Random Role Playing Lords of the Underworld: Reborn.

Directingchicky posted on Nov 03, 2013 at 12:36AM
Long ago, inside Pandoras box lived a mass of demons who suffered eternal damnation. One tragic night, when the box was opened, these demons were set loose, and took host in the exiled greek warriors of the gods and were changed into the Lords of the Underworld. Each Lord now has a demon living insaide them, and whatever demon that is, that Lord has had to change his entire life to keep to that demon

Below is the list of the Lords. Tell me who you want to be and I'll put your name next to it. You can be a lord, a Harpy woman, or a human or ask me if you want to be a God or Goddess, but let's fill up the Lord's first shall we?

There is going to be sex, but if I catch anyone trying to whore off on someone right away (unless its Paris) then I will have a talk with you.

There ill be no god-modding tolerated. If a lord is hurt, they van die, a harpy can die and a human can die.


If you god-mod, you will be kicked out immediately.

(HumphryOmega)Aeron-Keeper of Wrath: He must be brutal and cruel, or he experiences sevre pain.
(LocalArtist)Amun-Keeper of Secrets: He is silent entirely and uses sign language to speak. He is able to read the mind of everyone around him no matter.He is very sweet. what.Muscular, long blonde hair.
Cameo-Keeper of Misey: He is pretty self explainitory.
(LocalArtist)Galen-Keeper of Hope.Tall, muscualr, brown hair
Gideon-Keeper of Lies: He cannot speak a word of truth or he experiences severe pain.He has blue hair, an eyebrow ring and is very tall.
(Axel1313)Kane-Keeper of Disaster: He speaks for himself, disaster follows him everywhere.
(Roxas)Lucien-Keeper of Death: He is pretty much the grim reaper.
Madox-Keeper of Violence
(Shadowcon99)Paris-Keeper of Promiscuity:His demon he calls Sex, and he has to sleep with a new person everyday or he is in severe pain.
Reyes-Keepr of Pain
Sabin-Keeper of Doubt
(Directingchicky)Scarlet(Woman)-Keeper of Nightmares.
Strider-Keeper of Defeat: Everytime he is challenged, no matter what it is, he must win.
Torin: Keeper of Disease.

Your demons growl and say little words in your heads. You cant have full conversations. Example: Strider and Defeat "Win!" "Shut up, I will.."

Also, every lord has an era where their demons entered their body. It will be a fairly large Tattoo somewhere on your body. Choose a symbol and a place.

And, every time a lord pleases their demon, like Lucien for example. When he collects a soul, Death will send a spot of pleasure ripping through him. This is the same with every lord and demon. So please your demons!!

The Lord's were not actually born. They do not have parents and were actually created as warriors for the God's. So..yeah, don't try and be the son of Hades or something.
last edited on Nov 26, 2013 at 05:51PM

Random Role Playing 377 replies

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over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Black hair, black eyes, the woman was literally darkness incarnate.
The same words had described this woman for over thousands of years, and even before her mind had been taken by the demon of Nightmares, she was utterly, yet seductively, terrifying.
Scarlet exited her home and strode down the street. Since she left Budapest and most of the other lords behind, she had become extremely mean,bitter..well she was already mean as hell, but even more so. Being keeper of Nightmares she acted out viciously when challenged, but took great joy in causing fights that she could watch, it was..entertaining. She made her way towards the string of nightclubs and bars to cause some damage. "Hmm, to choose to choose..." she tapped a black panted finger nail on her chin as she debated. Then she saw it, Club Destiny. She remembered its original back in Budapest, and it had soon been built here as well. She grinned maliciously and strode into the bar, her shoes thumping against the floor. Nightmare had been pleased that she had given herself over, becoming more like the demon, cruel and cold. With none of the other demon Lords there to control her, or assist in, the demon easily warped the warrior's mind.
She let her gaze search the bar, and when she found what she was looking for, it wasn't long until a group had huddled around her as she sat at the bar. Well hello fun time.
Black hair, black eyes, the woman was literally darkness incarnate.
The same words had described thi
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
((Want me to be paris again?))
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
((Could we be more than one? This RP sounds really cool by the way.))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((@Logan, if you want to be.
@Artist, sure! And thanks :3))
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Paris was the first lord to leave the others, you can only stay one place before the pool of women dries up, but in the city it was always full. Paris always had the cream of the crop when it came to women in the city but the fact he never had a solid relationship, except for the one with Scarlet before the demons(Is it still okay to have that?), he became cold hearted and only focused on having sex with the next woman. Paris always appeared happy but he was never truly happy ever since his curse. Tonight was no different, he was on the hunt for a new woman to take beyond the stars tonight and what better place than Club Destiny; the place where he always found his prey in Budapest. He opened the solemn doors only to see something he prayed never to see ever again. "Oh shit....." he said the moment he laid eyes on Scarlet.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Tis fine.))

The round of feminine laughter was only slightly noticeable past the roars of chuckles from the men surrounding her. They were like moths to a flame when it came to the wicked beauty at the bar, each entranced carefully, not only by the woman herself, but by the aura emitted by the demon that surrounded her as well. It lured in her prey, allowing his host to enjoy herself as she chose her flesh victim for the night before he let her sleep and he took over for the night. Just a reward on the demon's part, nothing more. But Scarlet was blissfully unaware of whom just entered the bar, too busy with her hunting to even notice another man entering. Nightmares, on the other hand, noticed the presence of another demon and growled low, warning his host to hurry and choose so they could leave.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Amun sat quietly in the back of the bar. Hating all the notice that ran through out the minds of the people around him. Yet Secrets fed off of all of their inner most thoughts and feelings not caring to share his newly acquired knowledge. Oh no, he preferred having them all to himself like some grand collect that was his and his only. 'What fertile secrets we have found. Each just as ripe as the next.' Secrets spoke excitedly to Amun. Who merely rolled his eyes 'Glad you like it.' He replied the mental commotion going on around him cause a mind splitting headache that Secrets was only making worse. Yet with the more mind numbing secrets his demon acquired the less severe his pain became, so he leaned back hoping that Secrets would quickly get his fill.

(Should we just call the demon what the lord keeps? Example:Gideon's would be named Lies.)
Directingchicky commented…
yupyup over a year ago
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Paris was a cold and cruel person now but he always had a soft spot in his heart for Scarlet and seeing her like this really hurt him. It was now his duty to save those men from their now impending fate; so he sat down at the bar and quickly ordered a drink. "You know she just wants to kill you."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
One of the men closest to Paris snorted, rolling his eyes. "Bro, she can do whatever the hell she wants with me." He turned back to the crowd, doing his best to fight his way to the woman in question. Nightmares and Scarlet spend hundreds of years luring men in like this, it was easy and they were well trained in the art.
Soon enough, within the few moments, Scarlet rose from her throne amounst the men, and took the arm of a nearby human man. Hidden within the confines of her tight pants, black boots and loose top were plenty of weapons that she could use, but she preferred one special piece...Once the crowd made a pathway, the couple were heading off to the man's horrid fate.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
((This sounds like fun. May I please be Kane?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Yup! C'mon in!))
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Kane strode into the bar in hopes of a good time tonight. Of course with disaster constantly at your heels it was a difficult thing to accomplish. He had to leave the last town because of it, people can only take so much of it. Taking a seat at the very end of the bar the only thing he could truly hope for was that it was kept to a minimum this time as he went through with his plan to drink until he passed out.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Thoughts of such evil sprung into his mind burning even Secrets with their intention. His eyes scanned the crowd in search of the one who would be acquiring such a horrendous fate yet the following thoughts informed him of just how naive this soon to be victim was. "Prepare that tight ass of your's cause am about to fuck it like never before!" The man's thoughts declared. Amun shivered at the thought of both what that entitled for the young woman those thoughts were directed to along with the horrible ending that was in this man's foreseeable future. Unable to stop Secrets from taking over he lost control of his body as Secrets had him follow the couple out staying to the shadows but allowing for curiosity to lead him on wards.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Lucien entered the bar to scope out his next victim of the night. he had decided to scope out Kane due to the fact that he was a disaster waiting to happen, quite literally, and when the next natural disaster to kill dozens struck i would be quite easier to pick out a few souls to take. he took a seat in one of the bars surveying the crowd and trying to look for the right person to kill.

(is that an okay start? wasn't sure how to begin)
last edited over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
Perfect start, do not worry over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Disaster was quick to alert Kane of the nearby demon. While not specific on which one it was he figured it had to be either death or misery. They always seemed to follow him, unfortunately. Although, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise by now. Usually after he blew into town their jobs became a lot easier.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
LocalArtistist commented…
Oh my god! That's the same guy I used to RP as Fredric a while back! Where did you find this?! I must know! over a year ago
Axel1313 commented…
I just found it via google images... over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
I googled male actors with long blonde hair and he popped up. So I guess he's an actor??? over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
While the man's thoughts may be perverted, so were Scarlet's in a way. Hut her lust was for blood, not for carnal pleasures. The demoness led her victim out of the usualky peaceful bar and backtracked him into an alley just across the street. He was impatient. As was she. When he grabbed her by the waist and slung her against the wall, she figured that she wouldn't be committing much of a sin killing this man, she was doing woman a favor. His hands were greedy and harsh, his mouth reeked and tasted of human drugs and alcohol. Scarlet's nails elongated soon enough, and within those moments, were ripping the fabric from his jacket and shirt, aching to dig into flesh and spill this man's blood. Lucky for her...he still hadn't realized his fate.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Amun felt sick, the actions playing out before his eyes were wrong in so many ways, but Secrets was eager to collect on this mans last hidden thoughts even though most he could acquire with ease seeing how open his thoughts were. Yet the contents of his crimes committed in his youth brought forth a new taste to Secret's palette. Hearing the sounds of ripping clothes Amun shuddered he wanted to fight off Secrets push him back into the far off recesses of his mind. He wanted to yell, tell them to stop this sick act. But the only sound that came from his lips was a frantic whimper that sounded more like that of a wounded puppy then of a full grown man. As soon as the whimper escaped him he was hit full on by suffocating pain that crushed his mind and body. He had given away the secret of his presence.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Following so closely to the sound of ripping clothes, was the sounds of pain and the ripping of flesh. As per usual, her long nails turned sharp and jagged and ripped through the skin of his back, causing the man to howl in pain instead of pleasure. "What the hell are you doing!?"
The low chuckle of the woman was answer enough, but the sultry sound of her voice followed, "What you wanted, is it not? You like it rough, scratching...biting. Just giving you what you like." With that, a foot raised and her boot slammed the man into the opposite wall and she attacked, the only sounds now were the splatters of his blood on the pavement.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Halfway to his goal of being completely plastered and disaster decided to make an appearance. All he did was turn to attempt flirting with a waitress. One little move and he ended up knocking her over into another patron who then proceeded to take out the giant flat screen. It toppled over with a loud crash, crushing several tables and a few other poor unfortunate souls who happened to get in the way. Kane took no time at all tossing what he owed on the counter and getting out of there before any fingers were pointed. Cursing under his breath he stumbled out the door and down the street.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Galen (he will come in later)
last edited over a year ago
Galen (he will come in later)
Directingchicky commented…
Me: well hello there pretty white shirt guy, look at you rocking your white shirt x3 over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
Hey now, don't getting your hopes too high. That's his job. over a year ago
Directingchicky commented…
Hehe, a girl can admire a photo now, can't she? over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
But of course, we wouldn't want him going to waste now would we? over a year ago
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
((Cans i bee's Aeron?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Yesh you can :3 oh and...just so you know...MEOW))
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
(( And the Meows begin O_O I dreaded this day.... haha. Can you give me a quick briefing of whats going on, seeing as you know how lazy i am.))
Directingchicky commented…
You love.my meows...admit it over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((And the laziness begins again...oi..:p haha yeah sure. Pretty Much Scarlet has turned completely wicked, letting Nightmares take complete control over her and turning her evil. Kayne, Amun, and Paris have also left Budapest and one by one are discovering their wicked ex-fellow warrior. Scarlet is now shredding a man to pieces in an alley, Amun is watching and everyone else is in da bar.))
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
((Perfect place for an opening for Aeron :3))

Aaron watched silently behind Amun as Scarlet tore the man to shreds. He knew she either was doing this for a good reason, or just for fun. But he didn't care, he wanted in on the action, after all, he was the keeper of wrath, it was his nature to be brutal.
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Quite the sausage fest we got here.)

((By the way I have a quick question. Could I have Secrets speak while in control or is Amun mute completely? Or is it just in his nature not to speak at all?))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Get ready for another, I'm bringing Gideon up into this.))

((And no. He is completely mute period. Secrets makes it so. But, since he is the keeper of Secrets, he can communicate through the minds of the people he is reading. So say he wants to speak to Scar,he wiggles into her head and speaks to her directly.))
last edited over a year ago
((Get ready for another, I'm bringing Gideon up into this.))

((And no. He is completely mute per
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Spontaneous wet white t-shirt contest?)

((Good, I was kinda worried I was stuck in a communicate dead end with him. Any who.....Scarlet prepare for your head to be wiggled into!))
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Let's do it...))

Oh how she loved the sounds that blood made when it was splattered upon the ground and wall. Scarlet was still tearing into the man, hitting all of the right points that made him scream and beg in agony, and yet kept him alive still so she could enjoy her slow torture. Nightmares was enjoying himself quite a bit, watching with glee as his host tore the human male apart. She would do it again tonight to many others while they slept. And even then he would be watching, assisting. ..laughing...
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
The man's tortured thoughts exploded in his mind. Feeling him with such an agony that not even Secrets could stop from feeling. This had to end, it had to. He didn't think he could take any more of this dying man's pain. 'Please...' He tried to tell her but there a wall of pure evil blocking her mind from his attempts. He could feel a powerful demon much like his inside this woman's body preventing him from immediate contact. Despite that he needed to try harder, his own body growing weak from the horror this man was going through. 'Stop, s-stop this, please j-just stop.' He pleaded to her clawing at his head as he tried force his way through to her. He collapsed to the ground panting with effort, each word he yelled to her his thoughts inched a little farther into her head. 'Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP!!!' His thoughts screamed hurdling into her mind.
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
Aeron walked past the strangely mute man, not identifying him just yet, and upto Scarlet with a grin on his face "i see your enjoying yourself scarlet." He teased as he watched her torture the poor man.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Everything was out of focus and it felt as if the whole world was tilted to the side. Maybe drinking that much wasn't such a good idea after all. Despite all of the stumbling and having to use the wall support half the time Kane managed to happen upon the bloody scene as well. Disaster growled at him, warning him of the other demons present, but in this state of mind he completely ignored them. Instead he leaned against the wall watching, trying to determine if it was even real or not.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Sex had alerted Paris to the gathering of the former warriors, now cursed with demons, outside and he knew, better than anyone, what would happen if you stood between that woman and her prey. "Those stupid idiots." He mumbled.

"Huh?, what did you say?" The young girl, who just moments ago had been tending the bar, asked while Paris continues to pleasure her.

"Nothing, Nothing at all." He said before she cried out in pleasure. After they had finished he picked up his jacket and walked outside to watch from a rooftop; he wanted to see who would get in the way first.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
In the midst of her attack, Scarlet paused and slowly raksed back up to meet the face of one of those she left behind long long ago. Blood stained her hands entirely, and small splatters covered her lips and cheek, but the black fabrics on her body hid any other stains. "Go away Wrath. I don't need you or your demon here while I have my fun." She and Nightmares growled at once, the demon taking the forefront and communicating.
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
"Oh come on, its nice to share once and a while don't you think?" he crouched down besides the man and examined him. "Besides, he looks about finished, let me finish him off."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"No!" She hissed, and the angered demon took complete control.Everything about Scarlet changed in that instant. Her eyes were no longer the brilliant blue, but a pitch black just like her hair, her teeth grew sharp and jagged, and a strange spiral pattern appeared on her cheeks. For hundreds of years after her disappearance, Nightmares had slowly corrupted her body, and now he was in control. "Mine."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
That voice...he definitely recognized it now, but it sounded different somehow. Ignoring the constant warnings from Disaster he rubbed his eyes again and looked over at them with a big goofy drunken grin. "Aw c'mon Scar. You know how much he likes to do that...why not throw him a bone?" He chuckled and flopped against the wall.
over a year ago HumphryOmega said…
"Look who came out to play." he stood up and looked her new form over briefly, "I need this a little more than you do nightmare, so if you would please step aside?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"No! The demon hissed again, at both of them men. It was as if Scarlet had switched places with her demon, because now Nightmares was on the outside, and the woman was watching from.inside herself, groggy and was as.if she was drugged. "Mine. Mine to kill, mine to ravage, mine to scare!" It hissed again and lunged out at Aeronm wanting him away from it's human.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"How far the mighty have fallen." Paris said as he looked on at the appalling sight happening below him.

"same to you." Sex chuckled in his head. "Shut up." he hated seeing Scarlet like this. TO see the woman he loved become a monster was a worse fate than this stupid curse he had to endure.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"What's gotten into you Scar? Don't you recognize us?"He took a clumsy step forward. Nearly tripping over the poor helpless man laying on the ground. A small burst of giggling hit as he caught himself again. Disaster was going wild inside of him, trying to tell the idiot to leave before he made things any worse.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
'Run run all of you.' Amun warned the others telepathically as he stumbled into the alley. His head felt as if were going to explode, though it was a warning not a secret Secrets treated it like such. Hurtling him into a world of pain, not only that but there were too many demons in one area. Not only was this incredibly dangerous but the humans would soon start to take notice.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
He looked up as yet another lord entered the alley way. Shooting him a warm smile Kane squatted down to study the dying man "You worry too much Amun. Everything will be fine, it's just Scarlet. You know this is what she does." At this point Disaster was shooting pain through his body, there were far too many of them here right now.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"You going home already?" His neighbor teased as he walked past his house on the way to his own house. "Yep." He nodded to to him with a smile, he was a little old man who had lived in his house for 40 straight years since his wife died.

Galen had known this old man's father when he was a young boy, and he respected their family, none of them had ever asked why he never aged or why he never moved to another house like all the other neighbors. They stayed to themselves except for polite communication. And that was just why he never moved, the people in this city moved on their own or were too old to bother, so he didn't have to worry about any prying neighbors they were all too busy with themselves to care.

"You know a young man like you should go out more often, stop going to bed at curfew and live a little. Go get yourself a girl or something." The elderly man said from his front step. Galen chuckled, "Right back at ya." He said with a kind smile, waving goodbye to him before he could say anything else to him.

He could hear the old man's sigh as he headed back into his house. This made Galen's small smile fade completely, there were hundreds of reasons as to why he went home on time, and even more as to why he was alone. But he pushed those reasons out of his mind as he walked into his own house. His French bulldog happily greeted him followed by a dozen of her puppies. All scampering behind her to try and nurse.

The sight of the the smallest puppy Midnight bounding after them her tiny paws taking her a great distance and she completely missed her mother colliding with Galen's shoe. His smile returned as he laughed softly picking the little thing up in one hand gently petting her head. At one week old she had showed signs of dying and now she was the happiest and most lively puppy there. Her tiny squished nose was cold and wet as she licked him eagerly.

Just holding her gave Hope a warm feeling that this little ball of fat wrinkles had a future ahead of her. The puppies were 5 weeks old and still wanted to nurse, and it was hilarious watching their mother flee from their attempts.

He sighed contently feeding them all their food and making sure they were all taken care of. These dogs helped with the ache of his loneliness, but they didn't cure it. He found it odd that he enjoyed other people's hopes dreams and happiness over his own. Before his loneliness was his own choice afraid of what would happen, and now he held no control over it Hope keeping him from ever doing something for himself always concerned with others. Which wasn't horrible, but he just wanted change for himself. But even such thoughts cause a piercing headache and Hope to be mad at him.

Speaking of headache he felt one coming on right now, he plopped onto his bed sleepily not even bothering to change. 'Screw living even a little I'm tired.' He thought to himself closing his eyes and letting the waves of sleep wash over him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Artist...I am Gideo...))
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Ah!! Galen sorry!!! My brother's name is Gideon so my brain connected the two. XP let me fix)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"All of you are pests!" Nightmare hissed and shockingly, took a step back as Scarlet came back and fought for control. The sun was setting, and the moment that darkness came when the sun fell, she would be rendered unconscious. It was part of her curse to hold her demon. Her body became completely unresponsive and her her spirit was free to roam from dream to dream to slaughter as her demon required. Passing out in this alley, never to awaken, did not appeal to either. "You got lucky." Both groaned, and the woman, once a proud warrior and protector, ran. She needed to get to a safe place before sundown...and quickly.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Scarlet, wait." Seeing her running away from them brought him back to his senses slightly. This was such strange behavior from her. Even though it was yet another idiotic move on his part, he chased after her. Disaster simply gave up protesting at this point, knowing all too well that it was useless to try and convince him otherwise.