Random Role Playing Monster Hunter Academy (Closed )

Palin_X765 posted on Dec 14, 2013 at 03:26PM

Welcome all new and returning students to the D.M.H.A , Death Monster Hunter Academy! As you all know the world has been plagued for 499 years by a horde of evil and destructive beast and it is up to you to stop them. Here we train you , teach you and make you the worlds first line of defense against mankind number one enemy. This isn't your average high school surviving all six years here is not a guarantee few of you will make it to the end. I wish you all as your headmaster of this academy good luck as you shape into the best soldiers the world will ever know!
Let God be with you all.

Monster class system:

The known monsters are all assigned into a class system based on their danger/ threat level. It was made so students will be given missions for there skill level. From E to S . S are the strongest and worst monsters. the types are Regular, spirits, earth, sea, Fire, ice and flying monsters. There are human like types that hide within society like vamps and werewolves and are the hardest to find.

Class E- very weak and easy to kill. For beginners

Class D- Weak monsters

Class C- average monsters

Class B- challenge for experienced members

Class A- Extremely deadly takes more than one team to kill

Class S - almost impossible to kill only method for those is to capture them and conceal them underground which will still result in many lives lost.


Students can attend the school for six years and are giving partners on there first day. They live on campus. They receive a stripes on there Black and white uniform for each year they attend. But depending on there skill level they receive a star. One star for beginners all the way to twelve for the very best. people rarely get that. after school you can become a rogue agent and work alone.

Type of students:

Trackers: trackers are students who come from a family bloodline these families are called clans. They are born with certain abilities to help them locate monsters. Like for sea monsters some might be able to breath under water or for spirit beings they can see into the spirit realm or can fly for flying types be creative. there purpose is to find or capture the monster

Slayers: Are students who are trained to be weapon specialist. they get to choose From swords ,arrows, axes maces and even guns and are taught every form of hand to hand combat. Deadly. Normally comes from monster hunter families.

Teams are made of one tracker and one slayer.

Character sheet:

Race/appearance :
Class year: ( How long they attended the school)
Star Rank: ( how many stars they have. level of experience)
Student type: ( Tracker or slayer)
Weapons/ Powers if tracker: (Optional)
Partner: ( can make your own partner or ask another person to be your partner then change sheets)
History: (Optional)
Pets: (Optional can be an e class monster something tamable and believable.)


1. Cussing is allowed as much as you want

2. No killing other people characters. Unless given permission You will be reported

3. No overpowered characters please.

4. sexual themes are allowed

5. NO ONE LINE POST. unless you are just in a class studying or a mundane task but not for a regular post at least 4 sentences.

6. Go on mission but post should be a few paragraphs.

7. I will add characters up here and a monster list you can make a monsters i will make a list for them also with descriptions.

8. Use correct grammar and try to spell correctly no text talk.

9. The highest level most people reach is 10 stars people rarely get 11 and it is almost impossible to get 12. Keep this realistic to this universe please.

10. And kill all the beast!!!

Character list

Greyson bane (me)
Lana Audi (Me)
Vince Baylor (Me)

Akira Thorn(heart-of_love )
Yuu Mako (heart-of_love )

Lelou Hiraku( KayKutie13)
Lilith Clearwater( KayKutie13)

Shyira Matthews ( Blacksparrow)
River Greysky( Black sparrow)

Itsuki Nightingle (Riku114)
Gale Watsmen( Riku114)
Senna Tails( Riku114)
Rayn Katalyst ( Riku114)

Alex (Killer24)

Arriena Phang and Johnathan Vega( sieluvzsoul)

Leo (tigerfinn)

Mason and emliy( screamnigdeath1)

Nikki( Tigerfionna)
Monster list:

Werewolves: Are B class humanlike monsters They are half man half wolves can take on the apprence of humans and can only be killed by silver.

Vampires: Are B class humanlike monsters. Appear to be human but are only out to feed on humans. Only be killed by beheading and burning the bodies

Naga: Are C class humanlike monsters With the upper half of a human and lower half of a snake. Many methods can kill them

Goblin: Are E class monsters. They appear to be short bald mutated humans. Many methods to kill them.

Shadow Monster: Are S class monsters. They do not tend to resort to a physical form and seem to be nothing but a shadow that had risen up. Only way to kill them are to remove the sources of shadows to force it into a physical form and then to strike the core with a blade.,

Shapeshifter: Are C class monsters. They take on forms of humans or larger monster though in normal form they are usually like a mutated rabbit, rat, mouse, etc. Many methods to kill them

Hell hound: Are D class monsters. They look like a deformed hound that tends to have burns on it. Many methods to kill them

Ouroboros: Are A class monsters. They are long snake like dragons well known for the biting of their own tail and their alchemy. Can be killed with a fatal strike to the underside's soft scales

Minotaur: Are C class monsters. They are humanoid with the upper body of a bull, the body of a human, and the legs of a bull. Many methods to kill them.

Yoma: Are B class monster that are humanoid daemons with sickly green skin can take on human form. flesh eaters. Kill them by decapitation.

Dragons: Are S class can be killed but it is almost impossible. That can be fire, ice , water or just regular type monsters. Humans normally leave them alone.

Sea serpent: Can be A or B class monsters giant long snake like monsters that leave in the sea. Can be killed in many ways.

Snow beast: Are C class monster that live in the mountains. Look like giant hairy men. Mostly left alone because they live in remote areas. Killed any way you can.

Kraken: S Class monsters are giant squid like creature that live in the sea they take down ships and feed on the crew men. Hard to kill due to their massive size and live under water.

Ananta: C-B Class monster it takes the form after Indian myths. Its basically a giant serpent with multiple heads.
last edited on Dec 21, 2013 at 11:55AM

Random Role Playing 497 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 497

over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Name: Greyson Bane

Age: 18

Gender: male

Race/appearance : White male .pic below

personality: He is a nice guy can get irritated easily but for the most part a nice and noble person and will protects his friends till the end. he my not look like he care about deep down he does. and is a heavy smoker

Class year: Fourth year

Star Rank: a 7 star . Lil above average

Student type: Slayer

Weapons: He is a duel sword wielder made from sliver

Partner: Lana Audi

History: His great grand father was a highly respected leader from the academy and people have high hopes for him. After his partner was killed on their last mission he was assigned to partner with a freshman girl named Lana Audi

Pets: n/a
last edited over a year ago
Name: Greyson Bane 

Age: 18

Gender: male

Race/appearance : White male .pic below

over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Name: Lana Audi

Age: 14

Gender: female

Race/appearance : german pic below

personality: She is very shy and nervous but always puts on a tough act. she hates for people to help her and wants to be the very best in everything.

Class year: first year

Star Rank: one star

Student type: tracker

Weapons/ Powers if tracker: she can smell any monsters from a 7 mile radius. She inhuman speed and her body can light up using her self as monster bait. she carry a 6 inch dagger

Partner: Greyson bane

History: she is from the Audi clan. Her clans main abilities are in tracking human like and earth monsters. Was nervous to join the academy but she wanted to make her small clan proud.

Pets: iggy pg8
last edited over a year ago
Name: Lana Audi

Age: 14

Gender: female

Race/appearance : german pic below

personality: Sh
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Akira Thorn
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race/appearance : White female Pic
personality: Shes a sweet, kind person who's always ready for a fight
Class year:Year three
Star Rank: 6 stars
Student type: Tracker
Weapons/ Powers if tracker: eagle eyes, Tigers Nose and Ears. (can see what other's cant, can smell and hear what other's cant)
Partner: Yuu Mako
History: Akira's great grandmother was one of the founder's of the academy so Akira was expected to go,
Pets: wolf.


Name: Yuu Mako
Age: 18
Race/appearance : white male Pic
personality: He's Headstrong, annoying, Loud, but is a great friend.
Class year: Year three
Star Rank: 6 star
Student type: Slayer
Weapons: a iron staff and throwing stars
Partner: Akira
History: His family went to the academy when they were younger so he thought he would go, he thought his partner would be a stupid, crybaby. but he got Akira instead
Pets: N/A
Name: Akira Thorn
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race/appearance :  White female Pic
personality:  Shes a
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Name: Lelou Hiraku
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race/appearance : russian male
personality: OCD about things being organized and having a plan, Means well but doesn't act very cheery.
Class year: 2
Star Rank: 3
Student type: Tracker
Weapons/ Powers if tracker: His eyes allow superhuman sight and he can detect heat signatures
Partner: lilith Clearwater
History: He comes from the Hiraku clan, they specialize in detecting Vampires and werewolves because of their heat signature ability. Everyone from his family has attended this academy at some point in time unless they were unlucky and were born with normal eyes. To him this is life, the killing, the monsters, it doesn't bother him.
Pets: N/A

Name: Lelou Hiraku 
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race/appearance : russian male
personality: OCD about th
sieluvzsoul commented…
his OCD reminds me of Death the Kid from Soul Eater over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Name: Lilith Clearwater
Age: 18
Gender: female
Race/appearance :
personality: An optimistic person, She doesn't need a plan to get the job done, she handles crash courses very well.
Class year: 4
Star Rank: 6
Student type: Slayer
Weapons/ Powers if tracker: two twin pistols that she hand crafted bullets for.
Partner: Lelou Hiraku
History: Lilith's family used to attend her regularly but after graduating her mother and father moved far away, after a tragic accident when she was younger causing her parents death she moved in with her grandmother who thought she should embrace the fact that she was born to be a slayer and had her attend here when she was of age.
Pets: A black cat..you know..for good luck
Name: Lilith Clearwater
Age: 18
Gender:  female
Race/appearance : 
personality: An optimistic per
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(should we start or wait?))
KayKutie13 commented…
No idea ^^ over a year ago
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
thanks for joining everyone can start
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira Looked around in the mist her hand holding onto Yuu's arm. "three meter's to the left." she said and he threw one of the stars, a second later there is a hiss and the mist clears to show a big snake with the upper body of a man and the bottom of a snake. "great job." Yuu said drawing his sword and charging the Snake man. "left!" she shouted. he quickly held up his sword as the snake's tail came down and sliced in half. Yuu quickly jumped into the air and spun cutting the head of the snake man off. "alright!" Akira shouts jumping for joy. "that was to simple." Yuu complains sheathing his sword.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith and Lelou were at the school enjoying lunch, however they were currently hiding out on the top of one of the school's buildings. They found there way up there one day and never ate lunch anywhere else. No one really knew where they went, they would just pop up after they were done eating and rejoin the rest of the people at school.

Lilith was laying on her stomach eating her sushi, chatting about nothing while Lelou sat against the wall occasionally eating whatever random piece Lilith handed to him. Lelou would nod and occasionally respond to whatever it was the Lilith was saying over the music that was playing from her phone.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{is it alright if I join?}
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
{I dont see why not :) }
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: Shyira Matthews
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race/appearance : Indian: pic
Class year: fourth year
Star Rank: 5
Student type: Slayer
Weapon: A set of throwing knives and a bow.
Partner: River
History: her parents were partners when they were younger and then they became rogue after they graduated. Not everyone is always pleased with them, but Shyira hoped she could get into the academy without many people, if anyone, giving her trouble about her parents. So far it has been going fine.
Pets: ((If this doesn't work, let me know and I’ll change it)) A small e class monster that was found after her first mission, she was going to kill it, but something in it’s eyes just made it so she couldn't, and she ended up keeping it. His name is Shikaro and he often spends the daytime in Shyira's room until she is there with him.
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Shyira Matthews
Age:  17
Gender:  female
Race/appearance :  Indian: pic
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: River Greysky
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race/appearance : white, Pic
personality: He appears cold, but underneath that tough guy shell he is actually very kind and caring for his friends and family
Class year: fifth year
Star Rank: 7
Student type: Tracker
Weapons/ Powers if tracker: he has the ability to see in the dark. He can also sense something is going to happen just before it happens, but he’s had trouble with this one: his favorite weapon is a silver staff that can also turn into a sword
Partner: Shyira
History: He is from the Greysky clan, his whole family had come to the academy, so he came too to try and make them proud. Out of everyone in his family, he feels like he got the most useless gift for fighting or finding monsters. He wasn’t exactly pleased to be paired with Shyira, but he well grudgingly admit that she has been a good partner.
Pets: n/a
last edited over a year ago
Name: River Greysky
Age:  18
Gender:  male
Race/appearance :  white, Pic
personality:  He appears
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
((Awesome! Go ahead and jump in the story!))
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River and Shyira sat outside on the grass. Shyira was reading a book, she had given up long ago trying to make conversation with River. He was good to talk to when he was in the mood, but he never seemed to be in the mood. She looked up at him from her book, he was lying on the ground his eyes closed. Just like he had been for the past half hour. She wondered if he was asleep. She picked up a small pebble to thrown at him and see.
"Shyira if you throw something at me, you'll regret it." he said, his voice quiet and tired sounding, he never opened his eyes. Shyira huffed and dropped the pebble, going back to her book.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira and Yuu walk back to the academy while Yuu has part of the Snake man's tail. "i'll take this to the principal." Yuu says walking away from Akira. "Ok see you later." she waves quickly heading over to River and Shyira. "Hey guys." she says sitting next to Shyira.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Shyira looks up from her book and smiles as Akira sits beside her. "Hello!" she looks over to River who still has his eyes closed and rolls her eyes. "I'm glad there is finally another human to talk to around here." she says teasingly.
"I am plenty Human Shyira, I just don't talk my day away." River responded, moving just enough to open and eye and glare at her before closing it again.
"Then what do you do, sleep you day away?" she asks. This time River sits up.
"No, I meditate." he says. Shyira can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not and turns her attention back to Akira. "So what have you and Yuu been doing?" Shyira asks her.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"we killed a snake man...again." she sighs "it's so boring and simple i wish we could fight something else other then Snake men." Akira glanced at the book Shyira was reading. "a new one? again? what;s this one about?"
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith yawned finally finishing her lunch and her and Lelou made their descent from the roof. They made their way into the courtyard both of them slightly chatting about upcoming missions and what not. They were rarely seen separate from each other, ever.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
"Fighting the harder ones would be exciting." She looked down at her book just before going into detail about what it was about. "Um...this one is really childish, but I like. Any way, it's about a girl who is sent away to a beast, and she is forced to live with him. Eventually she finds the good in him no one else sees. it's a typical love story, but it it good." Shyira tries to explain. River groans and she looks over to him. "I can't believe you read stuff like that." he says.
"You're just jealous because a beast could find love and you can't." she retorted, turning her attention back to Akira. "Did Yuu take evidence of the snake man to the principle?" she asks, setting her book down.

{I know it's the beauty and the Beast idea, I just got done reading a retelling of it so...yeah}
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
((lol kool))
Akira nods "yea this time it was part of the tail." Akira looks at River and tosses him a smooth blue color rock" It's a stone from the river we were by, i thought of you." Akira said with a smile on her face
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith and Lelou passed by the group talking under the tree "Hey guys whats up?" Lilith said as she popped a bubble from her gum she was chewing. "I saw a snake tail go by on my way down here" She looked at Akira "Good job." She said with a smile.
Lelou looked over the group but remained quite.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira sighs "thank you but where running out of body part's that we havent gotten yet. and there's no way i'm bringing back a head."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River caught the rock in his hand and looked at it. The coloring was beautiful, and he let a small smile come to his lips, but it was quickly gone. "Thanks." he says, sounding like he could care less. Though deep down he thought it was sweet. Shyira looked up at Lilith and Lelou. "Hey guys." she says. River stayed sitting up, but Shyira could tell he was either spacing out or pretending to, Unconsciously turning the river rock over and over in his hand.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira yawns and jumps when Yuu appear and lift's her off her feet. "Yuu!" She smacks him on the head and he drops her.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
"Heads are the best part!" Lilith giggled, She wasn't enthusiastic about killing but she liked that she was helping the world and the monster intrigued her. Lelou shook his head "You're a freak." He replied quietly to Lilith who elbowed him. She noticed Rive spacing out "Careful man, If you space out too long you'll get stuck in your own mind."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River looks up at Lilith, he smiled a little at Lelou's remark to her and then said, "Maybe I want to be stuck in my own mind." there was a hint of a smile in his voice, though he showed none of it on his face. Shyira smiled, relieved, she was getting a little worried about him, she would wait until no one else was around to ask about it though. She stood and stretched and then grabbed River's hands. "Come on, getting up and moving well make you feel better."
"Maybe I feel just fine." he says, again with a hint of a smile in his voice, he gets up and stands beside her, his arms crossed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira rubs her butt, stand and kicks Yuu where it counts causeing him to fall to the ground. "Don't do that again." She huffs in anger.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Leluo made a painful face at what just happened to Yuu. He slowly looked at Lilith "Would you ever..." Lilith cut him off "Shhh...no....no honey....your safe....from me at least" Leluo stepped behind Lilith slightly to put distance between him and Akria, anyone who kicked a man there...he was afraid of.

Lilith and Leluo weren't together but she often call him honey, they received many award for hoe well they worked together, they hardly left each others side and at times it was as if they could talk to each other without saying a word, however whenever Lilith was questioned about it because she was the talkative one she said it just depends on how strong the connection is between partners.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River grimaced a little when Yuu fell to the ground, but other wise he stayed mostly quiet, he was glad Shyira would never do that to him...or at least she had never threatened to before.
Shyira smiled a little when she looked at the two sets of partners. Leluo reminded her a little of River, to her both seemed cold and silent, and in river's case uncaring. But he and Lilith seemed to have a good relationship. She really really wished she and River did. Shyira understood that might be hard for him. She had been his partner since she first started out, but he was angry because his first partner ended up betraying him and then he was kicked out of the school, leaving River alone. She sighed and leaned into him, which he allowed...at least for a little bit.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Luleo stared and Lilith and Lilith stared back until she started laughing and nodded at him "Good point" She smiled at him and then turned to Shyira "Do you guys have missions, class or are you free for the next couple of hours?" She asked her
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira sighs and walks off while Yuu stands up and throws a branch at her. The ranch smacked Akira in the back of the head "you know." she turns on his angryly "your really annoying Yuu!" Yuu smiles "that's my job." Akira growls softly and walks away cracking her finger's.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Almost simultaneously River and Shyira winced when the branch hit Akira, and then they turned their attention back to Lilith. "I think we have the next couple of hours off. We don't get our next mission until late tonight." Shyira says. "Not really sure why, but whatever. What about you guys?" She could feel River shift his weight and decided that was her sign to stop leaning on him, she stood up straight so none of her weight was on him any more.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith smiled wickedly "Because......"She said sounding as creepy and intense as possible. "Were going to get Ice cream, she wants to know if you want to come" Luleo said dully shaking his head at Lilith.

Liliths face was crestfallen "Ugh! it was supossed to be intense Luleo!" Lilith cried at him. Luleo put his hand on her shoulder and just looked at her "I want strawberry." was all he said as turned her in the direction of the snack area.

"Ugh I know!" Lilith cried and turned her head back to Shyira and River "Come on! I'll buy," She looked at River "Ice cream is good for the soul...it will help your....meditation" She laughed and smiled turning back and starting to walk with Luleo who wanted his ice cream NOW.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Shyira started to laugh and turned to River who was even smiling. "Come on." She said, taking his hand and following Lilith and Lelou. The jogged to catch up tot he other two, Shyira going a little too fast ran into the other two. She laughed. "Sorry about that." she looked back and saw River just look at her like she was a little kid. She gave him her biggest smile and then moved so she was walking beside Lilith and Lelou.
River smiled once all of them had their backs to him, and then, hands stuffed in his jean pockets, he caught up to them.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Luleo looked back at River and gave him a nod, that weird things guys to do each for who knows what before turning back to the girls. Lilith laughed "It's okay chicka! don't worry about it!"
Lilith and Luleo seemed very different on the outside, she was loud and half the school thought she was crazy while Luleo hardly even spoke, he seemed like a normal guy who absolutely hated school. "So how has school been going for ya?" Lilith asked Shyira.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Yuu walks with the "I love pissing Akira off." he smiles tossing something up and down.

Akira looking around her dorm room (assumeing they have one) In a panic. "no no no! where is it!" she cried pulling her half of the room apart leaving Shyira's side untouched. "i lost it!" she cried before Yuu and Akira left for the job she took the choker off and put it in her shirt drawer.
Yuu walks with the "I love pissing Akira off." he smiles tossing something up and down.

over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River returned the nod just before Luleo turned back around. He was always amazed at how much energy Shyira and Lilith seemed to have when they were separate, and then putting them together...he was glad Luleo was there to help counter some of the energy. It wasn't like he didn't like it, it was part of what he like about Shyira, but it could get to be a bit much. He walked on the other side of Shyira, and wondered what other people saw, he imagined it was probably kind of funny. Two guys on either side looking like they could care less about what was going on, and then the two energetic girls in the middle. He smiled a little, but then it was gone.
Shyira laughed again. "Oh you know, the usual. Boring classes, exciting missions...if we're lucky." She said smiling. "But really? It's been fine. what about you guys?" she asked Lilith in return.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira opened the window and looked down in time to see Shyira walk past the window "Shyira!! have you seen my choker!" Akira calls down to all of them.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Shyira looked up and saw Akira. "No I haven't." she called up, she hoped Akira found her choker. "Has anyoen else been in our room that you know of?" she asked.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"no." Akira was stricken when all of a sudden Yuu burst into laughter. "It's not funny Yuu that's my mother choker!" she shouts. Yuu held it up and smiled "YUU! GIVE THAT BACK!" She demanded Jumping onto the windowsill.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Shyira sighed when she heard Yuu and then Akira screaming at him. If he wasn't careful he was going to get himself hurt worse by her than he was today. She waited to see what happened when Akira was suddenly on the windowsill
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira jumped from the window and landed in front of Yuu. "give it here!" she shouts reaching for it but he only held it over her head. "Yuu!" she pleaded tear's falling from her eyes but he just smiled and held it up higher.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Luleo grabbed Liliths shoulder and pulled her away shaking his head. She looked over at River and popped another bubble with her gum. "Luleo has spoken, We're not involved in this one. If you still want your ice cream we will meet you there. See ya yoga boy" Lilith turned on her heels and followed Luleo to snack bar.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River just rolled his eyes. "We'll be over soon." he said as they turned to leave.
Shyira looked up at the window. "Yuu just give it back to her." she pleaded. Then, as an after thought, "If you don't give it back, you're just going to get hurt."
"Shy, come on, just leave them be." River said to her. She turned to face him.
"Come on, he's just being cruel."
"Yeah and Akira well make him pay for it and then he'll never do it again." Shyira shrugged because he was right, but she wanted to make sure everything was okay first.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Akira reached up a smacked Yuu causing him to drop it. she picks it up and slams him face into the ground a few times before going back up to the room, grabbing her flute and sitting in the window seat in the window she jumped from only minutes before she puts the choker back on and plays.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith was sitting on the top of a table that had an umbrella coming though it while Luleo sat normally on the bench that went with the table eating strawberry ice cream. Lilith was eating sherbert.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Seeing that Akira was all good now, Shyira turned to River. "Now we can go." she said with a smirk. River just shook his head and then followed her to where Lilith and Luleo were. "No need to worry, we're here now!" Shyira announced teasingly as they reached the table Luleo and Lilith were at. River smiled a little and then sat down at the table. "Way to announce yourself to the world Shyira." he said. Shyira stuck her tongue out at him, and then turned to Lilith. "Okay, now for the most important decision ever....what kind of ice cream should I get?" She asked smiling.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
((this is the song she's playing.))
The song could be heard all the way across campus even River and everyone else could hear it.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
River listened to the faint sound of a flute. He knew it was Akira, she was an exceptional flute player, Shyira had told him about it multiple times. He knew everyone else could hear it too.