Random Role Playing DreamCast Chronicles:The beggining

Taika posted on Oct 27, 2013 at 06:22AM
In our world exists two realities.The first reality,the outer cast,is the main reality you live in.It contains all the people,plants,animals,and places outside of the mind.Most people are in this reality often,as it is the easiest to enter.it's actually the reality your in now.The second reality,the dreamcast,is the reality inside the mind.This includes your deepest thoughts,the creatures of your imagination,and all the dreams and nightmares in you.Most people only enter the DreamCast while in an unconscious state such as sleeping.When you dream,your just in a different location in side dream cast.

However,certain people have the power to cross over to DreamCast by will,and these people are called dreamers.Dreamers are special humans who are chosen to protect humanity from nightmares.Even though people have nightmares quite normally,that's not why your protected.When a dream takes action,it takes up a tiny amount of space in dreamcast.When the dream ends,all the residue from that dream is destroyed,along with the nightmare.nightmares are evil creatures conjured from the human mind.If not destroyed after the dream by a dreamer,they will eventually use the person who's dream they were in as a tunnel to the real world,where they would wreak havok.That is why it's the job of dreamers to defeat the nightmares.To protect and preserve peace.

However,dreamers don't deal with nightmares all alone.They have their dream companions to assist them.Thee dream companion come in many shapes and sizes,and each i specifically created to make up for their partner weaknesses,so that their teams are balanced.


#1-No godmodding

#2-No heavy profanity.Light profanity allowed.

#3-No sexual imagery

#4-No disrepsecting other rp'ers.

#5-No one liners,for example-"Bob ate the burger"

#6-No heavy romance.This is not a romance rp,nor will it become one.

#7-I plan for this to have some kind of story,so please try to help keep a plot going on somewhere.

Character Sheet







Power(s):try not to overpower it.


Dream Companion:
last edited on Oct 28, 2013 at 12:19AM

Random Role Playing 257 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 257

over a year ago Taika said…
Name:Tenchi Hirosama




Personality:Laid back,calm,somewhat lazy but get's whatever needs done done.


Powers:Electricity manipulation.

Weapons:A sword specifically designed to conduct electricity.

Dream Companion:(Your Ally in dreamCast.)Zip
last edited over a year ago
Name:Tenchi Hirosama




Personality:Laid back,calm,somewha
over a year ago Taika said…
Takeshi's sword.
Takeshi's sword.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
(What happened to the dream companion ?)
Name: Yuki

Age: 16


Appearance: pic

Personality: Nice, friendly, assertive, won't let anyone harm her friends without consequences


Power(s):Ice and water manioulation

Weapon(s):A special gun that can fire her ice

Dream companion:Link
last edited over a year ago
(What happened to the dream companion ?)
Name: Yuki

Age: 16


Appearance: pic
Taika commented…
completely forgot! over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Her freeze ray
Her freeze ray
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Here's Link
Here's Link
over a year ago Taika said…
(Need one more person...)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Do the companions need to be based off of anything specific? Or can they be completely random?
over a year ago Taika said…
(They can be completely random!)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((cool, I'll try to get a character up soon))
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Name: Akari
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearance: pic
Personality: kind, caring, would sacrifice herself for her friends, but she can have a bit of a temper if you do the right thing to set her off
Power(s): fire manipulation, she can also move things with her mind (but it takes a lot of energy and she’s not very good at it, so she tends to stick to fire)
Weapon(s): light weight, split sword
Dream Companion: Kasai
Other: Kasai can turn into a human, but he rarely does because it’s easier for him to be a tiger. But whenever he does turn human, he gets rid of Akari’s memory of it. All she knows is that she can somehow communicate with him through their minds (but she doesn't have the ability to read minds)
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Akari 
Age:  16
Gender:  female
Appearance:  pic
Personality:  kind, caring, would sacrifi
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Here's Kasai in his usual form (if he ever shifts into a human, then I'll post what he looks like as a human)
last edited over a year ago
Here's Kasai in his usual form (if he ever shifts into a human, then I'll post what he looks like as
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
And here's her weapon
And here's her weapon
over a year ago Taika said…
(okay,i got the beginning!)

Tenchi sighed in relief as he felt the afternoon breeze wash over him.He was outside for recess,but instead of playing like a normal kid,he laid in the shade of his favorite tree in the grass.The sun was shining brightly,making the temperature enough to put a microwave to shame.But the light breeze and shade made his spot perfect,and he only allowed a few people in it.All he either knew,or had a good feeling about,the latter being very rare in occurrence.So,with the breeze blowing,and the shade,plus the soft feeling of the grass he was in,put him in a happy place.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari wandered around the school field, the heat not bothering her in the least. She thought about her most recent nightmares. She didn't understand why they were getting worse. It was kind of ironic she thought. She smiled to herself and allowed her thoughts to wander to a patch of flowers.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Intruder."tenchi's eyes shot open as he examined the area.He noticed some girl wandering around,heading towards the flower patch that was near his spot.He shrugged and closed his eyes again."I need to lay off the sweets.My senses are slipping to mistaking people getting near my spot...to opening y eyes because of some girl in a flower patch."He mumbled as he once again felt the breeze wash over him,returning him to his former calm state.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Yuki walked over to Tenchi and stared at him "He hates when people get near his spot ?"she thought to herself "That means I should probably go, nah"she said sitting down
over a year ago Taika said…
Once again his mental alarm this time,but this time someone had actually walked over to his spot and sat down!He didn't exactly HATE people going in his spot,but they should at least ask first!His eyes shot open again,and he examined the area thoroughly with just his eyes."Who are you?"He asked the girl who apparently disregarded his spot privacy.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"I'm Yuki nice to meet you"she replied "This is nice spot you have here"
over a year ago Taika said…
"Uh.....thank you.my name's tenchi;"he sensed and heard a lot of things happening.One,he was getting far more attention drawn to him than he wanted.Most kids stopped playing ball and turned to look,and some others were whispering supposed answers to why he was letting anyone inside his coveted spot.He sent them death glares that told the to stop,which they quickly complied too."This is a
really cool spot,this big tree and the shade and stuff,that's why i' here most of the time.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"That explains, why I haven't seen anywhere else"Yuki said "I noticed some people were murmuring and looking over here, why was that ?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Images from Akari's nightmares kept flashing through her mind, the flowers no longer preoccupying her. She looked around and saw a boy and a girl sitting under a tree, she received a good feeling from them and decided, even if she was told to go away, that maybe going closer would tell her what the feeling meant or in the very least occupy her.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Because i almost never let people over here.They don't deserve it."tenchi explained."You see,i used to let anyone come over here,with the shade and big tree,i figured their couldn't be a problem.But they littered everywhere,and they were so loud,that i started letting less and less over here,until only two,you now being three,could come over here."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Why only those two?" Akari asked, coming up to them and interrupting their conversation. "I mean, how do you decide who you allow over here with you?" She didn't feel bad that she had sort of been eavesdropping.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Well,i have this...sort of...sixth sense.I can feel by instinct,whether a person's soul is good or evil,or anything else.I don't know why or how,but i do it.For example,i can feel that both of you have no ill intentions,so i don't mind for you to come near here."Tenchi wasn't alarmed,as he knew that she was there.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"So you knew she was there ?"Yuki asked about Akari
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"That's very...convienient for you." she said, taking a seat, but with a little distance between her and the other two.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Maybe...but it's also kinda like a curse..."Tenchi's dark,very dark,blue hair blew over his face,covering his eyes."Because i can also feel hatred,bloodlust,things like that.It's pretty scary,feeling someone's hatred,it's like suffocating in blood....so thick and deep it's impossible to get away or breathe...."The when he adjusted his hair so he could see again,he smiled."But that almost never happens,so there's no real problem!"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari gave him a skeptical look, but didn't say anything about it. She looked to Yuki "what about you, do you have any...sixth sense type of thing?" She didn't mean for it to sound mocking, she was just curious, and kind of glad to have found someone different...kind of like her.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Actually.....good question.Do you?"Tenchi already new the answer to this question,at least he thought he did.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Yuki scratched her head "I don't think I do but I do have a cool trick" she cupped her hands and made a shiny ice ball
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Now that is a very cool trick." Akari said with fascination. She liked this group very much, she didn't feel like such an outsider at this school now.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Oooo watch this one"Yuki said rubbing her hands together "look"she showed her hands covered with ice
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari smiled, she had a sudden want to show them what she could do, but the last time she showed anyone they became very very afraid of her. If she had a chance of making some friends she wasn't going to ruin that. "That's cool. What else can you do?" she asked.
over a year ago Taika said…
"I got something!"Tenchi snapped his fingers,and sparks of electricity came from his hand.Then h started using the electricity to write his name in the air.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari smiled when he finished, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. "I'm glad I'm
Not the only different one." she said. "Watch this.". She held her hand palm up in front of her and coaxed a small fire ball and inch above her hand. And then snuffed it out by closing her fingers around it. She looked up to see if she had scared them.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Cool!That's ice,lightning,and now fire!"Tenchi declared,stopping his finger lightning."It seems we're all...different from normal.I wonder...how do you think we got these powers?I mean,they had to have come from somewhere right?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"That is a very good question." she said. "Is this the first time you guys have met others with abilities?" she asked..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Taika said…
"I think we got them because we'll need them for something one day.Maybe we'll become super heroes and save the world!"Tenchi partly joke,and partly answered.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Yeah, maybe." Akari said, going along with the joke. She looked down at her hand, the one she used to show them she can control fire. "That would be really cool actually." she answered a little bit more seriously.
over a year ago Taika said…
"You bet it would.Bu that raises a second question.How did we get them?I mean,if we were just born with them,other people would too.But we're the only ones,so how did we get them?"Tenchi said,asking another question.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Maybe....we were, like, chosen or something. Maybe our...powers...were given to us by someone who thought we desered them for whatever reason." she snide a little "I don't know, that sounds so...unlikely."
over a year ago Taika said…
"It sounds cooler than being a super hero!Plus,that makes sense.."tenchi said,then a light appeared before all of them,sucking tenchi,akari,and yuki inside.They ended up in a weird place.The sky was was swirl of colors,and all they could see was...well..the sky.They were moving on what appeared to be a cloud."What the?Where are we?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Whatever they were on Akari say down fast. She wasn't exactly afraid of heights, but whatever just happened was a little disorienting for her and she needed to sit down so she didn't fall down or anything. "I have no idea." she said, responding to Tenchi's question. After a minute she shakily got to her feet.
over a year ago Taika said…
"You alright?"Tenchi asked.Then it occurred to him that he never found out her name"Hey!What's your name?You never told me."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari let out a small laugh, focusing on Tenchi as she answered. Maybe she was afraid of heights? "Yeah, I'm fine. My name's Akari. What's yours?" she asked, being careful not to look over the edge of whatever they were on.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Akari hm?Well,my name's tenchi."Then he looked over the edge of the cloudy thing to see....nothing..just more space...."That,looks like a long fall."Once again,a light appeared,but when it subsided,an angel stood before them"Welcome humans,to the dream world.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari, now steady on her feet, just stated at the angel. All she did was raise an eyebrow when it spoke. It wouldn't surprise her if she had totally lost it or, as he said, she was dreaming and would soon wake up to realize that Tenchi and Yuki did not exist. "Why are we here?" she asked, though she wasn't sure why.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Because you have been chosen by the emperor to help combat the nightmares that now plague our world"The angel responded.Tenchi stared blankly."Nightmares?Like bad dreams?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Akari immediately thought of all her nightmares she had been having recently, and then just as quickly tried to push the thoughts away. "How do you fight a nightmare. Something in a person's subconscious. Or I guess, why would they need to be fought?" she asked.
over a year ago Taika said…
The angel shook it's head and rolled it's eyes."I shall explain.You see,the nightmare you humans have are really the embodiements of your minds darkest desires.These desires,if strong enough,can use their dreamers's body as a portal to enter the regular world you humans live in.You three in particular are dreamers,people chosen to help defeat these nightmares.While it is impossible to stop nightmares from forming,or entering dreams,when you wake up,the nightmare that entered you dream is destroyed by dreamers.Dreamers have the unique ability to enter another human's mind in order to defeat the nightmares."The angel stopped,waiting for their reaction."However,as i'm sure you've notice by your number of nightmares you've been having,that an unusual amount of nightmares have been forming,and it's taking all we've got to keep them out of the human world.That's why you've been summoned here today."