Random Role Playing What I've Done

Axel1313 posted on Oct 30, 2013 at 04:41AM
The Gods of this world are furious. Mankind has messed up, made far to many mistakes and now they have been punished. The ones deemed as truly pure have been saved and live in a beautiful place protected by the Gods, but the sinners....the sinners have been punished greatly. Turned into the horrible beasts they have been deemed as. Some have accepted it. Some try to rise up against it and others just wish to repent for their sins, but the absolute desire of them all is to be protected and loved once more.

You can be a Pure one or a Sinner. You can be a God, but please ask me first.
True inhabitants of the Pure City have a permanent clean slate. Unless they do something truly horrific or upsetting to the Gods.

Sinners are generally punished by the sin they have committed. (ex. Gluttony-insatiable hunger/ thirst, Wrath-Short fuse....I'm leaving these up to your creativity.)

1. No god modding! (yes I know there are Gods, but even they can die)
2. Swearing, relationships and Sex is fine, just don't make the whole rp about it.
3. No one liners. They hurt us all by making it difficult to respond to.
4. Have fun! or else....

(You can make a character bio if you want, but it's not necessary)
last edited on Oct 30, 2013 at 01:44PM

Random Role Playing 60 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 60

over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Name: Marron Faultus. Previously: Marius Poarta.(He changed it to keep from shaming his family any further.)
Age: 26
Height: 6' 4"
Sin committed: Lust
Punishment: Vampirism. He gets a horrible lust for blood that cannot be controlled. Eyes are sensitive to light.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Marron Faultus.   Previously: Marius Poarta.(He changed it to keep from shaming his family any
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
(( The era is older. Around Victorian like times and with a little dash of steam punk thrown in.))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((I am so sorry about not responding. I had a lot of work to do with tranfers. But I should be good now. And Victorian era is my thing, definitely. ))

Name: Gigi Gayle.
Age: 29
Pure being.
Bio: Gigi had originally commited to sin of Greed, being driven absolutely mad by a man who had promised her the world. He drove her to deadly deeds for money that she never saw a penny of. She had repented, begged, did everything she could until she had been forgiven. She lives in and out of the Pure City, and likes to sneak out. Having been raised in a stuffy house, she was never allowed out much in the first place, leading her to Greed. Though one hing is sure, curiosity killed the cat.
((I am so sorry about not responding. I had a lot of work to do with tranfers. But I should be good n
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Harrison H. Mitchell

;; Pride ;;

An uninspired poet and widower accused of selfishness, resentment, and lifelong pursuit of personal gain. Once an idealist, he is punished with apathy, as well as a massive, gaping hole in his chest—a disturbing representation of the guilt he still bears over the death of his wife. His left hand is mechanical.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Tears streamed down his face as the warm liquid dripped from his mouth. "Oh Gods...not again..I'm so sorry." He mumbled. Wiping a hand across his mouth as he looked down at the lifeless corpse of yet another victim, stroking their cheek gently as he finally realized what he had done again. Why...why must he be punished like this? He apologized many times for what he had done, but never received any mercy for it. Slowly he stood back up, realigning the body so it looked peaceful and at rest, not just some lifeless mess sprawled across the ground. It was the least he could do at the moment. Normally he would have buried it, but the ground was too hard this time of year. Wiping the blood and tears from his face he continued on, just happy that the horrendous craving was gone again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Click-click…click-click…went the sound of his walk, precise and sharp against the frigid ground. Every step, though it didn't look it, was absolute agony, the very same as treading barefoot on red-hot coals. It was his punishment, of course, to feel such atrocity, but that didn't stop him from going out every single morning. He had public dignity to uphold, and even while his body suffered to no end, nothing could compare to the raging wildfire of grief in his heart, or what used to be.

Harrison smiled to himself a little peculiarly. It was the kind of smile that made him look like he had just eaten something bitter, something he wanted to spit out. His hand fluttered upwards then, and with two fleshy fingers, he pushed inward, feeling his coat depress. Too much.

His smile ashes, he continued on his way home.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Why was it so cold?

The answer was quite obvious, the white in the air and ground, the bone shaking chill traveling through the winds, it was quite obvious winter was upon them. Travelling during this time of year had become a small tradition for Gigi, seeing as how she loved what the season did for people about this time, all of the wonder and love going around. Of course...that did not quite mean that she enjoyed the cold. The dark blue coat was wrapped around her body snugly as she moved about the streets of the town, curiosity in her dark eyes, wonder at everything she used to take for granted, it was quite a revelation really to the oblivious woman how much such a small thing could be worth so much and she saw that now. No more Greed, no more pain.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Wrapping his big back jacket tightly around his shoulders he wandered slowly through the streets. It was all he could do now that the sun was up, making it difficult for him to see. The light reflecting off of the snow was no help. Oh he was such a fool for leaving his hat back at the decrepit building he called home and even more so for staying out so late. Was he ever going to learn?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
((For a better idea of how this world looks, basically everything outside or the Pure City is old and run down or wilderness. The city itself is like a utopia. ))
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
It wasn't very long before Harrison came across another. Normally, he would think nothing of the strangers he passed by in the streets, but this one somehow managed to grab his attention. Maybe it was the hair, or maybe it was the trail of blood following after him.

He halted mid-step, then, despite himself, spun around just as the silver-haired wanderer staggered by. His eyes followed him, staring with the intensity of a man debating on whether or not to waste anymore time out in the cold than he should. Arrogance and a dark sense of humor eventually won him over in the end.

“I suppose that isn't yours,” he half-joked, gesturing to the ground.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Hm?" Marron turned around in confusion. It had been a while since somebody actually spoke to him. Looking back he spied the crimson trail following him. He quickly opened up his jacket to reveal a shirt soaked in blood. "Oh...um. No...unfortunately it is not." He looked back at him sadly.
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
His throat constricted with discomfort, but he still smiled. He had seen a lot of things after the so-called “separation”, but the sight of blood still sent a horrible chill down his spine.

“Yes, well,” he began dismissively, making it sound like he had other, much more important places to be at the moment, “we can only hope that it was for a good reason, and that the poor scrap wasn't very popular."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Unfortunately it was not...as for that poor person. I can only hope so too." He looked down at his hands which were now stained red. "All I hope is that whoever it was received forgiveness." Despite remnants of blood running down his chin he tried to muster up a warm smile. "So..are you from the pure city?.." He wrapped his jacket around himself even tighter, trying to draw attention away from all of that blood.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Name: Samuel Poarta
Height: 6' 7"
Pure being
Bio: While he is a pure being the only way he was able to remain one was by condemning his own brother. After which he was able to claim his families entire fortune for himself and live happily in the pure city. Pleased with the fact that he can now get away with almost anything.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Samuel Poarta
Height: 6' 7"
Pure being
Bio: While he is a pure being the only way he
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Harrison shifted slightly in place, just enough to make the move noticeable, then regarded the stranger cautiously, his pale eyes squint. Was he trying at making conversation right after butchering a man? It was unthinkable. Any human being with their head still on their shoulders would have already moved on, fearing for their own life, but for whatever strange and unorthodox reason, his feet stayed.

"Why, of course I am." The lie came easily, and so suddenly that it surprised even him. His lips quivered a moment, stinging with regret, but they soon stretched into a tight smile. What harm was there?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
His smile brightened, revealing large sharp canines that glinted like steak knives in the morning light. "It's been a while since I've met someone from the city. Is it as nice as they say?" He tilted his head to the side curiously. Oblivious to the fact that the man standing before him was only lying.
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
"Of course it is! Much more beautiful than you could imagine!" His smile was more a smirk now. "As a matter of fact, I am headed there right at this moment. There is business I must attend to, you see. It was a, erm, pleasure meeting you,"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
There was a drop in his smile as the stranger bid him farewell. "Oh, well. I was a pleasure meeting you as well. Hopefully we meet again sometime, maybe I'll even see you in the city some day." A short chuckle escaped. "Anyway. Good day to you too and be safe out there. You never know what monsters you could run into out there."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Harrison smoothed out his coat, turned up his nose, and with a light click of the heel, turned to leave. He had enough of that man and his pretentious chattering. The sooner he was home, out of the frigid air and far, far away from murdering maniacs, the better.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
He bit his lip contemplating what to next. Then out of the blue an idea hit him. "Wait, um...do you think I could...tag along?" It was quite strange, but this grown man's voice came out as timid as a small child's. "It's quite lonely out here and even though we've just met I rather enjoy the company."
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
((I'll put the profile up in a moment and here is an offering to the city on the outside... Is it okay to put this up?))
((I'll put the profile up in a moment and here is an offering to the city on the outside... Is it oka
Axel1313 commented…
Perfectly fine. It is very pretty. over a year ago
L_Deneuve commented…
I know! Thank you google chrome over a year ago
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
Name: Nevermore Raiven
Age: Reaally old but he looks about 18
Height: 5"3
God: He is a mischievous god and is the youngest and shortest. He looks evil but he's a God of Nature.
Personality: The last died and he got to step up, he's really excited and continually mixes in with the wrong crowd or unpure by accident. He's a really sweet kid but gets judged by appearances a lot.
Bio: His mother was a snake goddess and his father was a god. He doesn't like to tell anyone about himself, especially humans.
Name: Nevermore Raiven
Age: Reaally old but he looks about 18
Height: 5"3
God: He is a mischievous
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Typically, on any other occasion, he would have kept walking, never to look back, but there was something in that voice that had him hesitate. The frigid wind licked his cheek, and without looking back, he said, almost pleasantly: "Perhaps you would like to go home instead."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"I would love to, but I'm afraid I do not have much of a home...Unless you count that big worn down place back there a home." He motioned behind him to a large black building behind them. All of the windows were boarded up and the whole thing looked lop sided. "I really don't have anything there except a hat."
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
Nevermore had snuck away from his elders for the upteenth time and snuck about among the unpure giggling. He walked rundown streets passing out flowers. He came upon the pair smiling. "Would you like a flower?"
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Harrison paused, taking a moment to pretend to roll his thoughts over, then began to further reject the man before he was interrupted with a sudden stab of horrible, horrible pain. It overtook his entire body, and before he knew it, he was on the ground, writhing and twisting in agony. What have I done wrong? Haven't I suffered enough? What do you want? What do you want--

"Yes!" he gasped, "Yes, you can follow me to the Pure city!" As he wheezed out the last words, the pain extinguished itself like the snuffing of a candle. It was the obvious working of a God, one that was itching for a good show.
last edited over a year ago
MOARdesu commented…
whoops over a year ago
MOARdesu commented…
i didnt see your post until now noone over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Marron quickly ran over to aid the poor man. "Are you alright?" He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as this shot of pain that hit seemed to leave. After that he turned his attention to the stranger handing him a flower. "Oh, uh. Thank you." He smiled warmly up at him.
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
Nevermore smiled and took another flower, he put it behind Harrison's ear. He muttered some words to help him through his pain.
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
His hand flew to the side of his head and pulled away with the bunch of petals. He stared at it, at first in disoriented awe, then with disgust. He hated flowers, absolutely despised them, so he crushed it in his hand.

Now back to his feet and standing an aloof distance away from the two, he took an obscene amount of care in brushing himself off. He hadn't the slightest idea how to explain his outburst, or if he needed to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
As he watched him smash the flower a slight frown formed on is face. "Well then...that was quite rude." He huffed. "You should be more polite when given a gift like that Mr...um..I don't believe I ever learned your name sir."
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"His name is Harrison. " He flinching as his flower was crushed. "And that was cruel... Don't get angry at the flower." The young god said.
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
He glanced up at the utterance of his name. "How do you know that?" he practically seethed at the flower-bearer, his position defensive.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Harrison eh? Nice to meet you then." He smiled warmly at him before turning to the young man with a slightly confused look upon his face. "That is a good question....how did you know him?"
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"...That's a secret... " He giggled taking a step back. "Isn't that obvious little human?"
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Human? Why on earth would he call them.... It only took a moment for it to truly hit him. "You're a--a?" He couldn't bring himself to say the word. The pain from being punished like this was still very fresh. His expression turned into a slight scowl and he spat at the ground. "I am unable to see my lover or children because of you."
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"Hey, don't blame me for you sin and judgement. I just became little boy. " He said flipping his hairy sassily.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"I blame all gods for this." Grimacing to make sure his canines were visible he motioned to his blood soaked shirt. "Sure I sinned, but there was no need for this torture!"
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"I don't choose the punishments. I hate all humans, destroying the Earth. " He muttered upset.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"I know you don't, but that still doesn't keep me from hating you any less." He spat at the young god's feet. The blood in his mouth leaving a crimson stain on the snow. "So why don't you just go right on back to your wonderful pure city?" In a small fit of anger he crushed the flower and tossed it back at him.
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"My flower... " Suddenly large vines came of the ground and trapped him.
"Say sorry."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Marron yelped in surprise and struggled against the vines. "Hey! Let me go!..." After biting at them and ending up with a nasty taste in him mouth he glared at the young god. "Oh come on now. It's just a flower!"
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"Just a flower?! Nature is the most precious thing in the world. Flowers are more than just flowers."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"It is, but...you had already picked it, so it was going to die anyway." He struggled against the vines even more. That all ceased though as soon as a small letter fell out of his pocket. After that he stopped all struggling and watched in terror as it landed on the snow.
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
He shushed him and took the letter, opening it and said, "I'm a god of nature I choose if it dies or not. "
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Please give that back! I'm begging you!" He kicked and struggled against the vines again. "I am sorry okay? just please give that letter back...it's very precious to me."
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
"Oh, is it imporant?" he says reading through it with a smirk and sticking his tongue out.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Yes! Very important!" He struggled even more against the vines as the young god began to read it. Not afraid of what it said, but terrified that he was going to damage it. "It's the only thing I have from her." To anyone else it was a simple love letter. Saying that she missed him and that the children were doing just fine, but to him it was the only thing keeping him sane.
over a year ago L_Deneuve said…
Reading through the letter his mischevous smiled turned down and he closed his eyes releasing him and giving him the letter. "Fine."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
As soon as the letter was back in his hands he folded it up nicely and hugged it close. "Thank you..." His voice was quiet and timid again. "I am sorry for crushing your flower....I just couldn't control my anger after finding out you were one of them."
over a year ago MOARdesu said…
Harrison had watched the two in shocked silence, his flesh and blood hand clenching into a fist, releasing, then clenching again as the conflict heated and cooled. He couldn't bring himself to speak.
last edited over a year ago