Random Role Playing Dimension 2: Let's Go To The Theater

LocalArtistist posted on Dec 28, 2013 at 11:22PM
April 6, 1865, In exactly 8 days John Wilkes Booth will carry out his plan to assassinate the U.S.'s 16th president Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. Or will he? There are so many questions yet to be answered that one can hardly imagine the out comes of this event, or the reasons for which it would be plotted in the first place. Was John Wilkes Booth simply an Confederate sympathizer or was he part of something else entirely?

With the death of Abraham Lincoln came the opening of the portal, that could unleash all hell into the past rewriting human history as we know it. That is if it ever does happen, you have the literally once in a life time opportunity to save Abraham's life, or help end it. That decision is up to you. What will happen to humanity from this point onwards is hanging from a thin string of fate and that string just so happens to be in your hands.

Please try to be historically accurate with this one unless you are from one of the different dimension. And if you are from a different dimension don't try and take a group selfie with him especially if you are behind him.

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