good you tasted. It was a shame I drank to much that night otherwise I would still be drinking." (Time to get freaky) His hand reached her underwear and he cut it off his a flick of his claw. "Why don't you serve me for a little while and then we will go from there?"
Directingchicky commented…
Happy Halloween! !!! over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Get the hell off of me you sick monster!" Her cheeks grew red with her fury as she kicked her other leg up and hit his jaw. Once she was sure she was free, she made a rush towards the door back to the front of the bar. While she may not have enough strength to finish him off, if she could just get to the safety of the humans she worked for, she stood a chance.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((If he can't talk her into serving him how had you planned marco to do it? With hypnosis or something? oh and Kings and queens?))

His swiftly moved so he was blocking the exit. "What are you going to do? Run to our prey for help? That would not be very smart seeing as how I'm hungry and I would not mind destroying an entire town tonight."