Random Role Playing The Quarintine: The Space Station

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Dec 23, 2013 at 09:47PM
"And the lucky numbers are… 14563, 28965, 38513, 90127, 87164, 21947…"

The hologram of a woman continued to announce the winning numbers as you slowly awake from your daze. You have been deemed worthy to board to U.S. Columbus, on a direct flight to the International Space Station ‘"Athena."' You, along with a handful of other lucky winners from around the world, will be staying at Athena, a research station dedicated to discovering the wonders of the universe around us. A state-of-the-art, self sustaining spacecraft, the station can go months without contact with any other life form, and often travels millions of miles away from earth to uncover a new mystery of space. Many a thrill seeker and knowledge craver have dreamed of boarding the Athena. And now their dreams have come true. Or has it…? Little do the passengers know that it is not their dream that awaits at the space station, but their worst nightmare. They're not the only ones aboard the Athena. Something else has found its way inside of the gigantic space station that they werent informed about. A species that's not known to any man kind, and spreads like a disease....and makes them their host.

Extra Information:
There is no pilot, the U.S. Columbus has a simple auto pilot that instructs it to take it's passengers to the Athena and return back to earth. It has no control room or anything else.
This is a somewhat semi-future so the weapons that will be in use when you encounter this.......threat to you're life will be different.
This space station is super huge, so you're basically going to have to find your way around. There are--ironically-- space pods on different sections of the space station but they need a power source, so you'll have to find one that would power them after you figure out what's REALLY going on.

Pulse Pistol
Hydraulic Cutter
Line Gun
Fraiser Saw ((A mechanic tool, that can also be used as a weapon. You'll need it >.<))

All you need is--
Picture ((optional)):

No godmodding
No Trolling
No killing another character without permission
And so on

"And the lucky numbers are… 14563, 28965, 38513, 90127, 87164, 21947…"

The hologram of a woman
last edited on Dec 23, 2013 at 09:53PM

Random Role Playing 97 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 97

over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name:Johnathan Kanbal
Age: 25
Bio: Well, he always wanted to board the Athena because he thought it was interesting and strange in a scientific way.The day he became one of the engineers was the best day of his life. That was three years ago. That was the last time he ver wanted to be there. There was something on that ship that killed the other engineers. Something they werent told about. Now that he found himself on the way back, he's on the verge of panicking.
Picture ((optional)): Below
last edited over a year ago
Name:Johnathan Kanbal
Age: 25
Bio: Well, he always wanted to board the Athena because he thought it
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Name: Dr. Titus O'Neil
Age: 28
Bio: His sole purpose on the ship is for experimentation. He is there for if they find life he takes D.N.A samples and studies it. Also is very woman crazy, but can control his ' urges' when he is very into his work.
Picture ((optional)):
Name: Dr. Titus O'Neil
Age: 28
Bio: His sole purpose on the ship is for experimentation. He is ther
over a year ago screamingdeath1 said…
Name:Geo Silvers
Bio:Hears that there are a D.N.A room,so he can create robots with the same smarts of are dead ones.He want to see if there will be any scientific alien network they found yet.
Picture ((Optional))
last edited over a year ago
Name:Geo Silvers
Bio:Hears that there are a D.N.A room,so he can create robots with the same
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
need more people
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
((where's the girls!!!))
Name: Tora Katō
Age: 18
Bio: she's Dr. Titus O'Neil's assistant even if she dont look it, she's very smart.
Picture ((optional)):
((where's the girls!!!))
Name: Tora Katō 
Age: 18 
Bio: she's Dr. Titus O'Neil's assistant  even
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Ok people, ready to start? Oh, and i made a few adjustments to my OC))
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Make an opening post i will follow
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
The Columbus shuttered for a while as it neared Athena. Since the passengers were awake now, it went at its primary speed. The Columbus had a faint stinch of under arms but it was shaped into a smell of something new. Little did anyone know, this wasnt the original ship. This was brand new, made exactly like the Original Columbus. The original never came back from Athena. Never. In the mist going back to Athena, Johnathan paced back and forth in the ship, muttering something that wasnt exactly understandable, but pieces of it was. "what...........something..........At­hen­a..­...­...­...­som­eth­ing­s wrong here...."
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
Dr. O'Neil was giddy with joy and it was hard to hide it. He was glad that he was giving the chance to be apart of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Especially the share it with his assistant Tora. He looked at her

" Are you ready for this?" He asked her
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"as ready as i'll ever be" Tora smiles "i can see your ready." she laughs seeing how happy he was. In truth she was scared, she had never really left home and now she was a really long way's from it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Not right...not right....not right...." John muttered to himself. He couldnt let himself panic. And what was worse is he could barely remember anything from the last time he was here. But the blood couldnt e forgotten. His best guess was that they had tried to swipe his memory. Then a word appeared in his mind. "The.....the Pin....." his eyes wandered across the passengers. It was a fuzzy and blurry memory that wouldnt become clear, no matter how hard he tried to make it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
" Tora i know you too well. " He said patting her shoulder " I can see it in your eyes that your nervous. But don't worry i am here with you." He said smiling " Lets us be apart of history!" He said as they walked on to the ship people looked at him like he was crazy.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((They're already on the ship XP))

The Columbus began to come to a hault and John just about lost it. "No.....no no!" His heart rate quickened. An artificial voice came on.
"We have reached the destination. All passengers please exit the Columbus." The doors on the side of the ship opened.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
She wipes his touch off her shoulder, Tora didnt mind being around him but being touched was another story.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Name: Evelyn Banks
Age: 23
Bio: Evelyn is one of the worlds top biological researchers, she graduated top of her class and is quick on her feet. If she is not studying something she can usually be found working out. She had heard all the rumors of the ship and when no one else would step forward to join the mission because they were to afraid she was approached with an offer. Evelyn took the offer they gave her but only because she knew she had no choice. The government would make her go one way of another.
Picture: below (Her eyes are hazel)
Name: Evelyn Banks
Age: 23
Bio: Evelyn is one of the worlds top biological researchers, she graduat
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed as she felt the ship come to a stop. She hopped off her bed and headed to the main hall. She had pulse pistol and a Fraiser saw on her sides. She watched the doors open slowly and simply starred out of them she was waiting for the rest of the team before she went outside "Everyone ready?" She asked.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Tora looks over at Evelyn and stands " I hope so." she replies as all the people around her mutter and whisper to each other.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn rolled her neck in a circle and cracked her fingers "Lets get ready everyone, take what you need but travel light. When we know it's safe we can come back for more supplies." Evelyn said as she lifted a small back pack to sling around her back.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John stood on the ship in a subcoscious, frozen like state. He was sweating as if he had a bad fever or flu. "We.......we cant go in there....." he murmmered loud enough for people to hear him. He choked on his words.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"what do you mean Sir?" Tora asks gently grabbing his shoulder. she was getting worried was something bad going to happen? would Tora get home?
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn came forward and placed her hand on John's shoulder "Sir.....we have our orders...." She sighed and shook him slightly "IF we stick together....we can make it..." She offered him a half smile, she knew if they went back now they would just be shot by the government anyway.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"what do you mean IF?" Tora said on the verge of panic. She didn't want to die she wanted to live she was just a simple assistant.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn looked up from John to Tora "Calm down...Just try to keep your cool and think straight at all times. Nothing is more dangerous than an a team that can't work together."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"So......Evelyn...." John said suddenly calm. "I remember now.....you were here last time werent you? You came with the team of engineers. But you didnt see what i saw......" his voice was shakey. "We have to leave, there is no WORKING TOGETHER on this....." his eyes became unfocused as he started to remember more. But it was just a simple blur.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed she remembered the ride home with John very well...he was all shaken up..there was blood...he couldn't even stammer out a sentence. She hated seeing him like this. He was so different at the beginning at the of the mission "John!" Evelyn didn't mean to yell at him but she wasn't very good at being soft and lady like either. "Relax....breath...." She dropped her voice to a whisper "We do not have a choice in this...we have to do this.....but im not going anywhere. I'm not gonna leave you on this okay? We will come back...Come on...the sooner we start the sooner it's over"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John gupled. Dread and fear dropped to the pit of his stomach. He nodded slowly. But in a way, he would rather go back and be killed by the government than to face whatever was here. "A-alright then....." he took a deep breath, but it didnt seem to do any good. He was breathing rapidly, on the edges of hypervenilation.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn didn't take her hands on of his shoulder "John try and match my breathing, you're not gonna make it very far if you hyperventilate on us." She reached a little ways and grabbed his bag. "Calm down and breath...then we will go... Just stay by me."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John took another deep breath. It was shakey, but it worked. He nodded again as he began to calm himself down. He eyes wondered around, looking at everything that he had saw before. "L-lets go...."
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn slung Joes's bag over her shoulder "Alright, you heard the man. Lets go." Evelyn took the first hesitant step out of the ship as she peered around at what laid before them.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John shook as he stepped off the ship and into the oxegenated area. The entrance to Athena was directly ahead. As everyone exited the Columbus, the doors opened and it flew off. John didnt dare look behind him. He knew it had left them. Left them to die. He took another deep breath as he tried to stay calm. Then a thought crossed his mind. What about all of the other people who came here? Were they even still alive? The thought chilled him to the bone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn tried to hide the shiver that ran though her body, she took multiple steps forward but her heart was pounding. "Try and stay close to each other" She announced, she wasn't in charge but she liked to believe she was helping at least a little.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John gulped again. "Im not sure about this anymore....." he was shaking slightly. But that was to late, they had no choice. He had no choice. Remembering back when he first came to Athena to handle "engine problems", before all of this crap began, he remembered the escape pods. Either way he put it. They were going to die. By the hand of the government, or from whatever awaited them inside Athena.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn kept turning her head to look all around them. It was quite. Way to quite. She began to worry but she wouldn't show it on her face. "I'm not either.." She mumbled so quite it was barely audible.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John walked to the entrance of Athena and the door rose upwards into the ceiling slot. He peered inside at the dim, flickering lights. He immediately took many steps back. This wasnt any expedition, this was a trap. Whatever was in there before was still here. But the escape pods. They had to get to them if they wanted to make it out alive. The others started to speak up and protest about going inside.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed "John do you know of any other way we could get in" Evelyn hated putting all of them through this, but what could she do. She made a deal with the government. Well the deal just was for herself.. so if they got away then they would be safe and she could carry out her deal, even though she didn't want to be here either.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John wasnt paying attention. He was somewhere else completely. His eyes were focused and his breath was held as he saw something in the corner of his eye slither passed, unoticed by the others.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed someone had to go first. She gulped and took a step forward "God save us all..." She said to herself, she didn't care if the other heard her anymore. She continues walked forward, she could begin to hear creepy noises in the distance.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John just stared. [Move damnit] he told himsef. [MOVE!!] his body wasnt responding to his mind. But he finally took a step forward. He couldnt let her go in alone. Whether he liked it or not, he had to go with her. He matched her pace as they entered. He forced himself to keep his mind on one thought and two words. Escape Pods.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn felt relief rush over her when she wasn't alone anymore. Thank the stars she thought to herself. She could hear the sounds grew louder and she moved her hand slowly to her pulse pistol. She breathed in deep and a sickly sent filled the air. "John.....im sorry you're here."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Im sorry that we're all here Evelyn...." John said. He put a hand on her shoulder. He had to push away his fear or he would die. He knew that already. But if he didnt, others would die, and he could let that happen. The slithering sound faded further inside Athena. John finally said what was itching at him so much. "Evelyn......what if other people are still alive here....."
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed heavily "We have to try and help them....." She looked around "If they are still alive....I almost feel sorry for them....DO you really think they could survive out here? I wonder what their mental state is like?"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John took the first step inside Athena. "They probably lost their mental state already. Insanity." he shivered slightly. The others began to follow cautiously. "Whatever it is that's on this space station, it's not something you would want to see....."
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn sighed "I have your back if you will also have mine" She offered, she would watch over him anyway though she doubted she stood a good chance against whatever was waiting for them in the shadows.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John nodded. "The escape pods.....if we can get to them, we can go home....." then he thought of what the government could, and would do. He pushed that thought to the back of his head. He could think of something to handle that along the way. "I would've had your back either way."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn gave him a small smile "Thanks." Evelyn was worried about returning home and facing the government she had seen only a fraction of what the could do and it was enough to last her a life time. "I hear something moving"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John stopped immediately. He could see something in the shape of a human moving towards them. As the lights flickered, he concentrated on what it was. His eyes strained against the flickering light until finally-- "Frank........"
The guy stopped and passed out completely. His Fraiser Saw dropped to the floor with a loud echo. His body started shaking. John's eyes widened. He couldnt speak. Memories rushed back into his head.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Evelyn couldn't decide whether to run to the passed out man or help John after a few minutes of not moving or speaking she put her hands on John shoulders "John....come back john I need you here with me!"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
John darted forward suddenly and grabbed the Fraiser Saw before stepping back as something similar to long spider like legs came out of the body of the body that was now shaking more violantly. John grabbed Evelyn's hand and ran passed the body. "Come on!!" he shouted back to the others. He didnt dare look back.
over a year ago screamingdeath1 said…
(( Is the ship over runned and where are yall.In aresearch lab or something?))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Nah, we havent got far. The ship is basically full of this disease type of species that, to put in simple terms, hack, slash, devour, and take over. Oh and we just entered Athena, which is the Space Station. A giant one at that.))